* XT" "jpyg,i^r® i f r 1 * t >«" •/ I: >% t * VJ ~v. ' '.' >-• '" , S : rXHt' w:7<; .-f r&tSSMzbi* .V'A& t, il.* V'Jh • """t " Jfetff fit ReiMb . quintuplets, three girl* and two scientists, agreed. Friday, Dec. 27, 195? «; (Continued from page ]) boy*, marked their 14th birthday Two of the year's largest Cath­ in Buenos Aires. olic gatherings were held — 400 at* new duties a Archbishop of Msgr. George J. Biskup, Du The Pope composed a new was reduced to 57 members* Wfstminster. journalists from 32 nations gath­ buque Vicar General, named Aux prayer for the fortitude and Death alsoc laimed: Bishop John U. S. Supreme Court invali- iliary Bishop of Dubuque. Bishop ered at the fifth World Congress G. Bennett. 86, of Lafayette tft strength for the "Church of Sil­ of the Catholic Press in Vienna. dited a Michigan law banning Austin McCarthy, second Camden. ence." Indiana, who was succeeded hf sties of books containing obscene N. J., Ordinary, was installed. Austria, and 2.300 delegates met Coadjutor Bishop John J. Caf*» Other July events: Formosa's at the second World Congress of language, thereby jeopardizing Notre Dame U.V1957 I^aetare Supreme Court Justice Is Convert berry; Rep. Augustine B. keUeft similar statutes in 11 other states. the Lay Apostolatr in Rome. 71, of Pennsylvania, m Washing Medal went to Clare Booth Luce, To Church . Vatican Bars For promoting interracial jus­ Pope Pius named St. Dominic former U. S. Ambassador to Italy. Priests' Cooperation With 'Pax' ton; Ernest Leger, 81. father ol Sivio as the patron of choir boys. tice, AFL-CIO President George Cardinal I^eger in Montreal; and Secretary of State John Foster Group In Poland . U. S. Bish­ Meany, Washington, and James The following prelates were Dulles reaffirmed U. S. determi ops* Relief Agency Sends First Antonin Zapotocky, 72, Churei consecrated: Bishop Hilary B. W. Dorsey, Milwaukee, Negro of­ persecutor four years as R< nation against recognition of Red Salk Vaccine Shipment To Hun­ ficial of the Wisconsin Industrial Hicker of Bismarck, N. D., in China. gary To Battle Polio Epidemic . Czechoslovakia president. Salina'l St. Paul; Bishop Harry A. Clinch, **$ Commission's fair employment di­ Bishop Frederick W. Freking was Death claimed: Dominican Third Ol Faithful In New York vision, were voted 1957 James J. first Auxiliary Bishop of Mon­ Archdiocese Are Puerto Ricans. consecrated in Rome, Diocese of terey-Fresno, in Fresno; Bishop Father Ignatius Smith, 70, for­ Hoey Awards. Altoona, Pa., was renamed At mer dean of Catholic U.'s urvey Shows . U. S. Army Andrew G. Grutka, first Bishop Father Raymond A. McGowan, toona Jphnstown. Auxiliary Bis school of philosophy, in Wash­ Chaplains Corps Mark* Mind of Gary, in Gary, Ind., and Mary San Antonio, former director of op John W. Fearns of New ¥ ington; Paulist Father James Year. knoll Bishop Charles A. Brown, the NCWC Social Action Depart­ was consecrated. # M. Gil lis, 80, author-orator- AUGUST ment, was voted the 1957 Peace Auxiliary Bishop of Santa Cruz. Eugene F. Kennedy. Jr. Bo* journalist, in New York, and An NCWC News Service survey Award of the Catholic Associa­ Bolivia, in New York. Installed ton. designer, and John McShaiiii Philippines President Ramon showed nearly 5 million students tion for International Peace. were Bishop Lambert A. Hock Philadelphia, builder of the Na­ Magsaysay, 49, in a plane crash registered for U. S. Catholic col­ Death claimed: Trappist Abbot of Sioux Falls. S.D.; Bishop Leo tional Shrine of the Immaculate in the Philippines. leges. high and elementary Robert McGann. 71. of Our Lady A. Pursley of Fort Wayne, Ind., chools this year. Conception in Washington, were •fid Bishop Robert F. Joyce of U. S. visitors included Robert of the Holy Ghost Monastery, E. Briscoe. Jewish Lord Mayor of Death claimed: His Eminence Conyers. Ga., in Paris, France, (Continued On page 9) Arlington, Vt. Giovanni Cardinal !',lercati. 90, The following deaths occur* Dublin, Ireland, and Heinrich von and Father Alexander Josselin. Brentano, German Foreign Min­ Church librarian-archivist, in 56, Montfort Fathers Superior f*d: Pedro Marto, 83, father of Rome: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox, 69, Private Parties Francisco and Jacinta, two of ister. After attending celebra­ General, in Nantes. France. in the ( *nal Room tions of independence of Ghana, convert. Bible translator-author, the three children who wit- in Frome. England: Benedictine U. S. Catholics were urged to SHADE RESTAURANT dossed the apparitions of Our Africa's newest nation. Vice Pres­ mark Oct. 12 as a day of prayer Serving Dailv— Except Mint ident and Mrs. Richard M. Nixon Abbot Boniface Seng. 89, St. Lady of Fatima, in a village Bernard's Abbey, Cullman. Ala., for "solution of difficulties" by Canal Winchester Ohle Bear Fatima; Bishop Jules B. went to Rome and were received Bishop Albert L. Fletcher of Lit­ T6 74361 by the Pope at the Vatican. and Mrs. Ernest Leger, 78. moth­ Jianmard, 77, retired Bishop of er of His Eminence Paul Emile tle Rock, Ark., scene