A MonthLy MusIc, Arts And literAture publicAtIon MILLof the cArrboro cItIzen voL. 4 + no. 5 + februAry 2011 InsIde: t the eAter wIngs It t gimme 5 wIth missy thAngs t REYNOLDS PRICE pASSES t n.c. COMEDY ARTS FESTIvAL hITS TOWN 2 carrborocitizen.com/mill + february 2011 MILL fifteen years before rosa Parks re- Sweet mystery fused to stand, Pauli Murray refused hat is this thing that sets the rife with it. Teams have to do this or that to to sit in the back of the bus; 20 years heart a flutter? This mood win. They must control the ball, reduce turn- before the Greensboro sit-ins, she that blooms in the cold of overs, get rebounds, make shots and so on. organized restaurant sit-downs in the winter, lifting our hearts and Well, duh. Now please, just call the game. nation’s capital. Murray, a Durham na- promising, perhaps, immea- That incessant hectoring is one reason tive whose ancestors were once slaves Wsurable joy? The palpitations that come with many of us prefer the sound down on the in Orange County, not only lived on its tempestuous up-and-down nature mock television and up on the radio, with Woody the edge of history, she seemingly our sense of normal and play havoc with our and crew. More description. Less finger-wag- “pulled it along with her.” metabolisms. ging. We can only hope that someday having One hundred twenty-three years ah, basketball. We adore you. Don’t change the radio and TV in sync will be written into after her enslaved grandmother a thing. the Heels’ media contract. was baptized at Chapel of the Cross With the publication of this edition of If you’re looking for something to do in Chapel Hill, Murray returned as MILL, the season has set in and the Tar Heels between sporting contests, or if for some odd america’s first blacke piscopal priest are on a roll. That could change in a second of reason you are not into the game Mr. Naismith to celebrate her groundbreaking course; but for now, even the coach is happy, invented for this season, then this issue of eucharist there. A lifelong cham- and that’s saying something. Ol’ roy, as he MILL includes several dozen excellent sugges- pion for human rights, Murray’s life likes to call himself, was particularly unhappy tions for cultural and leisure activities. and legacy is the subject of To Buy Hillsborough is also sponsoring a in late January when he went off on the This month, in addition to more spotlights the Sun, a new play written by Lynden performance of To Buy the Sun, on feb. naysayers in a press conference. He also made and features, we’ve added a new monthly col- Harris of Hidden Voices and presented in 18 at St. Matthew’s episcopal Church. note that, other than the birth of a grandchild, umn by Mary Sonis, a Carrboro photographer conjunction with the Pauli Murray Project The play starts at 7:30 p.m. and admis- he would rather not remember last year. and writer who has a passion for the critter and the Duke Human rights Center as sion is $10. We live in a time abundant in emphatic world. Her fauna column starts on the next part of the commemoration of the 100th hectoring. Modern basketball announcing is page. Let us know what you think. — Kirk Ross anniversary of Murray’s birth. The performance follows the official Performances of the play, which is opening that evening of the traveling directed by Kathryn Hunter-Williams and exhibit “Pauli Murray: birth of an activ- Robert Dickson, P u bli sheR Marty Cassady, a D dir eC t o R features Chaunesti Webb Lyon and brie ist” at the Orange County Historical [email protected] [email protected] Nash, are at 8 p.m. on friday, feb.3 and Museum. The museum is open 11 a.m. Kirk Ross, edi t o R C o n t ribu t o R s susan Dickson, Saturday, feb. 4. to 4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and 1 p.m. [email protected] Vicky Dickson, ashley Melzer, Will Tickets are $10 for general admis- to 4 p.m. Sunday. The exhibit looks at bryant, Kevin Collins, allison Russell taylor sisk, sion and $8 for artsCenter members and how uNC’s rejection of Murray, based M a n ag In g edi t o R students. solely on her race, shaped her life. CoVeR PHOTO bY aVa BARLoW MILL [email protected] F e b R u a ry a L M a n a C Ba-Da Wings Lo, all the Southern windows close, Whence spicy breezes roll; The herbage sinks in sad repose, Carrboro’s and Winter sweeps the whole — George Moses Horton, “On Winter” Sports Bar The days grow longer, gaining more than a minute a day. Open till 2am Sunrise, feb. 1: 7:17 a.m. Sunrise, feb. 28: 6:48 a.m. Watch the game on 8 HDTVs Moon Phases Wings • Wraps • Burgers Kitchen New Moon – feb. 3; First Quarter – feb. 11; open till 2 am Microbrews & NC Drafts every night full Moon – feb. 18; Last Quarter – feb. 24 The full Moon in february is known as the Snow Moon, Wolf Moon and Hunger Moon Catering Planets: Jupiter and Saturn dominate the evening skies. Venus continues to 80 Jumbo Wings or 40 Boneless Wings $40 rule the morning, sitting close to the crescent moon on feb. 24. february is black History Month. 