niD AT, MAiCB 1,* jffianriirBtrr Cvfttino ijeralb . f... V Avarage Dafly CIrceiBHM hr tto Meath e« fkSianu, t e « Ibornaa rnguaoa, prealdant and troaaurer of The Herald, hla broth­ Y Drive Here V f / . **' fiAfeulGTown er, Andrew Ferguaon, of Brook- / : '-A 9 4 9 6 SeM afreet, and hia grandaon. Wal- V ' . pD ttow r t Hdibhy HOW Of' Mr It Ferguaon, ara due to arrive Nearing Goal In S t Beteriburg, Florida, today •ia«to JT^O nar ^oreh w o d m MancAester—^ CUy of Vttlags Charm M n. Abbott Ob»»e. !•»««. ^ a vacaUon of aeveral weeka. i* M d TuMday dveiunf. Msreb {they made the trip by'automobile and their drat atop waa- at the Today's ToUl Is Report­ IB tbe fnodtraUoa ibdm.' It .'w-m (TWBLYB PAGES) pudMiAnni cliip Howard Johnaon reataurant in eans a t O L . LX Vn, MO. ISS IB) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, MARCH f, 1948 ed at $2,000; Success «M hM by tlM group *® Bordtatown, N. J.. operated by •B open meeting, and a corfflal In- H arry & Biaaell, form erly of Man- nMiOOB ia extended to all Inter- Seen Assured Mtad. Tliero win be no admtaelon cheat er. A n ig e although a eoUecttoa will Safety Lesson - "Hard Way Two Nations Dr. Amoa E. Friend will be the The Manchester Community Y ta received to cover light refreeh- guest of the Klwanls Club of Man­ drive la now ov*er the |3,000 mark. Izechs Now Plan' Dixie Solons Demand" BMBta. Group A membcre at a New Coat Suit chester at lU meeUng Monday brief meeting Tueaday evening Judging from the returns, the Y C^t Problem noon at Murphy's resUurant. Dr. drive ia desUned to be a aucceaa. will be aaked fo r an expreaaion of ^ e n d wlU show alldes and mo­ e^ ion aa to the advlaabUtty of a The housc-to-houae canvass for tion picturea In color o f a trip he thla worthy cause Is scheduled for epring o r fa ll auction, with Mra. made to the West Coaat. Charlea Government Hold Of Palestine Sirin Whltham and Mra. Ray­ the month of April. 8. Burr la In charge of the pro­ Town officials are considering Air Time to Answer mond St. iBurent, co-chairman. gram. Herbert B. House la ached- taking over the Y aa a part of uled to furnish the attendance their recreational program. How­ Solution Left Mainly prise. ever, before this step c»n be tak­ On Foreign Trade To United 'States and TALL CEDARS en, sanction will have to be given Anderaon Shea Post, No. 2046 by the court regarding the change V. F. W., and auxiliary have been Russia; First Meeting Civil Rights Progra o f estate. The Hartford, Conn., BINGO Invited to attend the Inatltullon of Trust Company is the trustee for NationaUxe Com­ Is Set for Monday ■ t the Middlesex County Council, Euro^ Union the estate of Willie T. Morton, merce With Other Na- Tonight Sp.m. Sunday, March 7 at 2:30 at the , who willed a large amount of V. F. \V. home, Wasnlngton . * Lake Succeaa, March 6 — 21 Senaton, Repn.88<jj| I property to the Y. h lions But Win Not street, Middletown. G o i^ A h e a d QuMtioned in Death CHANGE HALL Further contribution! are need- Solving the Palestine problem Bridges Loses ing 11 States, MakeBb^"^ ' ed to carry on the present Y pro- Deyalne Currency to seemed today to have been left Daughters of Liberty. No. 128, 1 gram. The 1947-48 program has mainly to the United States and quest in Telegram lU' Ladles International Orange As­ ‘ brought more Manchester people Set U p Special Value British and French Dd- His O O Post Russia. President of Mntiial sociation. has aet the date of Tues­ into the Y than ever before, and On Trade DoUar Basis GENERAL day evening. March 16, for ob- so far has been a great aucceaa. egates Voice Satisfac­ After two weeka of cautious de­ aervaUon of lU 45th anniversary. System; Ask Eqmti' Repairs and a few minor Improve­ bate, the United Nations Security Ousted as Northern Cal* Mra. Anne Parker and Mra. Mary tion With Progress CONTRACTING ments will also have to be made Prague, March 6.—</P)— OouncU late yeaterday called on Time to Explain Dix- : Phelpa are co-chairmen of the before the Y can be turned over ifomia Regional Di* : Hones, driveways, park- committee of arrangement. A 'sechoslovakia will national- the Sve major powers to find a to town supervlaion. Brussela March t— (/T)— British ie Stand; Set to Fili* iag areas, school yards, serv­ ■upper la planned for 6:30 In her foreign trade but will method of carrying out partition rector; Stand Blamed and Fredch delegates to a Sve-na- of the Holy Land Into Jewish and buster on Short Notice ice stations, sidewalks, loam. Orange hall, to be followed by not devalue currency to Mt anapproprlate program. tion conference on a proposed Arab nations, recommended by up a special trade dollar San Francisco, March 6—(F)— iUIing and grading. National Grand Mlatresa Mrs. w e s t m European union voiced the Assembly November 29. value, the minister of foreign Britain announced off the Soar The C30 ousted Harry BridgM as Washington, March 8.