See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268977651 Revision surgery for one anastomosis gastric bypass with anti-reflux mechanism: A new surgical procedure using only not previously operated intestine Article in Nutricion hospitalaria: organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion Parenteral y Enteral · December 2014 DOI: 10.3305/nh.2014.30.6.8121 CITATIONS READS 2 234 7 authors, including: Alexander Reyes-Ortiz José Manuel Martinez Moreno Mexican Institute of Social Security University of Malaga 13 PUBLICATIONS 47 CITATIONS 48 PUBLICATIONS 177 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by José Manuel Martinez Moreno on 12 April 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Nutr Hosp. 2014;30(6):1232-1236 ISSN 0212-1611 • CODEN NUHOEQ S.V.R. 318 Revisión Revision surgery for one anastomosis gastric bypass with anti-reflux mechanism: a new surgical procedure using only not previously operated intestine Manuel Garcíacaballero1, Alexander Reyes-Ortiz1,2,3, Manuel Martínez-Moreno1, Alfredo Mínguez-Mañanes1, José Antonio Toval-Mata1, Diego Osorio-Fernández1 and José María Mata-Martín1 1Dept. of Surgery University Malaga, Spain. 2Autonomous University of the State of México (UAEMex). 3U.M.F. 229, Del. 16. Mexican Social Security Institute. México. Abstract CIrUGíA DE rEvISIóN DE BypASS GáSTrICO DE UNA anastomOSIS CON mECANISmO Introduction: Obesity is now an epidemic in industrialized ANTI-rEFlUjO: UN NUEvO prOCEDImiento countries with high prevalence (U.S. with 67%, Europa from QUIrúrGICO UTIlIzANDO SOlO INTESTINO 40% to 50%). This had led to the development of many ba- NO OpErADO ANTErIOrmENTE riatric procedures. Nevertheless, the primary surgery could fails due to several conditions. There is no standard re-ope- Resumen rative procedure of revision for primary bariatric failure. Introducción: la obesidad es ahora una epidemia en los Re-operate in the place of the primary surgery imply high países industrializados con una alta prevalencia (Estados rate of risks. We have developed a new procedure for revi- Unidos con el 67%, Europa desde el 40% al 50%). Esto ha sion surgery working only on not previously operated tissue. llevado al desarrollo de muchos de los procedimientos bariá- Methods: We measure the common channel from gas- tricos. Sin embargo, la cirugía primaria puede fallar debido tro-jejunal anastomosis until the ileocecal valve. Depen- a diversas condiciones. No existe un procedimiento quirúrgi- ding on the measure, we decide the length of intestine to co standard para realizar revisión para la cirugía bariátrica be excluded (biliopancreatic limb and common channel). que ha fallado. re-operar en el lugar de la cirugía primaria We interrupt the afferent loop before gastro-jejunostomy implicar una alta tasa de riesgos. Nosotros hemos desarro- and the efferent loop 20 cm below the gastro-jejunos- llado un nuevo procedimiento para la cirugía de revisión tomy. For restoring the gastro-intestinal transit, we anas- trabajando únicamente en el tejido no operado previamente. tomose the upper part of the afferent and efferent loop Métodos: Nosotros medimos el canal común desde de side-to-side and the efferent loop segment to the upper la anastomosis gastro-yeyunal hasta la válvula ileocecal. part of the new common channel. Dependiendo de la medición, decidimos la longitud del Discussion: There is no standard procedure for revi- intestino para ser excluido (asa biliopancreática y canal sion of primary surgery. Even, the gold standard surgery común). Interrumpimos el asa aferente antes gastro-yeyu- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is one of the most failed pro- nostomía y el asa eferente a 20 cm por debajo de la gas- cedure (≤ 35%). We have developed the revision for One tro-yeyunostomía. para restaurar el tránsito gastro-intes- Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (BAGUA) working always tinal, anastomosamos la parte superior del asa aferente in healthy tissue not previously used. y eferente en forma latero-lateral, y el segmento del asa Conclusions: A few number of patients with tailored eferente a la parte superior del nuevo canal común. BAGUA for morbid obesity will require a surgical res- Discusión: No existe un procedimiento estándar para la cue procedure due to excess or insufficient weight loss or revisión de la cirugía primaria. Incluso, la cirugía Gold stan- weight regain. This new procedure has been proven to dard el bypass gástrico roux-en-y, es uno de los procedi- be easy and safe, avoiding the surgical difficulties of the mientos con más fracasos (≤ 35%). Hemos desarrollado la classical revision through the scar tissue. revisión del Bypass Gástrico de Una Anastomosis (BAGUA) (Nutr Hosp. 2014;30:1232-1236) trabajando siempre en tejido sano no utilizado previamente. Conclusiones: Un escaso número de pacientes con BA- DOI:10.3305/nh.2014.30.6.8121 GUA a medida para obesidad mórbida requerirá un pro- Key words: One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass. Total leng- cedimiento de rescate quirúrgico debido a exceso de peso th small intestinal. Revision surgery. Insufficient weight loss o pérdida de peso insuficiente, o la re-ganancia del peso. and Weight re-gain. Este nuevo procedimiento ha demostrado ser fácil y se- guro, evitando las dificultades quirúrgicas de la revisión clásica a través del tejido cicatrizado. Correspondence: Manuel Garcíacaballero. (Nutr Hosp. 2014;30:1232-1236) Full Professor of Surgery. University of Malaga. Medical Faculty. 