A Rehabilitation) 1 J ul y 1948 Majuro Dist • . "! abili tation) ~" , Repai r or replac ~ e nt of da~ a ge~ or dest r oyed native structur es or facili ti"!s: _ (a) Char -a cter- and extent of Civil .ld1rli ni s t r a t i o'l Ass istance : _ Rehabi litation as such being no l onger a problem Wi thin the Wajuro District, it having been long a ccompl i shed in respp.ct t o community f acilities t he emphasis i s now concentrated on comr.nmity improvement progr ams . Particular ly is t his E"..ff ort being directed t oward the building of new nati ve style houses with the objective of eliminat ing entirely those s tructures built i mmediat el y f oll owing the wa r- of scrap lumber and t i n , often in a hapha zard f ashion . lfuch has a l r earfy been done in t hi s direc t i on . Each f ield t rio i ndicat es additional new houses , heads , cisterns , and cook houses . Awa y f ram base headquar-ter-s a na tural native canmunit y now pr esent s i tself. Ne1'l' houses pl us cl ean neat ya rds , well policed paths and roads , and brushing of the surrounding a reas a re a ll indicat ive of a growing et vte pr i de in the c 0!'!l!llUr11t1e s . (b) School s - Nelf s chools were c on nke ted during the quarter at Lukunor VillAge , Wi lle Atoll a nd Toka Vill ~ e , Sban Atoll . That ch i ng was r enewe d and r epaire d on the schools at Uel e l , Arno At oll; Kaven and J an on ~ aloela~ At oll; Nallo, Mi l l e Atoll ; Ebon, Eben Atoll, and Not l e on Jaluit Atol l . Native tha t ch houses f or teAch ers qu arter s were c ons t ruct ed at Aur , Aur Atol l , Kavp.n a nd Jan on h l o'3b .'P '\tol l , and Arno V1l l a lil; e on Arno Atoll. The tll'O s ch ools wi th the assistanc e ot t he par ents on Sbon Atoll completed 150 tiesk cha irs for the cl assrooms , completely '!quipping e a ch unit. (c) Chur ch es ... The churches at T ~bal Vi11~g e on Aur Atoll, O ~e j Village , ~ot j e Atoll; and I A-I , 1 J ul y 1948 Vaj uro U1s't . Imroj Vi l l age on Jal uit Atol l have been r'et ha t.ched dur ing t he quarter . A new house has been built at Aur village t or l i ving quar -te r -s for th ~ mssion;:try r~rr~~lfmta.t ivp. The missionary quar ter s a. t Tabal h av~ b~ en r~ tha tched . (d) C<mr.lunity Buildings - Im.orov ~ ts 3 Tf'! continuing in r -e aoect, to co!"'OJn1ty buildings . Jan V ilb. g ~ on 'aloe lA'O At oll cocrpl e t ed a new df s penaarv an d a new s tore dur -Ing the quarter, ut i l1T>i ng hand hewn Iuaber- thruout. The town MIl a. t Ks vp.n Vi l lage was repainteri a nd the one at Lukun or ~thatched . tie" dispensaries wer e bul.1t at Hall a and Uejri rtk using na t i ve thatch and wire screening. RepJ'l i r s were -nade on the dfapenaar-lee at Dodo, $bon , and jnroj, A new at.or -e was coema s toned at Nalio And construction begun on enctoer- at Aur . Civil A<hini stration cont i nues to encourage high atendarda in ccr.omunity bu ildinl\S f eeling thA t the ef fect on the c O"".r:tUllity will be renected on down the line i n the privat e d1'f'9 l l ings , cook houses , and outbui ldings. (e) Other - Additi onal copra s tor age s heds wer e built during t he qua r ter A S fol lows : Aur (1) , Nallo ( 2) , Lukunor (1),Ebon ( 2) , ',1ot l e ( 3J , We j r i r i k (1 ) ani Bokken (Le per col ony) ( 1 ) . The expans i on i n this f i e l d has de vekoce d s imultaneously wi th the i ncrease in copra product i on which i s now at an all t i rtlf'! high wi t."Jin t he Majuro Dist r i ct . Nati ve materials provide the majo r- source of building s tock. Sever a l new natdve style hous es wer e built dur i ng the quar-ter- thruout the distr ict - 26 in al l - Welel ( 2) , J an ( 4) , Ai rok ( 1) , Kav en (1) , Oroe, ( 5) , Nallo ( 5) , Lukun or (1) , and " ejrir ik (7) . A new cCIT'."IUnity c istern was cons t ructed af. «ct.Le , Fl f tel'tn new he-ads were add ed and r epai rs mede to ot hers as p art of the improvement in thl't s.'lnj tary pr~rJl.!Tl. ,,1.