PAGEB16 — THURSDAY, FEBRUARY S. 1988 UNION COUNTY CLASSIRED AUTO FOR SALE NISSAN SENTRA 1986, S apaad. Working AUTOMOTIVE concWon. good *M, ratable transportation, Serving Rahway and Clark minor body daman. Wad Oram location. Asking $1000. 973-736-7720. PONTIAC TRANS AM. 1988. Asking $3,999. *A *. v •*« AUTO FOR SALE Fi*y loadtd. Alarm sysktm, T-Tops. low miage NO. 19 TWO seen ACURA NTEGRA 1869. 4 door, whto, mx (57.000). CH aftar 4pm. 973«7-«S53, conditioning, suraol. Cgood comiiiuru Asking \ SATURN SL1, 1992. 4-door. 5-speed. air, $1500. 008-688-127* or 8OS-687-16O6. AM/FM sisreo cassette. 83K miles. Garaged AUTO SPECIAL - S31XX) tor 10 waaks prepaid dean Iraki* and out $4,100/ negotiable. Call Cal OassifM lor d*Ms. 800-584-8911. 973-325-3303. ___^_ Ribbon brings hope BUCK ROAMttSTER. wagon. 1992. Whte. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches. Cadil- wood trimmwl. iMlrar uaa. My loaded. lacs. Chtvys, BMWs, Corvettes, Jeeps.. EaxoMtnt condition 50,000 milM. S7S00. Cal 4WD1. Your area. 1-800-218-9000 extension 073-782-7899. A-7019 tor current htnos. in search of a friend CARS FOR $100 or Bast Oflw. Saizad and SEIZED CARS From $175. Porsches, Cadil- By Michelle Runge The last night anyone saw Kevin aucftmd by DEA, FBI, IRS. All mod**. 4wdt, lac*. Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps. 4 boats, oomputart and more. Your araa nowl WD"s. Your area. Tol free 1-800-218-9000 StafT Writer alive he had eaten dinner at Mi 1-A00441-8777 axtamion C198. emersion A-5139 tor currant istings/ drectty. Where it Kevin Zebrowtki? coach's house. Kevin and his frieadk DODGE CARAVAN SE, 1991. V6. BkM, autj. TAURUS GL WAGON. 1993. Low mies, new Talk to anyone who knows the from the ski resort be worked at wMt brakes/ tires/. Air-bans, anti-lock htakw. third Offices doted u>-* ntred Iimo lo tne augarioai MJ $8,600. 908-964-6138 seat, power everyihng; ijtn. $7S0oT Matxjrn. 973-427-2871. The offices of this newspaper will tell you how nice he is, bow be and Gondola Lounge. The iimo DOOGE GRAND Catavan ES. 1996. 28,000 will be closed Monday in with his friends at 12:30 am bat milts. GrMn with b«g* Imttwr interior VOLKSWAGON FOX GL 1988. Siver blue. used to work with Woodbridge Mayor Loaded. Aiking $16,000. Call Evan loaded, very good condition, manual, Asking observance of Presidents Day. Jim McGreevey, how be attained the when it came back to pick up Kevin, Vj 973-242-1300 «a»nslon 211. $2100.908487-4800 leave message or ask for i Jon. Deadlines for the Feb. 19 rank of Eagle Scout, talking in the he had vanished. The last time anyone DREAM MACHINES - got a pictum o( your car? editions are as follows: present tense about his achievements saw him was in the dab' at 1:30 us. Mercedes-Benz M-Class sport utility Run it lor 4 wMkt, only $40. Call Ctassifwd at VOLVO 240. BEIGE. 1968. 4-door. Air condi- 800-564-6311 lor datafls, tion, power windows, power brakes. Good • Display Advertising for and his generosity. They will tell you Right now, his parents are Haying condition. Asking $3500. Call 374-2004 after that they refuse to give up hope. FORD THUNDERBIRD 1991. fed. gnM con- 6om. Section B — Friday at noon; in his off-campus Maine apartment, dition, garagtd ktpt. alarm tyitam, (Uty But nobody can tell you where he along with his brother Kkrao, trying loaded, raw tru, 50.000 milM. Prce negoe- YOUR AD could appear here for as little as Section A — Friday at 5 p.m. Mercedes-Benz wins championship race is. to help find their son. Devoting all afaH, Lori 973-763-3936. $16 00 per week. Call lor more details. C-jr • Letters to the Editor — "Great racing engines need four things: power, fuel eco- enjoy any kind of an advantage all year long," said Paul friendly classified department would be happy They have nothing, everything is their time, energy and money to the GRAND PRIX. 1988. full loaded, al power. to help you. Call 1-80O-564-8911. Friday at 9 a.m. nomy, reliability and great teams to run them," according Ray, vice president of Ilmor Engineering. "The engine out* control, « wheel, power trunk release. just like it was Jan. 2," said his cousin effort has not been easy, tut the fami- • Church, social, lifestyle — io Hal Whitcford, vice prcsidcnl, operations for Mercedes- advantages can swing one way or the other from week-to- 87k rri«, $2650. belt o«er. 908-662-3543. Eileen Pica. "It's been 42 days and ly is grateful for the outpouring of Benz of North America. week. But with our ongoing development and the use of HONOA ACCORD. 1988. 