Stations in the U.S. Virginia ' WMRA(FM)- June 1992: 89.9 mhz; 100 w. 196 ft TL: N37 42 22 Hubbards Advertising Agency Inc. (acq 1-28-02). Population served: Manassas W79 26 11. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 68,000 Format: Gospel. Fletcher Hubbard, pres, gen mgr, sls dir & Harrisonburg Rebroadcasts WMRA(FM) 100%. progmg dir; Savannah Hubbard, trat mgr. WJFK -FM- Licensed to Manassas. See Washington DC 983 Reservoir St., Harrisonburg, 22801. Phone: (540) 568 -6221. Web Site: ww.wmra.org. Licensee: James Madison University Board of Visitors. Population served: 15,000 Natl. Network: NPR, PRI. Format: WLNI(FM)- Feb 2, 1994: 105.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 266 ft TL: N37 25 37 WKDV(AM)- Oct 1, 1957: 1460 khz; 5 kw -U, DA2. TL: N38 45 00 Public radio news, talk, variety. News staff: 2; News: 80 hrs wkly. W79 07 26. Hrs open: 24 Box 11798, 24506. Secondary address: W77 30 49. Hrs open: 24 9540 Godwin Dr., 20110. Phone: (703) Target aud: 35-64; well -educated. Spec prog: Folk 8 hrs, blues 5 hrs 19-C Wadsworth St. 24501. Phone: (434) 845 -5463. Fax: (434) 330-8244. Fax: (703) 331 -4706. E -mail: metroradioinc @aol.com Web wkly. Thomas DuVal, gen mgr; Diane Halke, dev dir. 845 -2063. E -mail: wlni ®wlni.com Web Site: www.wlni.com. Licensee: Site: www.metroradioinc.com. Licensee: Metro Radio Inc. Group Centennial Broadcasting LLC. Group owner: Centennial Broadcasting owner: Metro Radio Inc. (acq 8 -1 -2005; exchange for WFBR(AM) Glen Population Format: LLC (acq 1 -7 -2005; gnash. Natl. Network: ABC, Westwood One, Fox Bumie, MD). served: 3,500,000 Sp talk var. WREL(AM)- Nov 14, 1948: 1450 khz; 1 kw-U. IL: N37 46 00 W79 News Radio, Talk Radio Network. Natl. Rep: McGavren Guild. David Houston, CEO & gen mgr; Kelly Koonce, COO; Bruce 25 56. Hrs open: 24 Box 902, 24450. Secondary address: 392 E Womble, Carlyle. Sandridge & Rice. Wire Svc: AP Format: News/talk. Houston, pres. Midland Trail 24450. Phone: (540) 463-2161. Fax: (540) 463.9524. News staff: 3; News: 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. *Ron Gaylor, Web Site: www.firstmediava.com. Licensee: First Media Radio LLC. gen mgr; Bob Abbott, opns mgr; Sandi Conner, prom dir; Mari White, Group owner: First Media Radio LLC (acq 6 -21 -2004; $1.33 million WWWT -FM- Mar 28, 1966: 107.7 mhz; 29 kw. Ant 646 ft TL: N38 44 news dir & local news ed; Kara Butterworth, traf mgr. with WWZW -FM Buena Vista). Population served: 30.280 Natl. Rep: 30 W77 50 08. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Keystone (unwired net). Format: News/talk, sports. News staff: one; Rebroadcasts WTOP -FM Washington, DC 100%. News: 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. Debra Reed, sis dir & mldg 3400 Idaho Ave. N.W.. Washington, DC, 20016. Phone: (202) WLVA(AM)- Apr 21, 1930: 590 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw-N, DA -2. TL: N37 dir; Steve Williams, progmg dir; Jim Bresnahan, news dir; Wayne 895 -5000. Fax: (202) 895 -5016. E -mail: info iæwtopnews.com Web 25 39 W79 13 23. (CP: 580 khz; 250 w -D, 15 w-N. TL: N37 2515 W79 Boone, chief of engrg; Rebecca Rosson, traf