1;' ' :.i . r,6 1, I r"-, r ". .1. \a tt FIFTH CONFERENCE ffi HEALTH PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE CHINESE IN NORTH AMERICA 1 990 sponsored by THE CHINESE CANADTAN MEDTCAL SOCTETy (ONTARTO) and THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ri I E uollplcossv pclpow eluJolllBc e$ Aq poldscce sllporc uopcnps lecpofl Oulnupuog | &obepC Io slnotl Of pue uollBlcossv pclpar{ uBcuerlv aql }o spJB^ V trolguOoceg s,ueplsrtqd eql lo | fuo6epC lo slnoq 0[ epeueC 1o suep;sr{q4 {;ue1 ;o abep3 aql ,(q penodde ilpeJc l$hts popuauruocol lo s.lnoq ! L uoder r(etr ecuareluoC slrll 1e acuepua$V ilparc oluolol p fi;sren1u1 'eulclpayr1 p ftgnceJ eql puE (opetu6) Ilepos lBOlp€lI uelpeueC eseulLlC eql Aq perosuods r{nulof epeugC 'olrgluor 'oluorol'laloH suoseas JnoJ 0661 '?Z-82 ounf vcHltnv H.ruoN Nt lrs3iltltc :il{t ol q3$n3u sffiraoud HrTv:Il{ uo ocuo.raluoc t{illJ aql THE CONFERENCE ON HEALTH PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE CHINESE IN NORTH AMERICA National Steering Committee Organizations Harry Lee, M.D., Chairman American Center for Chinese Medical Sciences, Washington, D.C. Association of Chinese Community Physicians, San Francisco, California canadian chinese Medical society of British Golumbia, Vancouver, B.c. Chinese American Medical Society, New York, New york Ghinese American Physicians Society, East Bay, California Chinese Ganadian Medical Society, Ontario Chinese Hospital Medical Staff, San Francisco, California Chinese Medical Society, Quebec chinese Physicians for Ghinatown, (Los Angeles), Alhambra, california Chinese Physicians Society of Southern California, Monterey Park, California 1 990 Conference Committee John H.C. Chiu, M.D., Chairman Peter Lee, M.D., Scientific Programme Chairman Yvonne Y. Chiu, M.Sc. Conference Coordinator Paul S.K. Chan, M.D. Peter P. Chang, M.D. Ming C. Chiu, M.D. Stephen Chow, M.D. Angela Huang, M.D. Robert Jin, M.D. Michael W.H. Kwan, M.D. Tak S. Lau, M.D. K.S. Kenneth Lee, M.D. Lap Cheung Lee, M.D. Pat Lee, S.R.N. Fay F.V. Liu, M.D. Randall Low, M.D. Ken H. Ng, M.D. Ying S. Seid, M.D. Gloria M. Siu, D.D.S. Cecilia Tam, B.A. Paul Y. Tam, M.D. Henry Wong, M.D. Wilda Chang Wong, B.Sc. Special Acknowledgements to Nordic Laboratories Inc. for their generous support in printing the 1990 Proceedings. oal Jelod nlqc'c'H urlol oauluruo3 euurerOord clllluolcs uolsa^ Lllaqez!13 0uop1 Bpll6 ltareql Alps 6uory1 &ueg )lcono ullloc 6N 'H uey Mol llEpuBU ee1 OuneqC det oal fuJeH ulr uaqou ol slueql telcads nlqc 'A euuo^A nlqc'c'H ur.lor nn uosujes ueqc 'y's lned n!-l uoslclo 6ueqC 'd rsled ne^ eual^y\ oauluruoc o^llBJlslulrupv 6ue1 pneg uios peJilv nlqc 'A auuo^A 61 p4e6 Joleu!prooc ocuoraluoc ao'l olqqeo nel ueon 'cu; xeluAg sJoolunloA 'pn epeuec qcueJJ g oully 'r{l!uts s!^ec alJed uel Blllcec satroleroqel soy{ n;1 '1'g Aeg 'cul erlJBl-ld eJlsv oel lPd pailull sauolEroqe'l $oqqv nlqc 'A auuo^A sroilq!qx3 aalt!uruoC Iuleudsog 'cul epeuBc lssou lclal l u.rBl'A lnPd sauoteJoqe'l soyl ptes 6un 'pn epeuBg {6reg-eq;g 6p 'g uey 'cul BpEuec rozlld aal Jolod pallul!