DONALD BIRCHIP Phone: 5497 1222 Phone: 5492 2735 Email: The Buloke Times Fax: 5492 2863 [email protected] Email: [email protected] birchipblc@ Est. 1875 bigpond.com Published Tuesdays and Fridays PRICE (inc. G.S.T.) $2 PP331336/0000 1 Tuesday, August 24, 2021 For the Shire of Buloke, and the districts of Birchip, Charlton, Donald, St. Arnaud, Watchem and Wycheproof Young People’s Plan Postponed At a time when many small communities are seeing a “brain drain” of young people leaving their rural areas it is heartening to see so many inspirational young people living and returning to Buloke to pursue their careers. This Saturday, August 28, our communities, as they are Real Choices the Birchip Neighbourhood the future leaders in our However, it is important House was planning an event towns and the ones who will that our communities can for all young people aged 18 keep our communities vi- offer young people real to 35, living and working in brant and prosperous”. choices to help them lead en- Buloke, to come together so- joyable and fulfilling lives, cially at the Birchip Commu- which includes good em- Contribution nity Leisure Centre to develop ployment options, opportuni- For young people from networks, build friendships ties for career advancement rural areas, accessing higher and professional develop- and good networks of family education or employment ment and leadership opportu- and friends. often means having to leave nities they would have if As we know, there are their families and home they were living in the city or challenges for young people larger regional centres. towns. Encouragingly for living in rural areas. Often our communities though, Source of Skills for young people, particu- many are choosing to return larly for those who are new Young people are an im- and when they do they bring portant and often unrealised to the area or not involved in with them a whole range of sport there are a lack of so- source of skills, energy, cre- new skills and experiences, ativity and vision in our rural cial opportunities or music, and often partners, who are arts and cultural events. communities and the mobil- also making a valuable con- isation of these young people “The Buloke Shire CASI tribution to the economy and Bounce Back Buloke project is essential for our communi- social fabric. ties to thrive. has provided funding to re- “We want to encourage And as a result of COVID dress this concern and con- young people from all over 19 restrictions, many young nect young people with other the Shire to connect with people have moved to rural young people who may be other young people and areas and found they can get living nearby and may share a similar interest or career. make Buloke more youth ahead much quicker because Although there will be no friendly for young profes- there is less competition for “Night Out in Buloke” this sionals,” said Simone Christie, promotions and the cost of living is much cheaper. Saturday, you can now get manager of the Birchip involved in the planning of a Neighbourhood House. Self-employment is also replacement event to build “People aged between 18- attainable for young people networks, both profession- 35 are generally working, living in regional communi- ally and socially. having families, engaging in ties, whether it’s on family If you are interested, or entrepreneurial activities and farms or a new enterprise have ideas, contact Simone contributing a significant and many young people in at the Birchip Neighbour- amount to the local econ- Buloke are managing very hood House on 0429 omy, so it is important we successful businesses and 922735, and become part of • Bridgette Hogan (left), Harriet Morgan and Demi Foott, highlighting youth entrepreneur- encourage this group of peo- paving the way for others to the planning to move ahead ship in Buloke, with their new ethical small business, “Mallee Waxees”, producing beeswax ple to be active members of follow. in a COVID 19 world. wraps in an environmentally sustainable way with materials sourced from local partners. Man of Football – and of Faith Early this year, the “Buloke Times” observed that, well over a half-a- century ago, Mervyn Keane was having his first kick of the footy at the Narraport ground. Since then, his record in Incidentally, although Over this year’s Australia the Australian game would North-Central (his “home” Day “long weekend”, Merv. unquestionabley stack up league) was “zoned” to Rich- was guest speaker at both against the greatest of them mond at the time he moved Nullawil and Wycheproof. all. to the city, he inadvertently There he spoke on a wide va- Briefly, Merv. was a Rich- trained with Melbourne be- riety of subjects, including mond premiership player in fore joining the Tigers. his earliest days at Narraport, 1973, 1974, and 1980. He Later on, he was playing hsi illustrious AFL career, was named in the Richmond coach of Sturt, in the