RECHERCHE LITTÉRAIRE LITERARY RESEARCH R ECHE R CHE LITTÉ R AI R E / L ITE R A R Y R ESEA R CH CONTRIBUTEURS / CONTRIBUTORS 2018) 2018 / Summer 34 (Été Vol. • Marie-Thérèse Abdelmessih Jordana Greenblatt Danielle Perrot-Corpet Florian Alix Péter Hajdu Fabrice Preyat Eugene L. Arva Ian Henderson Jay Rajiva Christian Balliu Marie Herbillon Laura Reeck Hans Bertens Efraín Kristal Rebecca Romdhani Jean Bessière Kathleen L. Komar Haun Saussy Lucia Boldrini Brigitte Lejuez Peter O. Stummer Philippe de Brabanter Robin Lefere Mads Rosendahl Thomsen Manuel Couvreur Diana Looser Anne Tomiche Antoine Dechêne Xavier Luffin Daria Tunca Theo D’haen Jocelyn S. Martin Jenny Webb Marlene Hansen Esplin Laura Martin Janet Wilson Hannah Fenster Jessica Maufort Chantal Zabus Victoire Feuillebois Marc Maufort Dorothy Figueira David O’Donnell Isabel Gómez Sabrina Parent 34 (Été 2018 / Summer 2018) Recherche littéraire Literary Research Volume 34 (Été 2018 / Summer 2018) Table des matières / Table of Contents Éditorial / Editorial Epiphanic Visions: The Imaginative Power of Comparative Literature / Visions épiphaniques : la puissance imaginative de la littérature comparée Marc Maufort 1 Articles de recherche / Articles Theatrical Crossings, Pacific Visions: Gauguin, Meryon, and the Staging of Oceanian Modernities Diana Looser 7 When Translation Isn’t Just Translating: Between Languages and Disciplines Haun Saussy 43 Queer/Theory/Life/Writing: Queer Friend-Love in Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s A Dialogue on Love Jordana Greenblatt 59 Pour une histoire critique genrée de l’historiographie des avant-gardes occidentales du premier XXe siècle Anne Tomiche 81 Essais critiques / Review Essays L’Histoire des traductions en langue française : une compétence référentielle d’un demi-millénaire Christian Balliu 103 ii recherche littéraire / literary research Quand le mort saisit le vif : cinq siècles de Faust Paul Claude. Les Métamorphoses du diable : Méphistophélès dans les oeuvres faustiennes de Goethe, Lenau, Delacroix et Berlioz. Champion, 2015. ISBN: 9782745328151. André Dabezies. Des Rêves au réel : Cinq siècles de Faust, littérature, idéologie et mythe. Champion, 2015. ISBN: 9782745328809. Fabrice Preyat 122 Departure from Literary Criticism or Interdisciplinarity Revisited: the Affect, Writing, and Policies of Familial Trauma Transmissions Meera Atkinson. The Poetics of Transgenerational Trauma. Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN: 9781501330872. Eugene L. Arva 141 Comptes rendus / Book Reviews Kai Mikkonen. Narrative Paths: African Travel in Modern Fiction and Nonfiction. Ohio UP, 2015. ISBN: 9780814252024. Daria Tunca 149 Anke Bartels, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller, and Dirk Wiemann, eds. Post- colonial Justice. Brill/Rodopi, 2017. ISBN: 9789004335035. Marie Herbillon 153 Robert Clarke. Travel Writing from Black Australia: Utopia, Melancholia, and Aboriginality. Routledge, 2016. ISBN: 9780415729208. Ian Henderson 158 Cecile Sandten and Annika Bauer, eds. Re-inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis. Brill/Rodopi, 2016. ISBN: 9789004322851. Peter O. Stummer 162 Jane Hiddleston. Writing after Postcolonialism: Francophone North Afri- can Literature in Transition. Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN: 9781350022799. Laura Reeck 172 Lisa Tomlinson. The African-Jamaican Aesthetic: Cultural Retention and Transformation Across Borders. Brill/Rodopi, 2017. ISBN: 9789004338005. Rebecca Romdhani 168 Stephanos Stephanides and Stavros Karayanni, eds. Vernacular Worlds, Cosmopolitan Imagination. Brill/Rodopi, 2015. ISBN: 9789004300644. Janet Wilson 177 table des matières / table of contents iii Sneja Gunew. Post-multicultural Writers as Neo-Cosmopolitan Mediators. Anthem P, 2017. ISBN: 9781783086634. Chantal Zabus 184 Mireille Calle-Gruber, Sarah-Anaïs Crevier Goulet et Christine Lorre- Johnston, dir. Ecritures migrantes du genre : Croiser les théories et les formes littéraires en contextes comparés. Honoré Champion, 2017. ISBN : 9782745334398. Florian Alix 189 Alexis Nouss, Crystel Pinçonnat, et Fridrun Rinner. Littératures migrantes et traduction. PU de Provence, 2017. ISBN : 9791032001080. Danielle Perrot-Corpet 194 Chloé Chaudet. Ecritures de l’engagement par temps de mondialisation. Classiques Garnier, 2016. ISBN : 9782406060918. Sabrina Parent 201 Fatim Boutros. Facing Diasporic Trauma: Self-Representation in the Writ- ings of John Hearne, Caryl Phillips, and Fred D’Aguiar. Brill/Rodopi, 2015. ISBN: 9789004308145. Jocelyn Martin 204 Nicole M. Rizzuto. Insurgent Testimonies: Witnessing Colonial Trau- ma in Modern and Anglophone Literature. Fordham UP, 2015. ISBN: 9780823267828. Jay Rajiva 209 Michael Allan. In the Shadow of World Literature: Sites of Reading in Colo- nial Egypt. Princeton UP, 2016. ISBN: 9780691167831. Marie-Thérèse Abdelmessih 212 Pramod K. Nayar. The Transnational in English Literature: Shakespeare to the Modern. Routledge, 2015. ISBN: 9780415840026. Theo D’haen 217 Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller. Thinking Literature Across Continents. Duke UP, 2016. ISBN: 9780822362449. Jean Bessière 222 Teresa Shewry. Hope at Sea: Possible Ecologies in Oceanic Literature. U Minnesota P, 2015. ISBN: 9780816691586. David O’Donnell 226 iv recherche littéraire / literary research Josephine Donovan. The Aesthetics of Care: On the Literary Treatment of Animals. Bloomsbury, 2016. ISBN: 9781501317200. Laura Martin 231 Hubert Zapf. Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts. Blooms- bury, 2016. ISBN: 9781474274654. Jessica Maufort 236 Michel Beaujour. De la poétologie comparative. Classiques Garnier, 2017. ISBN: 9782406066255. Haun Saussy 242 Anders Pettersson. The Idea of a Text and the Nature of Textual Meaning. Benjamins, 2017. ISBN: 9789027201348. Philippe De Brabanter 245 Elizabeth S. Anker and Rita Felski, eds. Critique and Postcritique. Duke UP, 2017. ISBN: 9780822363767. Hans Bertens 250 Frédéric Sounac. Modèle musical et composition romanesque : Ge- nèse et visages d’une utopie esthétique. Classiques Garnier, 2014. ISBN : 9782812430404. Manuel Couvreur 255 Pieter Vermeulen. Contemporary Literature and the End of the Novel: Creature, Affect, Form. Palgrave, 2015. ISBN: 9781137414526. Lucia Boldrini 261 César Dominguez, Anxo Abuin Gonzalez, and Ellen Sapega, eds. A Com- parative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula. Vol. II. Benjamins, 2016. ISBN: 9789027234650. Robin Lefere 267 Dominique Peyrache-Leborgne, dir. Vies et métamorphoses des contes de Grimm : Traductions, réception, adaptations. PU de Rennes, 2017. ISBN : 9782753553811. Victoire Feuillebois 271 Paulo Lemos Horta. Marvellous Thieves: Secret Authors of the Arabian Nights. Harvard UP, 2017. ISBN: 9780674545052. Xavier Luffin 274 table des matières / table of contents v Louise Nilsson, David Damrosch, and Theo D’haen, eds. Crime Fiction as World Literature. Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN: 9781501319334. Antoine Dechêne 279 Raphael Zähringer. Hidden Topographies: Traces of Urban Reality in Dys- topian Fiction. De Gruyter, 2017. ISBN: 9783110535853. Péter Hajdu 284 Douglas Robinson. Exorcising Translation: Towards an Intercivilizational Turn. Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN: 9781501326042. Marlene Hansen Esplin 289 Dorothy M. Figueira and Chandra Mohan, eds. Literary Cullture and Translation: New Aspects of Comparative Literature. Primus Books, 2017. ISBN: 9789384082512. Hannah Fenster 293 Joseph Campana and Scott Maisano, eds. Renaissance Posthumanism. Fordham UP, 2016. ISBN: 9780823269563. Mads Rosendahl Thomsen 297 Mads Rosendahl Thomsen. The New Human in Literature: Posthuman Visions of Changes in Body, Mind and Society after 1900. Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN: 9781474228190. Jenny Webb 300 Bernard Dieterle and Manfred Engel, eds. Writing the Dream: Ecrire le Rêve. Königshausen & Neumann, 2017. ISBN: 9783826061202. Dorothy Figueira 305 Rapports de colloques / Conference Reports American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 6–9, 2017. Kathleen L. Komar 309 7e congrès du Réseau Européen d’Etudes Littéraires Comparées/ Euro- pean Network for Comparative Literary Studies, Helsinki, août 2017. Brigitte Le Juez 311 vi recherche littéraire / literary research American Comparative Literature Conference, Los Angeles, US, 29 March – 1 April 2018. Efraín Kristal and Isabel Gómez 313 In Memoriam In Memoriam: Zacharias Siaflekis Kirki Kefalea 317 Notes biographiques / Contributors 319 Brève présentation / Mission Statement 329 Comités de recherche / Research Committees 331 Epiphanic Visions: The Imaginative Power of Comparative Literature elgian painter René Magritte’s The Empire of Light, of which this issue’s cover offers a pastiche, epitomizes the surrealist tech- Bnique of juxtaposing incompatible elements. While commentators generally view this intriguing conflation between night and daylight as the source of an unfathomable mystery, I would suggest another possible in- terpretation that could be applied to the field of comparative literature by metaphorical extension. Should one choose to place emphasis on the sun- lit sky, this painting could also be read as a veiled allusion to the positive potentialities of art, literature, and imagination, broadly speaking. Viewed from this perspective, the painting thus transcends its initial contradictions in order to suggest various forms of epiphanic visions. By firmly locating the journal’s logo in the bright sky, the imaginative power of comparative literature is foregrounded. Indeed, the ability of our field to open up new avenues of thought, thus enlarging our understanding of the world, tran- spires from
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