University of Oklahoma Libraries Western History Collections Noah Hamilton Rose Collection Rose, Noah Hamilton (d. 1952). Papers, 1925–1952. 6.33 feet. Professional photographer. Biographies (ca. 1925) of Texans and other southwesterners; publications (1929–1933) by national councils and committees regarding cosmopolitanism, disarmament, and the League of Nations, as well as by the Nanking government of the Republic of China concerning the Sino-Japanese War; posters and placards (1931) regarding disarmament; and a newspaper (1932) published in Osaka, Japan, bearing the banner headline, “The Republic of Manchuria—Birth of a New Nation,” the topic to which the entire issue is devoted. _____________ Biographical Sketches (Texas State Historical Society--Personal Sketch for New Encyclopedia of Texas) Box 1 Folder 1 Abbott, Forney William Acker, T. E. Adams, Charles F. Adams, John E. Adams, Dr. Joseph Edward Addis, John Wesley Adsit, George L. Aldrich, Seth Martin Allen, G. H. Allen, Henry Daniel Allen, John C. Allums, Dr. Loraine L. Altenberg, Edward Faveber Ames, Eugene L. Anderson, Geo. Mitchell Anderson, James Anderson, Marvin A. Anderson, Osa Anderson, R. Lee Andrews, James Andrew Andrews, W. Ed Andrus, Edgar 1 Angly, Joseph Edward Anthony, Robert E. Antill, James P. Folder 2 Appling, Floyd E. Arceneaux, Press A. Armstrong, A. H. Armstrong, B. W. Armstrong, Jimmie W. Armstrong, Matt V. Armstrong, Walter W. Arnold, James H. Aten, Fred Ray Atkinson, Leo E. Aucoin, Riley A. Aughtry, Robert Cullum Austin, S. Reed Averill, Wm. M. Avery, W. O. Babcock, Charles L. Babb, Robert Gabriel Bacak, Louie Baetz, Henry Bagwell, John E. Bailey, Graham Cooper Baird, George O. Baird, Sam K. Baker, Alphus Baker, J. Dewey Folder 3 Baker, R. Allen Baker, Rex G. Baker, Walter Baker, W. J. Ball, Fred Terry Banfield, Glen Ivan Banfield, Neil Oscar Banker, Henry Banks, John O. 2 Barham, George B. Barksdale, Marion Mims Barney, Wm. R. Barnwell, R. C. Barron, Leon R. Barrow, Ralph J. Barry, Roy Bartell, Dr. Jack O. Barton, H. Walter Barton, Jack C. Barton, Richard E. Barton, Thos. W. Batchelor, W. Verne Bateman, Austin O. Bateman, Charles C. Bates, Robert Emory Folder 4 Battle, Buford D. Baucum, Dr. James D. Beard, J. C. Beard, J. L. Beard, Shirley Beazley, Dr. W. H. Beck, D. W. (Casey) Beckendorff, Cecil M. Beckondorff, Roy L. Begley, Manuel H. Beitel, Albert Bell, Claude Bell, William Luther Bellar, Chas. C. Benckenstein, Leonard J. Benckenstein, Leonard J. Benefield, J. H. Sr. Bennington, Samuel Walter Bennison, John J. Benson, Thomas L. Berry, Wm. Lafayette Bevil, Andrew Leak Bevil, John Jehu Biddison, P. McDonald 3 Folder 5 Bilbo, Joseph C. Bingham, Joe Birdsong, Lawrence Bivins, M. H. Black, Clarence Neelly Black, Louis Albert Blackburn, Ralph J. Blackard, Geo. J. Blackmon, Ben F. Blackwell, Albert D. Blair, John P. Blair, William S. Blake, John Henry Blalock, Horace C. Blalock, Richard Watts Blanch, Geo. W. Blanche, John R. Bland, William K. Blankinship, Gus S. Blewette, William W. Blinsky, Johnnie Blondin, Joe A. Blucher, Fred V. Bobbitt, Dwight (Bob) Boettcher, Clem C. Folder 6 Boettcher, Reinhardt Bruno Bogan, W. T. Bolton, John W. Bond, J. B. Bond, William Douglas Bonsall, Isaac