i) Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 1994 Type specimens of Palaearctic Miridae and Nabidae in the collection of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Heteroptera) I.M. Kerzhner & A. Matocq Kerzhner, I.M. & Matocq, A. 1994. Type specimens of Palaearctic Miridae and Nabidae in the collection of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 55-68. A list of type specimens is given (except most species of Miridae described in the last 50 years and species of Nabidae for which data on types in Paris have been recently published). Lectotypes for 155 nominal species-group taxa (151 in Miridae and 4 in Nabidae) are designated. New synonymies in Miridae: Atractotomus Mgal (M r-ex=f9L. 1843)-A.vgiWge955; Macotylus niicrs 6 BM IT39 Ti(nomen oblitum); s nigries (Paton 1874), stat. n. - M. paykullii var. n, Obt __1q. o sLLaAso Qeter. Meraeooii-ltoairini. Some characters to recognize Fieber's and Reuter's types in the coctionware Inoicated. M. Kerzhner, ZoologicalInstitute, Russian Academy ofSciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia A. Matocq, 9, Avenue bdon Blum, F-93800 Epinay sur Seine, France. Introduction holotype, LT - lectotype (with bibliographic reference to earlier designation if present), PLT - paralecto- Thanks to financial and material supports of our type(s) ST - syntype(s). French colleagues hemipterologists Dr. J. Pe'ricart and 3. Collection. Abbreviations: CA - collection of Dr. Ph. Magnien, and of the French Entomological Amyot, CB - of Bergevin, CD - of Dufour, CDi - of Society the first of the coauthors of this paper had Dispons, CM - of Marmottan, CN - of Noualhier, CP - opportunity to visit France from 12.VI. to 4.VII.1993. of Puton, CPe - of Perrier, CPi - of Pic (in the collection The work of coauthors in the collection of the Labora- of de Gozis), GC - general collection. In most cases the name of the tory of Entomology of the Paris Museum was kindly collection is followed by the number or permitted by Prof. Cl. Caussanel and Mrs. Dr. D. individual name of the box. For boxes in CP having Pluot-Sigwalt. The main task was to recognize type double numbering, thesmallernumber (differing by 20 from the greater) is indicated. specimens of Miridae and Nabidae in connection with 4. preparation of corresponding parts of the Numberand sex ofspecimens. Stateofpreservation Catalogue of is indicated only for significantly damaged specimens. Palaearctic Heteroptera. In the list below, species of 5. Mode of Miridae described in preparation. Abbreviations: [BJ ]- Becker's the last 50 years with adequate and Jakovlev's cards and triangles (with red or holotype designation (by Wagner, Lindberg, etc.) and blue pattern on the underside), gc - glued on card, gt - glued species of Nabidae for which data on types in the Paris on triangle, id. prep. - preparation Museum have been (including peculiari- recently published (especially by ties of the pin, card, etc.) as in the preceding speci- Pe'ricart, 1986) are not included. Taxa for which lecto- men(s), mpn - micropinned, pn - pinned. type is designated in this paper are asterisked. 6. Label(s). Two or more labels are separated from For each taxon information is given in the following each other by oblique stroke. Printed labels, including sequence: those with a small part, e.g. date, hand-written, are not 1. Specific (varietal) name, author, date, name of marked. Hand-written labels are marked Ih J, with original genus (for varieties and forms also name of addition of the following abbreviations if the handwrit- species and rank). Bibliographic references are omitted ing is known: B - Bergevin, D - Dufour, H - Horvath, for shortness (they can be found in Oshanin, 1910; Hn - Hannotiaux, J - Jakovlev, L - Lethierry, N - Carvalho, 1956-1959; Stichel, 1956-1958, and Kerzh- Noualhier, P - Puton, Pe - Perrier, Pi - Pic, Po - ner, 1981). Poppius, R - Reuter, Ri - Ribaut, Sb - J.Sahlberg, Sc - 2. Category of type specimen(s). Abbreviations: HT - Schmitz. Red typc labels are marked Irl 1. The follow- 56 I.M.Kerzhner &A.Matocq: Miridae and Nabidae types- ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 3 ing abbreviations are used for code labels (small Mink, Fieber indicated either that they were in their squares of paper) in CP and CN: bs - blue'square, gs - collections or that he received them for examination green square, pbs - pale brown square, pys - pale yellow only. It is clear, however, that specimens received from square. In some labels, especially Bleuse's, the date is Meyer-Dilr, Eversmann and some other entomologists indicated on the reverse side. were at least partly retained by Fieber. According to The following abbreviations are used for institutions: Horn &al. (1990),Fieber's collection of Heteroptera is MNHN - Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Pa- partly in the Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna and ris; ZIN - Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of partly in the collection of Puton in MNHN. We did not Sciences, St.Petersburg; ZMHU - Zoological Museum, examine