Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2003 Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2003 Literature Citations All Citations 1. Abramova, L. A., N. N. Rimskaya-Korsakova, D. V. Sukhova, S. V. Polevova, A. B. Shipunov, I. B. Kucherov, V. V. Chepinoga & E. O. Golovina. 2003. Floristic records from topozersky floristic region of Karelia (Karelia Keretina). Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii 108: 79-81. [Russian; Cystopteris montana, Dryopteris filix-mas, Isoetes lacustris, I. setacea] 2. Adendorff, R., M. K. Bamford & S. McLoughlin. 2003. Liknopetalon: a review of a rare Gondwanan, Permian pteridophyte. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 126: 83-101. 3. Afriastini, J. J. 2003. Adiantum. Pp. 50-55. In W. P. de Winter & V. B. Amoroso (Eds.). Plant Resources of South- East Asia No. 15(2). Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 4. Afriastini, J. J. 2003. Marsilea crenata. Pp. 133-135. In W. P. De Winter & V. B. Amoroso (Ed.). Plant resources of south-east Asia No. 15(2). Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 5. Afriastini, J. J. 2003. Oleandra neriformis. Pp. 147-149. In W. P. De Winter & V. B. Amoroso (Eds.). Plant resources of south-east Asia No. 15(2). Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 6. Aguilar, N. O. & W. P. De Winter. 2003. Microlepia speluncae. Pp. 135-136. In W. P. De Winter & V. B. Amoroso (Eds.). Plant resources of south-east Asia No. 15(2). Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 7. Aguraiuja, R. & K. R. Wood. 2003. Diellia mannii (D. C. Eaton) Robins. (Aspleniaceae) rediscovered in Hawai'i. American Fern Journal 93: 154-156. 8. Allen, J. T., M. G. Robinson & J. Jacobi. 2003. Micropropagation of Fluffy Ruffle Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata). Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society 225: PRES 35. [Abstract] 9. Allison, S. D. & P. M. Vitousek. 2003. Decomposition and nutrient dynamics in native and exotic Hawaiian understory plant litter. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 88: 10. [Abstract] 10. Alonso-Lebrero, J. L., C. Dominguez-Jimenez, R. Tejedor, A. Brieva & J. P. Pivel. 2003. Photoprotective properties of a hydrophilic extract of the fern Polypodium leucotomos on human skin cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B Biology 70: 31-37. 11. Alonso-Lebrero, J. L., J. C. Gil & J. P. Pivel. 2003. PLE impairs ultraviolet B-induced immunosuppression in a hypersensitivity assay. Inflammation Research 52: S 136. [Abstract; Polypodium leucotomos] 12. Altman, B., M. Boulay, S. Dowlan, D. Crannell, K. Russell, K. Beal & J. Dillon. 2003. Willow Flycatcher nesting ecology and habitat relationships in the Willamette Basin, Oregon. Studies in Avian Biology 26: 73-80. [Pteridium aquilinum] 13. Amoroso, C. B. & V. B. Amoroso. 2003. Plantlet production of the Philippine Giant Staghorn fern [Platycerium grande (Fee) C. Presl] through spore culture. Pp. 459-502. In S. Chandra & M. Srivastava (Eds.). Pteridology in the new millennium. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht. 14. Amoroso, V. B. 2003. Huperzia phlegmaria. Pp. 113-115. In W. P. De Winter & V. B. Amoroso (Eds.). Plant resources of south-east Asia No. 15(2). Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 15. Amoroso, V. B. & H. C. Hong. 2003. Ophioglossum reticulatum. Pp. 153-155. In W. P. De Winter & V. B. Amoroso (Eds.). Plant resources of south-east Asia No. 15(2). Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. lit2003.html[2/22/17, 5:01:58 PM] Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2003 16. Anonymous. 2003. Exotic insects for pest control and pollination. International Pest Control 45: 98-100. [Azolla flliculoides] 17. Anten, N. P. R. & T. Hirose. 2003. Shoot structure, leaf physiology, and daily carbon gain of plant species in a tallgrass meadow. Ecology (Washington D C) 84: 955-968. [Pteridium aquilinum] 18. Antony, R., E. S. S. Kumar & A. E. S. Khan. 2003. Selaginella camusii, a new species of Selaginellaceae from India. Nordic J. Bot. 22: 337-339. 19. Antonyuk, V. O. & O. L. Dubitskuj. 2002. Carbohydrate specificity of lectins from genus Equisetum plants. Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 74: 109-112. [Ukrainian] 20. Aragon, C. F. & E. Pangua. 2003. Gender determination and mating system in the auto-tetraploid fern Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. Botanica Helvetica 113: 181-193. 21. Arai, Y., T. Hattori, N. Hamaguchi, K. Masuda, A. Takano & K. Shiojima. 2003. Fern constituents: Dryocrassy formate, sitostanyl formate and 12alpha-hydroxyfern-9(11)-ene from Cyathea podophylla. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo) 51: 1311-1313. 22. Archer, R. C. 2003. A report of the emergence of fern species in the United States during the spring of 2002. Hardy Fern Foundation Quarterly 13: 8-20. 23. Arora, A. & P. K. Singh. 2003. Comparison of biomass productivity and nitrogen fixing potential of Azolla spp. Biomass and Bioenergy 24: 175-178. 24. Arora, J. & N. K. Mehra. 2003. Species diversity of planktonic and epiphytic rotifers in the backwaters of the Delhi segment of the Yamuna River, with remarks on new records from India. Zoological Studies 42: 239-247. [Salvinia molesta] 25. Arshad, U., M. R. Sadeghi & S. Nezami. 