THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent Issue Number 3579 / 4000 RIEL 19K STUDENTS TO SECC: IN-PRINCIPLE WHO CALLS FOR GET VOCATIONAL NOD GIVEN TO FIVE SOLIDARITY AMID SCHOLARSHIPS SECURITIES FIRMS RISING COVID RISKS NATIONAL – page 3 BUSINESS – page 6 WORLD – page 10 Tariffs anew for exports to US as GSP lapses May Kunmakara and territories – Cambodia included been to extend the programme ret- ary 6: “Buyers will have to pay import The US’ GSP programme expired – the Garment Manufacturers Asso- roactively from the original expira- tariffs for some time. Once US Con- on December 31 as per US Code Title CAMBODIAN importers and buyers ciation in Cambodia (GMAC) stressed tion date, so that importers are gress reauthorises the programme, 19 Customs Duties Section 2465, of the Kingdom’s travel goods to the in a January 6 notice. refunded [without interest] for the they can claim refunds. But this won’t according to the Office of the US US are now required to pay import It said: “Past the latest expiration duties incurred during the lapse. impact our producers here who will Trade Representative (USTR). duties as the latter’s Generalised Sys- date, goods that entered the US after “We hope Congress reauthorisation continue to export as normal. “Congress will make any decisions tem of Preferences (GSP) preferential December 31, 2020, will be subject to will come soon, and we’ll keep all “It’s not just Cambodia facing the on whether or when to extend tariff system expired on December 31 MFN [most-favoured nation] duty members updated as new informa- lapse of the US’ GSP programme – it’s authorisation of GSP. The 117th Con- and is awaiting renewal by Congress. rates, but claims for GSP treatment tion becomes available.” 119 beneficiary countries. We’ll receive gress convenes on January 3, 2021,” The US Congress’ delay affects all should continue to be made. GMAC deputy secretary-general [preferential tariff treatment again] once 119 designated beneficiary countries “Past Congressional practice has Kaing Monika told The Post on Janu- US Congress renews it [the GSP].” CONTINUED – page 7 Quarantine site in north Phnom Penh inaugurated Mom Kunthear administration to rapidly com- plete preparations for the quar- FOUR-building quar- antine centre because on Janu- antine centre in Phnom ary 11 schools will reopen to Penh’s Prek Pnov dis- begin the new academic year. trict was formally Sreng continued that each inauguratedA on January 6. building can house up to 126 The centre can house up to people in quarantine. The 500 people, according to rooms were designed according Phnom Penh municipal gov- to ministry’s specifications. ernor Khuong Sreng. “Out here, the air quality is At the inauguration ceremo- good and the location is good ny, Sreng said the municipal for quarantine purposes hall had cooperated with the because the buildings are far Steel going strong Ministry of Health to construct from any residences,” he said. Workers lift a cylindrical steel interior-frame for a utility pole along Hun Sen Boulevard in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district. Cambodia imported 217,151 tonnes of steel worth $140.8 million in the first half of 2020.HEAN RANGSEY the centre because in the past Ministry spokeswoman Or quarantine accommodations Vandine called on the public had to be improvised using to exercise heightened caution locations like schools, military and to adapt to the “new nor- barracks and hotels. mal” amid the pandemic. “Flight passengers from “The most important Most nations miss climate deadline abroad arriving in Cambodia instructions from the govern- via Phnom Penh International ment must be followed con- MORE than half the world’s below” two degrees Celsius deadline approached, sev- 70 out of nearly 200 nations Airport have two options – sistently – practice the three nations failed to submit compared to pre-industrial eral large emitters said they had filed updated commit- they can spend their own do’s and three don’ts’ to stay upgraded commitments by levels, and 1.5C if possible. would achieve net-zero out- ments, according to the Unit- money quarantining at a hotel safe because that’s the new year’s end to reduce their green- The first raft of so-called put this century, but many ed Nations, with some coun- or a guesthouse, or for those normal,” she said. house gas emissions, straggling “nationally determined con- nations allowed the year end tries blaming delays on the who have less money or want Citing a Battambang health behind the schedule of acceler- tributions” (NDCs) would – if to pass without publishing Covid-19 pandemic. to quarantine without having department official, the Minis- ated climate ambitions set out fulfilled – still see Earth details of their renewed Climate advocates are par- to spend money, they