H6442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 9, 2001 This is a crucial time in our history. The survey revealed that half of the farm workers’ housing needs, but also Our policy of foreign interventionism homes surveyed were overcrowded, and that there are many other programs has contributed to this international three-quarters of those crowded units that we need to commit ourselves to. I crisis. How we define our enemies will were occupied by families with chil- want to congratulate Housing Assist- determine how long we fight and when dren. Twenty-two percent lacked at ance Council, its executive director, for the war is over. The expense will be least one functioning major appliance, this document and the work it makes worth it if we make the right decisions. such as stove, refrigerator, bathtubs or available for all of us who care about Targeting the forces of bin Laden toilets; twenty-two percent had serious farm workers who work so hard. makes sense, but invading eight to 10 structural problems; and more than f half lacked access to a working laun- countries without a precise goal will HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH prove to be a policy of folly, lasting in- dry machine. definitely, growing in size and cost in Children lived in two-thirds, or 65 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under terms of dollars and lives, and some- percent, of the units classified as se- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- thing for which most Americans will verely substandard; and 60 percent of uary 3, 2001, the gentleman from Texas eventually grow weary. the homes were adjacent to fields (Mr. REYES) is recognized for 60 min- Our prayers and hopes are with our where pesticides were applied. utes as the designee of the minority President that he continues to use wise I recognize that there are several leader. judgment in accomplishing this dif- needs that this country faces today, se- GENERAL LEAVE ficult task, something he has been curity being among the first, edu- Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- doing remarkably well under the very cation, health care, nutrition and pov- imous consent that all Members may difficult circumstances. erty. This study dramatizes many of have 5 legislative days within which to those needs, and the main need being revise and extend their remarks on the But here at home it is surely a prime re- that hardworking Americans and their subject of this Special Order. sponsibility of all Members to remain vigilant children should not be living in squalid The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and not, out of fear and panic, sacrifice the and unhealthy conditions. These are objection to the request of the gen- rights of Americans in our effort to maximize housing conditions that none of us tleman from Texas? security. could stand to be in, not even for a sec- There was no objection. Since the President has already done a ond. Nobody should be subjected to Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, during this good job in locating, apprehending, and de- such adversity. difficult period in our Nation’s history, funding those associated with the 9/11 attacks This major research project was con- the Members of this Congress, like while using current existing laws we should ducted over a 3-year period, from 1997 Americans all across this country and not further sacrifice our liberties with a vague through 2000. Data on 4,625 housing like many people around the world, promise of providing more security. We do not units in 22 States and Puerto Rico were have grieved the loss of many lives need a giant new national agency in order to collected in a non-random survey by taken by the evil acts of enemies of our impose a concept of Homeland Security that more than 100 outreach workers and 16 country and of freedom-loving people challenges our civil liberties. This is an idea organizations that work with farm all across the world. In the past days whose time has not yet come. workers around the country, and ana- and weeks, Americans have dem- f lyzed by the Housing Assistance Coun- onstrated a spirit of unity and soli- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. cil. Major funding was provided by darity not only to assist in every pos- SCHROCK). Under a previous order of USDA and HUD. sible way the recovery efforts taking the House, the gentleman from Mary- I continue to be impressed by the place in New York and Washington, but land (Mr. CUMMINGS) is recognized for 5 quality and the content of this study also to ease the pain of the thousands minutes. and other studies conducted by HAC. of people directly and indirectly af- (Mr. CUMMINGS addressed the After reading the study, I was appalled fected by this tragedy, and also to House. His remarks will appear here- to learn that in America we still have show that we, as Americans, stand to- after in the Extensions of Remarks.) such horrendous living conditions. We gether as a Nation. have made very little progress in this Together, Americans all over the f area. It is disheartening and dis- country and across the world have FARMWORKER HOUSING appointing that we live in such a rich cried, Americans have held vigils, and CONDITIONS IN U.S. country and do not make available de- have searched for ways to make sense cent housing to invited farm workers, out of these senseless acts. Together, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a where the law requires that we should, over the past few weeks, we have made previous order of the House, the gentle- to those who are tilling our fields and an effort to resume our way of life, and woman from North Carolina (Mrs. picking the fruits and vegetables which slowly but surely we are getting back CLAYTON) is recognized for 5 minutes. help feed all our families. to work. As one Nation, and as part- Mrs. CLAYTON. Mr. Speaker, I would It is particularly worrisome to note ners with other countries around the like to take this time today to discuss that such a large proportion of farm world, we now seek those responsible an issue that is very important to me worker families with children live ad- for the terrible events of September 11; and, hopefully, to the Nation, and that jacent to fields where pesticides are and we will stick together to bring is the issue of housing conditions of sprayed. This means that they are af- those responsible to justice. Just as we farm workers in this country. fected with long-term effects in their have been united in our grief and ef- The Housing Assistance Council re- families and in their bodies. forts to help the victims of September leased their report on findings from a I would like to focus on the fact that 11, we now are united in supporting our survey of farm worker housing condi- we do need more money to fund these troops as they take the necessary steps tions on September 20, 2001. Structural programs, both the USDA as well as to defend our freedom and our security. problems, broken appliances, over- HUD. It is imperative that we recog- Mr. Speaker, one of many remark- crowded living conditions were com- nize that many of these Federal pro- able things that we have witnessed dur- mon findings among farm workers’ grams, such as HUD, can assist our ing these past weeks has been the homes. Unfortunately, families with farm workers. On this floor, during the striking and spontaneous display of children are suffering the worst condi- HUD administration appropriation, we unity among the people of this great tions. voted against this. We should put mon- Nation. Individuals from every race, This survey is the first nationwide of ies back into HUD to make sure we as- ethnicity, and spiritual belief have farm worker housing in 20 years and sist in this program. The report clearly joined as one to wear the red, white confirms what smaller studies and an- shows the need for a full-scale national and blue and fly our flag and sing our ecdotal descriptions have been saying study for farm workers, especially per- national anthem. It has been noted in all along; that is, farm workers work taining to housing, education, and news reports and a number of inter- incredibly hard to put food on other health. views that it is remarkable how quick- people’s tables, but all too often live in I would like to reiterate my avid sup- ly our differences have been put aside dismal conditions. port for finding ways of funding the to tackle this Nation’s tragedy. VerDate 26-SEP-2001 03:42 Oct 10, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09OC7.045 pfrm02 PsN: H09PT1 October 9, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6443 And as remarkable and moving as continue to live by the guiding light were included in the title I population these displays have been, as a Nation and civil liberties set forth by our for economic reasons. However, it was we must remain steadfast in respecting Founding Fathers. not until the mid-1990s that limited English proficient children were identi- and upholding the American principles b 2000 that make our Nation unique in the fied as being in need of academic pro- world. Just as most of us have stood to- Mr. Speaker, tonight let me start by grams to improve their academic gether to remember those who have recognizing a good friend and critical achievement.
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