/HITE House Date April 1, 1968 »ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSON DIARY the White House Monday 'resident began his day at (Place) : : Day ' Time Telephone f or t Expendi- 1 : . Activity (include visited by) ture In Out Lo LD C^ * ^ ^ j ^ ~~~^ ~ : ' ' "" } ' ' 1 -I -— .1 . 1 .., . I .. I -I • I I III I I »___ I 8:44a f <fr Edwin Weisl Sr - New York City ______ — 8:49a , f Gov. John Connally - Austin _ ' ____ | : : : : t . : ____ . , ,«__^_, , __ - ! The President walked through the Diplomatic Reception Room-- and onto the South Lawn ____ into the bright sun, toward the helicopter. He was wearing a hat and a raincoat. I . ___„_ , 9:24a I The Helicopter departed the South Lawn - ' I I The President was accompanied, by ' ^___ Sam Houston Johnson , __ ' ! Horace Busby ______ x • ' __ : Douglass Cater « - i Larry Temple - I George Christian I Jim Jones _______ I Kenny Gaddis : ' _. __ | Dr. George Burkley ^ I ; mf """ ~~~ * . i i ________ _ | j The President -- immediately upon takeoff - showed Busby and Cater the ; \ telegram he had just received from Sen. Robt Kennedy. The President himselt '•. | made no comment. just handed it to the two men. and Busby said, "He wants to see you like he wanted to see McNamara. " 'HITE Hoosi Dat e Apri l 1 , 196 8 ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N WARY th e Whit e House Monda y 'resident bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) - — Day_ _ .. Time Telephon e . Activity (include visited by) in Ou t L o LD The President also read a memo from Rosto w outlining the difficulties tha t Rostow "" ""see s this morning wit h Sout h VietNam. whe n th e President finished th e memo, he asked to talk to Rosto w o n the telephone, bu t we could no t get him before landin g at Andrews--made arrangement s t o talke fro m Ai r Forc e One. 9:30a Wheel s dow n - Andrews Ai r Forc e Stag e Base The President went directl y t o the plane, bu t at th e very top step, a gus h o f wind caught the President's hat, an d it went spiralin g down . toward the puddles neat h __ th e tail of the plane, a staf f membe r retrieve d the hat, an d brought i t aboard . i . 9:33a t Wal t Rostow - r e mem o mentioned above After hi s telephone call , th e President went int o his bedroom. < 9:39a Ai r Forc e One departed Andrews Ai r Forc e Base - e n route Chicago . Illinoi s w/ th e President Dr. Georg e Burkley - Commande r Sa m Latime r Photographers: Yoich i Okamoto, Willia m Bishe r j Sgt . Marshal l Gaddis j Georg e Christia n L— To m Johnson _J Loy d Hackler i Conni e Gerrard | Dr . Frank Stanton |_ Ra y Zook , I j Sgt . Jac k Clif f \ j | Sgt . Rober t Rece o i i Sa m Housto n Johnso n i_ Larr y Templ e Marie Fehme r Date April 1, 1968 the White House Monday Day > Activity (include visited by) Jim Jones Horace Busby Douglass Cater Jeri Rudolph (stenotypist) Secret Service Agents: Robert Taylor Dale Keaner Charles Zboril Robert Melchiori David Baldelli John P. Jones PRESS: Merriman Smith, UPI Helen Thomas, UPI Doug Cornell, AP Frank Cormier, AP David Mathew, Reuters Max Frankel, NY Times Dick McGowan, NY Daily News Nick Thimmesch, Newsday George Packard, Philadelphia Bulletin Muriel Dobbin, Baltimore Sun Garnett Horner , Washington Star Carroll Kilpatrick. Washington Post Bill Eaton, Chicago Daily News Jim Millstone. St. Louis Post Dispatch Ted Sell. Los Angeles Times John Pierson, Wall Street Journal Karen Klinefelter, Dallas News Saville Davis, Christian Science Monitor Date Apri l 1 , 196 8 the Whit e House Monda y • Da y 1 Activity (includ e visite d by ) Al Sullivan , USI A Jack Sutherland, U S News an d World Report Hugh Sidey, Tim e Chuck Roberts , Newswee k Sid Davis, Westinghous e Dan Rather , CB S Bob Pierpoint , CB S Bob Amdur, AB C Productions Duff Thomas , AB C Frank Reynolds, AB C Ray Scherer, NB C Scott Peters, UP I Audio//*~N - —$'HUE HOUSE Date_April 13ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSONDIARYresident began his day at (Place) Day SaturdayTune TelephoneI or t ...... Activity (include visited by)In Out Lo LD2:03p Arrived Judge A. W. Moursund's ranch and picked up Judge2:05p Departed Moursund ranch• i2:l6p Arrived Green Mountain Ranch2:17p Touring Green Mountain Ranch by automobile3:22p Departed Green Mountain Ranch3:31p 3:45 Arrived Davis Ranch~4:llp Arrived Haywood Ranch"~4:23p Departed Haywood