3 Large Sides $10 (each serves 10-12 people) Significant Dates: • the Chinese New year is feb. 3, ushering in the year of the Golden rabbit; (Fridays Only) • Valentine’s Day (feb. 14) is on a Monday; Tar Heel Special • Lincoln’s birthday is feb. 12; 20 Boneless Wings & Jumbo Fries $20 • Washington’s birthday is feb. 22 • Presidents’ Day (observed) is on feb. 21; and • the Oscars are on feb. 27. 11 am-2 am daily • 919-960-0656 • badawings.com 302B East Main • In Front of ArtsCenter & Cat’s Cradle MILL february 2011 + carrborocitizen.com/mill 3 fauna S The BIg NighTs By Mary Parker sonIs he big nights are coming. In late The real thrill is seeing these gorgeous am- January and early february, spring phibians. These mole salamanders only come will come early for our spotted above ground for about three weeks during salamanders. It will all start with the year. They return each year to their natal the first warm night rain, where pond to mate and lay eggs, and then disperse Tthe ambient temperature reaches 50 degrees. to their underground burrows for the rest of Listen for the sound of the chorus frogs in the year. as you pass your flashlight over the the woods. The distinctive fingers-running- water, you will see the undulating movement over-the-teeth-of-a-comb call will lead you of the spotted. boldly patterned yellow spots to your local vernal pond. Grab a flashlight on a black background make them easy to and your rain gear and follow the sound of locate. Occasionally, you will see an individual the frogs. Keep your flashlight to the ground, with a couple of bright-orange spots near the and be careful where you tread: The spotted head. These are my personal favorites. Some salamanders will be crossing roads and trails, melanistic individuals have no spots whatso- and you wouldn’t want to step on one. ever, but each animal has its own distinctive Yellow spotted salamander, commonly found in the Eastern U.S. first to arrive are the males. They visit the pattern. photo bY marY parkEr SoniS pond to lay down spermatophore. you will The excitement begins when the females ar- see tiny white packets attached to stems of rive. The males know when a female is about aquatic vegetation. In daylight, it looks like to enter the water, and suddenly, a group each other, and you might see an occasional their journey –in some communities, volun- bits of white lint in the water. The salamanders of spread-out males will gather together in mild nip between males. They have each put teers act as crossing guards on the roads to choose vernal or temporary shallow pools be- a small area and swirl through the water. down packets of spermatophore, and it’s the protect this beautiful species. cause these pools have no fish, providing the It is a congress of salamanders. Males will female’s decision about which packet she will Here in Carrboro, the bolin Creek forest larvae with some protection from predation. swim in small circles and nudge against pick up to fertilize her eggs. The water is alive has a number of vernal ponds. During with movement, and looks like a dance as the day, you may see the round baseball- these amphibians gyrate in the shallow pool. sized clumps of eggs in the shallow pools. This is the only time of year that you will see Listen for the sound of the chorus frogs the yellow spotted salamander. They have on a rainy night, and you may get to wit- traveled from underground burrows all over ness an extraordinary spring ritual. brew it yourself the forest to arrive at this ephemeral pond. grains hops ingredients equipment Some have crossed highways to reach their Mary Sonis is an amateur naturalist and pho- starter kits wine making destination. Hundreds are crushed by cars in tographer who lives in Carrboro. Free Homebrew Workshop Saturday Feb 12 details at www.fifthseasongardening.com artistic advertising S Opportunities abound CARRBORO 106 S.
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