of public Paul and Helen Shade Lafayette, La., in Lake Charles, The Senate confirmed appoint­ high school students racial inte­ Food Deliciously Oifteraaf ment of U. S. Supreme Court Cardinal Leger. in Montreal. La., and Edward Eugene (Gene) Archbishop Cicognani, Apostol­ gration problem. Buck, 71, song writer and head Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., Millions of U. S. Catholic young sixth Catholic to sit on the high ic Delegate to U. S., asserted •# the Catholic Actors Guild, in T^atin is, will remain, official people participated in the 7th Na­ Be wise tribunal. Manhasset, Long Island. language of Church, at Onida, tional Catholic Youth Week, Oct. Other March headlines: New ... protect Other February headlines: 583 Wis., seminary dedication. Na­ 27-Nov. 3. Msgr. Frederick W. Malay Constitution Gives Various your eyes Catholic Books Published In 1956, tional Federation of Catholic Col­ Freking. 44, of the Winona. Religions Free Right To Operate Survey Shows . Archbishop Re­ lege Student; and National New­ Minn., diocese, spiritual director Glasses at Schools . Hong Kong Catholic ports Drop In Red Influence In man Club Federation brought of the North American College in Increase More Than 20 Per Cent Moderate Prices India; Asks Clergy To Promote 1,500 student leaders to New Rome, was named Bishop of Sa­ In Year . Pope Scores Indecent Columbu*' Largest Selection e#' .. Unionism . Pops Says Doc­ York for convention. lina. Kan. A S2 million fire de­ Books, Movies In Lenten Sermon: Latest Styles u tors May Give Pain-Killers To CIO-AFL President George stroyed Ottumwa Heights (Iowa) Warns Against Cooperation With Dying Even If It Would Shorten Meany and actress Irene Dunne academy and junior college and Communists . Eleven New Dio­ LAMBERT OPTICAL Life . More Than Million were named U. S. delegates to Sisters of Holy Humility of Mary ceses Erected In Argentina; Two 143 N. St. (Next to Unlet!) Catholics In Strife-Tom Middle the UN. Malaya's Bishops issued motherhouse. CA. 1-1001 East, Survey Shows., Raised To Archdioceses . ? Ea- a joint pastoral hailing nation's Other October headlines: Card- mon De Valera Returned To MARCH independence from Great Bri­ i n a 1 Tisserant Decorated By Power In Irish Elections. The world paid homage to Pope tain. France's President Coty . Pius XII on his 81st birthday and APRIL Other August headlines: Hun­ Philadelphia Cathedral Opens Af­ BALDWIN XJtth anniversaries of his papal Dividing Brooklyn diocese ter­ garian Reds Arrest Priests. Lay­ ter Two Years Of Large Scale election and coronation. ritory, Pope Pius named Bishop men In New Crackdown On Renovation . Annette Dionne Electronic Organs Modifying Eucharistic . faft Bryan J. McEntegart, Catholic Church . Plane Co-Pilot In Is First Of Famous Quints To tules, the Pontiff decreed a University of America rector, First A-Bombing. Missioner Who Marry . San Marino Red Re­ three-hour fast from solid foods Bishop of Brooklyn, and Bishop Lived Through It, Meet On 12th gime Falls As Anti-Communist and alcoholic beverages and a Walter P. Kellenberg of Ogdens- Anniversary of Hiroshima Holo­ Take Power . 200.000 Pilgrims At Closing Of 40th Anniversary one-hour fast from other liquids hurg, N. Y., Bishop of the new caust . Philadelphia Archbish- Rites At Fatima Shrine . Luke before reception ef Holy Com­ Rockville Centre diocese. Op O'Hara Says Catholic Schools E. Hart Reelected K. of C. Su­ munion. As 500,000 in St. Peter's Square Saved U. S. Taxpayers $1.4 Bil­ They Made News in 1957 preme Knight . Pope Inaugu­ Commission for Catholic Mis­ listened, the Pope in his Easter lion . Holy Father Warns 30,- rates New Vatican Radio Station. sions Among Colored People and message told the world it must His Holiness Pop* Plus XII/ shown |)i Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of 000 Young Christian Workers Indians reported half-million of build its hopes on the Risen his official 1957 portrait, was Church Chicago, received Grand Cross of Merit Against False Prophets of Hate, NOVEMBER .1 U. S. Bishops at their annual 16 million U. S. Negroes and Christ. Knights of Columbus, cele­ "Man of the Year", when during 1957 of Republic of Italy; Francis Cardinal Rebellion . 700.000 Greet Card­ 110,000 of nation's 400,000 Indi­ brating its 75th anniversary, voted inal Wyszynski at Poland's Famed Washington meeting: issued a ^ $1 million to erect a bell tower he drastically modified the Eucharistic Spellman, on way to celebrate Mass in statement entitled "Censorship," designed and Built Per ans are Catholics. Fast. In Kerala, India, top center photo, Rome for 25th anniversary of consecra­ Czestochowa Shrine . 'Cru­ The Finest Expressioe at the National Shrine of the sades For Souls' Led 2.180.290 terming press freedom a basic Immaculate Conception, Washing­ 100,000 indignant citizens protested Com­ tion as Bishop; James Francis Cardinal Converts To Church In 21 Years, right but insisting public morals of Sacred Music •s ton, D.
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