Ranch by boat4o&pb4:46p Arrived Beach House4:49p t ' Marie Fehmer at main house4:50p Departed Beach House via automobile '\5:19p Arrived Krim's residence• • j — ——•—• , ~ i .i5:44p I ; Departed Krim's Residencei j" 5:50p [ 5:52 i Arrived Moursund's ranch and left the Judgei '6:01p i Arrived LBJ Ranch Clifford Evans , RK O Genera l . Forres t Boyd , Mutua l Faye Gilli s Wells , Store r Larry LeSueur, VO A Aldo Argentieri. NB C Radio Glen Bowman , CB S Radio Bob Moore , Metromedi a Stanley Stearns , UP I photographer Bob Daugherty , A P Photos Francis Miller . Lif e Photo s Wally Bennett , Tim e Photo s . Do n Carl Steffen , Pari s Matc h Ed Gilman. ABC-TV Art Lodovichetti , ABC-T V Cal Marlin, CBS-T V Charles Franks , CBS-T V George Grant, UP I newsfilm Jack Schultz , UP I newsfilm LeRoy Anderson. NBC-T V John Hofen, nbc-T V an d Cleve Ryan, lightin g technicia n /HITE HOUSE Date i^ April 1 , 196 8 >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY the Whit e H use Monday 'resident began his day at (Place) 2 Day Time Telephone i or t ...... 1 : 1 , Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo U> Soon after takeoff, the President ordered the walls of his bedroom drawn back, and this enabled a large area -- open --in addition to his usual cabin space. Stewards quickly removed bedroom aspects--they had made up the two single beds --and turned the entire area into a living room. , Soon after getting in the air, the President came out of his room, coatless and ___^ with speech cards in his hands. He looked for Horace Busby, and Busby came to him, and the two men talked intently (Pres told Busby to "beef up" the speech.) The President then went to his table -- still coatless and sat in his usual chair. _. facing Dr. Frank Stanton ^_^ ' •- : _ who had been on the plane when the President arrived. In an d out of the cabin during the flight were __ Douglass Cater ' ' _____ _____ Tom Johnson -• ____________ • Horace Busby -' : «______« Jim Jones i j : : -. : . , _ _ _ . — I Dr. Frank Stanton „__ ' | Larry Temple ; __ _ - ____________ i |-- - ^_ j The President then read the flimsy copy of his press conference last night in Larry T~~ \ the Yellow Oval Room of the mansion and gave Larry Temple two instructions who? I as a result. "call Governor Connally and read him selected parts. " and __, i ^ - -. i ^ * I ' get that fellow from Chicago whom I was supposed to see tomorrow. and if he's j in Chicago today, get him to meet us, and we can talk there. " i i j i __ _ . ,—_ , | | The President had a cup of Sanka. I | a cup of tea w/ cream and sugar J and a honey bun. 'HITE HOUS E Date_April_1,_1968__ _ ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N MARY resident began his day at (Place) th e Whit e Hous e Day_ Monda y Tune Telephone f or t . Activity (includ e visited by) In Out Lo LD 10:20a F Senato r Walter Mondale The President talked fro m th e telephone a t his table. and doodled on ha pascratc d _ in front o f him. ' , Afte r finishin g hi s conversation , bac k to Busby to watch him making revisions/ __ addition s to the speech. then to his room . 11:40a Th e President rea d Busby's final type d cop y of addition to speech. .he calle d for Busby , mad e additional changes, an d other suggestions . and added ta bi ( jus t receive d o n the wir e abou t Thieu coming to the U . S. Rosto w had suggeste d that thi s b e put in the speech , an d the President personally edited the Rosto w _ wire fo r insert in speech. Just prior t o landing - at George Christian' s suggestio n - the President walke d through the front cabi n of the plane --filled t o the brim wit h press - - he just casually strolled through, coatles s and relaxed, an d went all th e way up to the front, eve n allowing photographers to follow hi m int o pilot's cabin . j H e then returned quickl y to hi s cabi n for landin g j toiTE House Date April 1, 1968 €NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WARY the White House Monday 'resident began his day at (Place) Day Time Telephone . ; . Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo LD 10:18 CST Arrived Chicago, Illinois - O'hare --a lovely day, sunny, warm -- almost 50 degrees - a small crowd at the airport -- approx 200 j Down the rear steps of the aircraft --small receiving line consisting of Hon.
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