ANNEX 1: List of acronyms ACTED Agence d’Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement ALNAP Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance APBD Association des Paysans de Bas-Douzième CAP Consolidated Appeal of OCHA CARICOM Caribbean Community CCCM Camp Coordination Camp Management CCR Competence Centre for Reconstruction CDEMA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency CESVI Cooperazione e Sviluppo – Volontariato CF Coopération Française CHF Swiss Franks CLP Core Learning Partnership COOF Cooperation Office of SDC CTB Coopération Technique Belge CWGER Cluster/Working Group on Early Recovery (UNDP lead) DAC Development Assistance Committee (OECD) DDC Direction du Développement et de la Coopération (SDC en français) DDPS Swiss Department for Defense Civil Protection and Sports DFSMS Darfur Food Security Monitoring System Haitian National Directorate of Water and Sanitation/Direction Nationale de DINEPA l’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissement DPC Haitian National Directorate of Civil Protection/Direction de la Protection Civile E/MM SDC Division for Europe and Mediterranean Region EADRCC Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center EC European Commission ECHO European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid Eirene International Christian Service for Peace EMOP Emergency Operation (WFP) EPER/HEKS Swiss NGO operational in Haiti/SDC partner EU European Union FACT Field Assessment and Coordination Team (IFRC) FDFA Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FTS Financial Tracking System of OCHA GCMHP Gaza Community Mental Health Program GoH Government of Haiti 1 GRET Haitian NGO/SDC Partner GTZ German Technical Cooperation HA Humanitarian Assistance HAC Humanitarian Aid Committee HQ Headquarters IAMANEH Swiss NGO operational in Haiti/SDC partner IASC Inter Agency Standing Committee ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement IDF Israeli Defense Forces IDP Internally Displaced Person IEG Independent Evaluation Group (World Bank) IFRC International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group IOM International Organization of Migration ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction ISO International Organization for Standardization LRRD Linkage between Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Monitoring and Information Center on Civil Protection of European MIC Commission MINUSTAH United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti MSF Médecins sans Frontières NDC NGO Development Center, Gaza NECC Near East Council of Churches NFI Non Food Items NGO Non-Governmental Organization OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development oPt Occupied Palestinian Territories PA/PNA Palestinian authority, Palestine National Authority PAHO Pan-American Health Organization PAP/PaP Port au Prince PARC Palestinian Agriculture Development Association PDNA Post Disaster Needs Assessment and Recovery Framework by UN PNGO Palestinian NGO Network PROMESS WHO/PAHO Program on Essential Medicine and Supplies in Haiti RR Rapid Response RRT /SET Rapid Response Team (equivalent to SET) / Soforteinsatzteam RTE Real Time Evaluation 2 SDC Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation SDI Secours Dentaire SET/RRT Sofort Einsatz Team equivalent to RRT SHA Swiss Humanitarian Assistance SPHERE Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response SR Swiss Rescue TOR Terms of Reference UN United Nations (UN) OCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNDAC United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination UNDP United Nations Development Program UNEG United Nations Evaluation Group UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service UNHCR/HCR United Nations High Commission for Refugee UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees US/USA United States of America USAID United States Agency for International Development USAR Urban Search and Rescue USD United States Dollar WASH Waster, Sanitation & Hygiene WB World Bank WFP World Food Program WHO World Health Organization 3 ANNEX 2: Approach Paper Table of Contents 1 Background: Swiss Humanitarian Aid.................................................................... 2 1.1 The Emergency Relief ...................................................................................... 3 2 Why an Evaluation and Why Now? – Rationale ..................................................... 6 3 Purpose, Focus and Objectives .............................................................................. 6 3.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Objectives ......................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Focus and Scope .............................................................................................. 7 3.4 Crisis situations to be evaluated........................................................................ 7 4 Key Questions .........................................................................................................12 5 Recommendations ..................................................................................................16 6 Expected Results ....................................................................................................16 6.1 Output Level ....................................................................................................16 6.2 Outcome Level .................................................................................................16 7 Partners ...................................................................................................................18 7.1 Organisational Set-up and Respective Roles ...................................................18 7.2 Core Learning Partnership (CLP) .....................................................................18 8 Process ....................................................................................................................19 8.1 Methodology and Approach .............................................................................19 8.2 Main steps – Schedule .....................................................................................21 8.3 Evaluation Team ..............................................................................................22 9 Reference Documents ............................................................................................22 9.1 SDC and Related .............................................................................................22 9.2 Other Publications............................................................................................22 9.3 Resource People .............................................................................................23 10 Annex 1: Quality ratings and ratings principles ...................................................23 1 Background: Swiss Humanitarian Aid The Humanitarian Aid (HA) of the Swiss Confederation is a Department of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Switzerland's commitment to humanitarian aid is outlined in the federal law on international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, issued on March 19, 1976: “The aim of humanitarian aid is to preserve the lives of human beings who are in danger and to alleviate suffering through preventive and Emergency Relief measures; such aid is intended for victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts.” On the one hand it provides direct help through the immediate deployment of expert teams from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) following natural disasters and in armed conflicts. On the other, it supports humanitarian partner organizations and contributes to the prevention and solution of conflicts. The four strategic fields of activity in which humanitarian aid is active are1: 1. Prevention and preparedness, 2. Emergency Relief, 3. Reconstruction/rehabilitation, 4. Protection and advocacy. All humanitarian aid actions and programs take into account environmental aspects, gender-related social questions, human rights and government leadership. They include medium- and long-term considerations and work is coordinated with other measures such as development cooperation. The Swiss HA, which is active worldwide, work in a rapid manner and is targeted, innovative, participative, coordinated, focused and effective. These are all elements of its mode of operation. It is working primarily on assisting people before, during and after the following crisis or disaster situations: natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and 1 Source: leaflet “The Humanitarian Aid of the Swiss Confederation, SDC”. 2 droughts, crises such as the collapse of law and order and lack of social-security nets - Fragile States, conflicts such as wars, civil wars and other similar confrontations, technological disasters, terrorist attacks. 2 Approximately one-fifth of the total SDC budget is earmarked for the HA of the Swiss Confederation. About one-third of HA‟s budget is spent on financing its direct bilateral operations and for programmes conducted by NGOs. The remaining two-thirds is used for funding international organisations such as the UN and the ICRC. For additional information on the Swiss HA, please consult the Humanitarian Aid Bill: 1.1 The Emergency Relief The evaluation will consider in particular the
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