Booth, Ralph L. Boozer, Joe Newt Boring, Emory P. Jr. Born, Fred W. Bossley, B. B. Boulton, JOhn 4 Bovell, Samuel C. Bowers, Wm. O. Jr. Boyd, W. V. Boyt, Arthur H. Boyt, Elmer W. Bozman, John Henry Bozman, Wallace Bowers, Vernon LaSalle Brachfield, Charles L. Bracken, G. O. Bradford, Robert Potson Bradley, William Warren Bramlette, E. M. Folder 7 Brandes, C. L. Brauns, A. W. Breaux, Fred Brents, L. P. Briggs, Rufus Brockman, C. A. Brogoitti, John A. Brooks, John B. Brooks, Peter Gautier Brooks, Dr. William Nicholas Brooks, Willie E. Brookshire, L. T. Broughton, W. H. Broussard, Albert E. Broussard, Dale Broussard, Desire Louis Broussard, James E. Brown, Arlie Brown, Charley Carroll Brown, Clifford L. Brown, E. C. Brown, Edgar Jr. Brown, Dr. Edgar W. Brown, J. A. Brown, Jessie James Brown, Marvin Leonard 5 Box 2 Folder 1 Brown, Robt. Taylor Brown, W. H. Brown, Robert Wm. Brown, Thurmond A. Brown, Valry Brown, Walter Brownlee, Louis C. Bruce, Ethan W. Bruns, Lawrence F. Bryant, Wm. Thoreau Bucklin, Joe H. Buffaloe, Frank Buford, Oliver P. Bullard, Robert Buller, Clarence Buls, R. L. Bumpus, John Caleb Bumpus, Ray Buford, Freeman W. Burnett, Richard Wesley Burnham, Garrie H. Burns, Dr. Coleman C. Burrell, Clarence Fred Folder 2 Burrell, John H. Burrell, Lawrence Burrell, Obe Burrell, Walter J. Burrus, Eugene A. Burton, C. P. (Pete)**Not Found in Processing Busch, W. T. Bussa, Clarence O. Butler, Joe E. Butter, John A. Butler, W. E. (Pete) Byerly, Adam Bynum, Elmer C. Byrd, D. H. 6 Byrd, Wm. H.**Not Found in Processing Cadwalder, Admiral D. Caffall, David McKinlay Calhoun, Tom F. Jr. Cammareri, Peter Campbell, Edward V. Canter, J. M. Cappel, John Ogden Cardiff, Chas. C. Carlson, Capt. Teddy Carmier, Gus Caron, Emile Folder 3 Carpenter, Jesse Napoleon Carr, J. M. Carter, C. E. Casey, Mrs. Adelia Cezeaux, P. C. Jr. Chambles, T. S.**Not Found in Processing Chance, A. C. Channing, John B. Chapman, Mrs. Chas. W. Cheatham, R. Mack Cheatham, Henry F. Chenella, Frank C. Cherry, Capt. Walter Taylor Childers, Robert Clark, B. M. Clarke, Fred Webster Clauder, Otto Carl Clawson, H. E. Clayton, Paul B. Clements, L. D. Click, C. F. Clyburn, Geo. L. Folder 4 Clubb, Grady D. Coale, C. R. Cobb, Frank G. 7 Cobb, Mrs. Gladys N. Rice Coe, B. A. Cole, Mart Coleman, Chas. H. Collette, Sam Collier, Arthur J. Collins, B. B. Collins, O. Gordon Collins, Robt. C. Combs, Joseph F. Conn, Robert J. Cook, John A. Cooke, Dr. Edward Fenton Cooper, Robert L. Cooksey, Wes Cope, James H. Corman, Wm. J. Cornelius, W. D. Corthell, Capt. Joseph Cousins, Thomas Courtney, Maurice Covell, Wm. N. Folder 5 Cowden, John B. Cox, James Richard Coyle, Benjamin "Bud" Craddock, William P. Craigen, George Craimer, D. T. Cranfill, Thomas E. Cravens, Nehemeiah Andrew Crawford, John Roe Crawford, Robert A. Crawford, W. H. Creighton, Clyde Cresap, Phillip Jr. Crews, Joseph Eugene Croley, John W. Croom, Marvin e. Crosby, Charles Tucker Crumpler, O. B. 8 Crutcher, A. S. Crutchfield, Phillip F. Culp, Fred C. Culp, H. C. Culpepper, P. C. Culpepper, Thomas Little Culver, Geo. David Folder 6 Culver, George David Cummings, Floyd Currey, Richard Clifton Curtis, Benjamin Riley Curtis, William H. Custer, Leo Dagle, Harry