Mammalia 2016; 80(4): 457–462 Short Note Enrique A. Bazán-León*, Esteban Botero-Delgadillo, Cristóbal I. Venegas, Nasrim Butler-Llanos, José L. Yáñez, Juan C. Torres-Mura and Rodrigo A. Vásquez New distributional record of Chelemys megalonyx (Rodentia: Cricetidae) from the central valley of Chile, and some implications for its distribution and conservation DOI 10.1515/mammalia-2015-0054 Three species of the genus Chelemys are currently Received March 23, 2015; accepted July 8, 2015; previously published recognized for Chile: Chelemys megalonyx (Waterhouse online August 26, 2015 1844), Chelemys macronyx (Thomas 1984), and Chelemys delfini (Cabrera 1905, Wilson and Reeder 2005). Although Abstract: We report a new locality for the rodent Chelemys recent studies provide information on the taxonomi- megalonyx in Rinconada de Maipú (Santiago, metropoli- cal status and phylogenetic relationships of Chelemys tan region, central Chile), located in the central valley of within Abrotrichini (e.g. D’Elía 2003, Rodríguez-Serrano Chile, in the eastern slope of the Chilean coastal range. et al. 2008, Alarcón et al. 2011), basic knowledge on their Although the collected specimens show morphological ecology and distributional patterns is still scarce. similarities with other members of Chelemys, some cra- Chelemys megalonyx, the shrub mole-rat, large long- nial and body measurements confirmed our identifica- clawed mouse, or “rata topo del matorral”, is an endemic tion. Despite extensive field effort in the central coast of semi-fossorial sigmodontine inhabiting the forests and Chile, C. megalonyx has been barely recorded. In light shrublands of the central coast of Chile (Osgood 1943, of previous evidence and our findings, we suggest that Mann 1978, Muñoz-Pedreros and Yáñez 2009). Given its the C. megalonyx distribution range has been previously restricted range, its presumed reduced population, and underestimated, limiting our understanding about its cur- the increasing negative effects of agricultural activities, rent conservation status. The presence of C. megalonyx C. megalonyx is now considered as a Near Threatened in the central valley of Chile opens additional questions species according to the International Union for Conserva- to be resolved regarding its distribution and ability for tion of Nature (D’Elía and Patterson 2008). Its geographic dispersal. distribution extends from the Elqui Province, Coquimbo Region (29°36′ S) in north-central Chile, to Cautín Prov- Keywords: Abrotrichini; Maipo River; Mammalia; semi- ince, La Araucanía Region (38°40′ S), in south-central fossorial; Sigmodontinae. Chile (Figure 1A). Although some proposed distributions for the species extend to the eastern slope of the Chilean coastal range up to the western side of the Andes mountain range (see D’Elía and Patterson 2008), historical records and captures suggest that this rodent would be confined *Corresponding author: Enrique A. Bazán-León, Faculty of Science, to the western side of the Chilean coastal range, from sea Department of Ecological Sciences, Ecology and Biodiversity Institute, University of Chile, 3425 Las Palmeras St., Ñuñoa, level to 500-m altitude (Muñoz-Pedreros and Yáñez 2009, Santiago, Chile, e-mail: [email protected] Figure 1A). Here, we document a new distributional record Esteban Botero-Delgadillo, Cristóbal I. Venegas, for C. megalonyx that supports its occurrence outside the Nasrim Butler-Llanos and Rodrigo A. Vásquez: Faculty of Science, coastal range, and discuss its potential implications for Department of Ecological Sciences, Ecology and Biodiversity the species’ conservation. Institute, University of Chile, 3425 Las Palmeras St., Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile As part of a long-term research into the community José L. Yáñez and Juan C. Torres-Mura: National Museum of Natural assembly of small mammals at Rinconada de Maipú, San- History, 520 Matucana St., Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile tiago, metropolitan region (33°29′16.37″ S, 70°53′07.62″ W, - 10.1515/mammalia-2015-0054 Downloaded from PubFactory at 08/16/2016 08:23:58PM via free access 458 E.A. Bazán-León et al.: New distributional record of Chelemys megalonyx Figure 1: Geographical distribution of Chelemys megalonyx. The Rinconada de Maipú site is indicated as “New record,” while Roman numbers and MR indicate the administrative regions of Chile (IV, Coquimbo region; V, Valparaíso region; MR, Metropolitan region; VI, Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins region; VII, Maule region; VIII, Bío-Bío region; IX, Araucanía region). - 10.1515/mammalia-2015-0054 Downloaded from PubFactory at 08/16/2016 08:23:58PM via free access E.A. Bazán-León et al.: New distributional record of Chelemys megalonyx 