MR. FANTASTICTM Reed Richards, scientist Fighting: GOOD Agility: TYPICAL TM Strength: TYPICAL HUMAN TORCH Endurance: EXCELLENT Johnny Storm, adventurer Reason: AMAZING TM Intuition: EXCELLENT INVISIBLE GIRL Fighting: GOOD Agility: EXCELLENT Psyche: REMARKABLE Susan Storm Richards, adventurer Strength: GOOD Health: 42 Fighting: GOOD Endurance: EXCELLENT Karma: 100 Agility: GOOD Reason: GOOD Resources: REMARKABLE Strength: TYPICAL Intuition: GOOD Popularity: 80 Endurance: EXCELLENT Psyche: TYPICAL Powers: Reason: GOOD Intuitlon: EXCELLENT Health: 60 ELASTIC BODY. Reed can make his body mal- Karma: 26 leable at will. and in this state can deform, Psyche: GOOD expand, stretch. or compress all or part of his Resources: REMARKABLE body. Reed can Stretch up to four areas away Health: 46 Popularity: 60 Karma: without making a FEAT roll. and is able to snack 40 Powers: Resources: REMARKABLE or pick up objects at that range. Reed must GENERATE AND CONTROL FIRE. Johnny can make an Endurance FEAT roll to stretch five or Popularity: 60 generate flame from all or part of his body. He six areas. He never can stretch more than six Powers: can also control external fire with Unearthly abil- areas. By stretching, Reed can attack several ity. He can shoot flame with Remarkable Agility opponents who are no, all adjacent. INVISIBILITY. Susan can make herself invisible to normal sight by bending tight around her up to three areas away, and can cause up to BODY ARMOR. Reed’s skin provides Remark- Unearthly damage. able protection from physical damage (bullets. body. She can make other people or things FIRE RESISTANCE. Johnny has Unearthly knives, explosives, and punches). but not invisible (or visible) if she makes a green Psyche FEAT roll. resistance to fire and heat. against energy rays and wrestling holds. He can FLIGHT. When flaming, Johnny can fly at Amaz- absorb damage from (up to) Incredible explo- FORCE FIELD. Susan has the ability to create ing speed. He can carry up to 180 lbs., but this sions. but must make a green Endurance FEAT and use an invisible force field. Used as a shield, the force field absorbs Monstrous dam- reduces his speed to Remarkable. roll afterward or fall unconscious. BODY ARMOR: Johnny’s flaming surface is Reed does no, have wrestling tal- age from any attack. Sue can shape the field WRESTLING. Incredible body armor against all shooting, ent, but his slippery, stretchy body makes him a however she wants. Used as a cushion. it can throwing, and hack & stash weapons. except difficult opponent. He grapples as though his absorb Monstrous damage. If any single attack those of Amazing or better material. All slugfest, Strength was Excellent. but he causes damage causes more than Monstrous damage, the field grappling, and charging attacks cause normal using his actual Typical Strength. He can collapses and Sue must make a green Endur- damage, but the attacker suffers incredible escape from a wrestling hold with a green ance FEAT roll or pass out for 1 to 10 rounds. damage automatically. Strength FEAT roll. She can use the field to lift as much as 10 tons (as if her Strength was Incredible). NOVA BLAST. When ‘flamed on’. Johnny can Talents: Reed is a master of many sciences. FLIGHT: By creating a column of force beneath explode in a super-heated blast of flame. caus- He excels in electronics and physics, and his herself and allowing it to topple, Sue can ‘fly’ at ing 150 points of damage to everything within Reason is Monstrous in these matters. Typical speed. She can carry along up to 10 five areas. Johnny’s flame dies out immediately tons of passengers or material. after this attack and his powers are reduced to Background: Years ago, Reed designed an Feeble. He will pass out for 1 to 10 rounds experimental spacecraft which he launched Talents: none. unless he makes a red Endurance FEAT roll. secretly with pilot Ben Grimm and Sue and Johnny Storm. The ship encountered massive Background: Sue Storm was a passenger on Talents: Johnny’s Intuition and Reason are cosmic radiation, which altered the passengers Reed Richards’ unauthorized experimental Excellent concerning cars and racing. space flight that created the FANTASTIC FOUR. and gave Reed his pavers. As MR. FANTAS- Background: Johnny is the youngest mem- TIC, Reed is the leader of the FF and chairman She married Reed in a wedding ceremony that was attended by most of the heroes (and vil- bet of the FANTASTIC FOUR. He accompanied of FANTASTIC FOUR, Inc. Reed is married to his sister Sue. her fiance Reed, and pilot Ben Sue Richards, the INVISIBLE GIRL. They have lains) of the day. The pair have one child, a son named Franklin. Grimm on an unauthorized space mission that one son, Franklin. met fortuitous disaster