THE BELFAST GAZETTE, JANUARY 1, 1943. • The Ministry of Commerce for Northern Ireland Swain, Albert, 16 Donegal! Square South, Belfast: lias appointed the following gentlemen to act as 13 D'Olier Street, Dublin. Public Valuers for Northern Ireland for the year Twcedie, Harold L., Donegall House, 7 Howard ending 31st December, 1943, under the provisions Street, Belfast. of the Friendly Societies Act, 1896 (59 and 60 White, J. S., Ocean Buildings, 2 Donegall Square Viet. Cap 25), viz. :— Ejist, Belfast; Spectator Buildings, Main Street, Bangor; 1 Church Place, Portadown; 11 Tohn Bacon, James, Empire House, St. Martin's le Grand, Street, Omag-h; Bank Buildings, Townhall London, E.C.I. Street, Enniskillen; Castle Buildings, Market Burrows, V. A., " Ringley," Reigatc Road, Reigate, Square, Dungannon; 60 Main Street, Larne; Surrey. Exchange Buildings, Armagh. Galer, Sir F. Bertram, 77/78 Graceohurch Street, Wilson, J. Howard, Scottish Temperance Buildings, London, E.C.3. 16 Donegall Square South, Belfast; 8 Castle Street, Londonderry. Green, A. J., 234 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, C2. Wilson, W. J. B.t 16 Donegall Square- South, Belfast. Maudling R. G.. " Ririfeley," Rcigatc Road, Reigate, W. D. SCOTT, Surrey. Secretary. Robertson, J. H., M.A., 5 Victoria Street (3rd Floor), Ministry of Commerce, Westminster, London, S.W.I.; 45 Renfield Chichester Street, Street, Glasgow, C.2. Belfast. Shepherdson, H. J., Royal Insurance Buildings, 31st December, 1942. 1 North John Street, Liverpool. Taylor, H. Hosking, 40 Hampton Road, Tedding- ton, Middlesex. 30th December, 1942. W. D. SCOTT, * Secretary. This day His Grace the Governor of Northern Ireland was pleased, in the name and on behalf Ministry of Commerce! of His Majesty the King, to give his Assgnt to Chichester Street. the following Bills agreed upon by both Houses of Belfast. the Parliament of Northern Ireland:— 31st December, 1942. Scutch Mills and Flax (Fire Insurance), Agriculture (Destruction of Vermin). The Ministry of Commerce for Northern Ireland has appointed the following gentlemen to act as MINISTRIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND), Public Auditors for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31st December, 1943, under the provisions 1940. of the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts Notice is hereby given that the Public Security (Northern Ireland), 1893 to 1929, the Friendly (Church Bells) (No 2) Order (Northern Ireland), Societies Act, 1896, and the Industrial Assurance 1942, -has been made by the Ministry of Public Acts (Northern Ireland), 1924 to 1929. Security under the Ministries Act (Northern Ire- Addy, H. E. A., 7 Donegall Square West, Belfast. land), 1940. Alexander, J. M., 3 Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast. This Order gives permission for the sounding of Allen, Frederick, Ocean Buildings, 2 Donegall church bells on Christnlas Day, the 25th December, Square East, Belfast; 1 Church Place, Porta- 1942, between the hours of 9 am. and 12 noon. down; 11 John Street, Ornagh; Bank Buildings, Ministry of Public Security, Townhall Street, Enniskillen; Castle Buildings, Stormont Castle, Market Square, Dungannon; Spectator Build- Belfast. ings, Main Street, Bangor; 60 Main Street, Larne, Exchange Buildings, Armagh. 23rd December, 1942. Bailey, 'John, 6 Murray Street, Belfast. Baird, James, 12 Broomhill Park, Belfast; New Row, Coleraine; High Street, Ballymoney; High Street, Ballymena; Molesworth Street, GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND. Cookstown. MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS. Bell, Harold F., New Row, Coleraine. Booth, Norman, 13 Donega'll Place, Belfast; Institute Notice is hereby given that the Ministry of Home Chambers, Lurgan. Affairs by virtue of the powers conferred on it by Boyd, D. Tilfourd, 9 Wellington Place, Belfast. Regulation 70 of the Defence (General) Regulations, Boyd, Hugh, State Buildings, 18 Arthur Street, 1939, has made an Order, dated the 28th day of Belfast; 63 Hill Street, Newry; Shipqtiay Street, December, 1942, entitled The Motor Vehicles Londonderry; The Diamond, Colerainc. (Restriction of Use) (No. 2) (Northern Ireland) Boyle, Samuel, 38 Donegall Place, Belfast; 9 Water- Order, 1942, taking effect as from 1st January, 1943. loo Place, Londonderry. Copies of the Order will be obtainable from His Brandon, W. H., 7 Donegall Square West, Belfast; Majesty's Stationery Office, 80 Chichester Street, High Street, Omagh; 14 Foyle Street, London- Belfast, or through any bookseller. derry ; Broadway, Ballymena. Carson, D. T., 24 High Street, Ballymena. Drean, R. Stanley, 19-22 Ocean Buildings, Donegall Square East, Belfast. Fitzsimons, W. H. 10 Ocean Buildings, Donegall NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE, CONTRI- Square East, Belfast. BUTORY PENSIONS AND WORKMEN'S Forbes, R. F., Exchange Buildings, Armagh. COMPENSATION ACT, 1941. Glenn, James A., 7 Donegall Square West, Belfast. Hall, T. H., 52 Bridge Street, Portadown. Notice is hereby given under the Rules Publica- Henderson, Robert G, 17 Castle Place, Belfast. tion Act, 1893, that it is proposed by the National Loughridge, J. Canning, 3, 4 and 5 Suffolk Street, Health Insurance Joint Committee, the Minister of Dublin, C3. Health, the Secretary of State for Scotland and Magee, Charles. Donegall Chambers, Donegall Place, the Ministry of Labour for Northern Ireland, acting Belfast; 3 College Green, Dublin. jointly after the expiration of at least forty days Montgomery, H. Trevor, Riddels Buildings, 49 from this date, in exercise of the powers conferred Donegall Place, Belfast. by the National Health Insurance, Contributory Shaw, J. Crawford, 2 Wellington Place, Belfast-; Pensions and Workmen's Compensation Act, 1941, 2 Bishop Street, Londonderry; 48 High Street, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, Portadown.- to make regulations to be entitled the National Smyth, W. H., 19-22 Ocean Buildings, Donegall Health Insurance (Emergency Duration of Insur- • Square East, Belfast. ance) Regulations, 1943;.
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