-l setroteroqel uoqqv nlqc'c'H uqor 'cul xep{S oolllruruoc acuEull 'cul sauolEroqel clproN ' srosuods lelcueulJ nls 'W Buolg ao'l Jolad epeueC lo uollepuno3 Aeuply sql ao-l led Ileoog ssoJC peg uelpeueC oLlI ael Lllauuex uorlepunol ra^n uelpeuec aqf nlqS 'A auuo^A fiepog Oulleeg uetpeueC oqj nrqc'c'H ut.lor uorle|cossv soloqelo uetpBuBc aql ne-l uBof ,te;cog Jacue3 uetpeueC arll s6u;paacord aql lo preog leuollp3 suollezluebrg 6ulsropuf srN3nfoqrrrnoN)cv THE CHTNESE CANADTAN MEDTCAL SOCTETY (ONT.) The Medical Section was the first section formed when the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (F.C.C.P.) was established in 1975. ln 1984 the Medical Section was formally incorporated under the name of the Chinese Canadian Medical Society (Ontario). The aims of the society are to bring together Chinese Canadian physicians of diverse backgrounds for professional, educational and social activities. The C.C.M.S. has flourished has flourished and it now members over 500 active members. lt has always been the most active section of the F.C.C.P. ln fact, half of the Presidents of the Board of Directors of the F.C.C.P. come from the Society. Since 1981 the C.C.M.S. has been organizing 1-day seminars in Toronto on diseases of the Chinese. lt was also one of the founding members of the Steering Committee of the National Conference of Health Problems Related to the Chinese in North America, and has actively participated at all past Conferences. Other activities of the Society include regular education dinners (sponsored by pharmaceutical companies), joint symposiums with the Biomedical Professionals and participation in the annual F.C.C.P. Conference. The members are regularly invited on radio and television programs to educate the Chinese community on health problems. They have also sponsored free clinics for refugees, and have supported Chinese outreach programs in hospitals and other agencies (like the Cancer Society, Red Cross Society etc). Two extensive tours to China had been organized for the members and they established ties to distinguished Chinese Medical universities and hospitals. Since 1988, and with the generous support of Nordic Laboratories lnc., the C.C.M.S.(Ont.) has organized annual Chinese Canadian Health Forums, which provided opportunities for the various Chinese Canadian Medical groups across Canada to come together, to discuss common problems and issues, and to create a nation-wide organization. There is a very active student membership. The medical students sit on the committee and help in organizing orientation meetings, guidance talks, and they fund- raise on their own for the Toronto hospitals. 96"""""" ...^ilnceJ acuoraluoC rrunuruo3 16............................f1:::y:.?..::.?.yi.y.?.::t.yt.:_"t0..?]:lR.::ny.?.ii..ytJ".H,qileeH """"J laued 06............ ........1*.LF-.?:.?.yi.y.?.::t.:i :y.?L:.?i.9..nyil?..?.y.?.9.:.::fi5i?d e2............ ............?.:.?.yj:J?.9::::.:?t?.g.yi.a_J:.:31lf".J1TJ?3s3' 69"""""" "lln uolssas lcerlsqv t9"""""" ...ll^ uolssos lcellsqv 09"""""" "' 111 uolssos lceJtsqv t9"""""" .....n uolssas perlsqy 6t"""""" "..n1 uolssas lceJtsqv et"""""" "'lll uolssos lce4sqy 2e"""""" ""'il uolssas lcerlsqv te""""""' ""1 uolssos tceJlsqv 12"""""" .....Y11::Ll.:.Yj.?.Y.ff.Y.:..',.:L"l#9. larc asaurqc aq] ...'