when it flew into a belt of cosmic radiation. THE FANTASTIC FOUR: Several years ago, four friends took an ture is designed for a Judge and four play- His place is taken by Jennifer Walters, the experimental spacecraft on a secret test ers. The Judge should read the entire Savage SHE-HULK. The adventure is fliiht into the Earth’s upper atmosphere. module before starting to play. designed with SHE-HULK in mind, but There they were bombarded with cosmic If there are fewer than four players, THE THING can be used instead. His stats radiation that altered their forms, gave either let the players control more than are Included for dyed-In-the-wool THING them strange powers, and changed their one hero, or run those heroes yourself as fans. lives forever. They became the FANTAS- NPCs. The heroes can form a Karma pool if TIC FOUR. If there are more than four players, add they want, but when they get separated in Now one of their enemies has brought in additional heroes from the boxed set, or Murderworld, divide the Karma in the pool a hired gun to finish the FF, a madman from other MARVEL SUPER HEROES evenly among the heroes. Each hero is on murderer called ARCADE. But who hired products from TSR. If more heroes are his own in Murderworld. ARCADE, and why is his employer so added, you’ll have to increase the So, without further ado, we present to interested in the Baxter Building. strength of their foes, too, and give them you, ladles and gents, heroes and villains. Murderworld is an adventure for the more Karma: add 100 points for each and NPCs of all ages-the four and only MARVEL SUPER HEROES Role-Play- extra hero. FANTASTIC FOUR, in the depths of Mur- ing Game, featuring the FANTASTIC At the time of this adventure, THE derworld! Face Front! FOUR and a host of their foes. This adven- THING has left the FANTASTIC FOUR. Credits: Authored with artistic flair by Jeff Grubb TSR Inc. Edited with talent rare by Steve Winter tm Graphically arranged from Intensive cam by Ray Silbersdorf POB 756 Cover rendered over them by John Byrne Lake Geneva, WI 53147 illustrated beyond compare by Jeff Butler TSR,Inc. Maps drafted on a dare by Dave “Diesel” LaForce 0-88038-129-9 PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION Chapter 1: VON DOOM'S Express! includes such famous siblings as the dow, heading for the roof. It looks like the Campaign late Lord of Latveria, DOCTOR DOOM! Read the following to the players: INVISIBLE GIRL and HUMAN TORCH. Seconds later an explosion shakes the The student’s name is Sally Flack, building, and the hangar level security alarms howl to life. After many months of emptiness, the and she looks like a typical student on Baxter Building is again humming with an interview. wearing a sensible suit Ask the players running Johnny and life. Sue and brother Johnny are being and skirt and a pair of oversized amber Sue what they are doing, then leave them interviewed on the residential level. bracelets that rattle annoyingly as she for a moment and read the following to the Reed is conducting a maintenance pro- writes. She is taking notes on a yellow player running Reed. gram on the Negative Zone portal mon- legal pad in her lap, and recording the itors. SHE-HULK, the building’s new conversation for further reference. She The Negative Zone monitors and por- resident, is lifting weights on the gym- seems genuinely interested in the FF’s tal, like all machinery, need careful nasium level. The Richards’ son Frank- past, and the two heroes’ part in it. maintenance to ensure maximum lin also is on that level, playing games safety. The new system, installed after with HUBERT, his robotic companion. Sally’s questions are general on the ANNIHILUS’ recent rampage’, can FANTASTIC FOUR: how did they get only be opened from the Earth’s side, Sue and Johnny start in the lounge on started. why they stayed together, the diffi- and can survey a large area of the other level 1 with the interviewer, Sally Flack. culties of fighting alongside someone you universe. Reed starts in the Negative Zone Monitor care about, the interference of an older While engaged in a routine survey, Area on Level 4. SHE-HULK and Franklin sister on your social life, etc. your probes record a battle raging a start on level 2, Franklin in the playroom, During the interview, make a secret few thousand miles from the entrance SHE-HULK in the weight-lifting area. Intuition FEAT for Johnny. If it succeeds, to the Zone. A group of pirates- Read the following to the players run- inform him that while Sally knows a lot twisted, mutated things-are swarming ning Sue and Johnny: about the FF, and seems familiar, he can’t over the hull of a crippled ship.
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