VIRGINIA DTVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES PUBLICATION LzO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VIRGINIA GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES L97O . T979 F. B. Hoffer COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 1992 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES PUBLICATION I2O BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VIRGINIA GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES T97A - L979 F. B. Hoffer COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA t992 DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA O. Gene Dishner. Director Copyright 1992 Commonwealth of Virginia Portions of this publication may be quoted if credit is given to the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources. CONTENTS I aL Index 99 PUBLICATION 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VIRGINIA GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES - 1970 - L979 F. B. Hoffer INTRODUCTION This bibliography is a continuation of, and a supplement to, the four previously published bibliographies of Virginia geology and mineral resources. Previous bibliographies are: 1. Annotated geological bibliography of Virginia: Charlottesville, Alderman Library; Richmond, Dietz Press, 726 p., 1942, by J. K. Roberts. 2. Bibliography of Virginia geology and mineral resources - 194l-1949: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Information Circular 14, 58 p., 1968, by F. B. Hoffer. 3. BibliographyofVirginiageologyandmineralresources- 1950- 1959: VirginiaDivisionofMineral Resources, Information Circular 19, 103 p,1972, by F. B. Hoffer. 4. BibliographyofVirginiageologyandmineralresources- 1960 -1969: VirginiaDivisionof Mineral Resources, Publication 1, 68 p., 1977,by F. B. Hoffer. The present bibliography is patterned after the Bibliography and Index of Geology and GeoRef Guide to indexing. Published and unpublished materials are cited. Only items that are generally accessible and contain information on the geology and mineral resources of the state are listed. A few references prior to l9T0areincludedbecausetheywereomittedinearlier bibliographies. Doubtlesssomereferenceshavebeen overlooked and it is hoped that they will be brought to the attention of the Division's editor. A report that deals with more than three counties is entered in the index under Virginia, Appalachians, or one of the physiographic provinces. VRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHY Union, Trans.), vol. 58, no. 6, p. 431432,1977. 2. (Yang, Kib-Ping). Earthquake risk provinces in northeastem North America: Earthquake Notes, vol.49, no. 3, p. 8-9, 1978. ABBOTT, W. H. AKERS, W. H. 1. Correlation zonation Miocene of strata along the Atlantic l. Planktonic Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of some Neogene margin of North America using diatoms and silicoflagellates: formations, northern Florida and Atlantic Coastal Plain: Tulane Mar. Micropaleontol., vol. 3, no. I, p. 15-34, 1978. Studies in Geology and Paleontology, vol.9, nos. 1-4, 139 p., 2. Utilization of Atlantic margin Miocene siliceous microfossil 1972. (Ph.D. dissertation, Tulane Univ., 1971). zones (abs.): Soc. Geol. Am., Abs. kograms, vol. 10, no.7, p. 2. (Koeppel, P. E.). Age of some Neogene formations, Atlantic 357, 1978. Coastal Plain, United States and Mexico, in Symposium on Cal 3. Progress in the recognition and correlation of Neogene diatoms car@us Narmofossils, Proceedings: Gulf Coast Sect., Soc. datum (abs.): along the United States Atlantic coast Geol. Soc. Econ. Paleont. and Mineral., Houston, Texas, p. 80-93, 1974. Am., Abs. kograms, vol. I l, no. 7, p. 377 , 1979 . ALEXANDER, R. H. ABDEL-BESET, ZEINAB, see Yarzab, R. F. 1. CARETS; an experimental regional information system using ERTS data, in Third Earth Resources Technology Satellite-l, ABDEL-KHALEK. M. LOFTI Symposium, vol. 1, Technical Presentations, Sec. A, Land use (Khoury, and S. G.). Structural metamorphic evolution of the mapping: U.S. Natl. Aeronant. Space Admin., Spec. Pub. no. Otter River area, west-central Piedmont, Virginia: Geol. Soc. 351, p. 505-522,1974. vol. no. 3, p. 707 -716, Am. Bull., 82, I971. 2. (and others). [.and use and environmental assessment in the cenral Atlantic region: U.S. Natl. Aeronaut. Space Admin., ABDEL-KHALEK, M. LOFTI, see Khoury, S. c., 2. Tech. Memo., x-58168 (vol. 1-C, Land use-marine resources), p. 1683-1727,1975. (NASA Earth Resources Symposium). ABERNETHY. R. F. 3. (and others). Norfolk and enviorns; a land use perspective, pt. (Peterson, M. J.; Gibson, F. H.). Spectrochemical analyses of A, Pt. B, -intlle collection Ftnal Reports; central Atlantic coal ash for trace elements: U. S. Bur. Mines, Rept. Inv., no. regional ecological test site (CARETS) project: U.S. Geol. 728r,30 p., 1969 Survey, vol. 2, variously paginated, 1975. (Cosponsored by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center). ACKERMANN, H. D. 4. (and others). Land use and land cover, cenual Atlantic Regional (Grim, M. S. ). Seismic refraction survey of the pre-Cretaceous Ecological Test Site (CARETS): U.S. Geol. Survey, Misc. basement surface near the inner edge of the Coastal Plain in Field Study Map, no. MF-789, environ. geol. map, 1976. (5 Stafford andKing George counties, Virginia: U. S. Geol. Sur., sheets). 