.. £....," AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDITATC--ALONGWITH I NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR I ELECTION TO LOKSABHA (NAME OF THE HOUSE) FROM 46, I RATNAGIRI - SINDHUDURG, MAHARASHTRA, PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY. • Signe~~efOrr_Me I_d:;wYro1Y- • Amot A. Shinde NatI'Iry & Advocate (Govt. of 'n~ia) I ~IisMakunj. Near Vitthal M.3ndtr,.. • Utkarsh Nagar. 1':iIlDist. - Ratnagll1 · ~ /~ lQist-fi ·gdNo ;.I. Dt.-31 , . .~ ~ PART A I NILESH NARAYAN RANE son of SURI NARAYAN TATU RANE Aged 38 years, resident of AT POST VARAVADE, FALSHIYEWADI, FANASNAGAR, TALUKA: KANKAVALI, DISTRICT: SINDHUDURG, MAHARASHTRA: 416 602 (mention full postal address), a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:- (1) I am a candidate set up by MAHARASHTRA SWABHIMAAN PAKSH (2) My name is enrolled in 268 Kankavli Constituency , Maharashtra State, at Serial No :795 in Part No.258. (3) My contact telephone numberts) is 02367 233630 and my e-mail id (if any) is [email protected] my social media account(s) (if any) are__-__ (i) Twitter: @meNeeleshNRane (ii) Facebook: www.facebook.comlMeNileshRane (iii) Mobile and whatsApp No.: +91 99304 50000 (iv) Website: www.nileshnrane.in (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing ofIncome tax return: S1.No. Names PAN [The financia [Total income shown in Income lYearfor Irax Return (in Rupees) for the IWhichthe last last five Financial Years ncome- tax !completed (as on 31" March) eturn has !beenfiled I. Self V\DQPR968IR 2013-2014 (i) t 44,89,630/- MR.NILESH NARAYAN RANE 2014-2015 (ii) ~ 69,78,240/- 2015-2016 (iii) ~ 51,33,970/- 2016-2017 (iv) ~ 1,03,85,630/- 2017-2018 (v) ~ 75,37,680/- 2. Spouse V\MXPR5401M 2013-2014 (i) ~ 18,94,260/- IMRS. PRIYANKA INILESH RANE 2014-2015 (ii) ~ 27,28,140/- 2015-2016 (iii) ~ 23,10,290/- .: 2016-2017 (iv) ~ 41,53,270/- 2017-2018 (v) ~ 25,62,010/- , Signed rsefOJ~Me 2 ~ov- Arnot A. Shinde ~I(:lt~ry& Mvocate (Govt. of 'n~i,l) ~;ishlla"uni. Near Vitlhal Mandlr... C,,,ar,.rl I-.Jagar.13liD,sl. • Ratnagln ,/~ (~~ ~I 'OistoRf 1<i.No.- .'. Dt.-31/t <; "7: Of 3. ~UF (If Candidate jAAHHN2856E 2013-2014 (i) NIL is Karta I ~oparcener) 2014-2015 (ii) NIL NILESH NARAYAN RANE 2015-2016 (iii) NIL HUF ~ate of Formation 2016-2017 (iv) NIL 17-09-2010) 2017-2018 (v) ~ 4,06,400/- 4. Dependent 1 No PAN 2013-2014 (i) ~ 1,22,250/- MASTER Allotted jABHlRAAJ 2014-2015 (ii) ~ 1,70,218/- jNILESH RANE *Income Clubbed 2015-2016 (iii) ~ 3,73,122/- Iwith father 2016-2017 (iv) ~ 2,77,203/- 2017-2018 (v) ~ 3,34,208/- (5) Pending criminal cases (i) I declare that there is no pending criminal case against me. (Tick this alternative if there is no criminal case pending against the Candidate and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR ./ (ii) The following criminal cases are pending against me: (If there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases in the Table below) Table (a) FIR No. with name (I) F.I.R. NO. (II) F.I.R. NO. (III) F.I.R. NO. 34512018, KHED 12912018, 0912016, and address of POLICE RATNAGIRI SAWANTWA• Police Station STATION GRAMIN DIPOLICE