can stay try of Information said that as in the Paris Agreement. become 3C hotter, but nations short-term targets. ticularly eager to see the latest at this centre,” he said. of January 4, a total of 106 Cam- Almost every country on the pledged to intensify their Most NDC pledges run to plans from China, the world’s He added that Prime Minister bodian migrant workers in planet signed up to the 2015 emissions cuts, with revised 2030, with a few – including that largest emitter. Hun Sen ordered the health Paris deal, which calls for cap- plans due every five years. of the US – ending in 2025. ministry and the municipal CONTINUED – page 5 ping global warming at “well As the December 31, 2020, As of January 1, only around CONTINUED – page 10 THE PHNOM PENH POST Artefacts set to be displayed National in Pursat museum exhibition Inside page 5 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST JANUARY 7, 2021 WWW.phnompenhpost.COM National Gov’t scraps deals on Boeung Tamok Lake Long Kimmarita tion of new facilities for the Phnom Penh Municipal De- National Committee for Di- partment of Land Manage- HE Council of Min- saster Management (NCDM), ment, Urban Planning and isters has decided the Cambodian Human Construction. to annul the prakas Rights Committee (CHRC) The letter also said: “The which were previous- and the Cambodian Mine government allocates the cur- Tly issued to carve out roughly Action and Victim Assistance rent facilities occupied by the 30ha in total size from an area Authority (CMAA). Ministry of Mine and Energy currently encompassed by The letter also stated that the for joint use by the NCDM, Boeung Tamok Lake on the government had annulled two CHRC, and CMAA.” outskirts of Phnom Penh. other prakas, numbered 897 Chak Sopheap, executive di- The reversal came follow- and 834, that would have seen rector of the Cambodian Cen- ing a direct order from Prime land swaps among the above- tre for Human Rights, said the Minister Hun Sen. mentioned institutions. annulment of the earlier sub- According to a letter dated This will therefore void an decrees was the correct move January 4 and signed by Coun- agreement with TP Moral and long overdue. cil of Ministers permanent sec- Construction and Develop- In a Facebook post, she said Boeung Tamok Lake has a surface area of approximately 3,000ha. HENG CHIVOAN retary of state Hing Thoraksy, ment Co, Ltd, which had been the government must ensure the government has annulled contracted to construct new that the remainder of the lake [through the filling-in] of this the lake, which is public tablish a public garden and its previous prakas, num- buildings and warehouses for is conserved as state property lake should behave respon- property, would no longer be natural park, and for a new bered 790, giving permission those institutions. and will not be completely sibly and ensure that their of any benefit to the public National Police headquarters to carve out 15ha of the lake In light of these annulments, filled-in. plans won’t negatively affect should it remain as a lake, in as well as new buildings for in Prek Phnov district which the letter said the government Refilling the natural lake, society or the environment. order to fully justify any deci- other government entities. was to be used to construct had decided to hand over the she said, will pose dangers “The government should sion made to privatise it or fill Council of Ministers spokes- new facilities for the Ministry buildings of the Ministry of and the government should show the public its [environ- it in,” Sopheap said. person Ek Tha said the gov- of Rural Development. Land Management, Urban consider reclaiming other mental] impact assessment Boeung Tamok Lake has a ernment only makes decisions The government also an- Planning and Construction to portions of the lake that have and be truthful about their rea- surface area of approximately that serve public interests. nulled prakas number 791, the rural development min- been privatised. sons for carving out portions of 3,000ha. A few hundred hect- “Everything that the govern- which would have carved out istry. And the current build- “Both state and private the lake one after another. ares of its surface have thus far ment has decided is all in the another 15ha of the lake to ings of the rural development institutions seeking to ben- “They should be able to been granted to the Phnom best interests of the people of make way for the construc- ministry will be given to the efit from the use of the land provide some evidence that Penh Municipal Hall to es- our nation,” said. Universities set to offer over 9,000 full scholarships Voun Dara ing 5,490 seats to be awarded universities will automatically ships to in accordance with to general students.
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