~~~ ~ REPUBLIC OF KENYA · KENYA DIRECTORY of THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS High Commissions Embassies Consulates-General Consuls Trade Commissions International Organizations September 1967 Priee: lssUED BY: Sh. 5/- PROTOCOL ÛFFICE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS P.O. Box 30551, NAIROBI Due to continued changes in personnel, it is advisable to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Protocol Office) for up-to-date information. Copies are obtainable from the Government Printer, P.O. Box 30128, Nairobi, for Shillings 5 (plus postage). KENYA DIRECfORY of THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS September 1967 CONTENTS PAOB Table of Contents .. 1 Kenya Public Holidays .. 3 National Holidays of the Diplomatie Missions 3- 4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5 Heads of Diplomatie Missions (Precedence List) 6-7 Algeria 8- 9 Australia 10- 11 Austria 12- 13 Belgium 14- 15 Britain 16- 21 Bulgaria 22- 23 Burundi 24- 25 Canada 26- 27 China 28- 29 Colombia 30- 31 Czechoslovakia 32- 33 Denmark 34- 35 Ethiopia 36- 37 Finland 38- 39 France 40- 41 Germany 42- 43 Ghana 44- 45 Greece 46- 47 Guinea 48- 49 Roly See 50- 51 Hungary 52- 53 India 54- 55 Ireland 56- 57 Israel 58- 59 Italy.. 60- 61 1vor y Coast . 62- 63 Japan 64- 65 Korea 66- 67 Kuwait 68- 69 Liberia 70- 71 Malawi 72- 73 Mali .. 74- 75 Morocco 76- 77 Netherlands 78- 79 Nigeria 80- 81 Norway 82- 83 Pakistan 84- 85 Po land 86- 87 Rwanda 88- 89 Su dan 90- 91 Sweden 92- 93 Switzerland .. 94- 95 Thailand 96- 97 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 98- 99 United Arab Republic . 100-101 United States of America . 102- 105 Yugoslavia .. 106-107 Zambia 108- 109 Organisation of African Unity llo-111 United Nations Organization (U.N.D.P., F.A.O., U.N.E.S.C.O., W.H.O., I.B.R.D.) . 112- 121 3 PUBLIC HOLIDA YS New Year's Day As this falls on the lst January which is a Sunday, the 2nd January will be observed as a Public Holiday. Good Friday 24th March Easter Monday 27th March Labour Day lst May Madaraka Day lst June August Bank Holiday 7th August Kenyatta Day 20th October Independence Day 12th December Christmas Day .. 25th December Boxing Day 26th December In addition, Id-ul-Fitr will be celebrated throughout Kenya as a holiday by persons professing the Muslim faith. NATIONAL HOLIDAYS January lst Independence Day Su dan 26th Republic Day In dia 26th National Day .. Australia February 25th Accession Day Kuwait Marcb 6th Independence Day Ghana llth King's Birthday Den mark 23rd Pakistan Day Pakistan 25th Independence Day Greece April 4th Liberation Day Hungary !6th lndependence Day Israel 29th Emperor's Birthday Japan 30th Queen's Birthday Netherlands May 5th Return to Addis A baba of H.l.M... Ethiopia 9th Liberation Day Czechoslovakia !7th Constitution Day Norway June 2nd Republic Day Ital y 2nd Queen's Birthday Britain !7th Unity Day German y !9th National Day .. Kuwait 20th Independence Day Mali 30th Pope Paul VI's Coronation Holy See July lst National Day .. Canada 4th Independence Day U.S.A. 6th Independence Day Malawi !4th Bastille Day .. France 2lst National Day .. Belgium 22nd National Holiday Po land 