POLICE STATION, concerned STATION SAWANTWA• DI (b) Case No. with Name CHARGE SHEET SUMMARY S.C.C.NO.168/ NOT FILED CRIMINAL 2016 or the Court CASE SAWANTWA• NO. 136212018, DICOURT JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE RATNAGIRI (c) Section(s) of 143,147,149,323, 342,143,149 OF I.P.C SEC- 504, INDIAN 143,147,188 concerned 506,188 OF PENAL CODE MAH.POLICE Acts/Codes involved INDIAN PENAL AND 37(1)(3), ACT-1951 CODE, SECTION 135 OF SEC-37(1 )(3) (give no. of the 37 & 135 OF MUMBAI AND 135 Section, e.g. MUMBAI POLICE POLICE ACT ACT Section .....•• ofIPC, ete.), ...- ...,""~ 3 I Ta'fDlst-Ratnagiri' Signed 8efore Me ( Regd 1110.-11139 5~~k- Exp DI.•31/03/2020 Amot A.. Shinde . ~'-.. N(1t;>,r, & ~dvocateJGoYI. of India) ~OF~O\~ t<e'<hna....Jnj. Near ItItlal Mandlr,.. C.K313hNa~r. Tal/Oi't. - Ratn~gif'_ DISTRICT ON 19/0112016 ON 19/1212018 AT (d) Brief description of ABOUT COLLECTOR AT ABOUT 12 RATNAGIRI PM EVEN offence 11.00 A.M.EVEN THOUGH ISSUED THOUGH DISTRICT PREVENTIVE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE ORDEREDIN COLLECTOR RATNAGIRI DISTRICT ISSUED ORDERED ACCORDING PREVENTIVE PREVENTIVE TO ORDER ORDER AGAINST MAHARASHTR AGAINST ACCUSEDIN A POLICE ACT ACCUSED IN CONNECTION 37(1)(3) FROM CONNECTIO WITH 03/07/2018 N WITH MUMBAIPOLICE TO 06/08/2018 MAH.POLICE EVEN ACT-1951U/S ACT, THOUGH SEC-37(1)(3) 37(1)(3)& ALSO ISSUE PREVENTIVE AND 135 AND NOTICE U/S. 149 ORDERED ALSO ISSUED OF PASSED BY NOTICE CRIMINAL DISTRICT U/SI43,147,188 PROCEDURE COLLECTOR OFINDIAN CODE, ON 03/0812018 PENAL CODE ACCUSED AT ABOUT ALL GATHERED 13.23ACCUSED ACCUSED TOGETHER ILLEGALLY NO.1 TO 41 AT LOTE MIDC IN ASSEMBLED GATHERED FRONT OF AT TOGETHER GATE OF MUMBAI-GOA IN FRONT OF SUPRIYALIFE HIGHWAY SHRIRAM SCIENCE PVT. NEAR VACHANALA LTD. AND HATKHAMBA Y, ILLEGALLY TITHA AND SAWANTWA ASSEMBLED THEREBY DI AND OVER ILLEGALLY ILLEGALL Y THERE AND ASSEMBLED ASSEMBLED ASSAULTEDAND AND PVER THERE THREATENED WRONGLY AND MANAGERFOR OBSTRUCTED THEREFORE NOT VEHICLES DISOBEY TO LOCKED OF AND THE ORDER COMPANYAND THEREBY PASSED BY THEREFORE BREACHED THE DISOBEYTHE PREVENTIVE DISTRICT ORDER ORDERED COLLECTOR PASSEDBY PASSED SINDHUDUR- DISTRICT BY DISTRICT G. NILESH MAGISTRATE -COLLECTOR RANE IS RATNAGIRI ACCUSED NO.2 IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE. (e) Whether charges NO NO YES have been framed (mention YES or NO) L·· .,' ,~mo~A. Sh'nde I , '1IIDlst-Ratnag , ,. ~:~~~cgd No.- 1113'~' (f) If answer against (e) OT APPLICABLE NOT ON DATED- APPLICABLE 20/02/2019 above is YES, then CHARGED give the date on FRAMEDU/S. I.P.C SEC- which charges were 143,147,188 framed MAR.POLICE ACT-1951 SEC-37(1)(3) AND 135 (g) Whether any NO NO NO AppeaVApplication for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or - NO) [' FIR No. with name (IV) CHIPLUN POLICE (V) SAWARDE POLICE a) r STATION FIR NO 8612016 ) and address of STATION FIR NO 3012012 Police Station y concerned (b) Case No. with Name REGULAR CASE SUMMARY CASE ofthe Court NO.7312016JT. CIVIL NO.S1612014 JUDGE J.D. JT. CIVIL JUDGE J.D. J.M.F.C. CHIPLUN J.M.F.C. CHIPLUN THE STATE OF THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRAVS MAHARASHTRA VS NILESH NARAYAN NILESH NARAYAN RANEETC.5 (c) Section(s) of RANEETC.21 INDIANPENAL CODE INDIAN PENAL CODE concerned 363,365,368,452,201,143, 143,186,341RAILWAY 147,148,149,323,324,341, ACf,I989 SECTION 146, Acts/Codes involved 342,504,506 174(A) (give no. of the Section, e.g, Section ....... ofIPC, etc.). (d) Brief description of ACCUSEDPERSON offence KIDNAPING A ACCUSEDPERSON COMPLAINANTAND KEEPING IN CAAfEAT ASURDE CONFINEMENT TO KIDNAP A PERSON ~AYSTATION THAT IS COMPLAINANTAND C'HIPtUNILLEGALLY MADE HOUSETRESSPASSAND ~EMBLEDAND J WRONGFUL CONFINEMENT TO THE OBITRACT TO JAN ------- SHATABDI EXPRESS COMPLAINANT ON 24/0412016 ON 10/09/2012 NO NO (e) Whether charges have been framed (mention YES or NO) ~ NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (f) If answer against (e) ) above is YES, then give the date on .7 which charges were framed NO NO (g) Whether any AppeaVApplication for revision has been filed against the .. proceedings (Mention YES or NO) (6) Cases of conviction ./ (i) I declare that I have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR (ii) I have been convicted for the offencesmentioned below: NOT APPLICABLE (If the candidate has been convicted, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table below) Table (a) Case No. NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE (b) Name of the Court NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Signed l!JeforeMe ~A~~ KriiOf'A."Shfnde NClti'!"1& NtIlOC~:P. (Govt. of India) ~n"; .lak"nl .-Iearv'itlllat Mandir. Ul)f..",sh Nay~·. fallDis!. - FG'nagiJi 6 -__ NOT NOT (c) Sections of NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Acts I Codes involved (give no. of the Section, e.g. Section •••.••. of IPC, ete.). NOT NOT (d) Brief description of NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE offence for which convicted NOT NOT (e) Dates of orders of NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE conviction NOT NOT (f) Punishment imposed NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE NOT NOT (g) Whether any Appeal NOT ~ APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE has been filed against conviction order (Mention YES ) or No) NOT (h) If answer to (g) NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE above is YES, give details and present status of appeal (6A) I have given full and up-to-date information to my political party about all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6). [candidates to whom this Item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN 5(i) and 6(i), above) Note: 1. Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters. 2. Details to be given separately for each case under different columns against each item. 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order, i.e., the latest case to be mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cases. 4. Additional sheet may be added if required. 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in compliance of Hon'ble Supreme Court's judgment in W.
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