RAPALLO (TREATY OF). --- See F DERZONI (LUIGI). I1 trattato di Rapallo. RAPAPORT (DAVID. --- Diagnostic psychological testing; the theory, statistical evgluation, and diagnostic application of a battery of tests. By D.R. with the collaboration of M. Gill and R. Schafer. 2 vols. [Menninger Clinic Mon. Ser. Nos. 3 1k 4.1 Chicago [1946, 1945•1 Psychol. Lib. --- Another copy. 2 vols. Psychol. Lib. --- 4th pr. 2 vols. [Menninger Clinic Mon. Ser. 3-4.1 Chicago, 1949• .1512 Rap. --- Rev. ed. Ed. by R.R. Holt. New York [1968.] .1512 Rap. --- Another copy. Psychol. Lib. --- Another ed. Lond., 1970. Educ. 5¢. Lib. tP..t.s• W%'tr7 , --- Emotions and memory. 3rd pr. [Menninger Clinic Man. Ser. No. 2.1 New York, 1959• .157:.154 Rap. --- 2nd unaltered ed. New York, 1961. Psychol. Lib. --- ed. and tr. Organization and pathology of thought; selected sources. Translation and commentary by D.R. [Austen Riggs Found. Mon. No. 1.1 New York, 1951. .13134:.153 Rap. --- Another copy. Psychol. Lib. RAPARIEGOS (CARLOS MARIA AJO GONZALEZ DE). See AJO GONZALEZ DE RAPARIEGOS (CARLOS MARIA). ADDITIONS RAPALLO (CH4ARELLA ADDARI). e --- ed. Il bandito penitor e altri racconti popolari sardi. Cagliari, 1977. Scott. Stud. Lib. RAPALLO (UMBERTO). --- Calchi ebraici nelle antiche versioni del "Levitico"; studio oui Settanta, la Vetus latina e la Vulgata. [Stud. Semit. 39•1 Roma, 1971. .22213 Rap. RAPAPORT (DAVID). 0 --- See SHAKOW (DAVID) and R.(D.) RAPAPORT (JACQUES). -- MUSTEBA (E.) and THERATTIL (J.J.). --- Small states and territories; status and problems. [UNITAR Stud.] Now York, 1971. Law Lib. --- Three other copies. Law Lib. RAPE upon rape. See FIELDING (HENRY). SINGLE WORKS. Rape upon rape. RAPER (ARTHUR F.). --- See TAYLOR (CARL CLEVELAND) and R. (A.F.). RAPER (HENRY). --- The practice of navigation and nautical astronomy. (And Tables.) 2 pts. (in 1). Lond., 1840. X.10.51. --- 3rd ed. Lond., 1849. X.12.22. RAPER (HENRY STANLEY). --- joint-author. The fats. 2nd ed. See LEATHES (JOHN BERESFORD) . RAPER (HOWARD RILEY). --- Electro-radiographic diagnosis; a book on the electric test for pulp vitality ... Lond., 1921. Dentistry Lib. --- Elementary and dental radiography. 2nd eft. New York, copyright 1918. Dentistry Lib. --- Man against pain; the epic of analsthesia. Lond., 1947• Dentistry Lib. --- Radiodontia, dental radiography and diagnosis; questions and answers. New York, 1923. Dentistry Lib. ADDITIONS RAPER (ARTHUR F.). --- Rural development in action; the comprehensive experiment at Comilla, East Pakistan. By A.F.R. assisted by H.L. Chase [and others]. Ithaca, 1970. .30927(54145) Rap. RAPER (KENNETH BRYAN). --- and FENNELL (DOROTHY IRENE). --- The genus Aspergillus. With a chapter on pathogenicity [by] P.K.C. Austwick. Baltimore, 1965. Botany Lib. --- Another copy. CTVM Lib. --- and THOM (CHARLES). --- A manual of the Penicillia. By K.B.R. and C.T. with the technical assistance and illustrations by D.I. Fennell. Baltimore, 1949• Botany Lib. --- Another copy. C.M.L. --- Another copy. Forestry Lib. RAPER (MATTHEW). --- An inquiry into the value of the ancient Greek and Roman money. [Repr. from the Philosophical Tr ansactions of the Royal Society, vol. 61, 1771.] See MCCULLOCH (J.R.) ed. A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money. RAPET (JEAN JACQUES). --- Manuel de morale, et d 1 6conomie politique ... Paris, 1858. Bound in 7}: xxx Hodgson Collection. X 6,4^_N1 69 1 BAPEI'TI (PIERRE NICOLAS) . --- ed. See LIVRE. Li livres de jostice et