459 530 m a.s.l.), we have used a grid of 16 × 15 trap stations the longer claw, and upper toothrow (Figure 2C,D) were (10 m apart, encompassing an area of 21,000 m2) since noticeably and consistently different when compared with October 2011. We have used a modified mesh-version of C. macronyx and other similar species (Table 1). Sherman traps (8 × 9 × 22 cm) for live capture, sampling Chelemys megalonyx is considered rare and has been during five consecutive trapping-nights every 45 days. barely captured (e.g. Cofré and Marquet 1999), being Traps were baited with a mixture of tuna, oatmeal, and recorded from only a few localities (cf. Osgood 1943, banana, and opened daily at dusk in order to capture Quintana 2009), despite the extensive field effort in the nocturnal small mammals. The site is dominated by scle- central coast of Chile (Schamberger and Fulk 1974, Pine rophyllous scrub vegetation type (Luebert and Pliscoff et al. 1979). As a result, published works on the species 2006), and it is located in the eastern slope of the Chilean geographical distribution and natural history are very coastal range, in the central valley of Chile (also known as limited (e.g. Meserve et al. 1987, Muñoz-Pedreros et al. Intermediate Depression). 2010), and there are only skins (without its skeletons) In January, March, and August 2012, we captured of two specimens available at the MNHN. Although the three adult individuals of Chelemys sp., one female and presumed decreasing trend of its population remains to two males (Figure 1B). The individuals were captured be confirmed (D’Elía and Patterson 2008), some studies in different station traps (150 m apart) in dense thickets suggest that its rarity would be partly due to its high sen- of thorny bush, Trevoa trinervis (female: 33°29′13.3″ S, sitivity to habitat transformation (Vásquez and Simonetti 70°53′05.7″ W; males: 33°29′16.75″ S, 70°53′09.93″ W and 1999). However, there is no way to confirm if its low abun- 33°29′13.76″ S, 70°53′05.99″ W). The female and one of the dances and apparently restricted distribution would be a males were deposited in the Museo Nacional de Historia reflection of its current population status or may be a con- Natural (MNHM), Santiago, Chile (MNHN codes: male sequence of the failure to capture more individuals given 1545; female 1587). All three individuals were identified its semi-fossorial habits (see Mann 1978). Whichever the taxonomically as Chelemys megalonyx according to the lit- consequences of its status, our findings certainly reveal erature (Philippi 1872, Osgood 1925, 1943, Tate 1932, Reise that the distribution range of C. megalonyx has been pre- 1973, Mann 1978, Muñoz-Pedreros and Yáñez 2009) and by viously underestimated. direct comparison with other Chelemys specimens stored Previous captures indicated that the geographical at the MNHN (Table 1, Figure 2). As described by Osgood range of Chelemys megalonyx only covered the western (1925), the collected specimens showed uniform brownish flank of the coastal range (Osgood 1925, D’Elía and Pat- upperparts (extending to the base of the tail) and grayish terson 2008, Muñoz-Pedreros and Yáñez 2009). Although underparts (Figure 2A). Body and skull measurements the form Oxymycterus niger described by Philippi (1872) were relatively similar to other specimens of Chelemys (see from Peine (central Andes range) is a junior synonym of Osgood 1925); however, the body total length (Figure 2A), C. megalonyx, its identification remains doubtful, given Table 1: Measurements of Chelemys megalonyx specimens captured at Rinconada de Maipú and deposited at the MNHN, Santiago, Chile. Species/locality MNHS code Sex W TL T F E LC LS BL ZB IC CB APF D UT Chelemys megalonyx Type locality 22494 (FMNH) M – 170 56 28 – – 30.4 – 16.8 5.35 – – 8.4 4.8 Rinconada de Maipú 1587 F 45 145 46 26.5 13.5 11.6 29.3 25.5 14.1 5.4 13.9 6.2 8.1 4.6 Rinconada de Maipú 1545 M 53.5 169 60 28 17 11.5 28.2 25 14 5.4 13.8 5.9 8.4 4.1 Rinconada de Maipú M 60 174 58 27 18 11.6 32.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Chelemys macronyx Romeral 1549 F ND 184.5 54.6 25.3 ND 7.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Region XI 1264 M ND 195.5 51.4 27.1 ND 7.2 31.7 26.5 17.6 4.8 13.4 7 7.8 5.4 Coyaihye N.R. 1267 M ND 208.8 45.1 27.9 ND 6.5 31 25.9 18 5.1 14 7.1 8.1 5.3 Coyaihye N.R. 1266 M ND 207.7 58.4 27 ND 7.3 ND ND 17.5 5.2 R 7.3 8.1 5.3 Coyaihye N.R. 1261 F ND 195 50.1 25.3 ND 7.2 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Coyaihye N.R. 1262 F ND 211.5 59.5 28.2 ND 7.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Measurements form the species’ type specimen from the Field Museum of Natural History at Chicago (Osgood 1925) and specimens of C.
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