4 Wednesday, Jun« 19, 1963 THE PRESS C-17 Automobile for Sal* 200 AutomoblU* for Sala 200 AufomoblUi for $ala 200 AutomobiUt for fa fa 200 Automobiles for $ala 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 SCOTT ROBINSON PONTIAC OFFERS THE FABULOUS TEMPEST 4-DOOR SEDAN Fully aquippad radio, htattr, automatic drivt, deluxe axtarior trim, d*lux* interior, backup lights, directional*, whitawalls, rear view mirrow, deluxe wheel discs, custom steering wheel. With Normal Down Payment or Perhaps Your Car as Down Payment Per Month ON LY .....................................................................: Dclivtrtd in Torranco WE REALLY MEAN BUSINESS GET THE DEAL YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR '62 TEMPEST Deluxe Sedan *1895 PRICES 62 CHEV. Impala Hardtop ......... SLASHED '62 CHEVROLET i-Ton Pickup................... '1095 '62 CORVAIR Monza Coupe ....... Save $$$ '60 MERCURY Hardtop Coupe ................. *1695 '62 TEMPEST Station Wagon ....... '59 PONTIAC Catalina Hardtop ............... All *1295 Used Cars '54 CADILLAC Hardtop Coupe .... '58 DODGE Pickup & Camper................... $995 Must GO '58 DODGE Wagon (9 Pass.) ....... '61 TEMPEST Deluxe Wagon ...................... S1795 NOW!! '60 PLYMOUTH Fury Hardtop ..... '59 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible .............. $1395 LOW Low i Down Payment '57 RAMBLER Wagon ............................ $795 '56 FORD Hardtop Coupe ........ LOW '60 BUICK Hardtop Coupe ........................ S1695 Low '59 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible Monthly Payments '61 RAMBLER Station Wagon .................... $1495 '63 CHEVROLET Bel-Air Wagon ................ $2795 $$$$$$$»$ tmmtti mummmmt $$$$$*$** »$$$$$$m$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a OVER 50 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ttmmmtmmmmsstt tt$*M$$$$$$$$$$$ »mm»* $*$•$! $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$* $$$$$$$$$$$$$$< $$$$$$$$$$$$$$' t$$$$f$$$$$$$$$$ Every Used Car Carries Our Free 12 Months or 12,000-Mile Warranty Get Your Share of Savings at Scott Robinson Pontiac Today i$$$$tt*$$$$$$$$ a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l *$M$$$$W$m$l $$$$$$$$$$$$$* «*$$$$$$$»$*$* a$$$$$$$$$$$* , 4$s*»$$$$s$t $$$!$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$**» $$$$$$$$t $$$$$$$**i 20340 Hawthorne Blvd. SCOTT ROBINSON PONTIAC OPEN SUNDAYS $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$» *$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ New Cor Dtpt. FR 1-3521 YOUR SOUTH BAY PONTIAC DEALER Used Cor Dept. -FR 1-3525 IttltUII PUBLIC NOTICE!! FINANCE RESALES! PRIVATE PARTIES WANTED TO HAKE OVER THE FOLLOWING UNITS: TOM ROADY Vel's Ford Most Exclusive 13 PORCH E "90" Coupe. If no catri down pay $36. 74 mo. and (itium* contract balance of 13711. -« Remanufactured Used Cars A 'M PLYMOUTH 1 floor hardtop. If no cath down pay $21.02 month •k Unconditionally Guaranteed A and attume contract balance of STAMPS OUT GIMMICKS J747. 18 FORD FAIRLANt 100 2 door hardtop, if na caah dawn par $22.61 month and attume contract TOM ROADY balance of M10. 17 CHEVROLET 4 Daor Waton. If Your honest, dealin Dodge Dealer wants to no cath down par S2J.40 month and attume contract balance of U01. 