the Montreal MuseuM of fine arts annual RepoRt 2008-2009 ConseRvIng aRt FoR all to ShaRe / the Montreal Museum of Fine arts, true to its vocation of acquiring and promoting the work of Canadian and international artists past and present, has a mission to attract the broadest and most heterogeneous public possible, and to provide that public with first-hand access to a universal artistic heritage. CONTENTS / 1 chairMan’s report / 4 thank you, Bernard LaMarre / 5 triBute to a great Man / 6 director’s report / 11 exhiBition caLendar / 12 MuseuM Officers and Board oF trustees / 13 MuseuM committees / 14 MuseuM Foundation president’s report / 15 Officers, trustees and committees oF the MuseuM Foundation / 16 voLunteer association’s report / 17 Association oF voLunteer guides’ report / 18 arte Musica Foundation / 19 acquisitions / 46 FinanciaL stateMents oF the MuseuM / 61 FinanciaL stateMents oF the MuseuM Foundation / 67 a triBute to our donors / 69 sponsors / 70 proMotions / 71 MuseuM Ball / 75 MuseuM staff / Cover: Workshop of Baron François‑Pascal‑Simon Gérard Bust-length Portrait of Napoleon in Coronation Robes about 1805 Ben Weider Collection 2008.403 CHAIRMAn’S REPORT / A BAnner YeAr the 2008-2009 fiscal year has been a historic one for the environmentally responsible policy of sustainable develop- Museum. We have seen the start of the construction of the ment. With its green shift, the Museum shows yet again its new pavilion of Canadian Art, the restoration of a heritage determination to lead by example. Another sign of loyalty building that will become a concert hall, the acquisition of to the Museum is the fact that the number of Friends, or landmark works, most notably Ben Weider’s napoleonic Museum VIps, rose to 42,065, generating $280,000 in collection, inspiring exhibitions for new clienteles, and increased revenues. Given the population of the Montreal the record participation of the Volunteer Association in region, this membership rate is truly outstanding. redistributing the net profit of the Museum Ball. the support of the government is also extremely valuable, the Museum’s bold and innovative approach continues to and we perceive it as citizens’ encouragement, relayed by raise its profile and is a source of pride for the public. Since their elected officials, for the Museum to continue to make taking the helm a year ago, I have been pleasantly surprised its mark both at home and abroad among art aficionados by the institution’s administrative efficiency, the expertise of and those less inclined to visit museums. In this sense, all its staff and the spirit of initiative that is seemingly stamped our efforts with the 200 community organizations and into the DnA of its management under the passionately the expressions of recognition we receive encourage us to committed leadership of its Director, nathalie Bondil. I have pursue this community initiative. also been very touched by the community’s outstanding support of “its” Museum. “ We are deeply grateful for the even though the world economic situation was at its worst support of the whole community in 2008-2009 and many American and Canadian museums – members, donors, employees, were experiencing severe financial problems, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts succeeded in weathering the storm business people and the general without a loss. this was largely thanks to our members, public. It encourages us to donors, volunteers and visitors, and we owe them our gratitude. their affection for this fine institution was very continue to excel.” evident – it is in hard times that we appreciate the loyalty of our friends. We felt that all these people were on our side, Basically, the Museum is privileged to be able to rely on the and were very proud of “their” Museum. support of the various levels of government. their yearly grants are indispensable to our survival. I am therefore this feeling of belonging to and taking pride in the Museum, particularly grateful to the Ministère de la Culture et des and the special relationship our curators and directors Communications du Québec for its major annual operating have established with collectors and donors, have helped grant, which has remained stable, and for its grant of a to enrich our heritage collection of works with $17 million new subsidy of $1.2 million for asset maintenance. I also worth of gifts, the second highest level in our history. wish to thank Heritage Canada and its Museums Assistance program, the Conseil des arts de Montréal and the Canada Firmly rooted in the community, the Museum has continued Council for the Arts for their ongoing support. Also, fiscal to offer free admission to the entirety of its collections 2008-2009 was a landmark year, as it was during this period to everyone at all times, as well as providing free access that the federal and provincial governments signed the to over 100,000 participants in educational, cultural and agreement on infrastructure expenses that made possible community-based activities. Another indication of social the construction work on the new pavilion of Canadian Art, leadership: this year the Museum decided to implement an which will open its doors in 2011. 