Daily, A. E. Damrel, J. B. Danklefs, Clarence Daniels, Walter F. Darst, R. H. Daughtry, M. F. Davey, Martin Anthony David, J. H. David, John P. David, Lewis A. Davidek, Joe Davis, Mr. Davis, Bill Davis, Dr. C. E. Davis, Charles T. Davis, Gibson C. Davis, Homer L. Davis, Dr. Neal Folder 7 Davis, Pat Lewis Davant, Phillip O. Davis, R. Lee Dayvault, Wm A. D'Girolamo, Rosario 9 De Bellevue, Leo B. De Bruler, N. De Lee, Augustus S. Deason, Dr. Arthur J. Deason, Dr. Giles A. Deaton, Guy Loyd Dennis, Mgr. Joe Andres Dennison, Geo. F. Denny, Capt. W. E. Deusson, Alexander Dickerson, Charlie N Dickerson, Heron Oscar Dickey, Charles Fremont Dickey, Wm C. Dietz, Harold Hugo Dillard, Joe Dittman, Charles S. Dodd, V. M. Domengeaux, F. S. Box 3 Folder 1 Doney, L. C. Jr. Donnelly, D. L. Donnelly, Patrick J. Dorfman, david Dorris, James B. Dougherty, Chas. E. Dougherty, F. P. Dougherty, Geo M. Douglas, P. A. Dove, Charles O. Dublin, W. Les Jr. Dudley, Dr. Nicholas Lee Duffy, Charles H. Duke, Dr. Edwin T. Duncan, Forrest Duncan, James W. Dunkle, O. Ira Dunn, Arthur Wildey Dunning, Roy E. 10 Durke, Vernon W. Duty, G. G. Driskell, David Caven Easley, V. O. East, Henry H. Folder 2 Eastep, Dewey J. Eaves, Ezra Echols, Hugh Jr. Edgeworth, Jack L. Edwards, John King Edwards, Joseph R. Elder, Frank Jr. Elder, Jay Freeland Elder, John S. Elkins, J. W. Elkins, R. L. Elliot, Walter E. Ellis, Judge Charlie Nim Ellis, Homer Chapman Emenhiser, Wm. N. Enloe, George C. Enloe, Oswell (Jack) Erman, carl Eron, Al Estes, Caswell Nelson Eubank, Gustavus Evans, David L. Evans, Frank L. Evans, W. A. Evans, Dr. John P. Everett, D. J. Evers, Wm. Jewell Folder 3 Fahring, Dr. George Harley Fairchild, Carl Mercer Falvey, Dr. Jerry C. Fant, C. B. Farmer, R. S. 11 Faulk, Senator J. J. Fay, F. M. Feagan, Lee Merrill Felder, T. J. Feldman, David D. Ferguson, Earl E. Ferguson, Fred F. Festervan, Benjamin J. Few, Allen A. Fields, Bert Finch, Grover C. Finley, W. T. Fisher, Charles W. Fisher, J. E. Fitzgerald, D. A. Flannery, T. S. Fletcher, John Alonzo Floeter, Harry L. Foley, Mark Charles Folder 4 Fontana, Lawrence Ford, John P. Ford, Raymond E. Forman, Howell N. Fort, Homer T. Foshee, Albert Martin Foshee, Azor Beryl Foster, Manford Charles Fowler, Alphonso Preston Fowler, Dr. I. R. Fowzer, Frank B. Fox, Alvert Joseph Fox, Samuel C. Francis, James Wellington Frank, Gustav Franks, Robert M. Fraser, Richard A. Frasher, Roy Vance Fredeman, Capt. Wm. F. Free, John Woods Freeman, G. C. 12 Freeman, Charles Freeman, H. T. Freeman, Jesse Freeman, Samuel H. Freeman, Wm. Ellsworth Folder 5 Freeman, Wm. Lester Frick, Alfred Frick, Otto A. Friddle, Rufus E. Frost, Jack Fuller, Brunson Cooper Fuller, I. W. Funk, Harold Fussell, Benton D. Futch, Wm. Madison Gaillard, John I. Gallier, Willis L. Ganoung, C. A. Gard, Frank L. Gardiner, Jack F. Gardner, A. Howard Garner, Thomas W. Garrett, Grover C. Garvey, Stephen Nicholas Gary, J. C. Gaston, Ed Francis Gates, Ceylon E. Gaulding, Fred J. Gauntt, Edw. B. Folder 6 Gay, Thos. A. Gee, Dr. James Nathan Gentry, Thomas Earl George, Albert Payne George, Jasper T. George, S. E. George, Walter D. Gertson, Peter 13 Gilbert, Joe F. Gildart, Edward W.
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