23rd Emperor's Birthday .. Ethiopia 23rd Revolution Day United Arab Republic 4 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS-(Contd.) August lst National Day .. Switzerland 7th Independence Day Ivory Coast 15th Independence Day India !5th Independence Day Korea September 9th Liberation Day Bulgaria October 1&2 China lst Nigeria 9th Independence Day Uganda 24th United Nations Day 26th National Day .. A us tria November 1st National Day .. Al ge ria 2nd Emperor's Coronation Ethiopia 7th/8th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution U.S.S.R. llth King's Birthday Sweden 29th Republic Day Yugoslavia December 6th National Day .. Finland 9th Republic Day Tanzania 5 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Under the Office of the President) HARAMBEE HousE HARAMBEE A VENUE P.O. Box 30551, NAIROBI TELEPHONE: 27411 The Hon. James Nyamweya, M.P. Minister of State in the Office of the President. Mr. J. Kyalo Permanent Secretary. Mr. L. O. Kibinge .. Deputy Secretary. Mr. K. S. A. Jeneby Under Secretary. DIVISIONS United Nations Division Mr. K. S. A. Jeneby u.s. Mr. T. W. Wanjala A. S. Africa and the Middle East Division Mr. Ng'ethe Njoroge S.A. S. Miss M. W. Githara A. S. Mr. J. K. Kimani A. S. Legal Division Mr. I. S. Bhoi S.A. S. Mr. R. J. Ombere A.S. Mr. F. J. O. Meroka A. S. Protocol Division Mr. D. Gachukia .. S.A.S., Chief of Protocol. Mr. D . K. Gichero A.S. (Privileges and Immunities). Mr. J. D . Odede V.I.P. Arrivais and Departures. Con- sular matters. Mr. D . Onyiego Diplomatie Directory and Identity Cards. Economie Division Mr. Osanya Nyyneque S.A. S. Mr. B. E. Mwangi .. A. S. Western Europe Division Mr. N. M. Mugo .. S.A. S. Eastern Europe Division Mr. C. M. Mwashumbe S.A. S. Asia, Far East, Australia and New Zealand Division Mr. J. M. Gachui . A.S. North and South America Division Mr. L. N. Mwangi A. S. Administration Division Mr. M. S. Simani .. S.A. S. Mr. G. N . Nyaanga Press Division Mr. S. L. Muhanji Press Officer. Mr. J. M. Ruthuku Press Offi.cer. Accounts Division Mr. R. A. King Chief Accountant. Mr. T. K. Mutisya Senior Accountant. 6 DIPLOMATIC PRECEDENCE LIST Embassy/High Commission* Head 1. ETHIOPIA H.E. Ato Getachew Mekasha. 2. CHlNA H.E. Wang-Yu-Tien. 3. NORWAY H.E. Inge R. Rindal. 4. HUNGARY H.E. Janos Katona. 5. YUGOSLAVIA H.E. Milan Stojakovic. 6. lTALY H.E. Marquis Giovanni Revedin Di San Martino. 7. FRANCE H.E. le Baron de Beausse. 8. CZECHOSLOVAKIA H.E. Zdenek Roskot. 9. DENMARK H.E. Birger Abrahmson. 10. JAPAN H.E. Toshio Urabe. 11. SUDAN H.E. Sayed Mohammed Mirghani. 12. AUSTRIA H.E. Dr. Friedrich Kudematsch. 13. *INDIA H.E. Prem Bhatia. 14. *AUSTRALIA .. H.E. W. R. Crocker. 15. BELGJUM H.E. E. Rittweger de Moor. 16. ROLY SEE H.E. Archbishop Guido Del Mestri. 17. MOROCCO H.E. Boubaker Boumahdi (In Addis- Ababa). 18. IvoRY CoAST H.E. Honore Mambe Polneau (In Addis- Ababa). 19. FINLAND H.E. Henrik Blomstedt (In Addis-Ababa). 20. SWITZERLAND H.E. Dr. Hans Karl Frey. 21. *BRITAIN H.E. Sir Edward Peck. 22. LIBERIA H.E. Henry Boima Fahnbulleh. 23. ISRAEL H.E. Zev Levin. 24. *NIGERIA H.E. L. O. Harriman. 25. *GHANA H.E. J. L. Appah-Sampong. 26. NETHERLANDS H.E. J. C. van Beusekom. 