- 1 • 1 J ul y 19 48----~---- ua:Juro Dlst,,". --- Two natdve sai l boat s and fifteen out rigger s wer-e l aunched du ring the quar t er . Four Navy t ype pulling boa t e " ere r eleased to f our Villages f or l oca l we - th r ee adj i t ional units are scheduled f or dp,livery on the next f 1el1 triP. In addition a sakva ged hu l l is now being re l'>.ab1l1tat e d at Onnl!j Vi l lage and s hould b e in CQ!I1Iliss1 on in the next few months . Clean U'D an d brushing of coconut groves continue s . Seve raf villRges have designa ted certain days ea ch week as clean up oer-rods , others have al.Loted so !!lany square metres -er- i ndividual Pe r ..-eek f or clean uo , Eben At oll eronei1 recently l egis lA.te ti a brus.,ing progra."I! for oney of e ach week f orbidd i ng any c opra p roducti on during certain hours , and des ignating cer-t.adn g rout's to provi de food for the wor-ker -s el eantng up coconut groves. To dat e extensdve a reas show a con cent-rated p1"fort - with SOMe a t oll s far ml t s t ri ~tng oth~rs . This tyoe of project h o~ver is a npver ending one as the coconut fronds , oandanue a nd br eadfrui t leaves cont i nue to drop the year r ound. The or ogr-am of burying Leaves and b rush as recoeeended for Ute deve Iootent, of s oil humus by the Deputy High Conrnissione r ( Dep h Con Lt r Ser 785 of' 22 )lay '48) i s b e ing nr-cerul.gat.ed in ea ch villa ge . Coinc i dent with t he above clean up program, a r -er-Lentdng and repkenfehnent, pro ram of food t.r-eea "in i plants has been constanU y pr-onct.ed, The following f igur es wil l tnddcat.e the scope of the project nee underway . The quantities shown r ecresent, prev i ous l y u nreported. plantings , the r es ults having bee n picked up on f i e l d tri ps during the q.la rt'=!r : Coconut Br~R.dfruit Panda nus Banana Ta ro Ine - Arno .ttoll 51 19 Aur - Aur Atol l 1133 341 15 Taba l - Aur At o ll 253 2 123 lMroj - Jaluit At ol l 244? 1729 ro68 741 -A-1 _ 1 July 1948 Coconut Breadfrnit Pandanus Banana Taro ~ej rlrik - Jaluit Atoll 2000 124 772 306 142 Wotle- Jaluit Atoll 609 08 400 101 148 Ai rok - Mal oel ap Atoll 1300 47 459 Kaven - Mal oel ap Atol l 3496 260 4.Jll Lukunor - Mille Atoll 60 20 Nallo - lIill. Atoll 731 27 209 196 11 gardens bA'!10rik - Na'!1 or ik Atoll 276 9 98 >!l4 11 gardens Ormej - . ot j e At ol l 7478 203 1489 40 l CX>O nl ant s The program on Jaluit has been eccoapf as bed by assigni ng e ach nan t hp j ob ot" plant i ng 30 each of coconut , b r~ad!rui t , and pandanus each ~o nth . Wot j ~ Atoll has been assas ted by Civil Administ:08t i on wi t h imports of chosen vari et i es f J"O<"l til "!' s o uthern atol l s of Jaluit, Bbon , I.lajuro, and 4. mo. Par-tdcukar- e ~t.'h asis has been directed toward rehabilitating t he war devaat.at ed areas on ifot.i .......nri ~loelap Atolls. Each vill age total shown above anckudes all islands i n the inmediate adj oining areas as ccedng withi n the villag"!' di strict. (" abi1itation) 1 Ju1v 1948 l!ajuro Dist. 2 ( IP" rar~) A (Rehabilit,tion) 1 J ul y 1948 1!ajuro Dist. 4 ("him.) An up to -late repor-t of out.at-andlng c'Lat.r-s eas subr- Lt.t.ed to the DeDutv High C o~is s i on ~r on 11 June 1948.
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