[ <: t ~ -- z= I ~ > ~ ~ - ~ ~ i I -- ~ Volume XXXV Number 17 John Adams High School Fridl\y, May 16, 1975 ~ j ' Page 2 The John Adams Tower May 16, 1975 NURSERETIRES AFTER 25 YEARS SERVICE PAGEANTOFFERS LawDay Reviewed SCHOLARSHIP May first. officially designated as Law The Miss America Pageant is ar Day. gave Adams' students the opportuni ty for gifted young women tc oppo rtunit y to · interrogate deputy have fun , gain poise and experie nce, anc prosecutor George Here nde e n and St. J oe possibly collect a sizable chunk of the om Cou nty sher iff Dean Bolerj ack. million dollars offered ann uall y ir Random questions. some not totall y scholarship funds. ans"·ered by Herendeen or Bolerjack , were Contestants must begin at the local !eve asked by students . These ranged from and work the ir way up to the sta te and ther searc h laws. marijuana poss ess ion, and the national, pageants. To enter the loca female police\\·omen to the breakout at the competition, a girl must be a citize n of th< county ja il. United States and between the ages of 1'. Here ndee n said that he recognized so me and 28. She must be a high school graduat< faces. but qualified this, "We're trying to before the Labor Day preceding th< do a job. Unfortunatel y. in some cases, we national pageant . Also she must not havt step on your toes. been married or convicted of a crime. Tht Bolerjack defin ed the border bet ween girl must possess good moral character freedom and law as "do ing anything you talen t, poise, personalit y, inte lligen ce want up to and until the time it bothers charm, and bea uty of face and figure. At al someone e lse." He also mad e general three levels, contestants will be judge< refere nces to the brea kout by blaming the partially on the basis of a candid interviev poor conlin ement capacity of the jail. in which she will be expected to disc uss he Photo/R. Ball Bolerjack cited three main pr oblems : "It is thoughts and ambitions , and a talen full. If you are put in the jail, nine to one and I don' t have to get to work" afte r contest. you're gonna be in with someone who's ret irement. She will be working part time Upon win ning a local or state pageant , ; tough. We have large areas to guard, and in a children's ward, not straying from her girl will rece ive a scholarship and th, \\·ould have to outm an them." profession . She said "working arou nd kids opportunit y to try for the next level with al The s heri ff said that he is "worried quite keeps you young." of her expe nses paid. Contestants in th, a bit about the safety of the inmates ", yet As he r suggest ion for students , Mrs. national pageant automaticall y receive ; he mad e no reference to any meas ures he Chamberlin urges students to visit pe ople five hundred doll:ir scholarship, whet he or his department is taking to change the in nursin g homes, because it mea ns so they win or lose. cond itions. much for older people to get visitors . Just a It should be emphasized that the Mis Here ndeen discussed the questi on of visit to talk. comb their hair, or cheer America pageant, particularly at th "lady cops " a nd he state d the assignments nursin g home recl use s is important. national level, has boosted careers of man were based on stature. Howeve r, taken out Mrs. Chamberlin has recentl y bee n qu ite women. Among them are Bess Myerso r. of context . his statement on crime in ill, but is on her way to recove ry and a actress Lee Merriweather , CBS interviewe Americ a backfired . "We have the happy ret irement, saying, " I' ve enjoyed Phyllis George, Los Angeles newswoma mi,fortun e of be ing a nati on of men." my 25 years at Adams." Sandy Hill, Cloris Leachman, Loi After 25 years as a school nur se, Mrs. Nettleton , and Anita Bryant. Dorothy Chamberlin is retirin g from her Every yea r in Atlantic City , a girl i position at Adam s. chosen as Miss America. She the n wins Mrs. Chambe rlin said that today's Art ExhibitHeld fifteen thousand dollar scholars hip , an s tud c nts h,n·e chan ged much from those in the chance to travel for a yea r as the ·so·,. "When I first came, they opened The second ann ual student art exh ibit representative of her countr y. If you ar the duor if yuu had a pile to carry . Some began yesterday, May 15th, and is interested in competing for the title , writ came and took away part of it and brought continuing through today . The exhibit, to the Miss Ameri ca Pageant, Boardw al it to the ot'tice. Now the y go in ahead of located in the Little Theater, consists of Arcade Building , Atlantic City, Ne, you. There is a lack of good manner s and drawings , paintings, sculptures, and other Jers ey, 08401. tast e, not only in schoo l, but all over." exa mples of students' art works. Over 300 The most common "i llness" students pieces of art will be exhibited, and some come up with are hea daches and stomach will be up for sale. The Art students have MR. SNIDERTO LEAVE aches, genera lly diagnosed by "pa leness spent man y hours preparing their projects and the look in the ir eyes". Said Mrs . for this show and they have worked hard to Mr . Robert Snider , freshman economic ! Chamberlin, " I have no cure. I don't give prepare the Little Theatre for the exhib it. teacher of the John Adams Social Scienct asp irin. If they'r e rea lly sick, I se nd them All students, as well as teachers and Department , will be transfering to Jacksor home. I generally se nd them back to par e nts, are urged to visit this exhibitio n. High School this September. Mr. Snider clas s. " The show will remain open today during who has taug ht at Adams since 1970, wil Mr,. Chamber lin plans to "enjoy life, the entire school day, as well as afte r be assuming the position as head of th( especia lly when there's te n foot deep s now school. social studies progr am at Ja ckson. Page 3 The John Adams Tower May 16, 1975 up. Its members were called "school nutritionis ts" and they were supposed to Guest Editorial design well-b alanced, sensible meals. The result: a sam ple meal consisting of tacos, spaghetti, french fried pota toes, grav y, LITTLEPUBLICITY FOR PUBLICATIONS pumpkin pie and chocolate milk. Another result: more new names for " school Ot all the extra-curricular activities stressed for Adams students, one of the nutritionists." Even school administrators most involved is publications. The people involved in publications are divided could see there was something wrong with into two groups; one which puts together the TOWER, and the other which that. The solution they found was to have publishes the ALBUM. Although these groups do work independently of each their own first grade classes plan the other, and put out completely different types of publications, they have one meals . The result: fairly decent meals , thing in common--hard work. Publications are costly. There are deadlines to considering what they had to work with. meet, which missed can mean delayed arrival or even possible added cost. With the problem of what to serve out of Together, the two publications cost $14,000. Only $8,550 of this is brought in the way, the next step was to merchandize through subscriptions. The remainder must be earned from advertising sold it ... think up nam es to make the junk at entirely by students. The statfs work to put out the best possible paper and least sound good. Back to the nutritionists. book that they can, in the time and budget allowed. Result: happy hamburgers , groovy green However, there are times when more cooperation from everyone at Adams beans , cool corn, far out french frie s, white is needed. It may be that the only possible time for an interview or picture is or black cow juice , etc. Another result: at 10:30 in the morning. Isn't that a good enough reason to miss a class? many more new names for "sc hool Some taculty members are very understanding of such situations, but others nutrition ists." Solution : back to the first are not. In a time when administrators and teachers are crying for the student grade. body to become involved, can't a little understanding, appreciation, and After the nutriti onists could see that respect be shown to those who do take the initiative to become involved? their nifty names weren't quite going to do What would John Adams be like without these two staffs? These students do the trick, they decided to resort to disguise a professionally paid job on a volunteer basis [along with school work and names on the dual principles of (a.) what part-time jobs]. No one can ever imagine the time required for writing they don 't know won't hurt them and (b.) articles and pasting up for the TOWER, or cropping pictures and titting copy maybe if they' re hungr y enough they' ll eat tor the yearbook.
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