7 FKIDAY, NOVEMBER •, 19iX It’s Tough in Korea—Tougher Still When Blood Supplies Are Lo w PAGBHXTEEN jHanrI|[(Bter lEw^nfag IjgraKi h. Average Daily Net Press Run Corneivtone Club Local Residents For the Waak Ending The Weather About T o ^ No\-amhar S FnrafMi of I'. H. Waalhor Kerwie SeU Smorgasbord Made Citizens 10,346 Not BO aool tonight na hMt Helen P. Davklaon Of 12 Knox night. SniMlny moaUy alondy, nun- Hia Oomeratone Club of S t Member of lha Audit I^Mtia ib tch If•ria#n will Uk« atraet and Mmrgarat B. Hair of Hniiad mild. Bridget’s Church will hold a smor­ Baraoa uf ClmtUtlona nlu« tom onw mornlnf M n Manchester are among the 61 Oon- Manchester— A C.ity of I ’ilia'fie Charm St gasbord In the church hall on Dec. to eeli at Jam**' church. nactlcut resldenU applying for cltl- the Hobo 11 at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Edgar Beru­ be la general chairman. aenshlp who are expected to be (Clxsalflad AdvarUalng on Page 10) MovlM for jruunfcr made naturallaed cltlsena today at VOL. LXXI, NO. 3« lANCHESTER. CONN.. SATUKDAV, NOVEMBER 10, 1951 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICK FIVE CKNTR ba ahown at the Community Y t<^ Tickets are now on sale and may nlCbt atartlni: at 7 o clock Md be obUlned by calling any mem­ Federal Court ceremonies In Hart- lartlnc for •»«•»« ber of the ticket committee con- ford. Shirt ntfhfa profram will b«_ siaUng of Mrs. Thomas R. Broi^ The applicants will take the oath Q oo»» on tho looat, _***®**y* of 54 Jensen atreet; Mrs. John F. of allegiance before Judge J. Second Taft N ew Crisis llin*tr*la’*’and “Danny Boy. Daley of 82 Oliver road; Mrs. Jo­ Joseph SnUOi, who U expected to M COiOtS Sigmund Romberg seph A. Falkowskl of 68 Alton deliver a brief talk on the duties Ml— Carol McValfh vt tha street; Mrs. W. O, Finnegan of and obligations of citlaenshlp. llanchaater Community Playara la 188 Woodbrldge street; Mrs. U O. OP T ii Growing on aaalatlnr with dlractlon In tha Kramer of 28 Horton road; Mrs. Russia Meets Defeat OMOEN WEST! HlliW Thaatar Oroup'a produc­ J. Edward McKeever of 834 Sum­ October Welfare Dies at 64 in N. Y. tion of “Antlfona" on Nov. 15, IS mit street; Miss Madeline Smith N. Y. Docks and 17 In tha auditorium of tha of 38 Golway street; and Mrs. C. New York, Nov. 10— (/P)— eonaga In Hartford. Costg Dedreate A. Scorao of 97 Woodland street Composer Dies Composer Sigmund Rom­ Reservations are necessarily •New York, Nov. 1.0— (/T)— Anyona wlahlng' to contrtbuta limited to 250 adults and 75 chil­ There were 67 welfare case# In­ berg, 64, who.se ojierettas and Tile po.s.sihilil v of r new rrisi.s rood uaed clothing In tha driva for dren. and as no tickets will be sold volving 103 pirsona and an expen­ songs are loved by millions, tha Lithuanian neady In Buropa at the door persons Interested are died last night of a cerebral hovered over the New York may laava It at Uthuanlan Hall or advised to make reservations diture of during October On China Reds in UN hemorrhage at his Ritz waterfront ttKlay as rival fac- hava It plckad up conUcUng either promptly. Miss Faye Kinidsen accordnlg to a report of Albert E. (^arlea Backui of Woodland Behrend, director of welfare. Tower Hotel suite here. lionR in flie AFI, internation­ atreet or Mlaa Margaret Zorakla Miss Faye Knudaon, clarinetist, 'rter® w^r® 10 cM®s nwr® In th« Ronibcig wrote such ''all-time " al Ijongshoremon’.s a.ssiK-ia- will be one of the featured soloists same month last year. They In­ musical play favontea aa "The tion (ll,A) charged each of 160 Hilliard atreet Emanuel Church .student Prince," "Desert Song." at the Chamlnade Club concert on volved 28 more persons and other with truce violation.s. Firsl-8 lriiiK li. S. Team Wednesday, No. 14, at the Bowets *176.75 additional expenditure, the "Maytime, ' "Blossomtime" and Question Is Tha CTP CTuh of Center Con- Seeking Piedge§ "New Moon." During the past 40 With a leconl pier strike < sll<v| gregaUonal Church will attend school at 8:15 p. m. Miss Knud.