27. *MALAWI H.E. R. P. Chisala (In Addis-Ababa). 28. SWEDEN H.E. Carl-Gustaf Beve. 29. KOREA H.E. Yun Young Lirn. 30. U.S.A. H.E. Glenn W. Ferguson. 31. *PAKISTAN H.E. R. R. Noore. 32. GREECE H.E. G. C. Papadopoulos. 33. *CANADA H.E. B. M. Meagher. 34. GUJNEA H.E. Filly Cissoko (In Dar es Salaam). 35. BURUNDI H.E. Protais Mangona (ln Dar es Salaam). 36. U.S.S.R. H.E. Dmitry Goryunov. 37. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF ÜERMANY •• H.E. Dr. H. U. Von Schweinitz. 7 CHARGE D'AFFAIRES 38. POLAND Mr. Henryk Lesniewski. 39. BULGARIA Mr. Serafim Serafimov. CHARGE D'AFFAIRES a.i. 40. ALGERIA Mr. A. C. Deroua (In Dar es Salaam). 41. MALAWI Mr. R. B. Chidzanja 42. U.A.R. Dr. E. Hammam. 43. MALI .. Mr. Amadou Sedougo (In Dar es Salaam). 44. ZAMBIA Mr. A. M. Chambeshi (In Dar es Salaam). 45. RWANDA Mr. A. M. Kagenza (In Kampala). SPECIAL STATUS 46. U.N. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME •• Dr. B. T. G. Chidzero. 47. W.H.O. Dr. A. J. W. Spitz. 48. U.N.E.S.C.O. Mr. A. H. Gille. 49. I.B.R.D. Mr. D. L. Gordon. 50. F.A.O. Mr. A. E. Chimbuah. 51. BRITISH SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE The Rt. Hon. M. MacDonald, P.C. FOR EAST AND CENTRAL AFRICA. 52. (O.A.U.) OFFICE OF THE lNTER­ Dr. Osman M. M. Osman. AFRICAN BUREAU FOR ANIMAL HEALTH 53. RUMANIA ECONOMie REPRESENTA­ Mr. T. Nicolaescu. TION 54. THAl TRADE COMMISSION •. Mr. M. R. N. Thongyai. CONSULS-GENERAL AND HONORARY CONSULS 55. COLOMBIA (C.-G.) .• Mr. C. A. Alvorado. 56. KUWAIT (C.-G.) Mr. Hamad Al-Saedean (Acting). 57. lRELAND (Hon. C.) .. Mr. J. J. Hughes. 8 ALGERIA EMBASSY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA 34 UPANGA RoAD P.O. Box 2963, DAR ES SALAAM Telegraphie Address Telephone Nos. Algerian Embassy, Dar es Salaam . 20846 Dar es Salaam Office Hours Monday through Friday: Mornings 8.00 a.m. to 12 noon 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Saturday 8.00 a.m. to 1 p.m. National Holiday November lst Other Holidays observed July 1st NoTB-No Office in Nairobi. 9 ALGERIA EMBASSY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA Charge d'Affaires Residential Address and Telephone No. Mr. Ali Cherif Deroua Laibon Road Mrs. Deroua 67609 Third Secretary Mr. Selim Gherbal Dolat Mansion Mrs. Gherbol Attaché Mr. Benali Mohamed 12, Mkadini Road Mrs. Benoli 67783 Attaché Mr. Belkacem Benharrats Bagamoyo Road Attaché Mr. Noureddine Ghenim Bagarnoyo Road 10 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN lllGH COMMISSION JEEYAN BHARATI BUILDING liARAMBEE A VENUE P.O. Box 30360 NAIROBI Telegraphie Address Telephone No. AUSTCOM, NAIROBI 27621 /3, 20448/9 Office Hours Monday through Friday: Mornings 8.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Mternoon 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Saturday Closed National Holiday Australia Day-January 26th Other Holidays observed As observed by Government of Kenya New Year's Day-January 1st Good Friday Easter Monday Anzac Day-April 25th Queen's Birthday (as promulgated) and Commonwealth Day Christmas Day-December 25th Boxing Day-December 26th AUSTRALIAN COMMERCIAL COUNSELLOR'S OFFICE SrLOPARK HousE QUEENSWAY P.O.
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