Minutes of the Planning Committee 6th July 2005 at 5.00 pm at the Sandwell Council House, Oldbury Present: Councillor Dr Jaron (Chair); Councillor B Price (Vice-Chair); Councillors Blyth, Crompton, Dr Crumpton, Giles, Harris, R.L. Horton, Mrs Khatun, Rouf, Rowley, M.G. Smith, Tagger, Ward and Zaheer. Observers: Councillors Edwards, Hussain, Macklin and S.L. Smith. 61/05 Minutes Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2005 be approved as a correct record. 62/05 Declaration of Interests Councillor Application Interest M G Smith DC/05/44334 (Residential Personal development for 13 dwellings and associated garages. 48 - 60 Newton Road, Great Barr, Birmingham.) Giles DC/05/44441 (Change of use Prejudicial from nursing home to non- residential education and training centre for 14-19 year olds.) Planning Committee – 6th July 2005 Matters Delegated to the Committee 63/05 Additional Information Received in Connection with the Applications to be Determined The under-mentioned additional information/documents were submitted at the meeting for consideration with the applications as follows:- (a) DC/05/43995 – Amended plans received but unsatisfactory. Therefore no change to recommendation. (b) DC/05/44334 – Letter of objection from Tom Watson MP; petition objecting to the application and additional plans indicating elevations to Blocks 1 and 2, sections through the site to Waddington Avenue, plus 2 drawings showing the relationship between with the 2 adjacent approved proposed bungalows at rear of 62-64. Further condition added to recommendation:- ‘Open space to be provided in accordance with Council Policy (OS8, H7 and DC9).’ (c) DC/05/44382 – Amended plan. The Head of Highways requests a further amendment to the turning head, consequently, approval of the recommendation is subject to the receipt of satisfactory amended plans. (d) DC/05/44441 – The Head of Highways has no objection. A further report was received from the Pupil Referral and Exclusion Service. (e) DC/05/44503 – Application withdrawn. (f) DC/05/44504 – Application withdrawn. (g) DC/05/44522 - E-mail received from 61 Harborne confirming earlier objection. Planning Committee – 6th July 2005 (i) DC/05/44534 – The objector at 32 Taylors Lane sent in details of the covenants. Satisfactory amended plans and consequent amendment to recommendation. (h) DC/05/44546 – Satisfactory amended plan and consequent amendment to recommendation. (i) DC/05/44568 – Letter of objection from 37 Chudleigh Grove. (j) DC/05/44584 – Satisfactory amended plans and consequent amendment to recommendation. (k) DC/05/44655 – The Head of Highways objects on safety grounds. Recommendation changed to defer for further discussions. (m) DC/05/43784 – Letter from John Spellar MP expressing concerns. (n) DC/05/44564 – Plan showing the existing shared driveway, adjacent to the fence and letter from the applicant confirming that that the conditions recommended are acceptable. (o) DC/05/44451 – The Head of Highways has no objections, recommendation consequently amended. 64/05 Applications Deferred to be Determined at a Future Meeting Resolved:- (1) that consideration of application DC/05/44655 (Proposed amendment to a planning condition (Application No. DC/04/42656 – refers) to enable access from the A41 Birmingham Road onto the southern and northern sites.) be deferred to enable consideration to be given to the use in light of redevelopment proposals in the area; (2) that consideration of application DC/05/43784 (Retention of use as education centre/welfare centre/mosque 86 to 93 (Rear of) Shireland Road Smethwick) be deferred to for further information. Planning Committee – 6th July 2005 65/05 Applications Deferred Pending a Site Visit by Members of the Committee and Ward Representatives Resolved that consideration of application DC/05/44209 (Removal of condition 3 from Application DC/02/39792 relating to items recycled at the site within the building. Consent required to include all domestic and commercial electrical/electronic components and equipment. Overton Recycling Ltd Unit, B1 Cradley Business Park, Overend Road, Cradley Heath) be deferred pending a site visit by members of the Committee and ward representatives. 66/05 Applications Determined Contrary to or with Variation to Officer Recommendations DC/05/44496 (Proposed double detached garage at front of house, (resubmission of refused application DC/05/44118. 