*on report Indicated. years he turned out 78 operettas off 24 hourR ago. in the Oie Hartford Baat Aaaoclatlon was chosen for her outstanding Comparison betvfssn October, and more than 2.000 songs. intra-iinion <lispiitr t?ntIo«i n<. rally In Marlborough thla Sunday. Emanuel Lutheran Church Is co­ gblllty as demonstrated through­ 1951, and September Of this year Apparently in good health. rusatlonN of (liarmnmHtmn Blocked by Membera are requested to meet at operating with more than lO out her grammar and high school shows that there were four caaes Romberg arrived in New Yoik against, ainker.a nnd non-nt nkn a. 6 o'clock at the wbat door of the Protestant churches of the Great­ musical performances. Miss Mari­ and five persons fewer in October Nov. .1 from his home in Beverly The diRRirimt lIsA j;ion|> church. A Blight fee will be er Hartford area In conducting Its lyn Loyilm, MHS senior, will be and that *111 83 leas was spent rharerd lha! iindrrwnrM tigiiip charged for refreahmenta, Hills, Calif. He iisiially spent hts Nine Votes Every Member canvass Sunday. her accompanist. Carefree, confident and cosual. ToMorod to a him winters in the East before em­ Anthony Anastasia, an IlsA hir- Plans call for making pledges at Last year Miss Knud.v>n per­ barking on concert tours in the inR boaa, Io< Urd out 17 wiMi attrra P. J. Fitsgerald of 159 Thomp- the church at each of two services, In the newett combed gingham muWple plaids... I'harlea I*. Tafl, brother of Sen. who ainiKht to return to work aon road, sales representative for formed a t the high school artists spring. I’aris, Nov. ID—</P)— Ru»- 6 and 10:30 a. m. All members are concert as a member of the clari­ vibrant os FaH ilself. Sports in-or-out long taHs, His body was found on the Robert A. Taft H'ho ha* already yealrrday at Bnmklyn Minute Maid, U In New York Qty encouraged to attend one of these announced he I* a candidate for Anaala.^ia, in a Iclrphone intri- sia surferorl a .sharp defast attending the Minute Maid Cor­ net quartet, and this year she was TOYS bathroom floor bv his wife. Lil­ services and make their promise of convertiblo collar and froodom-loving odion-baelc / lian Harris Romberg, whom he the prealdenry, became the sec­ virw. said hr irffiard to liirr two today in its rampaiKR iR spsI' poration's sales meeting at the financial support of the church's one of the soloists at the fall For tha Kiddles. ond Tafl lo do'lare himaelf a nirn op <»rdora from hi.4 rioplovfi. New York Athletic Club, artists’ concert. A senior, she la pleats, likes le be tabbed because h 's Sanforiied. married in 1925. Before he col­ Rod t'hiuR in the United Na­ program for 1952. lapsed. she said, her husband had I |M>Ullcal candidate. fTiarle* aald . ILA PioawIrnt .I»»arpli P. Kyan tion.*. The 14-nation Hteering Members unable to attend either concert mtstress of the high school Rrikur Dm* Slons Sites 30 le 40. Matching bsrot $1,25. he would nm for the governorship ronnterrd with the ichrl locala Henry F. Dawnorowlts, fireman, band. For the past three years she not complained of feeling ill. j committee refused, 11 to 2, to service will be visited In their Large Aasortmont Romberg always called his of Ohio In 19.52. (SE.\ Tele­ ware thraatminR to ou.ot lonR- U8N, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter homes by a corps of canyaisers. has been a member of the clarinet photo), ahoraman who workait flunnc tha put the i|ue8tion on Ihe agen­ Dawnorowlts of 182 Irving street. music "middle brow music ton : who will be commissioned for their section in the All State Band, low-hrow for a symphony Con- ' 2.%-day, hillion-tlolla?' tiaup of the da of Ihe General Aasemhly. Is serving aboard the minesweeper task at the morning worship ser­ which Is composed of the finest Mgmund Rombarg world a praftfaat port Piaaidml US8 Sprig which recently Joined doctor and Iiki highbrow for a One nation ali.stained. vices and will return to the church high school talent In the state. jar.7. condiii lor, " , laadaia did not ronimanl on tha Rossis snd Poland cssl the neg­ the Sixth Fleet In the Mediter­ at 2 o'clock to begin their vlalta CALL Ship 'n Shore Blouses ranean. He has visited Africa, This year she placed second In the His music- has a mass appeal. I ‘’Favored Sons’ Ryan Mtalamant. ative votes, with Yiigoilavla sh- Italy and ports In France. tlon. auditions, which Is a high honor Chorlos W. Lathrop Churchill Hints being repletr with melodic love A Naw York Slala fnrt-ftnfiinR stalnlng Brilsin Joined the Cmt- To meet Its expanding program, that ranks her ns tops among high songs and romantic themes. 1 panal brouthf lha atrika to an amt ed Stales, Canad*. Ihe IVimlniran Emanuel church Is seeking pledges FOR Plaids, Checks, Plain Colors (fcI Lift From school clarinetists. Accidant Insuranca Other of his famous operettas aarly yaatarday Tha iliapntanta Republic. Norwa.v, France. Iraq, for a b u d g e t representing Miss Knudson Is studying with Sizes.
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