The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Telephone (02) 9385 1000 Facsimile (02) 9385 2000 Email [email protected] Website www.unsw.edu.au Hours of opening UNSW is open 9am–1pm and 2pm–5pm every weekday, except for public and university holidays. Many parts of the University are open beyond these times. Please telephone the section or department you wish to visit to check their opening times. Published by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Resources) Production team Compilation Victoria Miller Editing Blanche Hampton Design and Photography Di Quick Printer Ligare Pty Ltd ISSN 0726-8459 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT 2003 —— THE FUNCTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY he functions of the University (within the limits of its resources) T include: a the provision of education and research facilities of university standard; b aiding, by research and other suitable means, the advancement, development and practical application of science to industry and commerce; c the provision of instruction and the carrying out of research in the disciplines of human studies and medicine and in such other disciplines as Council may from time to time determine; and d the conferring of the degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor and the awarding of diplomas and other certificates. University of New South Wales Act 1989, Section 6 (1) —— UNSW MISSION STATEMENT By providing an excellent educational experience and by achieving excellence in research international engagement and interaction with the community UNSW will be an international university of outstanding quality. UNSW Five Year Plan, 1999 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT —— CONTENTS PART ONE PART TWO 8 _ Facts in Brief 19 _ Research 9 _ The Council of the University 22 _ Research Centres 10 _ The Structure of the University 24 _ International 12 _ The Chancellor’s Report 26 _ Academic and Teaching 14 _ The Vice-Chancellor’s Report Developments 27 _ Significant Committees Established 28 _ Learning and Teaching 33 _ Faculty Notes 46 _ Community Outreach 50 _ Information Technology 51 _ Public Affairs and Development 53 _ UNSW Alumni Association 55 _ UNSW Foundation 57 _ Major Benefactors 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT —— CONTENTS PART THREE 85 _ Publications 86 _ Freedom of Information 60 _ Membership of the Council 88 _ Equity and Diversity 62 _ Membership of the Committees 93 _ Ethnic Affairs Priority of Council Statement 63 _ Council and Committee 100 _ Human Resources and Members’ Attendance 2003 Industrial Relations 65 _ UNSW Senior Officers 66 _ Codes of Conduct PART FIVE PART FOUR 105 _ Finance 117 _ Independent Audit Report 70 _ Facilities Management 119 _ Statement by Members of Council 76 _ Risk Management 120 _ Statement of Financial Performance 80 _ University-Controlled Entities 121 _ Statement of Financial Position 84 _ Legal Affairs 122 _ Statement of Cash Flows 123 _ Notes to the Financial Report 5 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT 2003 PART ONE 8 – FACTS IN BRIEF 9 – THE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY 10 – THE STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSITY 12 – THE CHANCELLOR’S REPORT 14 – THE VICE-CHANCELLOR’S REPORT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT —— FACTS IN BRIEF ENROLMENTS ACADEMIC UNITS Students (head count) 40,594 Faculties 8 Total enrolments 41,143 AGSM (a Faculty of both UNSW and the University of Sydney) 1 Higher doctorate and PhD 2,146 University College Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) 1 Masters research and masters coursework 8,684 Schools (including ADFA) 76 Cross-institution and non-award 1,054 Centres (including NHMRC programs) 71 Bachelor degrees and undergraduate diplomas 24,950 Institutes 4 Postgraduate qualifying diplomas and certificates 4,309 Principal teaching hospitals 4 STAFF (FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT) AWARDS Total Staff 5,290 Total awards in 2002 9,468 Academic – teaching only, teaching and research 1,888 Higher degrees 4,318 Academic – research only 383 Postgraduate diplomas and graduate certificates 722 Academic – other 74 Bachelor degrees and undergraduate diplomas 4,428 Non-academic 2,945 Total degrees and diplomas awarded since the University’s foundation 183,690 Undergraduate programs available 235 FINANCE (2003) Postgraduate programs available 592 Total assets $1.77 billion Annual operating revenue $783 million Total expenditure $766 million 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT —— THE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY he Council is the University’s governing body and is The Council also acts as a forum for the University Tconstituted in accordance with the provisions of the community and other stakeholders with the following University of New South Wales Act 1989, which came principal functions: into effect on 1 July 1990. >Contributing to the development of the University’s mis- The Council consists of 21 members as follows: sion, goals and strategies, including legal and ethical standards > Three official members (Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and performing an ongoing review of these matters. and President of the Academic Board). >Monitoring the progress