■:n - MANCHESTER HERALD Thursday. Feb 16. 1989 I HOMES HOMES I R n STORE AND CARS Manchester basketball peaks at right time ... page 13 FOR SALE FOR SALE I E i l OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE COLUMBIA. Walk out M ANCHESTER. Immoc- ^ SpcciQlis||D<ftf! EAST HARTFORD. New FOR Sole. 1974 Jeep J4000 vour back door and ulate home In Buckely pick-up, power steer­ skate In the wlnter/s- School area. Three office space In restored wlm In the summer In house, Burnside Ave. ing, power brakes, au­ bedrooms, two full 3800 square feet with tomatic transmission, beoutiful Columbia baths, family room. Meyers 4 way plow. Lake. Three bed­ Full walk-up attic I CLEANING I CARPENTRY/ I PAINTING/ MISCELLANEOUS basement. Con be di­ | D I I . ------------ vided. Terms negotia­ $2000 or best offer. rooms, T/j baths, Mao- could be 4th or 5th SERVICES REMODELING PAPERING SERVICES 871-0014. nlflclent view. Call for bedroom . $184,000. ble. For Information, Details. 1234,900. Cen­ D.W. Fish Realty, 643- coll Ruth FIske, 282- FOR Sole. 1987 Suzuki LT CLEANING GSL Building Mainte­ 0651._______________ 500 Quod Racer. Never tury 21 Epstein Realty, 1591.0 Strvicing th« Monchttftr 4 wil- M.T.S. PAINTING & nance Co. Commercl- 647-8895.0___________ CHARM ING Older Colon­ llmonflc or«o. Hon«ttond rvllo- 1725 D IV ID A B LE souore raced. Very low hours. bit coupit to clton vour homt, al/ResIdentlal building $2500, firm. 871-0014. LEBANON. Maoniticlent ial plus separate build­ BUILDERS WALLPAPERING repairs and home Im feet. Located In down­ offict or windows. 9 ytors tx* town Manchester pro­ FOR Sole. 1986 Suzuki describes the floor plan ing lot. Manchester. ptrltnct ond rtftrtncts. Coll Free Eatlmates provements. Interior fessional building. In this spacious 3 bed­ Neat as a pin, older Laurit for o frtt tstlmott. and exterior painting, Quod Sport 230. $1200 or room Colonial with a home with hardwood 646-2787 Call John light carpentry. Com Priced below market best offer. 871-0014. 7 4 2-02 6 7 • Planning Design Service tor oulck occupancy. ilanrhfBlpr Irralft contemporary flair. floors throughout. • Custom Homes plete lanitorlal ser First floor laundry, 649-3331 Very negotiable lease Walk-In closets In all • Additions vice. Experienced, rel terms. Marilyn Votte- breakfast nook, 7V? bedrooms. Heated rec ^BOOKKEEPING/ • Decks lable, free estimates baths. $259,900. Cen­ ROOFING/ 643-0304. ronl. Sentry Real Est- room, workshop and INCOME TAX • Recreation Rooms I ote, 643-4060.________ CLYDE tury 21 Epstein Realty, enclosed front porch. • Sunrooms SIDING SNOW REMOVAL CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 647-8895.0___________ Also Includes a separ­ Complete accounting services • Kitchen 8i Bath Remodeling M AN C H EST ER. Office Friday, Feb. 17, 1989 Manchester, Cenn. — A City cf Village Charm 30 C e n ts Residential space. Approximately ROUTE 83, VERNON TERRIFIC Buy. Spar­ ate building lot zoned including A/R, /VP. P/R, G/L. • Window Replacement Commercial. Drive for a two family. P8iL Statement and quarterly • Roofing LEAKY ROOF? 1200 square feet. Pe­ S3 Nissan 280ZX *7495 > A kling clean Cape Cod In Mott roofs can bo repaired. wavs, starting at $15 conyenlent neighbor­ $222,000. D.W. Fish tax returns Can design • Siding ter’s Furniture Build­ 64 Camaro Coupe •5995 In place of totei reroofIng expeneel Call Bob, 872-8841. ing, 646-2364. hood. Three bedrooms, Realty, 643-1591 .a additional applications • Concrete Work 85 Century Wagon •8595 1 ^ • Framing Crew Available Complete reroofIng of ell typee. S', f; formal dining room, MANCHESTER. Three tailored for your business HAWKES TREE SERVICE FREE ESTIM ATES 65 Century 4 Dr. •8995 1 eat-ln kitchen, hard­ bedroom home In great needs Call 644-6191. FARRAND REMODCUNG Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump i q f t j VACATION 65 Sunbird 4 dr. •4995 wood floors, and gar­ shape. FIreplaced liv­ Manchester Roofing Room additions, decka, root­ removal. Free estimates. 1^0 ( r e n t a l s 85 Spectrum 4 Dr. •5195 1 ^ age too. Ideal first ing roam, carpeting 1988 INCOME TAXES ing, siding, windows and gutt­ 645-8830 Special consideration (or 85 Electra 4 Dr. J U.S. trade •10,495 home. Priced to sell. throughout. Vinyl ers. All types of remodeling and elderly and handicapped. Only $135,900. Call Consultation / Preparation M ISQUAMICUT. Cottoge 86 98 Regency 4 Dr. •9995 sided with a 2 car repairs. Call Bob Fanand, Jr. close to beach. One Linda Brown for garage. This was the Individuals / 86 Grand Am 2 dr. •8395 1 Bus. 647-8509 ELECTRICAL 6 4 7-7553 sleeps 6, $500 per week. "Above the Crowd" madel home for the Sole Proprietors I 66 Celebrity 4 dr. •7695 service, evenings, 647- Res. 645-6849 One sleeps 8, $600 per f 1 entire complex. week. Special rote,pre- 86 Celebrity Euro •7995 8691. Re/Max east of $179,900. D.W. Fish Dan Mosler 6 4 9 - 3 3 2 9 ELECTRICAL & DISTRIBUTION f the river, 647-1419.0 Realty, 643-1591 .