PAGE 6 THURSDAY, MAY 25,1995 -TW T WORLD- CATHOLIC COURIER DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. N Y NEWS Pope highlights values on trip to East Europe By \gostino Bono Prague at a May 20 prayer meeting. Oil hoi ic News Service "The priests are few and often old and sick," said Cardinal Vlk. "Communism SKOCZOW, Poland - Pope John Paul isolated us in ourselves" and now "we 11 cut into a swatch of Eastern Europe want to open ourselves to the world and and found that the church has a long society." way to go before Christian values be­ The pope offered his own assessment, come imbedded in society. saving his main admonitions for his ar­ The pope's 64th trip outside of Italy rival in his natiye Poland. took him to the Czech Republic and his "As the future shape of our republic is native Poland May 20-22. He announced being decided" Poles must rediscover a 1997 visit to the same region and canr their 1,000-year Christian history, the onized two new saints. pope said at a May 22 Mass in Skoczow. The trip quickly put the pope in touch The country needs people of firm with societies still in search of a new moral conscience, especially politicians, identity after the end of communist rule to create a "just moral order," he added. Reuters/RNS five years ago. In several speeches in Poland, the Czech President Vaclav Havel listens to Pope John Paul II during their private "In the realm of mentality, changes pope lashed out at a spreading anti-cler­ meeting May 20 at Prague Castle. The pope arrived in Prague as part of a three- are rather slow to come or difficult to ical secularism which has generated in­ day visit to the Czech Republic and Poland. achieve," said Czech President Vaclav creased prejudice against believers. Havel, greeting the pope May 20. "They notice the increasing tenden­ mouc, the pope sang and joked with the pope held up the new saint as a spur Enthusiasm "has given way to more cy to marginalize them from the life of them. He also watched a group of youths to ecumenism. He said the time has sober thinking about everyday life with society; what is most sacred to them is who could not hear or speak perform a come to erase die hatred of the past. its everyday cares," said Havel, referring sometimes mocked and ridiculed," he pantomime aimed at showing what "Today I, die pope of the church of to the pope's 1990 visit, when the air said at the Mass. should be the Christian attitude in the Rome, in the name of all Catholics, ask was still fresh with the peaceful victory Upon arriving in the Czech Republic face of worldly temptations. forgiveness for the wrongs inflicted on over communism. May 20, the pope announced he planned Despite Protestant protests, he also non-Catholics during the turbulent his­ "Before, we struggled with something to return again in 1997 to celebrate the declared the sainthood of Blessed Jan tory of diese peoples; at die same time outside us. Now, we have to turn to our 1,000th anniversary of die death of St. Sarkander, a priest killed in 1620 by I pledge the Catholic Church's forgive­ hearts if we want to live up to the val­ Adalbert, a 10th-century bishop of Lutheran rulers during a religious war. ness for whatever harm her sons and ues that we put on our banners several Prague and a martyr. Many Protestant leaders said diey re­ daughters suffered," die pope said. years ago," he said. The pope said he would visit Prague gard St. Sarkander as a symbol of efforts At the May 21 Mass, the pope also de­ Havel, a nonpracticing Catholic, asked and several other cities which are asso­ to forcibly convert them to Catholicism. clared die sainthood of Zdislava of Lem- the church's support in a "spiritual re­ ciated with the saint, who lived also in He was tortured to death after being ac­ berk, a 13th-century modier of four and birth," noting that it is the largest Czech what is now Poland and Germany. cused of helping an invading Polish benefactor of the poor. The pope de­ church. Meeting with about 10,000 youths Catholic army - accusations he denied. scribed her as "an example of marital The pope also got a church progress who gadiered on the hill at the Svaty At die May 21 canonization Mass and fidelity, a support of domestic spiritu­ report from Cardinal Miloslav Vlk of Kopecek Marian shrine, outside Olor in a subsequent meeting with youths, ality and moral integrity." Bishops to discuss major changes in national conference By Jerry Filteau A third is to reduce the number of Behind the proposals is a