of the University against >Two Parliamentary members. measurable goals through reports from the Senior >Four Ministerial appointments. Management Group. > Eleven elected representatives of the staff, students > Making a small number of the most critical staff and graduates. appointments and delegating more substantially the > One additional member appointed by the Council. responsibility for making a range of others. The Council is chaired by the Chancellor, who is > Ensuring proper University management systems and elected by the members of Council. During 2003 the accountable delegations are in place with appropriate regu- Chancellor was Dr John Yu AC, who is the sixth holder lar reporting to Council. of the office. >Strengthening the University’s community relations so The Deputy Chancellor is elected by and from the as to ensure that the University is responsive to community members of Council. During 2003 the Deputy Chancellor needs and is itself strongly presented to the outside world. was Ms Catherine Harris, PSM. > Making appropriate provision for final appeal from The positions of both Chancellor and Deputy within the University community on matters of sufficient Chancellor are honorary. substance. The Vice-Chancellor and President and the President > Regularly appraising Council’s own performance. of the Academic Board are members of the Council ex > Ensuring, within the provisions of the University Act, officio. The University’s fifth Vice-Chancellor, Professor Council’s effective renewal through replacement of retiring Wyatt R Hume, took office in July 2002. members and induction of new members. 9 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT —— THE STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSITY AS AT DECEMBER 2003 COU Vice-Chancellor Professor Wyatt R Hume DEPUTY VICE- DEPUTY VICE- PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR CHANCELLOR CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH) (RESEARCH) (RESOURCES) Professor Mark Professor Elspeth Dr Alec Cameron Wainwright McLachlan Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of the Faculty of Faculty of the Medicine Science Built Environment Engineering College of Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Fine Arts Bruce Dowton Aldo Bagnara Peter Murphy Brendon Parker Professor Dean Acting Dean Dean Dean Ian Howard Dean SCHOOLS, DEPARTM 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT NCIL ACADEMIC BOARD DEPUTY PRO-VICE- PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR REGISTRAR AND VICE-CHANCELLOR CHANCELLOR (INSTITUTIONAL DEPUTY PRINCIPAL (INTERNATIONAL (EDUCATION & ADVANCEMENT) Ms Crystal Condous & EDUCATION) QUALITY Ms Jane Bloomfield Professor John Ingleson IMPROVEMENT) Professor Adrian Lee Faculty of Law Faculty of Faculty of Australian Defence Australian Graduate Professor Commerce and Arts and Social Force Academy School of Management Leon Trakman Economics Sciences University College Professor Dean Professor Professor Professor Robert McLean Greg Whittred Annette Hamilton Robert King Dean and Director Dean Dean Rector ENTS AND CENTRES 11 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL REPORT —— THE CHANCELLOR’S REPORT his was the first full year of that it can better meet the Everyone would support the Tservice by the Vice-Chancellor challenges that lie ahead. An concept that tertiary institutions and President, Professor Wyatt R important strategy has been to should be run in an efficient, Hume, and provided the University strengthen our relations with business-like way, so long as we community with an exciting government, the community, also recognise that we are not glimpse of the future directions in industry and our own alumni and commercial enterprises where which he will lead UNSW, based with this in mind a major new success is measured by bottom-line on a solid foundation of a new aca- administrative unit of Institutional profit alone. Indeed it can be a demic vision – a vision very appro- Advancement has been created, led source of much argument when one priately led by him, but created and by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Jane discusses the key indicators of determined by the academic staff of Bloomfield. It is a recognition that success for an individual the University with the strong more resources need to be allocated institution. commitment and support of the to such activity if UNSW is to Universities depend rightly general staff. make good the shortfall in funding on public money through magnan- This year’s income support to by means other than increasing imous and thoughtful government the University from the Australian student fees alone. and for that reason there are times Government fell to 59 per cent Universities face the anomaly when the right thing to do may compared to a peak of 70 per cent of depending largely on Australian be an action that is in Australia’s in 1994. Income from student fees Government funds for their core long-term interest rather than in rose to 20 per cent. For a research- business while their very being is local gain. That harvest may not intensive university, this is not a founded and dependent on State be enjoyed within a fiscal year viable situation if we are to continue Government legislation.
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