the collection in Vienna. In Paris, Fieber's Helsinki University. specimens of Heteroptera are in collections of Puton (apparently received or bought directly after the death of Fieber in 1872) and of Noualhier (bought by him with the collection of Lethierry who apparently bought Notes on some collections notonly Fieber's Homopteraand manuscripts on them, and on type specimens of some authors but also the rest of Heteroptera). Fieber's specimens in both collections are marked by green squares. This The Heteroptera collection of MNHN consists of observation was published only once for a particular about 30 personal ("historic") collections, unidentified species (Pericart, 1982: 360), it was told to us by J. material, and the so-called general collection formed of Pdricart and Mrs D. Pluot-Sigwalt and supported by boxes with specimens identified or examined by vari- many facts indicated below. Some of Fieber's species ous authors. known before from his descriptions only (Monanthia The collection of Puton is the most important among crassipes already mentioned by Pdricart, Crtiocoris ti- the personal collections. It is arranged in sequence bialis In the Miridae, Corisa macrocephala, C. platy- accepted in the 3rd (1886) edition of Puton's catalogue cnemis and C. xanthosoma in the Corixidae) are rep- of Palaearctic Hemiptdra; printed lines from this cata- resentedin Puton's collection only by specimen(s) with logue are used as bottom labels, and the insects are a green square. Forspecies described by Puton (1874) placed before the labels indicating their specific (or and credited by him to ' Fieberin litt." (Orthocephalus varietal) name. Taxadescribedafter 1886 are placed at coracinus, 0. alutaceus, Hadrophyes sulphurella, Psal- the end of -he corresponding (or related) genera and lus panctulatus, Macrocoleus lepidus) or described by provided with hand-written (as a rule by Puton) iden- Fieber (1870) from Puton's collection (Agalliastes alu- tification labels. Besides Puton's types, the collection taceus, Liops puncticollis, Macrocoleus elevates, Ste- contains many types of Fieber and types of numerous noparia putoni) there is at least one specimen in Pu- species described by Reuter from specimens sent by ton's collection labelled by a green square. Some speci- Puton and some other French entomologists. Puton mens with green squares have also a label indicating the received also many syntypes from Horvith, Jakovlev, locality, and, with a few exceptions, this locality and Montandon, J. Sahlberg and other colleagues. Many also the sex, correspond to those indicated by Fieber insects in his collection have no label (especially as a (e.g."Corsica"I (not Corse!) for Plagiognathus spilotus result of labelling only the first specimen in the series) and Brachyceroea geniculata, "Ildefonso" (San lde- and many have only code labels (small squares of fonso) for B. pallicornis, "Escorial" for Liops puncli- colour paper) the significance of which is often un- coffis, "Alicante" for Agafliastes onustus); the hand- known. writing of these labels is not identified with certainty, The collection of Noualhier includes also specimens it seems that most of themn are written by Lethierry and from the collection of Lethierry. It is well arranged, but it can be also speculated that Puton and Lethierry labelling of only the first specimen in the series is often during theirtrip to Spain collectcd these species in their used also here. The collection includes types of Nou- type localities, but this supposition seems improbable alhier, Fieber, Puton and other authors. Lethierry, for so high number of species. We abstained from des- Noualhier and Puton widely interchanged their collec- ignation of lectotypes in some questionable cases, but tions and in many cases syntypes of one species are in absence of contradictions we preferred to designate represented in both collections. a lectotype from the MNHN collection. A few types of Miridae are in the collections of Ber- Reuter described many species from specimens sent gevin, Dispons, Dufour, Marmottan, Pic, and Perrier. to him by Puton. It is easy to conclude from examina- In the general collection, most types of Palaearctic tion of Puton's collection that specimens examined by species are concentrated in the boxes with specimens Reuter are marked by pale brown squares (possibly, examined by Reuter. the paper of these squares was initialy dirty white and Some notes should be made on types of Fieber, Re- turned brownish later), however in some species de- uter, Costa and Penis. scribed before 1880 blue or pale yellow squares or the Fleber described about 300 species of Heteroptera, hand-written label 'Reuter" are used. These squares about a half of them Miridae. Most of his types are not enable us to delimit Reuter's types from other speci- located. The sources for Fieber's descriptions were mens collected at the same locality, some of which specimens from museums (especially in Vienna and belong to the sex opposite to that indicated by Reuter.
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