four-year die committee is to review its proposals Cadiolic News Service statements issued by die conference. study by a committee headed by Cardi­ in die months that follow and develop fi­ If the bishops adopt the proposed nal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago, for­ nal recommendations to submit for de­ WASHINGTON - The U.S. Catholic changes, it will be die biggest overhaul of mer president of the NCCB-USCC and bate and a vote at die bishops' next gen­ bishops will take the first big step to­ their national conference structures its first general secretary. eral meeting, in mid-November in Wash­ ward major changes in their national or­ since 1966, when diey formed two con­ The committee is also proposing diat ington. ganization when they meet in Chicago ferences — die National Conference of the bishops: Copies of die committee's report were June 15-17. Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Con­ — Reduce the number of standing mailed to all die bishops in late April. A key goal of the proposals they will ference — to replace the National committees from the current 28 to 15. The report said some current com­ discuss is to get more bishops involved Cadiolic Welfare Conference. — Increase committee sizes. mittees would become "true subcom­ directly and actively in the conference. In fact one proposed change is to — Increase regional representation of mittees working at die pleasure of die A second goal is to increase the im­ combine the NCCB and USCC into one bishops on the NCCB Administrative standing committee" to which they are portance of the bishops' 13 regional conference, which would probably be Committee. assigned. groupings. called the NCCB. — Limit the Administrative Commit­ The Bernardin committee also pro- -—;«.- -fijf-_-;« tee membership ot??|ch staod^ngj^m^,j^gj | a rule, that no bishop can serve mittee to its chairman. ^%SfC%^ * on more dian two standing committees Parents • Grandparents • Relatives • Friends — Limit full, voting membership on at the same time and tiiat a committee all standing committees to bishops. chairman cannot be a member of any — Place nonbishops on committees other committee during his tenure as only as consultants, with a voice but no chairman. Salute Your vote. The report said that while the com­ — Adopt new rules for conference mittee proposed limiting committee statements, giving the conference pres­ membership ttfbishops, "the valuable GRADUATE! ident more flexibility to respond quick­ contributions that lay men and Women, Publication gate: June 8,1995 ly to developing situations. priests and religious-can make .to the Deadline: May 30,1995 The bishops are to spend a substan­ work of die conference isj encouraged tial portion of tiieir diree-day meeting in As members of the Class of '95 prepare and sought dirpugh consultant roles for Chicago discussing the report of the standing committees as well as the Na­ for graduation, you can send a special salute Bernardin committee, called the Ad Hoc tional Advisory CounciL" in our annual-graduation supplement. Each Committee on Mission and Structure. The advisory cojuncil, which has five graduate salute is $20 and will look like this: No vote is scheduled in June, howev­ bishops and about 50 priests, religious To place your personal graduation salute, er. In light of the Chicago discussions, and \af people from across4he country, Congratulations complete and mail the form below (with your meets before each national meeting of $20 payment) to Catholic Counter Graduates, Kids' Chronicle the bishopSj reviews-materials the bish­ Karen! *, ops plan" to acton and gives its own cri­ 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624 or We're proud of you. Answer Key tiqueof those materials. ;. call 716-328-4340 with your credit card Mom, Dad, Joe & Beans On the committee with Cardinal orders. All major credit cards accepted. A B C 0 Bernardin are:* "V .-..,,' - Cardinal Law and Cardinal Roger To: -Your name 1 Eden Samaritan Paul Psalms M. Mahony of libs Angeles. — Archbishops William J. Levada of School: Address.; 2 Genesis Stephen. Peter Bethlehem Pordand, Ore.; Oscar H. Lipscomb of Message:. Mobile, Ala.; and Rembert G. Weafcland of Milwaukee City 3 Joshua- David John Jesus — Bishops Joseph A. Fiorenjza of From: State Zip _ vGflvej^o^Houston; James W: Malone 4 Revelations Jacob Matthias Salomon telephone. of Youngstpwn, Ohio; and Donattd W. WoerfdfMlslbufghc»>"*.-*t: T .
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