Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 79 78 198 77 39 199 11 76 ID PROPERTY UNITS 2 Ethos 492 4 Midtown 64 365 11 Koz on North Broadway 124 Total Lease Up 981 25 The Station by Vintage 205 39 Waterfront Place 266 45 Madison Plaza 165 51 The Verge 226 Total Under Construction 862 76 2701 Rockefeller Avenue 165 77 14400-14600 51st Avenue 116 78 The Lodge Phase IV 144 79 Madison Place 81 172 Marques 183 Total Planned 689 458 45 2 4 172 198 Centennial Park 157 199 Firerock 96 25 459 458 Alexan Gateway 285 51 459 Legacy Plaza Senior Living 166 Total Prospective 704 10 mi Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 173 191 13 196 ID PROPERTY UNITS 13 Hamptons at Mill Creek 70 192 62 15 Atlas 236 151 19 Woodin Creek Village Phase II 313 Total Lease Up 534 195 37 Kinect @ Lynnwood 239 193 62 Greater Residence 123 Total Under Construction 362 194 37 80 Paradise Lake Road Garden 360 81 Crux 241 173 Holly Ridge 121 178 12463 NE Woodinville Drive 176 80 Total Planned 898 191 Heritage at Paine Field 222 15 192 164th Street SW 355 197 193 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 349 194 Northline Village 1,370 195 Whispering Pines Redevelopment 240 196 Woodway North 255 81 203 197 Cedar Park Townhomes 52 200 200 Fireside Homes 210 202 202 Vail Two 215 178 203 Avalon Bothell Commons 912 19 Total Prospective 4,180 1 mi Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 46 201 ID PROPERTY UNITS 46 Alexan Shoreline 330 56 3310 NE 125th Street 150 87 224 Total Under Construction 480 225 82 11201 Roosevelt Way NE 295 210 85 M3 174 86 Northgate 235 214 209 87 Paramount Park 63 175 Lake City Way NE 327 208 Total Planned 1,094 201 Shoreline Place 1,358 223 222 204 10540 Greenwood Avenue North 62 175 229 205 11224 Meridian Avenue North 57 206 11762 Aurora 238 56 212 207 207 12345 30th Avenue NE 130 228 208 13317 Lake City Way 150 206 209 13524 Lake City Way NE 99 210 14001 Lake City Way NE 69 212 2213 NE 125th Street 162 214 32nd Avenue NE & NE 137th Street 70 222 The Artisan 172 223 The Caspian 252 205 224 Lake City 73 82 225 Lake City Way 132 226 M2 222 86 227 Modera Northgate 400 204 227 228 Natural Lofts 99 230 85 229 Polaris at Lake City 256 226 230 Turin 65 461 Northgate Equitable Transit 600 Oriented Development 461 Total Prospective 4,666 1000 ft Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 84 ID PROPERTY UNITS 3 Iron Flats 292 10 Centerline 235 Total Lease Up 527 33 Dockside 88 Total Under Construction 88 84 8829 Roosevelt Way NE 72 93 Fireside Flats 103 96 Theo 79 97 97 Thrive 158 286 100 1300 NE 65th Street 165 264 103 Block 3A 131 104 Brooklyn 77 271 106 Luxe II 52 33 258 93 Total Planned 837 285 3 258 444 NE Ravenna Blvd 116 104 96 262 6501 Roosevelt Way NE 126 262 100 10 103 264 7001 Roosevelt Way NE 54 106 271 1029 NE 69th Street 120 285 6710 Roosevelt Way NE 71 464 286 7012 Roosevelt Way NE 91 464 Corner 63 138 Total Prospective 716 500 ft Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 221 220 ID PROPERTY UNITS 42 Morrow at Piper Village 141 70 Freya 78 Total Under Construction 219 83 320 North 85th Street 203 91 Bode 93 219 218 174 The Hemlock 293 174 Total Planned 589 211 217 42 211 209 North 87th Street 52 215 213 300 NW 85th 100 216 213 83 253 248 215 504 North 85th Street 140 255 266 216 8501 - 8521 15th Avenue NW 200 217 8635 Fremont 70 70 91 218 8730 Greenwood 168 219 8733 Greenwood Avenue North 65 220 9731 Greenwood Avenue North 54 221 9736 Greenwood Avenue North 50 240 7757 15th Avenue NW 60 240 265 241 Loyal Heights 82 248 325 NW 85th Street 73 241 253 415 N 85th 200 255 425 N 85th - Residential 202 265 7903 73 266 8403 Greenwood Avenue North 70 Total Prospective 1,659 500 ft Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 233 243 ID PROPERTY UNITS 18 Valdok II 164 Total Lease Up 164 239 73 Karsti 53 Total Under Construction 53 88 Ballard Hubs 208 89 Ballard Yards 171 Total Planned 379 231 1100 NW 54th Street 85 73 232 1446 NW 53rd Street 50 233 15th Avenue NW 163 238 234 1723 NW Market Street 181 235 18 237 235 2002 NW 56th Street 51 245 88 236 463 236 5500 14th Avenue NW 60 89 244 234 237 5602 15th Avenue NW 161 242 231 238 57th Ballard 81 232 239 6400-6416 15th Avenue NW 81 242 Market Street 125 462 243 Nesttun 163 244 NW Market Street 228 246 245 NW Market Street 50 246 Ponte 136 462 1544 NW 52nd Street 68 463 9th & Market 130 Total Prospective 1,813 500 ft Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 ID PROPERTY UNITS 16 Ivy at Interbay 93 