— (ff) Louise 8. Tutty of Woodslde. Long MANCHESTER satlafaotloA today with progress Stanley Island, will be tbe gueat of honor. trade said today. The Com- that ahe would not take part In northern California regional di­ — ^Twenty-one Dixie senatora made so far. Such charm, such elegance In this year’s Easter the consultationa. China has ab- rector yesterday. today demanded equal radio lunist minister, Antonin ■tained from much o f the U.N. Olbrios, Jr. Acting Worahlpful Master W. coat.s and suits . such choice! Long, short, fitted or Delegates from the two powers And, newspaper reported, a iregor, reiterated his hope voting on Palestine. France haa time to answer a broadcaat Sidney Harrlaon has called a spe­ withdrew temporarily from the third attempt la to be made to de­ 7 Nelson Place fu ll— and in such wonderful fabrics and colors. Come at Cn<dxMlovakla could con- been reluctant to take a stand. dramatizing President Tru­ cial communication of Manchea- TAXI conference to permit Benelux rep­ nght-yeof-oM WUBaai Oyararia fMa orirvan tha pain and aboek port the Auetrallan-bom labor - Manchester, Tel. 2-0828 now and make one of our beauties yours. nue to do buxlneaa witb the weat- This prompted the general view ter Lo4]ge No. 73, A. F. A A. M., leader. man’s dvil rights progranl. countriea— defined aa thooe resentatives to discuss Frencb- of tbe safety Ifsssa be leoroei tbe bard way. Flremoa E. 51. Smith that the future of the Holy Land to conduct the Masonic Service at In Washington, however, aides The group, representinf 11 Duntriea lacking a planned ccon- BrlUsh proposals. eorriea tbe bey te a Sre department emerge*e|r track la Colnmbas, rested on the doorxtepa of Wash­ the funer^ of George W. Smith to­ of Attorney General Tom CHark no matter what their loca­ The British delegates — Ambas­ Oi, for treatment of a broken am aoffered wken ke woe stmek by aa ington and Moscow. southern states, made the re- . morrow. Lodge will open prompt­ D I A L \ 1 r>6 ny, aald "the Bridges case baa not tion. sador to Belgium Sir George Ren- onto. (NEA telepbote). quest in a telegram to Edgar ly at 2 p. m. 19-Doy lim it Oa Seaaloos been reopened. O l’l .N .;l MDl K.s del and Qladw3m Jebb of the For­ Kobak, preaidsnt of the Mutual New Agreeoaeata Voder Way The Scat big-power meeting waa The CIO fired Bridges aa north­ $19.98 t. $49-98 eign Office—raid the proposed set for Monday morning In the Broadcoatlng Oo. He announced new trade agree- ern California regional dlrect4>r Atlantic pact would lay down the general nenta are under w ay with Nor- New York ofllcea of Soviet Dele­ yeaterday because he went con­ Ask Grant mt Bqpal Tkna principles of s defensive military ay and Belgium and aald agree- Paasikivi Continues gate Andrei A. Gromyko. A 10- trary to national CIO policy by Noting that the Mutual afttam Style Shops—Second Floor alliance. Range and Fuel SWEDISH nenta with France and Swltxer- day limit waa put on the aeasions. supporting Wallace’s third party lx broodirasting a aeries of pro­ Jebb said one of the questions American Delegate Warren R. [»d have been temporarily ex- and opposing the Marahall plan at grams. "to secure theao rlghtA" Austin ImmeiUstely dispatched his BAKING SALE nded. to be worked out Is to what ex­ aid to Europe. tha aenatora aaked Kobak to grant tent the alliance will be open to top Palestine adviser, Dean Rusk, them equal time to explain their Foreign import and export agents Seeking of Advice to Washington for conferences. Waraed to Get In Uae OIL Hale's Store other countries. stand oa the civil rtghta prapoo* Easter Parade of Girts* obably will have to deal with Rusk waa due back with any in- He waa warned two weeks ago MILITARY “We woulfln’t exactly be eager I. Saturday, March 6 lovemment agenclea here rather ! strucUons from Secretary of State to get In line with policy of tbe to have General Franco Join It Tbe aouthenia sold they arv op­ with individualx, Gregor told Finnish Press Predicts - else ' George C.
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