17 DODGE 2 Door Hardtop If no STAMP OUT GIMMICKS cash down pay Slf.eJ month and Attuma contract balance of St*t. «S9 RAMBLER wa«on. "Stick." Tom's so het up over some dealer's advertising he's Overdrive. Extra clean If no cath down pay $24.62 month and ai- turning purple (he's also allergic). He says such things OS sume contract balance of 11046. M PLYMOUTH Belved«r<> 4 Door. If no cath down pay 119.1? month and attume contract balance of NO MONEY DOWN$$$$ U83. **/ ^\ 17 LINCOLN 4-Door. full power. Leather Matt. Excellent car. If BELOW DEALER COST??? no cath down pay $25.32 per month and attume contract bal­ ance of *894. <S» CHEVROLET 2 Door Del Rey. NO CREDIT NECESSARY??? Like new. If no cash down My $34.96 month and attume can- tract balance of S547. Just ain't the truth . they're gimmicks other No Finer Quality Used Car Values At Any Price. 13 SPRITE If no caih down- pay $24.«7 rio. and attume con­ dealers try because they know Tom will make the tract balanc? «f $1771. 11 LANCER 4-DOOR- If no caah 20900 HAWTHORNE BLVD. 1420CABRILLO AVENUE down- Pay $21 .fl mo. and attume BEST DEAL IN OR OUT OF TOWN 1961 THUNDERBIRD contract balance of $1146. Hardtop. Pull Power, Alr-Cond. Radio, Heater, Cruitamatie Jutt 1959 RENAULT 1) MG 1100 SEDAN If no cath Ortact. Parmentt Law At < Or »> i«*ctured Like New Wltti Law Down Pavm*ntt Only down Pay $1S.M mo. and attwme Now Tom could offer you a brand new contract balance of $1624. $87.50 PER MO. $22.00 PER MO. 1i MGA. Wira wheel t If no cath down- Pay $21.96 mo. and attume 1963 DODGE 1957 MERCURY CONVERTIBLI 1956 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE contract balance of $1412. Automatic, Radio Heater- Smart Tmmnoi tation 10 MGA If no cath down pay with bucket seats, less grill, wheels, tires, etc. xtra Nice Pully Equipped witti Low Down-Payments Only $74.62 mo. and attume contract FULL PRICE $299.00 $25.00 PER MO. balance. $1148 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA 60 MORRIS PICKUP If no cath FOR ONLY $1195.00 FULL PRICE t Or. Hardtop. r»ewer«l!de, Radio, Heater, Whitewalll 1963 PONTIAC down Pay $16S1 mo and attume Simply Reautlful. contract balance $47$. rand Prix Hardtop. Automatic. Power Mterme, Power Rrakef, K) FIAT "600" 2 DOOR -If na SAVE $350.00 adta, Haalar. Whltewallt One Owner, Low Mflaaga i-*<h down -Pay $17. $2 mo. and He's got it In the show room cause he thinks Absolutplv Perfect. <mum« contract balance $339. I960 DODGE 19 MGA if no cath down pay it's a good example of a "GIMMICK" in case some people MOftaar Station Wagon. Automatic, Power Steering, Radio, Hatter SAVE $300.00 $19.84 mo and attuma contract Paymenft Low At balance of $961. don't know a GIMMICK when they see one . But Tom likes to sell $45.00 PER MO. 1955 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE 19 FIAT "UOO" CONVERTIBLi- Pull Power, Automatic, Radio, Heater. if no cath down- Pay *1».4J ma. 1956 CHEVROLET and a«t jme contract balance $463. Station Wagon. Powerglide, Radio, Heater, FULL PRICE $149.00 17 ALFA ROMiO ROADSTER FULLY EQUIPPED DODGES SPIDER If no cath down Pay FULL PRICE $179.00 1963 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE 17.60 mo. and attume contract nice good smellin ones because these are what people 1962 FORD GALAXIE Automatic, Radio, Heater. Special Price Reduction On Thit Beauty balance $986. I Or. Hardto*. Automatic, Power Steering, Radio, Heater, Air Cand. 17 VOLKSWAGEN- If no cath Special Price Reduction On Thlt Beautiful Car. SAVE $400.00 down- Pay $19.76 mo. and attuma usually buy. So if you want a whole car balance of $763. SAVE $300.00 17 CHEVROLET 2-door hardtop 1961 FORD GALAXIE HARDTOP Impala Coupe If no cath down NO GIMMICKS I960 MERCURY Automatic, Radio, Heater, Pow»r Steernit. With Down Pavmentt pay $38.20 mo. and attuma con­ Commuter Ita. Wan. Automatic, Power Stearin*, Radlt* Heater tract balanca of $2217. come straight to Tom, he'll make you a deal honestly. Payment* Low At 17 CHEVROLIT 4-dOOr Impala $57.00° PER MO. hardtop If no cath down Pay $61.50 PER MO. ^gt^. , 34.12 mo. and attuma contract BUT IF YOU WANT A GIMMICK 1957 FORD RANCH WAGON 1953 CHEVROLET || balance $7190. Automatic, Radio, Heater Sedan Transportation Special 18 PLYMOUTH we«on If no eath we have that too. down Pay $19.47 mo. and attuma FULL PRICE $299.00 FULL PRICE $99.00 contract balanca $6*8 So, come to ol' Tom's, he'll make a deal the way you want it. 1957 CADILLAC 19 PONTIAC 2^oor f.alaiina if Hardtop. Pull Power, Alr-Cond., Radio, Heater Mutt See t* 1957 BUICK CONVERTIBLE no rath down Pay *?< and Appreciate, Automatic, Radio. Heater Todev't Bett Buv ,.--.,.r,n contract r.«l" •M nu VP.OLET Co« THE DEPENDABLES SAVE $200.00 FULL PRICE $599.00 ' M i' no cath dow 1962 CORVAIR CLUB COUPf mo and attuma contract balanca 1955 OLDSMOBILE $2197 USED CAR SPECIALS . Daluxe Model. Automatic, Radio, Heater. Pavmentt Low At 17 FORD Moor- If no cath down $55.00 PER MO. 1 Dr. Hardtop. Automatic, Radio. Heater - Trantoortattan Special. Pay $17.90 mo. and attuma FULL PRICE $79.00 contract balanca $481. "60 DODGE V ft '60 PLYMOUTH 1955 FORD SEDAN »59 FORD ttatlon wagon -if na 4-DOOR SEDAN ... 4-DOOR S1DAN ........ ........... Automatic, Radio, Heater ca*h down -Pay $24.42 mo. and Automatic, heatftr, 1 ten* flnlth, whltewtlll. Radio, heater, ttraight trantmittlon. Law mllaaaa, ana owner car. 1957 DODGE STATION WAGON attumw contract balance $1226 FULL PRICE $129.00 Automatic, Radio, Heater - Fine Vain*. '57 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL W PLYMOUTH tlatlon waton If '59 PLYMOUTH 1957 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER FULL PRICE $799.00 no c*»h down pay $70.87 mo. 4-DOOR HARDTOP ...... $1198 Hardtop. Pull Power, Air Cond., Radio, Heater, Automatic. and attume contract balance $787. Radio, heater, automatic, power $twring, fcrakat, wtndowi A teat*. STATION WAGON ..... $898 Pavmentt Low At W FORD 4-da*r If no cath down - Air conditioning. Straight trantmittion with ovtrdnv*. Transportation Cars All Makes and Model* To pay f'«.42 ffx» and attuma con­ $35.00 PER MO. Choote From- First Corn* First Sarvaa! tract nalanca $°41. '57 FORD V-S '58 FORD 11 DODGT 2 door hardtop- If no STATION WAGON .............. $798 FORDOR SEDAN ................... $698 cath down Pay $2260 mo and Radio, automatic, »ow«r tteering. Ntw rlntt an* n»w Mint. Radio, heater, ttraight trantmittlon, 2 tana flnlth and whltewallt. EASY DOWN * LOW BANK RATES * COMPLETE SELECTION * attume contract balance $12»0. 1« CHEVROLET ttatlon wagon - If no cath down pay $19 63 mo and attuma contract balanca Rememb«r, it you don't lik« TOM'S DEAL, ARGUE . 20900 1420 Cabrillo tlOll. Hawthorn* Blvd \ CAMaUO FOR INFORMATION Hawthorne Downtown ON FINANCING TOM ROADY - DODGE Blvd. CALL I Torrance PACIFIC ACCEPTANCE 16611 So. Vermont Ave. Gardena On* Block North of Torranca Blvd.
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