Total Lease Up 93 28 Broadstone Vin 118 90 Total Under Construction 118 269 260 90 4905 Aurora Avenue North 127 247 92 Eclipse Fremont 153 270 94 Freemont 66 257 99 Wallingford 96 99 116 1115 Dexter Avenue North 250 28 118 1405 Dexter 155 121 609 West Nickerson Street 70 252 179 Ross Town Flats 64 92 251 Total Planned 981 267 94 268 250 247 1928 North 45th Street 180 121 249 3421 Woodland Park Avenue North 123 250 3665 Stone Way 236 331 249 251 3831 Stone Way North 146 311 329 252 4007 Stone Way North 104 257 4316 Fremont Avenue North 101 16 179 260 4612 Stone Way North 55 328 267 Eclipse 153 268 Fremont Flats 120 327 269 Goldfinch 62 473 270 Wallingford Building 78 305 304 2222 15th Avenue West 164 305 Magnolia Safeway 138 307 1110 Dexter Avenue North 85 304 335 308 1601 Dexter Avenue North 63 311 6-10 Dravus Street 87 471 324 324 2001 Eastlake Avenue East 113 327 2621 Eastlake Avenue East 50 328 2720 Eastlake Avenue East 97 329 2947 Eastlake Avenue East 109 308 331 3101 Eastlake Avenue East 126 335 Eastlake Avenue 60 118 471 2100 Queen Anne Avenue North 322 473 2517 Eastlake Avenue East 180 307 116 Total Prospective 2,952 1000 ft Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 465 1300 NE 45th 344 ID PROPERTY UNITS 466 Broadstone Northeast 283 26 Arista Residences 236 467 University 5039 51 68 Montclaire Flats 67 Total Prospective 3,812 Total Under Construction 303 95 Sora - University District 63 98 Viola 79 101 4214 Roosevelt Way NE 200 102 5500-5510 University Way NE 74 102 105 Hub U-District Brooklyn 211 283 107 Rhythm 129 290 108 Trailside Redevelopment 268 284 281 282 109 Trestle Flats 70 110 Union Bay Place 98 467 111 University Temple 224 Total Planned 1,416 273 280 466 279 289 254 4206 Seventh Avenue NE 100 278 108 256 4311 7th Avenue NE 52 68 107 261 26 259 4525 9th Avenue NE 330 261 4709 Roosevelt Way NE 50 110 275 263 700 NE 45th 165 277 259 276 465 272 1200 NE 45th Street 237 263 272 105 109 273 1200 NE 50th Street 55 274 4135 Brooklyn Avenue NE 235 275 4510 11th Avenue NE 201 256 276 4512 11th Avenue NE 101 111 277 4521 19th Avenue NE 75 288 101 278 4732 Brooklyn Avenue NE 188 95 279 4751 21st Avenue NE 55 254 280 4907 25th Avenue NE 185 287 274 281 5228 15th Avenue NE 58 98 282 5229 University Way NE 64 283 5253-5255 University Way NE 89 284 5300 Roosevelt Way NE 55 287 Lakeview Student 226 288 The Standard at Seattle 383 289 Theory U District 171 290 University Way 59 500 ft Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 ID PROPERTY UNITS 303 114 5 Alexan Central Park 193 6 The Bower 339 Total Lease Up 532 23 LMC Marymoor 450 43 Modera River Trail 247 54 Aria 102 57 Parque Kirkland 70 6 63 Uplund 409 69 470 64 434 Kirkland Way 173 297 460 69 Aspect Totem Lake 650 302 74 Radiate 360 Total Under Construction 2,461 63 112 Lake Street Place 142 114 14312 132nd Avenue NE 87 468 176 Continental Divide 134 177 Rose Hill 875 Total Planned 1,238 292 16001 Redmond Way 107 293 Harmony 109 294 NLG Project One 251 295 The Osprey 85 177 297 Proctor Willows 195 176 293 43 298 57 298 Redmond City Center 421 294 469 292 5 299 Redmond Town Center 580 112 64 301 Spark 135 74 299 54 302 12045 Slater Avenue 486 295 303 Farmstead - The Village 250 460 12335 120th Avenue NE 395 23 468 10930 116th Avenue NE 130 301 469 8009 164th Avenue NE 214 470 Totem Lake South 247 Total Prospective 3,605 2000 ft Source: Yardi Matrix LEGEND Lease-Up Under Construction Planned Prospective Seattle New Construction & Proposed Multifamily Projects 4Q20 ID PROPERTY UNITS 9 Parkside 664 Total Lease Up 664 113 21 Esterra Park Block 2A and 2B 634 291 31 Modera Overlake 288 34 Bellevue 10 102 40 Surrey on Main 125 351 1700 132nd Avenue NE 355 65 Nightingale 263 352 1733 127th Avenue 134 64 434 Kirkland Way 173 353 Bellevue Station 298 69 Aspect Totem Lake 650 354 Crossroads 224 Total Under Construction 1,412 355 Overlake Village 396 21 356 Summerhill Highland Park 397 9 113 Avalon Redmond Campus 214 475 Sound Transit Site 500 65 127 1036 100th Avenue NE 101 Total Prospective 5,841 128 Broadstone Bellevue Gateway 336 296 129 Cloudvue 515 355 130 Four 106 Phase I 326 300 131 Wallace Bellevue 165 31 132 12863 Northup Way 402 133 13000 Bel - Red Road 172 132 356 352 134 SummerHill BelRed 249 351 475 Total Planned 2,480 134 353 291 10426 Northup Way 125 296 Pixel 177 349 133 350 300 Seritage 443 127 338 100 112th Avenue NE 145 34 342 339 10001 First 232 354 340 112th Avenue 100 348 347
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