mgr. Site: www.wtopnews.com. Licensee: Bonneville Holding Co. Group Hm Phone: 06 55). Stereo. open: 24 230 Chelsea Dr., Forest, 24551. owner: Bonneville International Corporation (acq 4-27.98). Population (434) 534-0400. Fax: (434) 534 -0401. E -mail: news1280 @msn.com served: 3,300,000 Natl. Network: CBS.Rgnl. Network: Va. News Net. Licensee: Truth Broadcasting Corp. Group owner. Truth Broadcasting Natl. Rep: Katz Radio. Format: News. Target aud: 25-54. *Bruce Louisa Corp. (acq 11- 18.2005; $275,000). Population served: 250,000 Format: Reese, CEO; Bob Johnson, COO; Joel Oxley, sr VP, gen mgr 6 mktg All news. Target aud: 25 -54: upscale. decision makers & professionals. mgr, Matt Mills, sis dir; Greg Tantum, progmg dir. WOJL(FM)- July 10, 1980: 105.5 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 325 ft TL: N38 01 Vic Bosiger, gen mgr & progmg dir. 37 W78 01 05. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Box 271, Orange, 22960. Phone: (540) 6721 OW. Fax: (540) 672-0222. E -mail: advertsig @1055sarttlm.com Web Site: www.1055samim.com. Licensee: Piedmont Communications `WRVL(FM)-- June 19, 1981: 88.3 mhz: 50 kw. 1,082 h TL: N37 11 Marion Inc. Group owner: Piedmont Communications Inc. (acq 5- 27- 2004). 50 W79 21 07. Stereo. Hm open: 24 1971 University Blvd., Population served: 215,000 Natl. Network: Westwood One. Format: 24502 -2269. Phone: (434) 582 -3688. Fax: (434) 582-2994. E -mail: WITM(AM)- Apr 25, 1962: 1330 khz; 5 kw-D, 31 w -N. TL: N36 49 11 Adult hits. News staff: one; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. mil ®liberty.edu Web Site: www.wrvilm.com. Licensee: Liberty University. W81 28 12. Hrs open: 2065 Highway Sixteen, 24354. Phone: (276) *John Schick, pres. Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth. Format: Educ, relg. News staff: one: News: 783 -2915. Web Site: www.witmcountry.com. Licensee: Staley Creek 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus. Spec grog: Liberty Univ. football & Broadcasting Inc. (acq 4 -17 -2008; $82,000). Population served: basketball. *David Young, sr VP; Jerry Edwards, gen mgr, stn mgr & 78,158 Format: Classic country, bluegrass and western swing. Glen Luray mus dir; Mark Edwards, mus dir; Chris Wygal, pub affrs dir & chief of Zeigler. gen mgr. engrg; Gina Willis, pub affrs dir; Rob Branch, engrg dir. WMXH -FM- Oct 16, 1979: 105.7 mhz; 440 w. 1,079 h TL: N38 30 41 WMEV(AM)- Dec 12, 1948: 1010 khz; 1 kw -D, 30 w -N. TL N36 51 W78 29 15. Stereo. Hrs open: 130 University Blvd., Suite B, 23 W81 30 21. Hrs open: 241041 Radio Hill Rd., 24354. Phone: (276) WSNZ(FM)- Aug 1, 1964: 101.7 mhz; 3.4 kw. Mt 300 ft TL: N37 25 Harrisonburg, 22801. Phone: (540) 801.1057. Fax: (540) 633.6300. 783-3151. Phone: (276) 783 -9400 (STUDIO). Fax: (276) 783 -3152. 37 W79 07 26. Stereo. Hrs open: Web Site: www.stardust1057.com.Rgnl. Network: Va. News Net. E -mail: fm94 @smyth.net Web Site: www.fm94.com. Licensee: Holston Simulcast with WSNV(FM) Salem 100 %. Format: MOR, music of your lite. Target aud: 18-54; working people Valley Broadcasting Corp. Group owner: Glenwood Communications 3807 Brandon Ave. S.W., Suite 2350, Roanoke, 24018. Phone: (540) with disposable income interested in mus, news & sports. Spec prog: Corp. (acq 7 -1 -98; $1.65 million with co- located FM). Population 725 -1220. Fax: (540) 725 -1245. E -mail: sunny @mysunnyfm.com Web Relg 5 hrs wkly. served: 500,000 Natl. Network: Motor Racing Net, Salem Radio Site: www.mysunnyfm.com. Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Network. Rgnl rep: Rgni Reps Format: Southern Gospel. News: 3 hrs Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 8 -30 -2000; gnash. Population wkly. Target aud: 18 -54. Spec grog: Gospel 2 hrs, relg 8 hrs wkly. served: 150,000 Format: Soft adult contemp. Target aud: 35 -54. WRAA(AM)- 1962: 1330 khz; 1 kw -D, 40 w -N. TL N38 39 October George E. DeVault Jr.. pres; Jim Mabe, opns dir 8 disc jockey; Anita Harrisonburg, *Chris Clendenen, gen mgr, Steve Cross, progmg dir. 34 W78 29 28. Hrs open: 130 University Blvd., Suite B, Dixon, sis dir; N. David Widener, gen mgr & nati sis mgr; Lynn 22801. Phone: (540) 801 -1057. Fax: (540) 564-2873. E -mail: production Rutledge, progmg dir & disc jockey; Duane Nelson, news dir; Evelyn easyradioinc.com Licensee: EZ Radio Inc. (acq 6 -2-88; $585,000 Payne. traf mgr; Henry Thomas, disc jockey. with co- located FM). Population served: 50,000 Rgnl. Network: Va, WVBE -FM- 1948: 100.1 mhz: 20 kw. 646 ft TL: N37 20 56 W79 10 News Net., Agri-Net. Natl. Rep: Keystone (unwired net). Tharrington, 06. (CP: Ant 328 ft. TL: N37 28 06 W79 05 50). Stereo. Hrs open: 24 Smith & Hargrove. Format: Country. Target aud: 18 -49; middle to Rebroadcasts WVBE(AM) Roanoke 90%. WMEV -FM- June 21, 1961: 93.9 mhz; 100 kw. 1,480 ft IL: N36 54 upper income, mobile. Spec grog: Relg 7 hrs wkly. Jason Cave, Box 92, Roanoke, 24022. Secondary address: 3934 Electric Rd. S.W., 08 W81 32 33. Stereo. Hm open: 1041 Radio Hill Rd., 24354. Phone: pres, gen sis mgr, progmg dir & chief of engrg; Joshua Cave, VP. Roanoke 24018. Phone: (540) 774 -9200. Fax: (540) 774 -5667. E -mail: (276) 783 -3151. Fax: (276) 783-3152. E -mail: ím94 @smyth.net infoOvibe100.com Web Site: www.vibe100.com. Licensee: Mel Wheeler Licensee: Holston Valley Broadcasting Corp. Group owner. Glenwood Inc. Group owner: Mel Wheeler Inc. acq 3- 12 -97; $7.5 million with Communications Corp. Format: Hot country. N. David Widener, exec WYFT(FM)- October 1986: 103.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 302 it TL: N38 38 WXLK(FM) Roanoke). Population served: 200,000 Format: Urban VP; Anita Dixon, sis VP: Lyle Musser, chief of engrg; Evedy Payne, traf 17 W78 24 06. Stereo. Hrs open: Box 7300, Charlotte, NC, 28241. contemp. News: one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; skew women, skew mgr; Henry Thomas, disc jockey; Jim Mabe. disc jockey: Lynn Phone: (704) 523 -5555. Fax: (704) 522-1967. E -mail: [email protected] black. Leonard Wheeler, CEO. pres & gen mgr; Kathy Rilee, rsch dir. Rutledge, disc jockey. Web Site: www.bbnradio.org. Licensee: Bible Broadcasting Network Inc. Group owner: Bible Broadcasting Network (acq 12- 22 -86). Format: Reig.
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