![Extensions of Remarks E290 HON. PAUL A. GOSAR](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 4, 2014 PERSONAL EXPLANATION to the regular authorization and appropriations exists within our armed services and create a process; it requires the CFPB to use the GS safe and transparent environment. HON. PAUL A. GOSAR pay scale like other federal agencies; and it f prohibits the CFPB from accessing or using OF ARIZONA HONORING JOHNNIE CARR DURING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES personal financial data of a consumer without express permission. I support reining in the BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2014 Tuesday, March 4, 2014 unchecked authorities of the CFPB and sup- Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to port this legislation. HON. TERRI A. SEWELL recognize passage of several pieces of legis- H.R. 899, the Unfunded Mandates Informa- OF ALABAMA lation during the week of February 24, 2014. tion and Transparency Act, is a bill that, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Unfortunately, I was not able to vote for final among other things, enhances the ability of Tuesday, March 4, 2014 passage of these bills because I was out on the public to identify federal mandates that Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I medical leave recovering from much needed may impose additional costs to citizens, work- rise today in honor of continuing the 7th dis- hip replacement surgery. ers, businesses, as well as State, local, and trict’s commitment to honoring influential Afri- H.R. 1211, the FOIA Oversight and Imple- tribal governments. I am a firm believer that can Americans that were sons and daughters mentation Act of 2014, is important legislation the Federal Government must not crush the of Alabama. Today, it is my great privilege to that increases transparency and streamlines smaller guy with undue burdens and man- pay homage to Mrs. Johnnie Carr, a heroine the process for requests of public information dates. I strongly support this important legisla- of the Civil Rights movement and a pioneer of disclosures under the Freedom of Information tion. the Montgomery Bus Boycott. In Alabama, this Act. This legislation passed through one of my Had I been present for these votes, I would stalwart is referenced for her lifetime devotion committees, the House Oversight and Govern- have voted in support of these three important to ensuring that America lived up to its ideals ment Reform Committee, with my support. bills with an ‘‘aye’’ vote on rollcall Nos. 63, 64, of freedom and equality for all. H.R. 1123, the Unlocking Consumer Choice 67, 69, 78, 85 and 90. This phenomenal woman was born on Janu- and Wireless Competition Act, is a bill that re- f ary 26, 1911 in Montgomery Alabama to John verses a previous Library of Congress rule and Annie Daniels. She was educated at that made the unlocking of cell phones illegal COMMENDING SECRETARY ‘‘Miss White’s Industrial School for Girls,’’ a after the FCC and industry had agreed that KERRY’S NEW POLICY TO DENY private institution devoted to educating young consumers had every right to unlock their VISAS TO PERPETRATORS OF women of color. She went on to complete phones. It also directs the Library of Congress SEXUAL VIOLENCE coursework in nursing before launching a pub- to issue a rule to determine whether con- lic service career that would continue through- sumers should be allowed to unlock similar HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING out her lifetime. devices, such as tablets. OF MASSACHUSETTS During the 1930s, Mrs. Carr found her call- H.R. 1944, the Private Property Rights Pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing as a foot soldier and started with a cam- tection Act, is a bill to remedy a Supreme Tuesday, March 4, 2014 paign to help raise funds for the defense of Court decision, Kelo v. New London, regarding the Scottsboro Boys. This historic case in- governments’ eminent domain powers. This Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to volved nine black men who were falsely ac- legislation is very similar to one passed in the commend the action taken by Secretary of cused of raping two white women in 1931. 112th Congress, which passed by voice vote. State John Kerry and U.K. Foreign Secretary During this time, she also became active in I am a strong supporter of private property William Hague to deny visas to perpetrators of the NAACP and served as secretary and rights and I agree 100 percent with the sense sexual violence in times of armed conflict. This youth coordinator for the organization. of Congress stated in this legislation that it announcement sends a clear signal to sexual In 1964, Mrs. Carr and her husband, Arlam should be ‘‘the policy of the United States to offenders and enablers of sexual violence that Carr also broke barriers in public education in encourage, support, and promote the private the United States will not tolerate these de- Montgomery. The couple filed a suit against ownership of property and to ensure that the praved acts. the Montgomery Board of Education in effort constitutional and other legal rights of private Secretaries Kerry and Hague were joined by to allow their son to attend an all white high property owners are protected by the federal the U.S. Ambassador-at-large for global wom- school. The monumental court case, Carr v. government.’’ en’s issues, Catherine Russell; the U.S. As- Montgomery County Board of Education, is H.R. 3865, the Stop Targeting of Political sistant Secretary of State for Population, Refu- referenced as a landmark decision that led to Beliefs by the IRS Act, is an incredibly impor- gees and Migration, Anne Richard; and United the desegregation of public schools in Mont- tant piece of legislation designed to prevent Nations Special Representative on Sexual Vio- gomery, Alabama. Despite constant death the IRS from adopting a proposed rule that lence in Conflict Zanaib Bangura in announc- threats the Carrs remained committed to the changes the way 501(c)(4) organizations are ing this policy and shining a light on the sen- cause and eventually won the case on June 2, allowed to operate under the tax code. As the sitive yet urgent topic of rape and sexual vio- 1969. As a result, their son, Arlam Jr., was Oversight Committee noted in its hearing this lence as a tool of war. one of 13 black students to integrate Sydney week, this rule is tantamount to ‘‘doubling Since my days in the Massachusetts state Lanier High School. down’’ on the discriminatory practices against legislature and then as District Attorney, I In addition to their contribution to the inte- conservative groups that were uncovered in have been a staunch supporter for survivors gration of public schools, Mrs. Carr and her 2013. I strongly support this bill. and victims of sexual assault. I brought this husband would also become pillars in efforts H.R. 2804, the All Economic Regulations passion to Washington, where I have been to desegregate the Montgomery bus system. Are Transparent Act, is a bill that requires fed- proud to support passage of legislation that In December of 1955, shortly after Rosa Parks eral agencies to further disclose and report on would strengthen whistleblower protections for refused to give up her seat to a white pas- much of their processes and rules. One of my those who report sexual assaults in the mili- senger, the Carrs agreed to follow local buses favorite provisions of this bill is that agencies tary, and have consistently worked to protect in their personal vehicle to monitor the suc- and Washington bureaucrats pushing forth essential programs that serve victims of do- cess of the demonstration. The couple also new regulations have to assess and disclose mestic violence, dating violence, sexual as- transported blacks that needed rides to work the costs that their proposed rules will have on sault, and stalking, including the Violence and provided an alternative to using the seg- small businesses and the economy. If the Against Women Act and the Family Violence regated bus system in Montgomery. rules are going to be made, they should have Prevention and Services Act. And, as co-chair During the demonstration, Mrs. Carr was a sound basis and fully consider the economic of the Military Sexual Assault Prevention Cau- named president of the Montgomery Improve- impact. This bill accomplishes those goals and cus, I have worked to ensure that military ment Association in 1967. The organization has my support. service victims’ rights are protected through was initially formed to oversee the bus boy- H.R. 3193, the Consumer Financial Protec- access to legal assistance and expedited cotts but the entity would eventually play a tion and Soundness Improvement Act, makes transfers from his or her attacker. huge role in ending segregation in the city of a series of changes to the Consumer Financial Secretary Kerry has exhibited commendable Montgomery. Mrs. Carr remained at the helm Protection Bureau (CFPB) to rein in much of leadership on this issue, and I look forward to of the organization until her death in 2008. In its autocratic authority. It will replace the Di- working with him, the State Department, the 1984, Mrs. Carr joined ‘‘One Montgomery’’, an rector of CFPB with a five member inde- Department of Defense, and our global coun- organization dedicated to improving race rela- pendent commission; it makes CFPB subject terparts to end this culture of negligence that tions in Montgomery. Later in life, she became VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:21 Mar 05, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04MR8.003 E04MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 4, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E291 a celebrated lecturer on her experiences dur- At the same time, Mississippi was making take the stand as a plaintiff in several lawsuits ing the civil rights movement.
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