77 6 p., 1977 . Open-File Rept., no. 480, 5. Central Atlantic Regional Ecological Test Site; aprototype re- gional environmental information system: Natl. Aeronaut. and ADABI, M. H. Space Admin., Greenbelt, Md., variously paginated, 1979. Sedimentology of the Potomac Group (Cretaceous) and the Aquia Formation (fertiary) in hince William County, Vir- ALGERMISSEN, S. T. ginia: M. S. thesis, George Washington Univ., 1978. l . (Perkins, D. M.). A probablistic estimate of maximum accelera- tion in rock in the contiguous United States: U.S. Geol. Survey, ADAMS. D. D. Open-File Rept., no. 76416,45 p.,I976. (Young, 1. R. J.). Water quality monitoring of the Craney Island 2. (Perkins, D. M.). Earthquake-hazard map of the United States: dredge material disposal area part of Hampton Roads, Vir- Earthquake Inf. Bull., vol. 9, no. I, p.20-21, 1977. ginia; December 1973 to February 1975: Old Dominion Univ., Inst. Oceanogr., Tech., Rept., no. 23, fiAp. D75. ALGOR, J. R., see Conley, J.F., 2. 2. (and others). Investigative monitoring of sewage outfalls and continguous waters of Hamptom Roads, Elizabeth and James ALI KHAN,M.Z. rivers and 1 the lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia from June 973 (Contractor, D. W.; Wiggert, J. M.). Modeling of low flows in - May 1975: Old Dominion Univ., Inst. Oceanogr., Tech. rivers using the antecedent precipitation index (abs.): EOS (Am. Repts., no. 22,219 p., 1977. Geophys. Union Trans.), vol 53, no. 11, p. 98y'' 1972. ADAMS, D.D., see Darby, D. A.,3. ALLEN, G. C., see Good, R. S., 1, 3 ADAMS, J. W. ALLEN, M. J. (berall, E. R.,). Bibliography of the geology and mineralogy (GeldreiclL E. E.). Bacteriological criteria for ground-water of the rare earths and scandium to 197 I : U.S. Geol. Sur.. Bult. quality: Ground Water, vol. 13, no. I, p.45-52, 1975. 1356, 195 p.,1973. ALLEN, R. O., see Hollan4 C.G.; and Luckenbaclr, A. H. AGGARWAL. Y. P. l. Siesmotectonics eastern North America; Partl, southern of ALSID, L. , see Andersor! R. R.,2. New York to SouthCarolinaregion (abs.): EOS (Am. Geophys. PUBLICATION 120 ALVORD, D. C. ANDREWS, G. W. I . Geologic map of the Hellier quadrangle Kentucky-Yirginia and (Bybell, L. M.; Cristopher, R. A.). Mesozoic and Cenozoic part of the Clintwood quadrangle, Pike County, Kentucky: biosuatigraphy of Oak Grove core, northeastern Virginia (abs.): U.S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Quad. Map, no. GQ-950, 1971. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geologists, Bu11., vol. 61, no. 5, p.761, 1977. 2. (Miller, R. L.). Geologic map of the Elkhorn City quadrangle, Kentucky-Virginia and part of tlre Harman quadrangle, Pike ANDREWS, H. E. County, Kentucky: U.S. Geol. Survey Quadrangle Map, no. l.Turritella nwrtoni (Gastropoda) and biostratigraphy of the GQ-951,1972. Aquia Formation (Paleocene) of Maryland and Virginia: Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard Unv., 1972. AMATO, R. V. 2. Morphometrics and functional morphology of Turritella nwr- 1. Surficial geology and drainage development in the Roanoke- toni: Jotr. Paleont., vol. 48, no. 6, p. 1126-1140,1974. Salem are4 Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. Am., Abs. kograms, vol. 5, no. 5,p.314,1973. ANO}.IYMOUS 2. Geology of the Salem quadrangle, Virginia: Va. Div. Miner. l. Index togeologicmappingfrom 1961 to 1971: Va.Miner.,vol. Res., Rept. Inv. 37, 40 p., 1974. 18, no. 4, p.30-31,1972. 3. Geological facbrs in environmental planning and development 2. Utilization of subsurface information in the Coastal Plain of in the Roanoke area, Virginia (abs.): Va. Joru. Sci., vol. 25, no. Virginia: Va. Miner., vol. 21, no. 2, p. l7-18, L975. 2,p.89, 1974. 3. Water resources development in Virginia: U.S, Army Corps 4. Radar analysis along the northwestem side of the Blue Ridge Eng., North Atlantic Div., New York, N.Y., 82 p., 1975. anticlinorium, Virginia and North Carolina (abs.): Geol. Soc. 4. Mercury contamination in Virginia waters, history, issues, and Am., Abs. Programs, vol. 6, no. 4,p.329-330, 1974. options: Va. Water Resour. Cent., Spec. Rept., no ,8,p.7 ,1979 . (Includes a reprint of "Chemical plants leave unexpected leg- AMBS, L. D. acy for two Virginia rivers", by Luther J. Carler, Science, vol. (and others). Sratigraphy of the Mt. Pleasant Flats area, Vir- 198, p. 1015-1 020, 1977>. ginia Beach, Virginia (abs.): Va- Jour. Sci., vol. 27 ,no.2"p.77 , 5. Keystone's map of the coal fields of the United States: New r976. York, McGraw-Hill, econ. geol. map 1:6,330,000, 1978. 6. U.S. coal production by cormty, 1976: New York, McGraw-- AMENTA, R. V., see Hrinda, Audrey. Hill, econ. geol. map 1:5,000,000, 1978. 7. Procedures manual and guidelines for the environmental im- AMENTA, R. V., see Nye, W. S. pact statement programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia: Coun. Environ., Richmond, Va-,48 p., 1978. AMENTA, R. V.., see Snyder, J. G. 8. Geophysical exploration of geothermal resources in the eastern United States; in Evaluationandtargeting of geothermal energy ANDERSON, C.
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