family tragedy, and life in Team of the Century, and SANFL, before becoming general. was inducted into the Tiger’s assistant to his old team- Hall of Fame in 2005. mate, Kevin Sheedy, at Es- • In today’s “Times” (and Whilst he was most sendon. republished with permission widely recognised for his In 2019, he became a life via the Catholic Archdiocese ability in defence, he had also member of the AFL, and of Melbourne), Mervyn re- made his presence felt when published a book, “Playing flects on another essential called to the forward line. with the Field”. phase of his life. • The rights of a landowner if the operator does not Renewable Energy Zones pay the annual fees. According to the Australian Energy Market • Payment if the infrastructure changes. Operator's map, the shire of Buloke is partially • Easements which have to apply. included within those areas (REZs) which most state TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2021 governments have created to carry incentives to • Any change of ownership. develop wind, solar, and other renewable projects. • The length of the agreement, and termination The Australian Energy Infrastructure Commission arrangements. High pressure sales tactics are employed by some says there are two types of developer : developers, since only about 5% of proposals are ever • Insurance and default provisions. • Ones that build, own and operate the project long- built. • The resolution process for any dispute. term. These will work hard to win the community over, One farmer from a community in a Renewable and cater well to its needs. At the beginning before the above issues are raised, Energy Zone in Victoria is quoted as saying: "They'll a landowner should do no more than sign an agreement just start up wherever they can crack a farmer who • Speculators who lock up landowners into agree- for the other party to access the land to assess suitabil- either doesn't live on the place, or is such a bad ments, some quite dubious. They are concerned mainly ity. farmer they're seduced by the extra income". to sell a permitted project to a longer-term developer. Even if the government approves a project, or com- The National Farmers Federation's chief economist The Commission suggests the issues which land- pulsorily acquires the land (e.g. for powerlines), a has said that there is serious competition because "who- owners need to discuss with developers, as follow: landowner or neighbours should not think it's pointless ever builds the biggest project closest to a transmission • Fees paid to the landowner at each stage from to challenge planning approval. Enough cases have line is the most viable". (A project proposed a couple development to decommissioning. occurred where legal challenges have succeeded. of kilometres down the road becomes less viable because the transmission lines only have a certain • The timing and the method of calculating fees and There will be further advice available, if prospec- amount of capacity). increases. tive landholders visit AEIC.gov.au. Regional Lockdown “to Keep Us Safe” From the office of Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews. exposure sites, all childcare asking all eligible Victorians Due to the ongoing level of community transmission, the large number centres across Victoria will be to book theirs today – do not of mystery cases and a surge of new cases and exposures sites outside of closed except to children wait. metropolitan Melbourne, regional Victoria entered lockdown from 1 p.m. whose parents are authorised While the Commonwealth on Saturday, August 21. workers and cannot be super- have advised they will be vised at home. Vulnerable opening Pfizer eligibility to Additionally, further mea- across regional Victoria from safely reducing staff numbers children can still attend. A over 18s from August 30, we sures will be implemented to 1 p.m. on Saturday, August as they secure sites. permit system will apply, and strongly suggest that Victori- protect children across the en- 21, until 11.59 p.m. Thursday, further details will be ans who have already booked tire state, as the number of in- September 2. Masks and Drinking available soon. in for their Astra Zeneca vac- Playgrounds, basketball fections amongst kids con - Victoria’s public health cine, do not cancel that ap- hoops, skate parks and out- tinues to rise. Five Reasons team are also strongly recom- pointment. The best vaccine door exercise equipment will you can get is the one that you The number of infectious This means that in regional mending that primary school be closed. Masks will also not can get today. coronavirus cases out in the Victoria there will be only aged children, when they are community over the past few be able to be removed to drink not at home, also wear a mask If you have any questions five reasons to leave your alcoholic beverages.
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