□ Let us remodel your kitchen or seoson. 643-1823._____ 86 Spectrum 4 dr. •4995 1 ^ bath from floor to celling. We SECURITY WORK LABELS CAPE COD. Yarmouth. 3 86 Nova 4 Dr. •6995 deficit in NEW Listing. Country Tired of manually addressing VERNON. Custom built 9 offer cabinets, vanities, coun­ Fire, Burglar and bedrooms, 1 block to kitchen, large dining room Colonial, 4 bed­ CARPENTRY/ tertops whatever your needs Freeze Alarms. distribution mall ~ we can ocean. Excellent loca­ room, front foyer with rooms, pegged floor are. Call RALPH NADEAU at automate this process providing REMODELING FREE ESTIMATES tion. Available June- 872-9111 French doors to fire- family room, large din­ quality service for a reasonable November. 647-7234. placed Hying room, ing room, first floor 643-6004 561-2020 price Call 644-6191 KHebee A Bath Oatlsa Caatar three big bedrooms bllH a rd room, 2'/2 I AUTOS FOR with lots of huge RENOVATIONS baths, 2 fireplaces, IftH n HEATING/ R T I INDUSTRIAL IRENT/LEASE decline closets. Natural wood­ screened porch and PLUS MFM Construction IS U J PLUMBING LANDSCAPING E i I p r d p e r t y work throughout. Lots much more. Imme­ Complete Home Kitchen, baths, attics, of space In this charm­ diate occupancy. Ask­ FR EE Mileage on low Maintenance basement additions, LAWN Maintenance. Re­ M ANCHESTER. 3400 and cost auto rental. Vil­ ing home. $148,900. Call ing $289,000. U 8. R garages, decks, texture PJ's Plumbing. Hailing A sidential and commer­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The represent the twin towers of debt Linda Brown for Realty, 643-2692.0 Repair / Renew 2400 square foot Indus­ lage Auto Rental, 643- ceilings. Call Air Conditioning cial. Fifteen years ex- trial space. Loading 2979 or 646-7044. U.S. trade deficit shrank to that President Bush inherited "Aboye the Crowd" Ceilings, Walls. Painting, Boilers, pumps, hot water perlence. Free serylce, eyenings, 647- JUST Listed. Try this Papering, Carpentry dock, parking, Wood­ $137.34 billion in 1988, the first from Ronald Reagan. seven raom, 2 bath, 232-6832 - 561-4423 tanks, new and estimates. Fully In­ land Industrial Pork. >. New Pricing Policy ^ 8691. Re/Max east of lntur»d • Sanfor DiteounI replacements. annual decline since 1980. as a Reacting to the report, the the river, 647-1419.0 split level, located on sured. Call now tor Principals only. 643- surge in exports offset a relent­ administration said it was com­ Ferguson Road on for BRIAN'S HOME FREE ESTIMATES early Spring schedul- 2121. size. You'll love It! 643-9649/228-9616 Ing. 646-5858. less climb in imports, the govern­ mitted to working for a further IMPROVEMENTS i VOLUME I ment reported today. reduction in the trade deficit by PUBLIC HEARING Blanchard & Rossetto Kitchens, Baths, Rec Rooms, Realtors," We’re Sel­ I AUTO R^MISCELLANEDUS The Commerce Department boosting America’s competitive­ Bolton Planning MRPENTRY WORK Decks & Additions I MISCELLANEOUS I PRICING I Commission ling Houses" 646-2482.0 E l l FDR RENT All Phases Free Etf/meree • L/oeneed 8 /neuretf I SERVICES said exports shot up to an all-time ness on world markets and Framing, Roots, Siding, Trim. SERVICES high of $322.22 billion last year, a shrinking the budget deficit. A proposed re-subdivislon, INVITATION TO BID I BARGAINS p by Jeffrey F. and Goll S. Registered 8, Fully Insured 646-3923 FOR Rent. 1250 square dramatic 26.8 percent above the Many analysts say the budget The Manchester Public TIERINNrS feet Including drive-ln Clarke, of an 11 acre parcel at Schools solicits bids (or TY­ Vary Raaaonable Prices 1987 level, led by a boom in sales deficit has played a major role in 92 Volpl Road will be consid­ Automotive Engliworing, Inc. garage. Could be used ^New PricinK Pollo^ PEWRITERS, CALCULA­ Quality Work / Free Estimates I PAINTING/ of American-manufactured pro­ the worsening trade performance ered at a public hearing on TORS AND COMPUTERS tor DRESS Making, altera­ 276 Hartford Rd.. Manchester for office, showroom, February 22 at 8 p.m. at the the 1988-1989 school year. 742-1579 PAPERING tions and most kinds of repairs. Excellent con­ ducts and farm goods. of the 1980s by making America Bolton Town Hall. The par­ Sealed bids will be received sewing done. 647-8730. dition. Coll 646-4920. 1989 Buick The huge gain in exports was more dependent on foreign until February 23, 1989, 2:00 649-5823 cel, created by the Sky AAea- Cars, Trucks, Vans, 4x4's enough to offset an 8.3 percent investment. dow Form Subdivision In p.m., at which time they will Skyhawk be publicly opened.
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