THE PROVINCE OF DIE PROVINSIE VAN UNITY DIVERSITY GAUTENG IN GAUTENG Provincial Gazette Provinsiale Koerant Selling price • Verkoopprys: R2.50 Other countries • Buitelands: R3.25 PRETORIA Vol. 23 5 APRIL 2017 No. 87 5 APRIL 2017 PART 1 OF 2 We oil Irawm he power to pment kiIDc AIDS HElPl1NE 0800 012 322 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Prevention is the cure ISSN 1682-4525 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 00087 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 452005 2 No. 87 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 5 APRIL 2017 IMPORTANT NOTICE: THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING WORKS WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS THAT MIGHT OCCUR DUE TO THE SUBMISSION OF INCOMPLETE / INCORRECT / ILLEGIBLE COPY. NO FUTURE QUERIES WILL BE HANDLED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE. CONTENTS Gazette Page No. No. GENERAL NOTICES • ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS 435 Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act (3/1996): Erf 16, Florida North Township................................................ 87 14 435 Gauteng Wet op die Opheffing van Beperkings (3/1996): Erf 16, Florida-Noord-dorpsgebied .......................... 87 14 438 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Portion 359 of the Farm Klipfontein 83 IR ...................... 87 15 438 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Gedeelte 359 van die plaas Klipfontein 83 IR............. 87 16 439 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Erf 2670, Benoni Township ............................................ 87 17 439 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Erf 2670, Benoni Dorpsgebied ................................... 87 18 440 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986: Erven 8, 9, 10 & 12, Parkdene Township, Boksburg ...... 87 18 440 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986: Erwe 8, 9, 10 en 12, Parkdene Dorp, Boksburg .......... 87 19 441 Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act (3/1996): Erf 853, Rynfield Township ..................................................... 87 19 441 Gautengse Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings (3/1996): Erf 853, Rynfield Dorpsgebied ................................... 87 20 451 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Valkhoogte Extension 24 Township ............................... 87 20 451 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Dorp-Valkhoogte-uitbreiding 24 .................................. 87 21 452 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Erf 38, Bedworth Park, Registration Division I.Q., Gauteng Province .............................................................................................................................................................. 87 21 452 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Erf 38, Bedworth Park, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Gauteng Provinsie .............................................................................................................................................. 87 22 453 Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act (3/1996): Portions 2 & 3 of Erf 455, Lochvaal Township ........................ 87 22 453 Gauteng Wet op die Opheffing van Beperkings (3/1996): Gedeeltes 2 en 3 van Erf 455, Lochvaal Dorpsgebied 87 ........................................................................................................................................................................23 455 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-Law, 2016: Remainder of Portion 3 of Erf 561, Groenkloof ......... 87 23 455 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-Law, 2016: Restant van Gedeelte 3 van Erf 561, Groenkloof ...... 87 24 463 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-Law, 2016: Erf 317, Moreletapark ................................................ 87 25 463 Tshwane Grondgebruikbestuur Bywet, 2016: Erf 317, Moreletapark ................................................................. 87 26 466 Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act (3/1996): Remaining Extent of Holding 6, Nortons Small Farms Agricultural Holdings ........................................................................................................................................... 87 27 466 Gauteng Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings (3/1996): Resterende Gedeelte van Hoewe 6 Nortons Small Farms Landbouhoewes ................................................................................................................................................. 87 27 468 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-law, 2016: Erf 530, Muckleneuk ................................................... 87 28 468 Stad Tshwane Grondgebruikbestuur Verordening, 2016: Erf 530, Muckleneuk ................................................ 87 29 469 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Erf 751, Bedworth Park .................................................. 87 30 469 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Erf 751, Bedworth Park .............................................. 87 30 470 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-law, 2016: Erven 245 and 246, Die Hoewes Extension 100 ........ 87 31 470 Stad van Tshwane Grondgebruikbestuur-verordeninge, 2016: Erwe 245 and 246, Die Hoewes-uitbreiding 100 87 ........................................................................................................................................................................32 474 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-law, 2016: Erf 40826, Mamelodi Extension 27 ............................. 87 33 474 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-law, 2016: Erf 40826, Mamelodi Uitbreiding 27 ........................... 87 34 475 Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013: Erf 1099, Mofolo Central ........................................... 87 35 475 Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondbestuur Wetgewing, 2013: Erf 1099, Mofolo Sentraal .................................... 87 35 477 Tshwane Town Planning Scheme, 2008 (Revised 2014): Portion 1 (Remaining Extent) of the farm Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR, Portion 69 ( a Portion of Portion 1) of the farm Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR, Portion 75 ( a Portion of Portion 1) of the farm Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR ,Portion 76 ( a Portion of Portion 1) of thefarm Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR and Portion 87 ( a Portion of Portion 1) of the farm Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR .... 87 36 477 Tshwane Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2008 (Hersien 2014): Gedeelte 1 (Restant) van die plaas Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR, Gedeelte 69 ( ‘n gedeelte van gedeelte 1) van die plaas Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR, Gedeelte 75 (n gedeelte van gedeelte 1) van die plaas Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR, Gedeelte 76 (n gedeelte van gedeelte 1) van die plaas Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR and Gedeelte 87 (n gedeelte van gedeelte 1) van die plaas Wachtenbietjeskop 506 JR ................................................................................................................................. 87 37 478 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-law, 2016: Erf 1153, Die Wilgers Ext 14 Township ...................... 87 38 478 Stad van Tshwane Grondgebruikbestuur-Verordening, 2016: Erf 1153, Die Wilgers Uitbreiding 14 Dorpsgebied 87 ........................................................................................................................................................................39 480 Town Planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Pomona Extension 255 ................................................. 87 40 480 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Pomona Uitbreiding 255 ............................................. 87 40 481 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Erven 111 and 112, Kempton Park Extension ............... 87 41 481 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Erwe 111 en 112, Kempton Park-uitbreiding .............. 87 41 482 Tshwane Town Planning Scheme, 2008 (Revised 2014): Erf 434, Valhalla ...................................................... 87 42 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 5 APRIL 2017 No. 87 3 482 Tshwane Dorpsbelanningskema, 2008 (Hersien 2014): Erf 434, Valhalla ......................................................... 87 43 483 City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-Law: The Remainder, Portion 2 and Portion 3 of Erf 80, Edenburg 87 ........................................................................................................................................................................44 484 City of Tshwane Land Use Management By-Law, 2016: Remainder of Erf 530, Brooklyn Township ................ 87 45 484 Stad van Tshwane Grondgebruikbestuur Bywet, 2016: Restant van Erf 530, Dorp Brooklyn ............................ 87 46 485 Rationalization of Government Affairs Act, 1998: Roses Place at it’s intersection with George Road, Glen Austin, Midrand ................................................................................................................................................... 87 47 486 Town Planning and Townships Ordinance (16/2013): Erf 4599, Heidelberg ...................................................... 87 49 486 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Ordonnansie (16/1986): Erf 4599, Heidelberg ............................. 87 49 487 City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-Law, 2016: Erf 119, Comptonville ............................................... 87 50 487 Stad van Johannesburg Munisipale Beplanning Verordening, 2016: Erf 119, Comptonville.............................. 87 50 488 Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986: Erf 55 and 56, Devon ........................................................... 87 51 488 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning
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