DLD‰‰†‰KDLD‰‰†‰DLD‰‰†‰MDLD‰‰†‰C All the world’s Style statements Salma & Ed: Split wide open? Could it be that film together a stage for fashion an exotic Courtney Love (the Oscar-win- THE TIMES OF INDIA was right when ning Freida) Saturday, June 14, 2003 Shilpa Shetty evening for Delhi she said that the and got en- love between gaged last ye- Page 8 Page 3 Edward Norton ar. But going by and Salma Hay- Love, who had ek wouldn’t last? a relationship While Ed has re- with Norton in portedly been the past, ‘‘He spotted hitting will never mar- NY nightclubs ry Salma — for with Woody Harrelson and a one, he can barely understand ‘‘sexy Asian babe,’’ friends of half of what she’s saying.’’ the couple say that the rela- Love later apologised for tionship is practically over. her outburst and praised Ha- Salma and Ed, who were yek’s intelligence. But judging meant to have one of the most by the amount of time Norton solid relationships in Holly- and Salma spend together, she wood, spent years making a might just be right. OF INDIA SUNIL KATARIA SEX,LIES & MONICAGATE Times News Network vel of curiousity,’’says psychiatrist Sa- mir Parikh, MD, ‘‘These norms are al- o full-stops here. Hillary Clint- so applicable to political figures. In the on’s up, close and personal acc- liberalised view of a European count- Nount of Monicagate in Living ry such as France, digging into the pri- History has figures on its side — sales vate lives of politicians is not worth- clocked 2,00,000 copies on the very first while. Consequently, the Mitterrand day of the book’s release. But what rig- chapter was buried without a whimp- id facts don’t reveal is that there as ma- er,’’ says Parikh. ny twists in the book’s retail as there Closer home, Hindustanis seeming- are in its tale. Living History would ap- ly share the sentiment that if ‘miya- pear to be worth its weight in words biwi raazi, toh kya karega qazi?’ ‘‘In a not just because Bill Clinton’s wife has poor economy such as India, for insta- dared to ‘tell all’ or on account of her nce, the word ‘corruption’ fires every- double-edged sword of authorship and body’s ire and there is no sustained int- Senatorship, but that the extra-marital erest as such in the high-profile ‘affai- sex life of her husband has fueled book rs’ of public personalities — unless, of sales like nothing else has. course, a prominent politician is emb- ‘‘Surely,the private lives of politici- roiled in a crime of passion. On the ot- ans, more than those of ordinary mor- her hand, in the more puritanical soci- tals, hold more interest for the public. eties of the West, such as the US, the Hillary’s inside viewpoint of her husb- interest in the sex lives of politicians is and’s extra-marital affair with Lewin- more pronounced,’’ says Chugh. sky has triggered the book’s sales,’’ sa- But for those who read between the ys psychiatrist Sanjay Chugh, MD, ‘‘W- lines, as told by Hillary, it is not just a hile Living History is autobiographical question of the right to privacy and in nature, its USP is that it is not just NOVEL PURSUIT whether sex, if it is consensual, shou- about Hillary speaking about herself, The success of Living History is seemingly set not so much on ld be a matter of scrutiny.Critics claim but her response to the scandal that that Hillary, through Living History, was the Bill-Monica episode.’’ Hillary Clinton’s penmanship or the autobiographical account of has exposed ‘half-truths’ to suit her With due respect to Hillary’s writing her life and times, but the former US First Lady’s first-hand own advantage. This line of thinking, skills, it is the content of Living Histo- account of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky chapter in her life in turn, stems from the length of the ry which makes it hot property. distance Hillary has travelled si- Sample this frank torrent of Hil- nce January 1998. From ‘‘For me, lary Clinton’s print. ‘‘I could har- Arun Shivdas- Hema, ‘‘I had the Lewinsky imbroglio seemed dly breathe. Gulping for air,I sta- ani’s associati- the chance to like just another vicious scandal rted crying and yelling at him, on with books Hillary is hot! meet Hillary manufactured by political oppo- ‘What do you mean? What are is limited. As a at the Millenn- nents,’’ Hillary is now the Demo- you saying? Why did you lie to builder, he is ium Ball in cratic Senator from New York me?’ I was furious and getting more interest- the US. She and, after being First Lady for more so by the second. He just st- ed in book-ke- was tense th- two terms, has prompted critics ood there saying over and over eping. But en as she was to say that her real agenda is to again: I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...I when Living running for become the first woman Preside- was trying to protect you and Ch- History hit the elections. nt of the US. To quote Hillary, elsea,’’ writes Hillary,describing the stands, he But she came ‘‘The most difficult decisions I the moment President Clinton made an enq- across as a co- have made were to stay married confessed to sharing an ‘‘inappr- uiry at the ne- nfident and to Bill and to run for the Senate opriate, intimate’’ relationship ighbourhood determined from New York.’’ Now,these dec- IN THE GROOVE! Delhi Times tunes in to the singular style of Baba Sehgal, at The with Lewinsky.Quite clearly,this bookstore: ‘‘Is woman who, isions seem to be inter-linked, Radisson (To send this photograph to a friend, log on to www.timescity.com/delhi/) is the stuff of which best-sellers there a chap- though she with political ambitions finally are made. ter on Monica had been hu- winning over personal acrimony. But it is also a fact that differe- Lewinsky?’’ rt, stood by So, does Hillary score brownie nt cultures react differently to th- When he got a her husband points for gritting her teeth and , ese so-called sex scandals of men ‘‘yes’’ for an since circum- staying put? Yes and no. ‘‘Admi- ARRE BABA HE S BACK! and women in power.A couple of answer, Shiv- stances requir- ttedly,Hillary probably wrote the VINOD NAIR and will soon come out with a single with one years back, when the lid was blo- dasani went ahead and bought a copy. ed it. It is impossible to ignore her book.’’ book for personal reasons,’’ says Times News Network of the biggies there,’’ reveals Baba. wn off President Francois Mitte- Figures point to Living History having Says columnist Anil Dharker, who has Parikh, ‘‘But we need to realise Still the same fun-loving guy who fanned rrand’s illegitimate daughter fat- sold 15,000 copies nationwide over the fi- already picked up a copy of Living Histo- that the lady has her own life, her nce upon a time, this burly yet cheeky curiosity on the music scene with his original hered out of wedlock, the French rst three days of its release in India. And ry, ‘‘People are likely to buy the book not own sentiments, her own crisis... Oguy burst onto the singing scene with singing style, the young Baba bid bye to a job didn’t even bother to react. So this makes for an encouraging response because they want to know about Hillary, and she needs emotional relea- Dil Dhadke and a wet saree-clad Pooja Bedi. with the Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking much so, both Mitterrand’s wife to this tome priced at Rs 650 considering but because of the sensational episode se.’’ If the last word is yet to be After the initial furore, he was slowly rele- to pursue a career in music. ‘‘There has been Danielle and his mistress attend- that hardbound books are normally diff- between her husband and Monica.’’ written on the Lewinsky saga, gated to the closet. Worse still, no one see- no looking back since I cut my first album Dil- ed his funeral — and nobody bat- icult to sell in India. What’s more, the bo- Dharker, however, feels that the book the debate over Hillary’s Living med to really miss him. But Harjeet Singh ruba in 1991, but I must say that the music in- ted an eyelid. ‘‘People across the ok has proved to be a sellout at certain reflects poorly on Hillary. ‘‘It is unfortu- History isn’t a closed chapter eit- Sehgal aka Baba Sehgal is one tough cookie dustry is no bed of roses,’’ says Baba. globe are governed by societal bookstores in the city. nate that a personal crisis is being made her. Because sex, in everybody’s — he is set to storm the Indian music scene Incidentally, Baba has even made a foray mores which draw the line betw- For interior designer Hema Deora, the public.’’ Still, all’s well that sells well book, is no longer a dirty word once again. into film music, having su- een what consitutes an infringe- book reveals interesting aspects of the fo- and, for the present, Living History is, lit- when somebody else comes cle- ‘‘People thought I had fl- SOUND GROUND ng for Miss 420. Besides, he ment of the privacy of public fa- rmer US First Lady’s personality.Recalls erally, booked! an.
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