2003. Effects of Azolla on the Anzali Lagoon. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 133: 307. 26. Artabe, A. E. & M. Brea. 2003. A new approach to Corystospermales based on Triassic permineralized stems from Argentina. Alcheringa 27: 209-229. 27. Artabe, A. E., E. M. Morel & L. A. Spalletti. 2003. Characterization of the phytogeographic Triassic provinces from extratropical Gondwana. Ameghiniana 40: 387-405. 28. Athayde, F. F. de P. & P. G. Windisch. 2003. O genero Pecluma M.G. Price (Polypodiaceae, Pteridophyta) no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Pesquisas 53: 65-77. [Portuguese] 29. Axsmith, B. J., R. Serbet, M. Krings, T. N. Taylor, E. L. Taylor & S. H. Mamay. 2003. The enigmatic Paleozoic plants Spermopteris and Phasmatocycas reconsidered. American Journal of Botany 90: 1585-1595. 30. Aziz, A., K. A. Zaman, S. Islam, M. Y. Miah, M. F. R. Siddiqui, M. A. Rouf & M. Khanam. 2003. Biogas and biofertilizer production from Azolla pinnata R. Brown. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 32: 85-87. 31. Bagniewska-Zadworna, A. & E. Zenkteler. 2003. Changes in carbohydrates contents in rhizomes explants of Polypodium vulgare in response to water stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 25: 46-47. [Abstract] 32. Baker, J. A., B. Entsch & D. B. McKay. 2003. The cyanobiont in an Azolla fern is neither Anabaena nor Nostoc. FEMS Microbiology Letters 229: 43-47. 33. Baker, M. S. & R. J. Hickey. 2003. Reiterative lamiina morphologies in Adiantopsis. In Botany 2003: Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet and Wild, 26-31 July 2003. Botanical Society of America, Mobile, Alabama lit2003.html[2/22/17, 5:01:58 PM] Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2003 (www.2003.botanyconference.org). [Abstract] 34. Baker, M. S., S. W. Shaw, R. J. Hickey & J. E. Rawlins. 2003. Microlepidopteran soral mimics in the Caribbean. In Botany 2003: Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet and Wild, 26-31 July 2003. Botanical Society of America, Mobile, Alabama (www.2003.botanyconference.org). [Abstract] 35. Banaticla, M. C. N. & I. E. Buot. 2003. Dominant Pteridophyte species of Mount Banahaw de Lucban, Luzon Island, Philippines. Flora Males. Bull. 13: 281-283. 36. Bandyopadhyay, T., T. Sen & U. Sen. 2003. Two new species of Cyathea from north-eastern India. Pp. 121-132. In S. Chandra & M. Srivastava (Eds.). Pteridology in the new millennium. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht. 37. Banks, N. J., R. C. Wallace, H. A. Outred, J. R. Flenley & R. E. Rowland. 2003. Is the Taupo Ignimbrite an effective barrier to the downward translocation of palynomorphs? New Zealand Natural Sciences 28: 1-7. [Lycopodium] 38. Bao, W. M. & J. G. Cao. 2003. The reproductive development of bryophytes and pteridophytes. Higher Education Press, VCD Discs. 39. Bao, W. M., J. G. Cao & S. J. Dai. 2003. Ultrastructure of oogenesis in Osmunda cinnamomea var. asiatica. Acta Botanica Sinica 45: 843-851. 40. Barbara, T. & G. J. Gastony. 2003. Molecular phylogenetics and systematics of Pellaea section Ormopteris (Pteridaceae subfamily Chelanthoideae). Pp. In Botany 2003: Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Wet and Wild, 26-31 July 2003. Botanical Society of America, Mobile, Alabama (www.2003.botanyconference.org). [Abstract] 41. Barcelona, J. F. 2003. The taxonomy and ecology of the pteridophytes of Mt. Iraya and vicinity, Batan Island, Batanes province, northern Philippines. Pp. 297-323. In S. Chandra & M. Srivastava (Eds.). Pteridology in the new millennium. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht. 42. Barcelona, J. F. 2003. The Plant World. P. 35. In E. Alba (Ed.). Teachers' Guide: Philippine National Herbarium Collections. (Contains 1 handbook, 1 CD- ROM interactive program, 15 large postcards with descriptions, questions and class activites on the back and 15 color acetates for elementary and high school teachers). 43. Barker, M. S. & W. D. Hauk. 2003. An evaluation of Sceptridium dissectum (Ophioglossaceae) with ISSR markers: Implications for Sceptridium systematics. American Fern Journal 93: 1-19. 44. Barone-Nugent, E. D., S. McLoughlin & A. N. Drinnan. 2003. New species of Rochipteris from the Upper Triassic of Australia. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology 123: 273-287. 45. Barreda, V., C. Limarino, L. Fauque, A. Tripaldi & L. Net. 2003. First palynological record for the lower member of Cerro Morado Formation (Miocene), La Rioja Precordillera. Ameghiniana 40: 81-87. 46. Barrington, D. S. 2003. Polystichum lilianae sp. nov. (Dryopteridaceae) and its relationships to P. fournieri and P. turrialbae. Brittonia 55: 317-325. 47. Bassindale, A. R., K. F. Brandstadt, T. H. Lane & P. G. Taylor. 2003. Biocatalysis of siloxane bonds. Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society 226: POLY 237. [Abstract; Equisetum telmateia] 48. Bassindale, A. R., K. F. Brandstadt, T. H. Lane & P. G. Taylor. 2003. Enzyme-catalyzed siloxane bond formation. American Chemical Society 225: MTLS 28. [Abstract; Equisetum telmateia] 49. Bassindale, A. R., K. F. Brandstadt, T. H. Lane & P.
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