de plet. RAPHAEL, the Painter. --- The works of Raffaelle, Domenichino, Poussin, and Albano, consisting of four hundred and forty-five engravings from pictures painted by those great masters, principally for the illustration of the Holy Scriptures; preceded by the lives of the artists and by concise notices of their productions ... with reference to the various passages of Scripture which they are intended to illustrate ... (Vol. 5, containing a series of engravings after the above masters, forming a collection of splendid illustrations of the Calendar.) 5 vols. Lond., 1819. RD.2.3-7. [Continued overleaf.] AODITIONS RAPER (P.E.). --- Plelazaa.mkundige praktyk. (Toponymical practice.) [Afr. and Eng.] Tweede (verbeterde) druk. [Nazmkundereeks Nr. 4.1 Pretoria, 1977• .9291(68)018 Rap. RAPHAEL, the Painter. -- Raphael. [With an introd. by E. Staley.] [Newnes' Art Lib.] Lond. [ 1904.1 •75(1506) Rap. RAPHAEL, the Painter [continued]. --- Raffael: des Meisters Gemalde in 275 Abbildungen. Mit einer biographischen Einleitung von A. Rosenberg. 4te Aufl. hrsg. von G. Gronau. [Klass. d. Kunst, 1. 1 Stuttgart, 1909. —VA 9.5in -7 s- t f 5-Q i ) 9 -► f - --- Raphael.[Introd. by W.E. Suida. Ed. by L. Goldscheider.] [Phaidon Ed. Lond., 1941• F •75(4506) Rap. --- 2nd ed. Lond., 1948. Fine Art Lib. --- Raffael. Hrsg. von G. Stepanow. Zurich [1948.1 •75(4506) Rap. --- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. --- Raffaello. [Maestri del Colore, Fasc. 7. 1 Bergamo [1957•] F 75 oz^ --- L'opera completa di Raffaello. Presentazione di M. Prisco. Apparati critici e filologici di P. de Vecchi. [Class. dell 'Ante, 4• 1 Milano, 1966. F .75(4506) Rap. --- [Ltopera completa di Raffaello.] The complete paintings of Raphael. Introd. by R. Cocke. Notes and catalogue by P. de Vecchi. [Class. of World Art.] Lond. [1969.] D n ^^,;^ ^^^a F 7 5 (^150 6} JCI-f --- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. --- Raffael; kritisches Verzeichnis der Gemalde, Wandbilder and Bildteppiche. [Comp. by] L. Dussler. [Bruckmanns Beitr. z. Kunstwiss.] Munchen1[ 966. ] •75(4506) Rap. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS RAPHAEL, the Painter. --- Raffaello. [Text by M.G. Ciardi Dupre.] 2 pti. [Maestri del Colors, 12 =13.1 Milano [1963-64.1 Fine Art Lib. --- The complete work of Raphael. [By L. Becherucci, A. Marabottini . and others. Introd. by M. Salmi.] [An Artabras Bk. ] New York, copyright 1969. F .75(4506) Rap. RAPHAEL, the Painter [continued]. --- [Raffael; kritisches Verzeichnis ...] Raphael; a critical catalogue of his pictures, wall-paintings and tapestries. By L. Dussler. (Tr. by S. Craft. ) Lond., 1971. •75(4506) Rap. --- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. --- Raffaello. Testo di G. Castelfranco. [Grandi Disegnatori Ital.] Firenze [1977.] F .75(4506) Rap. --- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. --- The drawings of Raphael. [Ed. by] R. Cocke. Lond. [1969.] Fine Art Lib. --- Les loges de Raphael. Collection complete de 52 tableaux peints a fresque, qui ornent les voutes du Vatican ... dessines ... pax J.C. de Meulemeester ... sous la direction de M.L. Calamatta ... Texte pax le baron de Reiffenberg. Bruxelles, 1845. RE-1-37. --- Le Logge di Raffaello; maestro a bottego di fronte all'antico. [By] N. Dacos. Roma, 1977. F .75(4506 ) Rap. --- A masterpiece close-up; the Transfiguration by Raphael. [Text by F. Mancinelli. ] [Vatican Mus. and Galleries.] Vatican City [1978?] F .75(4506) Rap. --- Peintures