Pa CRB TW B i.T» BATORDAT. DECHB1BBR14,196S. A m A itt DAILY OnODLATION TBB WBATBCa Sbi$ii^8trir Fnntittg SrrUlh fsr Ihs MmOIi ■( Nsvsatbsr, 1888 PofM sst ol O. S. WoMfeor 8 « n i 5 , 7 8 3 BortforS 'WkS •t Uw Aadit O m A $ tonight, Tnooday Coir; One 5x 7 Foggy Larkin at Ctewilstifliia deoMod ehaage In temporntaM. LT.WooifCo. The Key To A Great MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM TEACHER OF DANCING SI BisseU St. TeL 4496 CHARITY Annonnees a Change From VOL.l v ., NO. 65. AdmrtMng on Pnge lo.) ENLARGEMENT MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1985. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNlb Tuesday to Saturday, at AGENT Christmas Present WnH BVEBT BOIX or m u Orange Hall IWVELOFEDAND A f \ ^ FOR CARD PARTY rSlNTED, ALL FOB .. 4 U C Beginning Saturday, And A Lot O f Care When A Firehouse Bums Down— That’s News! Dec. 21 bPPERS To Provide Xmas Baskets 3 CITIES IN RACE Elite Studio 9 to 10 A. M., Beginners; Free Motoring A RICH YOUTH KIDNAPED Boom • 988 Main SL, npateln 10 On, Advanced Pupils. fT . BRODGET'S FOR G. 0 . P. PARLEY 6 New FEDERAL MEN BELIEVE Cash PARISH HALL CleYeland, Chicago and Kan- Photographs Read The Herald Advs. Price JAPANESE TAKE Ton n s Citj Make Bids— Scion of One of Pbladel- Monday, Dec. 16, 8P. M. Cuban Soldiers Find $3 .0 0 dozen DODGE Fletcher Declares New GATEWAY POST phb’s First Families Db- Make your appointment now U DOOR PRIZE! PLAYING PRIZES I you wish srour pictures for Christ- PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR XMAS DELIVERY! REFRESHMENTS t I N N O O CHINA Rich Kidnap Victim appears from New York TON IGH T .\dmission............................................... ............ 25 cents Havana, Dec, 16.— (AP)- Nlcolasxchauffeur hidden In a bouse near Apartment— Brother R e Elite Studio Woohlngton, Doc. 16.— (AP) Extend Their Sway Deeper Castano, millionaire who was kid­^the town of San Antonio da las Boom 9 988 Main St., upstairs — Cleveland, O , was today naped a week ago and held for Vegas, on the outskirts of Havana. ceires a Ransom Note. WINE--DINE - *' *^1. ^ chosen as the scene for next Into Chahar Province — 8800,000 ransom, was found alive Two men guarding the prisoners year’s Republican convention. today by the Cuban army. were arrested, it waa stated. Details of Castano's recovery or Caatano appeared to be In good Now Control Both Ends of whether the huge ransom had been health. New York, Dec. 16.—(API- Percy Nelson and his REYMANDER^S Washington, Dec. 16.—(AP)— Bidding for the 1936 Republican paid were not immediately avail­ He was found on a farm named Spurred on by a tailor’s story and FILMS RENOWNED RAVIOLI National convention definitely nar­ Important Railroad. able. Sotolongo, by aoldlera who were tbs growing belief of relatlvea that Night Hawks rowed today to CHeveland, Chicago Pollea believed the kidnaping was making a routine search of the Caleb J, MUne, 4th, had been kid­ DEVEI^IHEU AND SPECIAL FOR TONIGHTI and Kansas City. staged by Leftist Revolutionary vicinity of San Antonio da lot PRINTED groups. Thousands of men had been Vegoa. naped for ransom, offlclala today ia- As a decision oetween the three Kalgan, Cfiiahar Province. C!hina, 24-HUUK SERVICE Stramed ClamR Spaghetti and Meat Balia neared. Chairman Henry P. Fletch­ thrown Into a search for the The army announced the two cap­ tensifled their search for the mys- Dec. 16.— (AP)—The Japanese army W<ir© the Bloomfield Park (N. J.) volunteer firemen burned up over the fire recorded here. r^Tii>d from wealthy snatch victim. Including tured were Lillo Estevez and terioualy missing 24-year-old scion Oyatera and Claiiia on the Half 'Shell — and the Beat Variety er drew applause from the National Film Deposit Box At FLOOR SHOW committee with aaaertlons "we all extended ita sway deeper Into North their homes by a furious alarm, they rushed to the firehouse to get out the flame exUngulahing equlpmentf the National army, naval and Vicente Martinez. o f ona of Philadelphia's first fami- of Sandwichea. Store Entrance. KITTY FLYNN'S “STARLETTE REVUE” know the New Deal la slipping" China today. Incoming troops armed only to find the firehouse itself an Inferno. Helplessly they awaited the arrival of apparatus from n e a r^ police. Prezident Joze Bamet was In­ Has. and “we’ve got tl.e Democrats on communities. The completeness of the catastrophe Is evident from the picture of the still smoking ruins. with bajroneta and machine guns ArmjT headquarters announced formed of the arreats in a telegram the run.” soldiers had found Caatano and hla from army headquartera. The youth’s grandfather, Caleb 3. Tonight w« foBturF You will enjoy an FREE PRIZES! Anxious to have the convention taking posta around the railroad sta­ Milne, Jr., retired textile magnate, another of our city chosen quickly, Mark L. Requa, tion of this interior gateway city on