REGENERATION AND LIVEABILITY PORTFOLIO DECISION SCHEDULE Friday 21st October, 2005 at 10.00 am in Committee Room “A” The Mayor Stuart Drummond responsible for Regeneration and Liveability will consider the following items. 1. KEY DECISIONS 1.1 Tees Valley Living - Sub-Regional Housing Market Renewal Strategy - The Director of Regeneration & Planning Services 1.2 Rossmere Neighbourhood Action Plan – The Head of Regeneration 1.3 Safer Stronger Communities Fund: The Neighbourhood Element – The Head of Community Strategy 1.4 Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) Programme 2005-06 – The Head of Community Strategy 1.5 Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) Programme 2006-08 –The Head of Community Strategy 2. OTHER ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 2.1 Remit and Membership of Conservation Area Advisory Committee – The Director of Regeneration and Planning Services 3. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 3.1 None 4. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 4.1 None 5. REPORTS FROM OVERVIEW OF SCRUTINY FORUMS 5.1 None EXEMPT ITEMS Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs referred to below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 6. KEY DECISION 6.1 None 7. OTHER ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 7.1 None 05.10.21 - REGEN & LIVEABILITY PORTFOLIO AGENDA/1 Hartlepool Borough Council Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio – 21 October 2005 1.1 REGENERATION & LIVEABILITY PORTFOLIO Report To Portfolio Holder 21 October 2005 Report of: The Director of Regeneration & Planning Services Subject: Tees Valley Living - Sub-Regional Housing Market Renewal Strategy SUMMARY 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT To describe and seek endorsement of the draft Tees Valley Living Housing Market Renewal Strategy. This is attached as Appendix 1. Some textual amendments, which have been forwarded to Tees Valley Living for inclusion in the final version, are also attached, as Appendix 2. 2.0 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS The report provides a brief overview of the development and content of the Strategy. 3.0 RELEVANCE TO PORTFOLIO MEMBER The Strategy has key relevance to Regeneration and Liveability. 4.0 TYPE OF DECISION Key. Tests (i) and (ii) apply. 5.0 DECISION MAKING ROUTE The Portfolio Holder at his meeting on 21 October 2005. TEES VALLEY LIVING - SUB-REGIONAL HOUSING MARKET RENEWAL STRATEGY-21.10.2005 1 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio – 21 October 2005 1.1 6.0 DECISION(S) REQUIRED That the Tees Valley Living Housing Market Renewal Strategy is endorsed as the core document supporting future bids for Housing Market Renewal funding, from both the North East Housing Board and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, as described within the report. TEES VALLEY LIVING - SUB-REGIONAL HOUSING MARKET RENEWAL STRATEGY-21.10.2005 2 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio – 21 October 2005 1.1 Report of: The Director of Regeneration & Planning Services Subject: Tees Valley Living - Sub-Regional Housing Market Renewal Strategy 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 To describe and seek endorsement of the Tees Valley Living Housing Market Renewal Strategy. The Strategy will be used to inform and support bids for housing market renewal funding that have been made available from both the North East Housing Board and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minster for the period 2006-2008, and will be developed to provide the platform for future funding bids thereafter. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Tees Valley Living (TVL) was established during 2003, developing out of the sub-regional housing market restructuring partnership established between Tees Valley Partnership, the 5 local authorities, the Home Builders Federation, Darlington Building Society, local Registered Social Landlords and others as a response to the phenomenon of low demand and housing market failure. 2.2 The TVL Board first met in May 2003, and subsequently appointed a full time Director and Strategy Manager to undertake two principal functions – firstly to prepare a strategy for Housing Market Renewal (HMR) in Tees Valley and secondly to lobby for resources for implementation. 2.3 Since this time Hartlepool has had appropriate representation on both the Board and Executive groups of Tees Valley Living, and has contributed significantly to the development of the Strategy that is the subject of this report (attached as Appendix 1). 