E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRSTSESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2005 No. 128 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 6, 2005, at 10 a.m. Senate WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2005 The Senate met at 10:01 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING propriations bill. We began consider- called to order by the Honorable DAVID PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ation on that bill last Thursday. Since VITTER, a Senator from the State of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that time, Members have had Thursday Louisiana. clerk will please read a communication night, Friday, and all day Monday. We to the Senate from the President pro were here all day Monday, all day yes- PRAYER tempore (Mr. STEVENS). terday, Tuesday, to offer amendments. The assistant legislative clerk read We will continue with the amendment The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- the following letter: process through today. fered the following prayer: As I have announced previously, we U.S. SENATE, Let us pray. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, will stack votes beginning at sometime Eternal and ever blessed God, help us Washington, DC, October 5, 2005. around 7:30 this evening to accommo- to walk in Your steps. Show us the To the Senate: date observance of the Jewish holiday. path of humility so that we will seek Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, As I have said from the outset, our in- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby to serve others. Show us the path of tentions are we will finish the Depart- appoint the Honorable DAVID VITTER, a Sen- ment of Defense appropriations bill forgiveness so that we will give others ator from the State of Louisiana, to perform the same kind of mercy we so fre- this week prior to going out on our the duties of the Chair. week-long recess. It is a critically im- quently receive from You. Show us the TED STEVENS, path of courage so that we can choose President pro tempore. portant bill, something we will finish the challenging and narrow way that this week. Mr. VITTER thereupon assumed the Last night, I did file cloture on the leads to life. Show us the path of en- chair as Acting President pro tempore. bill. I filed in order to ensure we finish durance so that we will not become dis- Mr. MCCAIN. I suggest the absence of the bill this week in an orderly way. a quorum. couraged in doing well. Show us the Everyone has had the opportunity for path of loyalty so that nothing can The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk pro- the last 3 or 4 days to come forward tempt us to disappoint You. and offer amendments. We will vote on Bless the Members of this body as ceeded to call the roll. Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent those amendments tonight, and then they strive to walk in a way that will that the order for the quorum call be we would have the cloture vote tomor- honor You. As they seek Your wisdom, rescinded. row morning. guide them by the power of Your loving The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Again, I encourage, as I have every providence. pore. Without objection, it is so or- day for the last several days, Members We pray in Your sovereign Name. dered. to come to the Senate and offer those Amen. amendments so we can vote on them. f We have had more than 100 amend- f RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY ments filed. It is imperative that the LEADER Senators who are serious about their PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- amendments and want them considered pore. The majority leader is recog- come forward and work with the man- The Honorable DAVID VITTER led the nized. agers over the course of this morning Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: f and not wait until tonight. We will fin- ish the bill this week. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the SCHEDULE United States of America, and to the Repub- As a reminder, we will recess from lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, shortly we 12:30 until 2:15 for the weekly party indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. will resume debate on the Defense ap- luncheons. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11059 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:52 Dec 28, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\S05OC5.REC S05OC5 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S11060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2005 Let me turn to the Democratic leader statement to make, but just on this Jews all across the globe flocked to on anything on the schedule before I subject, on a more personal basis, the their synagogues, prepared ceremonial make a very brief statement. Republican leader and I had a number meals, and set aside special time with f of meetings the last several weeks, cer- family to mark the occasion. tainly the last few days, and this issue Rosh Hashanah celebrates the anni- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY has never been raised. versary of the creation of the world. It LEADER I don’t see how we can have too many is a time for contemplation and prayer, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- briefings on what is going on in Iraq. a day to look forward to the year pore. The minority leader is recog- Negroponte has simply not been here. I ahead, to reflect on past deeds, and to nized. have the greatest respect for him, but ask for God’s forgiveness. f in a briefing—in 2 or 3 weeks, the elec- Rosh Hashanah is followed by Yom Kippur, the most solemn occasion on AMBASSADOR NEGROPONTE tions will have been over in Iraq. That is one of the reasons people are losing the Jewish calendar. Beginning on the Mr. REID. Mr. President, my staff re- faith in what is going on in Iraq—be- 10th day of Tishri—the evening of Octo- ceived a telephone call this morning, cause we do not have the information ber 12—the Jewish people will observe a less than an hour ago, indicating Am- to convey to the people. The adminis- day of fasting, of prayer, and reflec- bassador Negroponte would not be com- tration says just stay the course. We tion. And as with every year, they will ing today because the leader or his peo- want information. end the annual rite with the words: ple indicated he shouldn’t come. Negroponte, if he is told by the Re- ‘‘Next Year in Jerusalem.’’ We have these very important elec- publican leader not to come, he is not Israel, and the city of Jerusalem, a tions taking place in Iraq on October going to come. It is too bad. It is a per- city that both major parties recognize 15. This is an opportunity for Members fect day for this. The Jewish holiday is as its capital, is the birthplace to three to visit with Ambassador Negroponte, still on. Most Members would have the of the world’s great religions. It is rich who is, if not the expert on what is opportunity to come here. Senator in tradition, history, and culture, all of going on in Iraq, certainly one of the LIEBERMAN and a couple of others which truly touches the soul. two or three top people in the world to would not be able to, but we already From the mountains of the Golan to tell Members what is going on there. have on my side about 20 Senators will- the port of Eilat, Israel’s natural beau- This briefing is open to all Senators, ing and wanting to come. ty is as diverse as the religions that Democrats and Republicans. There cer- I am disappointed this will now have share its golden city of Jerusalem. tainly is no reason we should not be to become a political issue. It A land of economic and scientific in- able to do that. It is an important shouldn’t. I like Negroponte. He is novation, the mysticism of the past oversight responsibility we have. good. He is good for the country. I told unites with technology of the future. I hope the distinguished Republican the President personally that this was Perhaps most significantly, Israel is leader has not been part of telling a great choice he made to lead this new a symbol of the survival of the Jewish Negroponte and his people not to come intelligence agency. people. It shines as a beacon of hope to up here for that briefing at 3 to 4 There is no need to belabor the point Jews all over the world, even as it o’clock. I had a meeting this morning other than to say I am terribly dis- stands surrounded by a sea of tyr- at 9 o’clock. I invited all Senators to appointed that my Senators—and any- annies. come who were with me. We are going one else on the other side of the aisle— And to the United States, this small to have good attendance at that meet- want to come and listen to a presen- and besieged country is a vital partner ing.
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