June 10, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S6915 Whereas it is estimated that an additional group of pagesÐthe ``youngest Govern- mitted to speak for up to 10 minutes 40,000,000 children will die from AIDS by the ment employees.'' I commend all of the each. year 2020; pages and wish them good luck in their The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas perinatal transmission of HIV from mother to child accounts for 91 percent future endeavors. I know all Members objection, it is so ordered. of pediatric HIV cases; would want to personally thank them Mr. LOTT. I further ask consent that Whereas studies have demonstrated that for their hard work. Many days they at 1 p.m. the Senate begin consider- the maternal transmission of HIV to an in- have worked late into the night, and ation of the energy and water appro- fant decreased from 30 percent to less than 8 the next morning they would get up priations bill. percent after therapeutic intervention was early to go to school. It is not an easy The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without employed; Whereas effective drug treatments have de- job being a Senate page. Their work objection, it is so ordered. here is very important, as we move creased the percentage of deaths from AIDS f in the United States by 47 percent in both through our legislative process and 1998 and 1999; quite often move a lot of paper around. PROGRAM Whereas the number of children of color in- They help us an awful lot. fected with HIV is disproportionate to the I have particularly enjoyed watching Mr. LOTT. For the information of all national statistics with respect to all chil- this group and seeing them at the door Senators, tomorrow the Senate will dren; and seeing them in the halls and seeing not be in session. On Monday, the Sen- Whereas The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric ate will consider the energy and water AIDS Foundation has been devoted over the them led by Senator THURMOND into past decade to the education, research, pre- the dining room for ice cream for one appropriations bill, as was just agreed vention, and elimination of acquired immune and all. to, with the first rollcall vote expected deficiency syndrome (AIDS); and I therefore ask consent that the to occur at approximately 5:30 on Mon- Whereas the people of the United States names of this class of Senate pages be day. We will need to work with all Sen- should resolve to do everything possible to printed in the RECORD with our ators to make sure Senators can be control and eliminate this epidemic that heartiest appreciation. present for that vote but, as is usually threatens our future generations: Now, the case, unless notified otherwise, therefore, be it There being no objection, the list was Resolved, That the SenateÐ ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as there will be votes on Monday at ap- (1) in recognition of all of the individuals follows: proximately 5:30 or sometime shortly thereafter. who have devoted their time and energy to- SENATE PAGES ward combatting the spread and costly ef- It is my hope the energy and water REPUBLICAN PAGES fects of acquired immune deficiency syn- appropriations bill can be completed drome (AIDS) epidemic, designates June 22, Jennifer Duomato. during Monday's session of the Senate. 1999, as ``National Pediatric AIDS Awareness Micah Ceremele. Rick Carrol. Two cloture motions were filed with re- Day''; and spect to the Social Security lockbox (2) requests that the President issue a Cathy Cone. proclamation calling on the people of the Courtney Mims. issue and the oil, gas, and steel appro- United States to observe the day with appro- Marian Thorpe. priations revolving fund bill. priate ceremonies and activities. Jessica Lipschultz. Also, under previous consent, the Derrek Allsup. f Y2K bill will be completed on Tuesday. Mark Nexon. Therefore, a series of votes will occur PRESENTATION OF GOLD MEDAL Clay Crockett. beginning at 2:15 on Tuesday, June 15. TO ROSA PARKS DEMOCRAT PAGES f Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- Stephanie Valencia. imous consent that the Senate proceed Patrick Hallahan. Danielle Driscoll. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, to the immediate consideration of H. JUNE 14, 1999 Con. Res. 127, which is at the desk. Halicia Burns. Bud Vana. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. LOTT. If there is no further busi- Stephanie Stahl. ness to come before the Senate, I now clerk will report. Mark Hadley. The legislative assistant read as fol- Devin Barta. ask unanimous consent the Senate lows: Brendan McCann. stand in adjournment under the pre- A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 127) Jennifer Machacek. vious order. permitting the use of the Rotunda of the Chandra Obie. There being no objection, the Senate, Capitol for a ceremony to present a gold Mr. REID. Will the leader yield? at 6:41 p.m., adjourned until Monday, medal on behalf of Congress to Rosa Parks. Mr. LOTT. I am glad to yield. June 14, 1999, at 12 noon. There being no objection, the Senate Mr. REID. I also say to the pages f proceeded to consider the concurrent that there has been an example set in resolution. years past that pages become Members NOMINATIONS Mr. LOTT. I ask unanimous consent of the Senate, not the least of which is Executive nominations received by that the resolution be agreed to, the our own Senator CHRIS DODD. If you the Senate June 10, 1999: motion to reconsider be laid upon the think the example we have set for you CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION table, and that any statements relating is one you would want to follow later to the resolution be printed at the ap- ANN BROWN, OF FLORIDA, TO BE A COMMISSIONER OF in life, you should know you have a THE CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION FOR A propriate place in the RECORD. very good foundation by being a page. TERM OF SEVEN YEARS FROM OCTOBER 27, 1999. (RE- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without APPOINTMENT) f ANN BROWN, OF FLORIDA, TO BE CHAIRMAN OF THE objection, it is so ordered. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION. (RE- The concurrent resolution (H. Con. ORDERS FOR MONDAY, JUNE 14, APPOINTMENT) Res. 127) was agreed to. 1999 DEPARTMENT OF STATE f JAMES CATHERWOOD HORMEL, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY MEASURE PLACED ON THE imous consent that when the Senate OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO LUXEMBOURG, TO WHICH POSITION HE WAS APPOINTED DURING THE CALENDARÐH.R. 1259 completes its business today, it stand LAST RECESS OF THE SENATE. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- in adjournment until 12 noon on Mon- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE day, June 14. I further ask unanimous imous consent that H.R. 1259 be placed DAVID W. OGDEN, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE AN ASSISTANT on the calendar. consent that on Monday, immediately ATTORNEY GENERAL, VICE FRANK HUNGER, RESIGNED. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without following the prayer, the Journal of Executive nomination received by objection, it is so ordered. proceedings be approved to date, the the Senate May 26, 1999: f morning hour be deemed to have ex- IN THE AIR FORCE pired, the time for the two leaders be THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT COMMENDING THE PAGES reserved for their use later in the day, TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES AIR Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, today is and there be a period of morning busi- FORCE AND FOR REGULAR APPOINTMENT (IDENTIFIED BY AN ASTERISK (*)) UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS the last day of work of the present ness until 1 p.m. with Senators per- 624 AND 531: S6916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 1999 To be major THOMAS A. BOULEY STEVEN M. CASE JOHN T. CRIST JOHN J. DOYLE DUANE K. BOWEN *JAMES W. CASEY STEPHEN P. CRITTELL *JOSEPH R. DOYLE *RAAN R. AALGAARD DOUGLAS W. BARRON ROBERT D. BOWER LINA M. CASHIN *TIMOTHY D. CROFT TAMMY J. DOYLE CARLENA A. ABALOS FRANCESCA MICHELLE M. BOWES MANUEL F. CASIPIT MYRNA E. CRONIN THOMAS P. DOYLE JOSEPH D. ABEL BARTHOLOMEW CLIFFORD M. BOWMAN BRIAN G. CASLETON WILLIAM J. CRONIN IV THURMAN L. DRAKE, JR. JOSEPH A. ABRIGO JOHN S. BARTO TERRY L. BOWMAN HENRI F. CASTELAIN BRENDA L. CROOK TIMOTHY J. DRANTTEL PATRICK K. ADAMS MARCUS P. BASS GORDON F. BOYD II ELMA M. CASTOR *MICHAEL B. CROSLEN SUSAN C. DRENNON BRIAN T. ADKINS DALE L. BASTIN JOHN A. BOYD MARTHA E. CATALANO ANDREW R. CROUSE ROBERT S. DROZD ROY ALAN C. AGUSTIN MARK J. BATES MARCUS A. BOYD WADE K. CAUSEY STANLEY D. CROW, JR. JONATHAN T. DRUMMOND DONALD W. AILSWORTH DAVID W. BATH TUCK E. BOYSON BRUCE C. CESSNA JAMES A. CRUTCHFIELD *KEITH J. DUFFY KRISTOPHER J. ALDEN *CHRISTOPHER R. BAUTZ TAURUS L. BRACKETT JAMES L. CHAMBERLAIN NEAL J. CULINER LAURA L. DUGAS *STEPHEN J. ALEXANDER BRENT R. BAXTER HAROLD W. BRACKINS CHARLES E. CHAMBERS CURTIS N. CULVER LEA A. DUNCAN MICHAEL D. ALFORD DAVID B. BAYSINGER JAMIE S. BRADY CHARLES R. CHAMBERS ALEE R. ALI MATTHEW D. BEALS MICHAEL H. BRADY SHERI L. CHAMBLISS JAMES P. CUMMINGS DAWN M. DUNLOP CHARLES T. ALLEN CHARLES L. BEAMES JAMES I. BRANSON ROBERT D. CHAMPION BRIAN W. CUNNING CARRIE L. DUNNE KEVIN S. ALLEN *ADAM G. BEARDEN *HARRY BRAUNER SANDRA M. CHANDLER BARBARA C. CUPIT PATRICK B. DUNNELLS MARK P. ALLEN KEITH L. BEARDEN JAMES R. BRAY CRAIG C. CHANG DARRIN L. CURTIS RONDA L. DUPUIS *SCOT T. ALLEN ANDREW C. BEAUDOIN JEFFREY R. BREAM ALICE S. CHAPMAN DEAN A. CUSANEK KENT A. DUSEK MICHAEL W. ALLIN BRIAN A.
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