4 door, manual AUTO WANTED today at 5 p.m. there is no new information to report. support they have received bom Rail- trantmiuion. 4 cylinder, excelent runnng • Gassified advertising — The local and State Police have been way residents who know tne young On the strength of those four elements, Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz's transient dynamometer at the factory in condition, aolid chauit, brand new brakes. ABLE PAYS TOP WIN CASH won Lhc 1997 PPG CART World Series Manufacturer's Stuttgart (Germany), we were able to maintain the upper Asking $3,400. 973-762-1565. Tuesday at noon. on the case since the beginning and man who elected to attend the Univer- Cart, Truck* and Vane Championship by winning nine races — more than the hand in the area of fuel economy." HONOA CARS For $100 seced and sold • Sports — Friday at fj p.m. his parents and brother are in Maine sity of Maine. oiha manufacturers combined — through power, fuel effi- locaty His month. Call 1-800-522-2730. exten- and All 4 WheeUDnvee • Legal notices — Tuesday at trying lo do all they can, but right now A true gauge of reliability can only be seen over time. »on 2641. Many people in the Garden Stale ciency, reliability and the hard work of many fine people. we don't have anything more to go Through the course of the 17-race season, Mercedes- noon. are praying for his safe return and. This year we had it all," said Whiteford. "We thank and HONDA CIVIC DX. 1991 Hatchback. 5 speed. FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS on." powered cars finished second or better in all but one race. air conditioning, am-fm cassette, 94k rrdes, • Our offices will reopen on more then 100 people filled the pews congratulate each of our partner teams and especially our eicelent condition. Best oBr 908-964-0638. Zebrowski was last seen at Jud- And that streak of top-two finishes extends to the last three Tuesday, Feb. 17. at 9 a.m. Jan. 27 of SL John Vianney Cborch in friends at Ilmor Engineering, the race engine-building arm 1-800-953-9328 son's Sugarioaf Mold and Gondola races of 1996, bringing the total to 19 finishes of second or JEEPGRAND Cherokee LimiM. 1994.49.000 Woodbridge where bis grandparents of Mcrccdcs-Bcnz." miet. eicalent condition. Serious buyers only. Lounge in Maine at 1:30 a.m. Jan. 1 better in the last 20 races. In addition, Gugelmin proved to live to focus positive energy on his Local mai > of Donato's Drive In Roiist donated 500 Mue rftbonsto Cal John 973-763-9674. 908488-2929 wearing a green and blue pullover, The Mercedes-Benz team showed its speed during the not only be a fast qualifier but also a reliable racer, com- safe return. Larry Johnson, Kevin vskfs uncle. Volunteers are placing blue ribbons throughout LINCOLN SIGNATURE Series, 1989. Automa- $$ CASH PAID $$ tor used cars and trucks. Qet It In gear with beige/tan corduroy pants, and black races, with five different Mercedes drivers recording the pleting more laps and more miles than any other driver this tic , fully loaded. Leather interior. Insa dear win- THE ARTS Rahway and Cdonift In hopes Kevin will return home safely. running or non-running condition. Junk cars the Auto Special and yellow Nike sneakers. He is 5 feet fastest lap during eight races this season. Six Mercedes season. dow. Like new. 67.000 miet. $4495. Cal removed. Cal 1-888-62S-1411 or Beeper Posters have been mounted in 908-964-8850. 11 inches tall. 170 pounds, with short drivers led more than 40 percent of the laps run in 1997, "The key is not just to be fast, which we were, but to be 1-908-5184713. 10 Weeks-20 words Quebec, Canada, Pennsylvania, up No firm leads have been •irtfarthnl Avenue, Jefferson Avenue, Maple bon drive that took place Usl brown hair and blue eyes. and led 15 of the 17 races. At Portland, Ore., Gugelmin's fast and reliable. You will never take the checkered flag if LNCOLN TOWNCAR 1990. Fully leaded, one $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLAR$$$ only $31.00 prepaid and down the eastern seaboard from Avenue and Lake Avenue. weekend. owner, low mieage. good mntfoon. black-on- Although a SI 0,000 reward has PacWcst Racing teammate Mark Blundcll gave another you're not in the race to the very end," said Steve Potter, Hack $7900 or best Oder. 732-264-8781 or One vehicle per ad Florida lo Maine and in many other In an effort to keep Kevin's plight "People were stopping by wonder- The ribbons will run from St. John display of Mercedes power, besting the Honda of Gil de manager, sports marketing for Mercedes-Benz.
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