de la Sala Borgia ... de 1 1 invention de Raphael, et de la Villa Lante ... de 1 1 invention de J. Romain, recueillies par les Piranesi, et dessinees pax T. Piroli. Paris, 1803. JZ 157/1-2 [Continued overleaf.] RAPHAEL, the Painter [continued]. --- Peintures du Cabinet de Jules II au Vaitican, de 1 1 invention de Raphael, recueillies par les Piranesi, et dessinees par T. Piroli. Rome, 1804. JZ 1573 --- Raphael's cartoons, engraved on steel by G. Greatbach from the originals at the South Kensington Museum. With a biography and portrait of Raphael painted by himself. [Lond., 1882.1 New Coll. Lib. --- The Raphael cartoons. Introd. by J. White. [Victoria & Albert Mus. Large Col. Bk. 1.1 Lond., 1972. P •75(4506) Rap. --- Raphael's Madonnas & other great pictures. Reproduced from the original paintings with a life of Raphael and an account of his chief works by K. Karoly. Lond., 1894. F •75(4506 Rap. --- La Stanza della Segnatura. [Introd. by] M.L. Gengaro. 2a ed. [Grandi Cicli Artistici.] Bergamo, pr. 19144. F .75(4506 Rap. --- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. --- Stanza della Segnatura. Introd. by B. Nogara. [Vatican, Paintings, Pt. 1.] Vatican City State, 1950. S.B.FF .75(4506) Rap. --- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS RAPHAEL, the Painter. --- The drawings of Raphael, with a complete catalogue. [By] P. Joannides. [Phaidon Press.] Oxford, 1983. F .75(4506) Rap. --- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. --- Raphael; die Zeichnungen. [Ed. by] E. Knab, E. Mitsch [and] K. Oberhuber. Unter Mitarbeit von S. Ferino-Pagden. Mit einem Geleitwort von W. Koschatzky. [Veroff. d. Albertina Wien Nr. 19.1 Stuttgart [19 83•] F •75(4506) Rap. RAPHAEL, the Painter [continued]. EXHIBITION CATALOGUES --- Drawings by Michelangelo, Raphael & Leonardo and their contemporaries. [Catalogue of an exhibition in] the Queen's Gallery ... 1972-73. See ROYAL COLLECTION. --- La Ma done de Lorette. [An exhibition at the] Musee Conde, Chantilly, 16 octobre 1979,- 15 janvier 1980. Commissaire: S. Beguin. Catalogue redige par S. Beguin ... [and others]. [Les Dossiers du Departement des Peintures, 19.] Paris, 1979• •75(1506) Rap. APPENDIX --- See BELL (Mrs. ARTHUR) formerly NANCY R.E. MEUGENS. R. --- See BELLORIUS (JOANNES PETRUS). Descrizzione delle imagini dipinte da Rafaelle d'Urbino (nelle camere del Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano). [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS RAPHAEL, the Painter. EXHIBITION CATALOGUES --- Raphael in der Alten Pinakothek; Geschichte and Wiederherstellung des ersten Raphael-Gemal des in Deutschl and and der von Konig Ludwig I erworbenen Madonnenbilder. [Comp. by] H. von Sonnenburg. (Ausstellung der Bayerischen Staatsgemal desammlungen aus Anlass des 500. Geburtstages von Raphael and der Restaurierung seiner Werke in der Alten Pinakothek Munchen, 5. Juli - 2. Oktober 1983•) Munchen [1983.] F .75(40 Rap. --- Raffaello a Firenze; dipinti e disegni delle collezioni fiorientine. ([Catalogue of an exhibition held at] Fi renze, Palazzo Pitti, 11 gennaio /29 aprile 1984. [Organized by the] Comitato nazionale per le celebrazioni del quinto centenario della nascita di Raffaello. Direzione della mostra: L. Berti, M. Chiarini.) Firenze [1984•] .75(4506) Rap. --- Raphael et f art francais. [Catalogue of an exhibition held in the] ... Grand Palais, Paris, 15 mvemb& -t 1983 - 13 fevrier 1984.
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