2008-2009 AnnuAl RepoRt / 1 the Museum will be completely reinvented, with a new “ By the same token, I would like pavilion of Canadian Art (the Claire and Marc Bourgie pavilion), a new concert hall (Bourgie Hall), and the perma- to point out the remarkable nent collection re-installed among the other three pavilions, contribution made by the Museum’s with our most recent acquisitions in the spotlight. staff, demonstrating how much Fiscal 2008-2009 was the fourth consecutive year ending they care about the future of their in an operating surplus. thanks mainly to large-scale institution: 85% of them donated exhibitions like ¡Cuba!, Yves Saint Laurent, Warhol Live and Van Dongen, the Museum welcomed 572,205 visitors, a total of $165,320 – twice as making the year’s performance one of the five best in the much as for the previous campaign 150 years of our history. last year, free admission in the fall and double the average rate of brought in a larger number of non-paying visitors, but this year we have seen the number of tickets sold increase by participation for similar campaigns 132,862. the popularity of our exhibitions is apparent in the in other sectors.” sales of exhibition catalogues, which rose in comparison with 2007-2008. the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has always been known I must also thank the major sponsors of our exhibitions – for rigorous and sound management practices, which are Sun life Financial, METRo, the Volunteer Association of the even more valuable today at a time of economic uncertainty. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Air Canada, La Presse and the links that have been built over 150 years between the The Gazette. Museum and various companies, foundations, organizations and patrons provide us with the means to continue making the support of generous donors is vital, not only for our the Museum a flagship of our communal heritage. major international exhibitions but also for our educational, cultural and community programmes, the enhancement of I would also like to highlight another outstanding perform- our collections and the expansion of the Museum. I therefore ance this year by the Museum’s Volunteer Association for wish, on behalf of the Board of trustees and the Museum’s their annual Museum Ball, which was presided over by management team, to thank all those who, despite the Carolina Gallo Richer la Flèche and Honorary Co-presidents uncertain economic climate, have contributed to the Major Isabelle Marcoux and Darryl White, to whom I am deeply Campaign we launched last September, brilliantly led by grateful. through the exemplary efforts of the Volunteer co-chairmen thierry Vandal, norman M. Steinberg and Association and its Co-presidents Yvonne Zacios and Robert e. Brown. thanks to all these donors, the Major Suzanne legge orr, the Museum received a major gift of Campaign is progressing well. the campaign will probably $900,000 this year. We cannot sufficiently thank all those extend over a longer period than initially estimated, but we who helped to achieve this splendid result. are confident we will achieve our objectives. this year, the Association decided to close the Galerie Arte Montréal. I wish to congratulate and thank all the volunteers who worked there for so many years. their loyalty was much appreciated, and in token of our gratitude, a painting by Canadian artist théophile Hamel, Louise-Adèle Taschereau, has been dedicated to them. 2 / 2008-2009 AnnuAl RepoRt I would also like to underscore the unflagging devotion of I also offer my warmest regards to Réal Raymond, president all the Volunteer Guides, who share the knowledge and of the Museum Foundation, who, in the context of the passion with visitors through guided tours, discovery tours, expansion and the launch of the Major Campaign, with noontime tours and many other activities. equally ambitious objectives, has proven to be a first-rate partner. As his mandate comes to a close, he can take I also wish to express my gratitude to the members of the pride in having given the Museum the benefit of his great Boards of trustees and the different Museum and Museum knowledge, his wise advice and a network of influential Foundation committees. the intelligence and generosity contacts that will continue to benefit the Museum. We thank they bring to their work are indispensable assets to the him sincerely for his five years at the helm of the Museum Museum’s growth. I congratulate the new members of the Foundation. Board of trustees, Mandeep Roshi K. Chadha and Joe Battat, for agreeing to support us in this promising future.
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