2.4 The Strategy provides a vision for housing market renewal in Tees Valley to 2021, one whereby transformational change will have been achieved in the urban core areas of Tees Valley, and sustainable, diverse, and mixed communities will enjoy a range of good housing opportunities such that they will be able to trade up in their local areas without moving out. 2.5 The document itself provides a comprehensive account of the context and history of the emergence of the low demand housing problem, and TEES VALLEY LIVING - SUB-REGIONAL HOUSING MARKET RENEWAL STRATEGY-21.10.2005 3 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio – 21 October 2005 1.1 includes reference to the Centre For Urban and Regional Studies report of 2002 that first quantified the potential scale and location of this across the North East. It includes coverage of the wide-ranging evidence and research base that Tees Valley Living has developed since it's inception, and sets this within the strategic context for the region as a whole in terms of key linkages to other strategies and plans, for example the Regional Spatial Strategy, Regional Economic Strategy and The Northern Way. The Strategy analyses the evidence base in terms of drawing out the key drivers of low demand and housing market failure, and outlines the proposed future housing market renewal programme for Tees Valley, including that within Hartlepool. Further sections cover proposals for effectively monitoring the implementation of the Strategy, the management of risk, and Governance issues. Supplementary information includes further detail around community consultation and engagement, the role of Registered Social Landlords and the Housing Corporation, and support and assistance for residents in the market renewal area. 2.6 It was agreed at a recent meeting of the Tees Valley Executive that each local authority would secure endorsement of the Strategy to ratify its status prior to submission to the Regional Housing Board and Office of the Deputy Prime Minister as part of the bidding process. 3. FINANCIAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS 3.1 On 31st May 2005 the North East Regional Housing Board (RHB) confirmed that it intends to allocate the sum of £23m to Tees Valley Living for HMR purposes from April 2006 to March 2008. An implementation prospectus for the 2-year programme is required to be submitted by the RHB to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) on 31st October to access this funding, and the Strategy therefore includes this at section 7, as part of an overall 15-year strategic vision. 3.2 The RHB recently announced the next round of funding (also covering the period April 2006 to March 2008) from it’s Single Housing Investment Pot (SHIP), a proportion of which is ring-fenced for housing regeneration projects. The RHB has welcomed bids from sub-regional partnerships, and accordingly Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Stockton and Redcar Councils have worked together on a bid submitted through Tees Valley Living for SHIP resources to compliment the funding outlined above. TEES VALLEY LIVING - SUB-REGIONAL HOUSING MARKET RENEWAL STRATEGY-21.10.2005 4 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio – 21 October 2005 1.1 3.3 Following extensive negotiations between the various local authority partners, the Tees Valley Living Board has agreed upon a proposed split of resources as set out within the table below: Tees Valley Market Renewal Bids 2006-2008 Project 2006-07 2007-08 Total Central Hartlepool 3,750,000 6,250,000 10,000,000 Central Middlesbrough 6,000,000 7,000,000 13,000,000 South Bank 4,750,000 5,250,000 10,000,000 Central Stockton 3,000,000 7,000,000 10,000,000 Total 17,500,000 25,500,000 43,000,000 3.4 It is important to note that these amounts include both the ODPM grant resources (as per 3.1), and SHIP elements of available funding (3.2). The TVL Director confirms that the RHB has received other bids for this element of SHIP from other regional partnerships as well as from TVL, and consequently there may be some variance to final amounts of resources that become available following a final decision on allocations. Your Officers will need to ensure that any changes to the overall allocation will be reflected proportionately in terms of their impact upon each individual authority. 3.5 Once details regarding allocations and the basis of funding are known, an assessment of resulting revenue costs will be reflected in the budgetary strategy. Because of the way the funding system works, capital costs incurred in 2006/7 will not have a full year revenue cost until 2007/8, and will be addressed within the overall strategy accordingly. 3.6 The allocation for Hartlepool will support ongoing and potentially additional housing regeneration work currently underway in the north and west central parts of the town. 3.7 In terms of risk factors, these are negligible in terms of the decision to endorse the Strategy. Such endorsement will indeed add weight to Tees Valley Living as part of the bidding process. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 That the Tees Valley Living Housing Market Renewal Strategy is endorsed as the core document setting out the sub-regional approach for effectively addressing housing market renewal and supporting future bids for funding available for housing regeneration.
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