..'C 12""""""' taued yt:.?-a.p.y:..?fl.f.:#g"T.r1l,?., 02 ... .. .......... sc!leua9 81"""""" """"9 toued er............ ....:t?.:.?i99:.:i'_'.?,t.?:..yy..:?.:.?.y,i.y9..?:!1.::.y?.yt:.?.1*:tl:;Tf"d. sc[ause relncaloy\ qbnorql aseoslq ct]ouae E lo lor]uoC 0t"""""" ""arnlco-l teuouau\l uteN-nes uono .lo ptltll otll 6""""""" """"'slo|la'I 8""""""" spre^ V luoua^olrlcv bulpuelsno 2.............. .......uer6o.rd 9""""""" se4pa[qg pue steog ocuoroluoC slN:rrNoc lo f-tsvr CONFERENCE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This is a Biennial Conference started in 1982 by the Chinese Hospital in San Francisco, which brought together the various Chinese American and Canadian Medical Societies, as well as other North American and international physicians interested in the Health Problems of the Chinese in North America. The OBJECTIVES of the Conference are: 1. To Congregate physicians and scholars to discuss common and related health problems in the Chinese in North America. 2. To establish a database of incidences of disease patterns in the Chinese in North America. 3. To establish comparative data on North American Chinese health problems related to cultural assimilation. 4. To encourage clinical and/or basic research in health problems affecting the Chinese in North America. 5. To publish a proceeding of the meeting as a means of continuing medical resource material. Previous Gonferences May 22-23, 1982 - San Francisco, California. August 18-19, 1984 - Los Angeles, California. August 23-24,1986 - New York, New York. April22-23, 1988 - San Francisco, California. Present Gonlerence June 23-24, 1990 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Next Conference To be announced. 6 L luaruuJnolpv :l'I'd oo: L ,aJlueC cut xauAs Aq parosuods Acue6eg I leupd lse3 lbuebeg f leued 'UI'V Oe:lL uorleurrrjns ecuejeluoc 'y{'v 0z: L L 6une1 'I'I esou 'rO :leleedg e4ue3 ? re3 rbueoeg - ornpet ppedS 'ru'Y oz:ol Ieer8 eeJloc 'r\l'v 00:01 'lln 'ln ln 'n suolsses perlsqv 'yI'V oe:g lsefiBerg pueulluoC pue uollertsl6eH 'n'V 0O:B 066t 'tz ounf '[epung ruooJleg /bue6eg - lenbueg ecueJeluoC '!I'd Og:g 'N 'lll ';; '1 suorssos lcB4sqv 'r{'d 9!:g oa$oc 'yl'd 00:e sauolBroqP'l Son ? cul BpBuBc lssou rcroyt| Aq parosuods 'Uenls Jopnl O leued lse3 AcueOeH C loued 'N'd Oe:! OulrlC Ellnf 'rO :rcpedg 'yI'V e4ueC ? lso6 Acue6eg qcunl gt: L L uenlg Jopnl g loupd .n.V 'cut ppBusC rczg6 Aq perosuods 'lsef r(cue6eu V leued gf :01 Iearg ee$oc '1|'v 00:01 uE) pM 1en1 'r6t :releedg eJnlce'l puoueyl ueN nBS uano pre 'yl'v 9t:8 nlqC 'C'H uqof 'rC Aq euocp6 'n'V oe:B 'pl'l BpBUBC A6;e9-eq19 Aq perosuods 'lsegeelg plueulluoC orlueC B lse3 Acuebeg uo!le4s!6eu 'N'V O0:8 066t 'ez aunf 'fieptnles 'po1urt-l salroleroqE t uoqqv Aq perosuodg (roolg pu7e) lse=l smopulg ploH suoseas inoJ eql le uo[decau lpDlcoC 't1'd 00:g 066! 'zz eunf '^ep!rJ epBuec 'o1re1ug 'o1uoJo1 'peou enua^V lz 'lsloH suosBas Jnol otll sNnrno wvu9oud OUTSTANDING .AOHIEVEM ENT AWAHDS Outstanding Achievement Awards are presented to people for their extraordinary contribution to the conferences on Health Problems Related to the Ghinese in North America.
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