29080 Malaga. Spain. DOI:10.3305/nh.2014.30.6.8121 E-mail: [email protected] Palabras claves: Bypass Gástrico de una anastomosis. Recibido: 24-IX-2014. Longitud total del intestino delgado. Cirugía de revisión. In- Aceptado: 23-X-2014. suficiente pérdida de peso y Re-ganancia de peso. 1232 Introduction Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) of the European As- sociation for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)14. Obesity is now epidemic in industrialized countries. Before surgery, all patients eat only liquid diet de- The prevalence of obesity is high in countries such as pending of preoperative BMI during 5 (BMI <34) to 7 the U.S. where 67% of the population is overweight or days (BMI >35), received antibiotic and antithrombo- obese. Prevalence in European countries ranges from tic prophylaxis. 40% to 50%1. This high prevalence of morbid obesity worldwide has resulted in the development of many bariatric surgical procedures, which have proven to be Detailed description of the new surgical technique more effective for sustained long-term weight loss that nonsurgical treatment. Nevertheless, since the early In surgery, the surgeon stands between the patient’s 1980s, it is known that some patients may require a se- legs. The procedure begins introducing a Veress needle cond surgery due to inadequate weight loss or weight at the left subcostal space in order to create the pneu- re-gain2, excess weight loss3 or other reasons. mo-peritoneum. We use four trocars introduced in The great amount of bariatric primary surgeries for the same points as in primary surgery (Tailored One treating obesity, has led to an increasing number of Anastomosis Gastric Bypass) but approximately 10 reoperations for failed bariatric procedures. The rea- cm down (see figure 1). We put the first trocar of 10 sons and types of these operations are varied in natu- mm in the middle line of the abdomen for the camera. re4. It has been demonstrated that weight regain could The second trocar of 12 mm is positioned around 10 be due to lack of control over food intake that can pro- cm to the right side of the first trocar from the position duce addictive behaviors to some kind of food, lack of the surgeon. The third trocar of 12 mm is placed of self-monitoring or fewer postoperative follow-up around 10 cm to the left side of the first one trocar at visits5,6. the same level. The fourth trocar of 5 mm is put with Revision of bariatric surgery is a complex and internal vision control with the camera, in the left flank growing surgical field3. There is no standard re-opera- at the lower edge of the subcostal border, and it is used to separate the stomach and visceral fat, and others tive procedure for the failure of primary bariatric sur- operation maneuvers with the intestinal loop. It is not gery7. The vast majority of bariatric surgeons perform necessary to retract the liver because we work below corrective surgery based on their own experience2,7,8. the gastrojejunal anastomosis. Reoperations imply work on scar tissues, with strong adherences, without defined dissection plane, highly vascularized and, hence, of higher risk than primary surgery. In spite of that, the expected weight loss re- sults are lower than in primary surgery although is a good solution for the comorbidities9,10,11. So, reoperations involve a complex decision process that includes assessing the current state of the cases that has failed and make the identification of a safe al- ternative2,12. Bariatric surgeons must analyze the indi- cation of revision surgery on a case-by-case basis, and choosing an easy and safe revision procedure2,13. Many revision surgical alternatives has been described. Most of them imply undo the primary surgery and make it back to. Another alternative is the use of rings or bands for inducing restriction of food intake. Nevertheless, both alternatives need to be performed on scar tissue. An ideal solution will be to have the opportunity of performing revision surgery on healthy tissue as we do in primary surgery. That is the alternative we have found and use for revision in One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (BAGUA). methods Preoperative management Fig. 1.—Trocar site in primary (upper lines: 10 mm in centre In all selected patients to re-operate, a preoperative and 12 mm at both side) and revision surgery (lower lines). The study was conducted following the indications of the 5 mm trocar in the left subcostal space is the same in both cases.
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