How things have Odegard house VW's Rabbit \changed at WINF part of Lutz tour tops EPA list . page 20 . page 11 . page 4 Manchester, Conn. Rain tonight Monday, Sept. 20, 1982 and Tuesday - See page 2 Irralb Single copy 25c White House nixes Old mill charge by Soviets will get Speakes. who entered west Beirut after the housing By Helen Thomas United Press International Those options include sending assassination of Lebanese Marines back to Lebanon, as President-elect Beshir Gemayel, By Raymond T. DeMeo WASHINGTON A White House requested by the Lebanese govern­ tried to halt the carnage. spokesman said today Soviet Presi­ ment, as part of a reconstituted Middle East negotiator Philip Herald Reporter dent Leonid Brezhnev’s charge that multinational force with troops Habib returned to Washington Sun­ Four local investors have the United States shares respon­ from Italy and France. day from his California home and purchased the former Cheney sibility for the massacre of The three nations joined to sat in on policy discussions relating weaving mill and tenatively plan to Palestinians in Beirut was "totally provide a peacekeeping force to to the next U.S. move. Speakes said convert it to apartments, according unfounded.” assist in the evacuation of Palesti­ Habib’s future plans, and whether to Atty. Dominic J. Squatrito, who is “ If they say there was complicity nian Liberation Organization he will return to Lebanon, are un­ representing the buyers. on the part of the American govern­ fighters and then withdrew. Italy certain. The investors are Jerome I. ment in this matter, it’s totally un­ and France have said they are White House aides stressed the Baskind, of 38 Kennedy Road, a cer­ founded,” deputy White House press willing to go back if the Marines United States backs the increase in tified public accountant with an of­ secretary Larry Speakes said of a also return. U.N. observers in Beirut, and sup­ fice on Main Street; John Haberem letter Brezhnev sent President "W e have not ruled in or ruled out ported the move of U.N. peace­ of 92 W. Vernon St., comptroller at Reagan. anything,” Speakes said. keeping troops from southern the A G & W Klock Co.; auto dealer The charge, he added, is “ a total The spokesman said the United Lebanon to Beirut. Michael B. Lynch of 99 Hartford fabrication.” States believes that Lebanese Reagan did not take part in a two- Hoad; and David Woodbury of Brezhnev’s letter said, "A share government forces now are capable hour meeting between the foreign Bolton, a former restaurateur, of the responsibility for the rivers of of maintaining order in Beirut. policy advisers Sunday evening, but ti Squatrito said the four joined as blood being shed in Lebanon While Israel has said it would afterward he was briefed by general partners to purchase the 91 nowadays is borne in particular by withdraw from west Beirut in Secretary of State George Shultz, N. Elm St. Mill from its former those who could have prevented but “ stages” — short of Reagan’s de­ Defense Secretary Caspar owner, Kibbe Gerstein. Squatrito did not prevent Tel Aviv from doing mand of an immediate withdrawal Weinberger, national security af­ said the deal was closed two weeks what it did.” — "A s of yet there has not been a fairs adviser William Clark and agor^ut he would not disclose the Speakes said Reagan again sum­ withdrawal that meets our goal,” White House aides Edwin Meese and purchase price. moned his top Lebanon advisers to Speakes said. Michael Deaver. The weaving mill is across the the White House for another Israel Sunday agreed to let more Reagan issued a statement Satur­ street from the Clock Tower Mill, meeting. U N. observers into west Beirut day, saying he was "horrified” over which is slated to be converted into Reagan, who met Sunday with his where the slayings occurred after the bloodbath in the Palestinian apartments by a development team key advisers to discuss the next U.S. the Israeli army let its Christian refugee camps on the outskirts of that includes Hartford lawyer Marc moves in the Lebanese crisis, was allies enter refugee camps. Israeli west Beirut conducted by Christian S. Levine. still weighing his options, said officials maintain their soldiers. militamen. Town officials and members of the Cheney Brothers National Historic Landmark District Com­ mission have hailed the Clock Tower conversion as the beginning of a Egypt recalls envoy to Israel revitalization of the slowly deteriorating mill area. Gerstein had indicated previously that he was interested in converting the weaving mill into apartments in Grim search continues tandem with the Ciock Tower project. In a ,Ian. 12 referendum By Jack Redden Phalangists at the twin Chatila- timated the number of corpses could Manchester voters approved a United Press International Sabra refugee camps began reach more than 1,000 men, women propo.sal for the town to issue $750,- Thursday, not Friday as earlier and children. Herald photo by Pinlo 000 in bonds to finance public im­ Grieving Palestinians searched reported, and the Israeli army knew At least 1,300 people protested in provements to the mill area, through rows of corpses today of the slaughter by Friday. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Sunday Refreshment •Squatrito said he has had no con­ attempting to identify relatives "Thus the question to be in­ demanding the resignation of Prime versations with town offcials con­ slain in a massacre by Lebanese vestigated is whether anything was Minister Menachem Begin’s govern­ Andrew Heavisides, 11, of 15 Timber Traii, pauses at Highland cerning his clients’ plans for the Christian militiamen in two Beirut done to stop the Phalangists and to ment for permitting the massacre, Park Falls for a sip of soda, after a day at school. weaving mill. refugee camps. Egypt withdrew its halt the slaughter earlier,” Zeev which ended early Saturday — 36 ambassador to Israel, accusing the Schiff, the newspaper’s veteran hours after it began. Jewish state of resjx)nsibility in the military correspondent, said in killings. today’s edition. Contradiction seen Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper said United Press International But the Israeii Cabinet, after a the massacre by Christian reporters who visited the camps es- three-hour emergency meeting that ended early today, said that Israel rejects with “ contempt” any suggestions it was involved in the Smith hits Penny killing, calling all such claims "blood libel.” ' Reagan weighs Israeli forces "put an end to the slaughter of the’ innocent civilian population and forced the Lebanese unit to evacuate the camp” as soon income tax stand as they learned of the massacre, the strike options Cabinet said. In Moscow, Soviet President By Paul Hendrie resolution opposing a slate income "Taxpayers deserve better of Leonid Brezhnev implied in a letter Herald Reporter tax at the July board meeting. The Mayor Penny than indecision on key WASHINGTON (UPI) - ministration. to President Reagan that that Democrats amended the resolution issues,” said Smith. “ Indecision is Transportation Secretary Drew Speakes said the effects of the United States bore some respon­ Repuplican Town Chairman Cur­ so it criticized Republican not a desirable trait of a senatorial Lewis met with congressional strike "are not that extensive as of sibility for the Beirut massacre. tis M. Smith this morning attacked legislators and praised Democratic candidate.” yet.” However, he said “ serious dis­ “ A share of responsibility for the leaders today while the Reagan ad­ Mayor Stephen T. Penny, the officials, but still put the board on Cummings said Joyner initiated a ruptions” would result to the rivers of biood being shed in record as opposing a state income ministration weighed its options for Democratic candidate for the 4th 3 percent tax on income in 1979, as automobile, aluminum and coal in­ Lebanon nowadays is borne in par­ forcing an end to the 2-day-old strike Senatorial District seat, for refusing lax. an amendment to an appropriations by railroad engineers. dustries if it continues for another ticular by those who could have to rule out support of a state income The resolution, which was bill It was defeated. Deputy White House press week. prevented but did not prevent Tel tax. secretary Larry Speakes warned a Aviv from doing what it did,” humorous in tone, was so partisan "If you judge people by their Similar harm would come to the prolonged strike could cause Brezhnev’s letter said. Democratic Town Chairman that Republican directors voted records, you draw your own con­ agricultural sector if the strike goes “ serious disruptions” by week’s Lebanese Ambassador to the Theodore R. Cummings, against it. It apparently was in­ clusions,” said Cummings. on for another two weeks, disrupting end. The administration estimates United Nations Ghassan Tueni meanwhile, responded by claiming tended to teach the Republicans a grain-shipping channels at the time Smith noted that Penny’s oppo­ the strike could cost the economy charged on ABC’s "Good Morni'ng that Rep. Walter H. Joyner, R- lesson. The Democrats hold a of a bin-busting harvest, Speakes nent, Sen. Carl A. Zinsser, opposes a $50 million a day. Am erica” that the Lebanese Chris­ M an ch ester,' in itia ted an un­ majority on the board. said. state income lax. Lewis, said Speakes, will report to tian militiamen who carried out the successful income tax amendment “ Possibly the Congress could "B y leaving the door open for sup­ President Reagan by mid-day and, massacre were commanded by to an appropriations bill in 1979. legislate a cooling off period, so to port of the income lax, is Penny he added, the "chances are” some Israelis.
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