9 Brookfields Road Oldbury.) - The Director of Planning and Transportation recommended that the application be refused on the grounds that the garage would appear as an unduly prominent feature when viewed from Brookfields Road and Keanscott Drive by reason of its size and elevated position close to the highway. However members of the Committee were minded to approve the application, subject to the following conditions:- (a) suitable landscaping of the site; (b) approval of external materials; (c) the window in the western elevation being obscured glazed. DC/05/44334 (Residential development for 13 dwellings and associated garages, 48 - 60 Newton Road Great Barr Birmingham) - The Director of Planning and Transport had recommended reserved matters approval in respect of the siting, design and external appearance subject to the removal of permitted development rights, external materials and site and plot boundary treatment as well as provision of open space in accordance with Council Policy (OS8, H7 DC9). The Committee was however minded to refuse the application on the grounds of unacceptable loss of protected trees, it would detract from the character and appearance of the area in that the proposed houses would be significantly higher than surrounding dwellings and it would detract Planning Committee – 6th July 2005 from the amenities of neighbouring properties by reason of loss of light, outlook and privacy. DC/05/44441 (Change of use from nursing home to non residential education and training centre for 14-19 year olds. 68 West Park Road Smethwick) - The Director of Planning and Transportation had recommended approval subject to the use being restricted to non- residential/training centre, non residential other than the caretaker’s accommodation, the hours of use being 9am to 6pm and the rear car park being retained. The Committee was of the view however the proposal would be detrimental to amenities of neighbouring residents by way of increased comings and goings and general disturbance and was therefore minded to refuse the application. Resolved:- (1) that application DC/05/44496 (Proposed double detached garage at front of house, (resubmission of refused application DC/05/44118. 9 Brookfields Road Oldbury.) be approved subject to the following conditions:- (a) suitable landscaping of the site; (b) approval of external materials; (c) the window in the western elevation being obscured glazed. (2) that application DC/05/44334 (Residential development for 13 dwellings and associated garages, 48 - 60 Newton Road Great Barr Birmingham) be refused on the grounds of unacceptable loss of protected trees, it would detract from the character and appearance of the area in that the proposed houses would be significantly higher than surrounding dwellings and it would detract from the amenities of neighbouring properties by reason of loss of light, outlook and privacy; (4) that application DC/05/44441 (Change of use from nursing home to non residential education and training centre for 14-19 year olds. 68 West Park Road Smethwick) be refused on the grounds that the proposal would be detrimental to amenities of neighbouring residents by way of increased comings and goings and general disturbance. Planning Committee – 6th July 2005 67/05 Applications Determined in Accordance with Officer Recommendations and Updates Provided at the Meeting Resolved that, having considered the officers’ reports and any subsequent information tabled at the meeting, the applications listed in the Appendix be dealt with under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in accordance with the decisions set out in the third column. 68/05 Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers by the Director of Planning and Development Services The Committee received a report for information on applications determined by the Director of Planning and Transportation under delegated powers. 69/05 Appeals The Committee was informed that the Planning Inspectorate had made decisions on appeals made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 78) as follows:- Planning Application Decision DC/04/43073 (Single storey extension to form a Dismissed multi-purpose hall and toilets. Rear of Dartmouth Street, West Bromwich) DC/04/43715 (Singe-storey extension at rear Dismissed and a front porch. 67 Woden Road South, Wednesbury). DC/04/42933 (Extension to bungalow. 64 Dismissed Reservoir Passge, Wednesbury.) DC/04/43154 (New dwelling to side of existing Dismissed house. 103 Pottery Road, Oldbury.) Planning Committee – 6th July 2005 DC/04//43249 (Single storey extension to form Dismissed kitchen and shower room. 121 Clifford Road, West Bromwich.) DC/04/43092 (Outline consent for a single Dismissed dwelling. Rear of 127 Oak Road, West Bromwich.) DC/04/43660 (Demolition of existing flats and Dismissed proposed replacement 10 flats. Land between 31 – 37 Tudor Court, Tipton.) DC/04/43160 (Residential development. Land Dismissed adjoining the Cottage Spring, Alexandra Road, Tipton.) DC/04/43361 (Single storey rear extension. 14 Allowed St Michael’s Crescent, Oldbury.) (Pursuant to Minute No. 50/98 of the former Policy and Corporate Strategy Committee, a note was taken, to be kept on file by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, of those Members who had been lobbied on planning applications). (In accordance with the Protocol adopted under Minute No. 15/00, instances where members left the meeting during the consideration of applications are as set out in the third column of the Appendix). (The meeting ended at 6.54 pm) Contact Officer: Stephnie Hancock Democratic Services Unit 0121 569 3189 Planning Committee – 6th July 2005 Appendix Planning Committee 6th July 2005 Applications dealt with under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in accordance with the decisions as set out in the third column.
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