THE NATIONAL UNION PEACE • UNITY • LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 10 Palikir, Pohnpei, December, 1989 Number 12 Philippine Ambassador presents credence PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- MATION SERVICE) - The first Phil- ippine Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the FSM, the Honorable Purisimo A. De Peralta presented his credentials to Presi- dent John R. Haglelgam during a formal ceremony held Dec. 30, 1989, at the President's Cabinet Room at the Capital in Palikir. The presentation of credence by Ambassador Peralta fulfilled the promise made by her Excellency President Corazon Aquino that she would establish an embassy in Pohnpei before 1989 ends. Present at the ceremony were DE PERALTA PRESENTS CREDENCE -Philippine Ambassador to FSM, the Honors fete Vice President Hirosi H. Ismael, Purisimo A. De Peralta, standing, is urging that the "government of the Federated States of Micronesia sees the wisdom of also establishing diplomatic presence In the Pohnpei Governor Resio S. Moses, Philippines" before presenting his credentials to President John R. Haglelgamdurlng Australian Ambassador Kenneth formal presentation ceremony held Dec. 30, 1989, in the Cabinet Room at the Brazel, U.S. Representative Office President's Office. Sitting from left counterclockwise are: President Haglelgam; Vice Charge d'Affairs Edward Michal, all President Hirosi H. Ismael, Pohnpei Governor Resio Moses, and Philippine Embassy Administrative Officer and Attache Diomedes Aboy. FSM National Government Depart- ment Secretaries and Cabinet offi- cers, and other officials. The Am- matic career. The warm and pris- bassador was accompanied by four tine ways of the Micronesian people staff of the embassy and several overwhelm me. Unspoiled and Inside: other Filipinos residing on Pohnpei. untainted, despite the evident influx 1. Constitution changes "Truk" Ambassador De Peralta, who of what is called civilization, the to Chuuk...............page 3 was born on Decembers, 1927, in atmosphere gives one a feeling of Candon, llocos Sur, Philippines, rebirth. 2. Ambassador Marehalau sworn called the occasion a historic mo- "The Philippines and the Feder- in .........................page 3 ment in the relations between the ated States of Micronesia share Republic of the Philippines and the many things in common in their 3. Emperor receives Ambassador Federated States of Micronesia. respective development as a na- Nakayama..........page 4 De Peralta, after conveying best tion. In the riptide of colonialism in wishes from her Excellency Presi- centuries past, both countries found 4. $4.5M notes signed... page 5 dent Corazon C. Aquino, said, "My themselves similarly situated, bear- presence in your great country af- ing the burdens of being wards of fords me a refreshingly new and 5. Yap senator dies ........page 10 foreign powers. Both countries welcome experience in my diplo- (Continued on Page 11) 0* oo Proclamation CU PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMATION SERVICE) - President John R. Haglelgam has proclaimed £H Decemberl , 1989, as World AIDS day as he called upon the people of the Federated States of Micronesia E to observe the day with appropriate activities and implement ways in which FSM can combat the spread CO <J of AIDS through education and awareness. CD The FSM Proclamation, which was signed on November 27, was made in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO) designation of December 1 , 1989, as World AIDS Day. The following is the full text of the proclamation: "Proclamation The World Health Organization has designated December 1 , 1 989 as World AIDS Day. The aim of this special day is to increase awareness of the risk of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection and z o AIDS, to strengthen AIDS prevention programs, andto promote understanding, respect and care for those with HIV infection/AIDS. It is also to provide a foundation for continuing activities for the 1990's. The Federated States of Micronesia has recently learned of its first incidence of AIDS. This knowledge z must alert us to the crucial and immediate nature of facing the reality of HIV infection. We must respond LU at once to the need of our youth to have accurate information on the avoidance of this dreadful disease. At this time there is no known cure for AIDS, a long and painful death is its only end. We must strive to assure access to information and means of prevention to avoid this fate for ourselves and our children. On World AIDS Day, governments at every level as well as non-government organizations and community groups throughout the world will sponsor events to enhance the ability of youth to avoid the risk of HIV infection/AIDS. I believe that the Federated States of Micronesia and all its citizens can and must endorse and participate in such events. I urge the organization of events in schools and elsewhere, and nationwide media attention to the importance of World AIDS Day. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN R. HAGLELGAM, President of the Federated States of Micronesia, do hereby proclaim December 1 , 1989, as World AIDS Day, I call upon the people of the Federated States to observe this day with appropriate activities to find and implement ways in which our Nation can combat the spread of AIDS in the FSM through education and awareness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of November in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-nine." /Signed/ John R. Haglelgam President, Federated States of Micronesia November 27, 1 989 Joseph as board chairman PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM IN- Ihlen Joseph of Pohnpei as the Mendiola later turned the FORMATION SERVICE) -The new chairman while former Board's offer down. FSM Development Bank chairman Koichi Sana of Truk The Bank's Vice President's (FSMDB) Board of Directors was elected as vice chairman. position, currently held by Aren held its annual meeting in Truk, FSMDB's president Manny Palik of Kosrae, was re-an- November 18, 1989, to elect its Mori was re-appointed while nounced up to December 31, new officers and also to consider Anna Mendiola of Pohnpei who 1989, for interested applicants the filling of the three top man- is currently attached to the FSM as Palik's two-year contract had agement positions, according to Finance Department as an expired on November 02,1989. a news release by the FSM De- economist was appointed Sec- Other members of the Board velopment Bank. retary-Treasurer, a position include: Luey Luey of Kosrae and The 41st Board meeting which has been vacant since its James Lukan of Yap. The fifth elected former vice chairman creation several years back. member has yet to be appointed. Marehalau sworn in as Ambassador 1 PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- to the Compact diplomatic provi- sory Board on Education, and as MATION SERVIOE) - President sions to change the designation of vice chairman of Yap Board of John R. Haglelgam administered the primary diplomats exchanged Education, Scholarship Board, Yap o the oath of office to Jesse Mareha- between the FSM and U.S. from Board of Health, and Yap Commu- lau as FSM Ambassador to the "Representative" to "Ambassador" nity Action Program; as chairman of 3 United States of America during a took effect when diplomatic notes Yap Task Force on Education, Yap r— ceremony held Dec. 1,1989, in the were exchanged on August 24, Day Committee, and as secretary/ Z Cabinet Room at the President's 1989, in Washington, D.C., be- treasurer for Yap Cooperative As- O Office. tween the U.S. and the FSM. sociation, among others. z Marehalau's nomination as Am- Marehalau also served on numer- Ambassador Marehalau, 43, is married bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- ous boards and committees for Yap to former Martha Lorerang of Mogmog, CD potentiary of the FSM to the United State and at national level including, Ulithi, Yap, and they have one son, Nelson O CD States of America was confirmed on as member of Trust Territory Advi- Marehalau, 9. 3 Dec. 1, 1989, by the FSM Con- cr gress. CD The Ambassador is a native of Falalop Ulithi, in the outer islands of Yap State. He attended St. Mary's 00 School in Yap and graduated from V0 Xavier High School in Truk and received his Bachelor of Arts de- gree in Biology from Chaminade University in Honolulu, Hawaii. He previously served as Yap State Assistant Fisheries Officer and later as division chief of Yap State Marine Resources. He also served as Foreign Serv- ice Officer in the FSM External Af- fairs Department assigned to for- mer FSM Washington Liaison Of- MAREHALAU SWOriNiri-President John R.Haglelgam, left, Is administering the oath fice as Assistant Liaison Officer and of office to Jesse Marehalau of Yap as the first FSM Ambassador Extraordinary and later as Deputy Representative for Plenipotentiary to the United States of America. FSM External Affairs Deputy five years prior to his appointment Secretary Asterio Takesy, far right, is holding the Bible during the ceremony which was held In the President's Cabinet Room in the presence of Vice President Hirosi H. as Representative. An amendment ConstitutioIsmael and othern national take government cabinets officers. effect WENO (MOEN), Chuuk (Truk) - to "Weno" as the State center, percent or 12,304 Chuuk voters The draft state constitution which changed all 39 municipal chief during March 11, 1986 general changes the name "Truk" to magistrates to "Mayors", estab- elections. "Chuuk" (CHOOK) was ratified dur- lished a bicameral legislature and The ratification of Chuuk's draft ing a state-wide referendum held one-ticket running mates for the constitution brings to a completion October 24,1989, by a vote of 7,165 offices of the governor and lieuten- the states' constitutional building for and 5,267 against, according to ant governor, also recognizes the process which began seven years State Election Commissioner roles and rights for culture and tradi- ago in FSM.
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