reluctantly agreed with the kidnap KEMP'S evening o< this If you like good thlnga to cut and the beat of be«r-*stop In at good floor showi! (ood entertainment California committeeman, pushed the Great Wall. theory. Ha bad prevloualy aeoSsd through a reaoluUcn shortly after A virtual state of emergency ex­ SUPREME COURT AFFIRMS WORK IS RESUMED at abduction reports. the committee met to have the or­ isted. AU city gates were closed. While Federal jotata der of bualneBs changed so appllca- The populace feared an extension of BRITAIN DRAFTS DEFENSE New York state’s “Sootload Yard” Anything From Beers, Wines, Liquors REYMANDER’ S TAVERN tlona of the bidders could be heard the hostilities in Eastern Chahar to In the aeareh for the handaonM young Reduced Rates On A Bite To A Meal I 85 Oak Street Chs«. Beymander. Prop. this forenoon. this strategic inland section of the BY WPA STRIKERS actor, J, Schwartz, whose tailor ahop All Your Favorite When the roll of the states was province. RULING ON BIG FORTUNE Home Cooked Foods. Drinks I THE BEST EXPORT AND BLUE RDIBON ON TAP. la across the street from the -"ndiw* PHOTOS called as to whether any Intended The swift coup by the Japanese FOR ITS PEACE PROGRAM Murray HUl apartment of Caleb niS You’ll have a good time tonight at the . to seek the convention, Frank L. apparently gave him control ot the his brother, Frederic, told how • For Christinas It Costs Only A Few Dollars More $ Smith, nUnola committeeman, an­ vital railway yards here, tt accom­ Discharged Torrington Men nounced that Chicago was a con­ Decides That New Jersey etrange man aceoated then last panied seizure by armed forces of UNEMPLOYED SEEK Monday night At tender; Arthur M. Curtis, Missouri the Japanese-supported East Hapeh Baldwin’s Cabinet in Emer­ CARDENAS’ POWER The Baaaott Ifetn^ Than The Lowest Priced Car committeeman, declared Kansas autonomous state of Tangku, strate­ Cannot Interfere Now In Rebstated Bat Increase SILVER GRILL 640 City in-the field, and Walter F. gic seaport and railway center 200 It was to Frederick that a "mn EVERYONE WELCOMEI Brown, Ohio oommitteeman, made miles to the southeast. AIDOFLABORTTES gency Session— On the som" nota Indicating Caleb was F.O.B. Detroit known that Cleveland also sought In Pay Is Denied. The New Studio NO COVER CHARGE! NO MINIMUM CHARGE! Studsnt demonstrations against Collection of 16 Million S1R0NGINMEHC0 kidnaped on his appeoranM last 9 Johnson Terrace the dealgnatlon. Batuiday night wan addrtased. 18 Manchester People Have Selected and Bought the New 1936 Dodge Committeeman David A. Reed of establishment of a aeml-autonomous government for Chahar and Hopeh War Front Ethiopians "Your brother be Isn’t In FhUafM- Photographs Up To 940.00 Thim Far This Year! Pennsylvania, said he understood Inheritance Tax. Torrington, Dec. 16.— (AP) pUa, ws got him oat la tbs eoua- Philadelphia waa going to bid and provinces broke out again In Pei­ WPA Workers b Iowa Call A Dosen. ping, Hopeh Province. Chinese re­ Work waa resumed at the Wl»A try,” the letter poetmsrked Ponglp Inquired of the audience as to Mass for a Big Offensive. President Hu Amqr and kMpde, N. T,. laid, “but he wtlftM SEE OUR SALES FORCE whether that d ty had a representa­ ports said hoatiUtlea were renewed project '^t Bease Pond here this in Eastern Chahar Province be­ Washington, Dee. 16— (AP) —A State-Wide Strike— 26,- returned living If you will follow the tive. Oettlng no response he an­ momlnl following a five-day strike. letter we will send you. SECOND ANNUAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS nounced that Pennsylvania would tween Chinese Chahar troops and lower Federal Court decision hold­ Labor Gronps Backing The mi^ returned to work without By ASSOCIATED PRESS ''Available cash must corns from 1 Henry Schaller | j Everett Lathrotf | 1 Walter Olson ) | Eldred McCabe | pass. forces of the northern, Japaneous- ing It was without authority to In­ 000 InTolved. Spokesmen for the competing advlsed state of Manchoukuo. the pay Increaae from 882.80 to A eounter-attack on critics of the New York. Keep tat toi^ wttb GET READY terfere at present In the effort of Him Against CaOet. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY eommunitiea each were given thirty Control Both Ends $60.80 which they asked. Nine dis­ Anglo-French plan for ending the your grandfather and pbona. Tlw minutes to outline their claims. New Jersey to collect an inheritance charged workers were reinstated as Italo-Ethloplan war la In prepara­ lettora will be elgned Zwttler." The occupation of Kalgan and the ^ Des &folnes, Dec. 16.— (A P )—Un­ For WINTER seizure of Tangku gave Japanese tax of 818,000,000 on the estate ot requested but the demand for pay tion by the British govemmenL The note waa written tat newspir RAINBOW INN When the going’s tongh..
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