Hightstown Gazette. 97th YEAR—NUMBER 27 HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1945 PRICE— FIVE CENTS Leon Babcocks Celebrate NEWS OF OUR Potato Growers Clinic of Sacred 25th Wedding Anniversary ZoningOrdinance Passed by MENwWOMEN To Discuss 1946 IN UNIFORM By Entertaining at Dinner Music to Be Held Adjustment Plan ^fr. and Mrs. Leon Babcock of Council on First Reading branklin street entertained Sunday af­ In Local Church Miss Daisy Rudert Bride of ternoon at a family dinner party in Preliminary announcements of the Plan Dropped to Acquire Navy Lieutenant; Groom programs planned by agricultural com­ lionor of their 25th wedding anniver­ A "Clinic of Sacred Music" for or­ Bigger Packages For modity groups of the State for F arm- sary. The couple were married at P at­ ganists, choir directors, choir members, I Smith Property After Commander of Rocket Ship ers’ Week in January reveal that New erson and have resided in Higlitstown and Ministers, will be held at the First Servicemen Approved Jersey farmers are fully aware of the for the 'past 23 years. Presbyterian Church Monday begin­ Study of Coat by Council Miss Daisy Arnola Rudert, daughter rather serious adjustments they must Among those attending were Mr. and ning at 3:30 p.m. The Clinic will be Larger and heavier packages now of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rudert of face in order to meet post-war market ;Mrs. James Dougherty of Rocky Hill, directed by Dr. John Milton Kelly of may be mailed to American troops out­ conditions, according to the State De­ Mrs. Eleanor Davenport, Isabell Daven­ the Department of Sacred Music of side the United Stales. The Common Council passed on first Windsor road, became the bride of Lt. port and Mrs. William Davenport of Robert C. Van Vleck, USNR. son of partment of Agriculture. the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Kelly The War Department said that pack­ reading Tuesday night the ordinance The problem of acreage reduction Lyndhurst; Mr. and Mrs. George Hail­ formerly assisted Dr. John Finley Wil­ ages up to 42 inches long or 72 inches entitled "An ordinance to divide the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Vleck of wood, Daniel Weitte, Miss Ella Bab­ Tulsa, Okla., Sunday afternoon, No­ confronting New Jersey potato grow­ liamson of the Westminster Clioir in length and girth combined and Borough of Higlitstown into districts ers is a typical example and tlie meth­ cock, Dorothy Babcock, ^^r. and Mrs. School, and after 1937 he was Director weighing up to 11 pounds may be sent. or zones and to regulate therein the vember 11, at 1:30 o'clock. The cere­ Richard Babcock of Patterson. mony was performed in the First Pres­ ods by which the adjustment is to be of the School of Sacred Music at the Previous regulations set a limitation of location and bulk of buildings and other brought about will dominate the ses­ Also Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boydell, San Francisco Theological Seminary. 15 inches in length, 36 inches in length structures and the nature and extent byterian Church by the Rev. David B. Bruce and Craig Boydell of Fairlawn; oi their use . Waierm,uJder, sions of the New Jersey State Potato In 1944 lie accepted his present position and girth combined and a maximum Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty, Ray­ as Director of the Department of Sa­ weight of five pounds. This ordinance will supplant the xon- M iss Violet Rudert, sister of the Association during Farmer’s Week. mond Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Harold bride, was maid of honor. Lt. John F. Although Central jersey growers have cred Music for the entire denomination. It still will be necessary to have a ing ordinance adopted 13 years aga considerable quantities of surplus pota­ Dougherty, Patricia and Deanna About fiftten churches in Monmouth specific request from a soldier overseas The new ordinance will be published in Van Vleck, USA, brother of the groom, Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. James Bab­ in order to send any package weighing served as best man. toes of the 1W5 crop remaining in stor­ Presbytery have been invited to par­ full in the next issue of the "Gazette.* cock, Kathleen Ann Babcock and Miss ticipate in the music clinic. Arrange­ more than eight ounces. The public hearing on the ordinance Mrs. Van Vleck, a registered nurse, age on their farms, many of them in Evelyn Babcock of Higlitstown. was with the American Air Lines at temporary pits, they already are faced ments arc being taken care of by Miss will be held at Borough Hall Tuesday I,,aGuardia Field, New York City. Lt. with the need of arranging for fer­ June Bird, president of the choir, in co­ night, December II, at 7:30 o'clock, at Van Vleck is the commanding officer tilizer, seed, implements, spray mate­ Speaker Discusses Literature operation with the Couplers' Club and Larger Returns at which time Council will consider the of LSM(R) 407, a rocket ship. The rials and other supplies required for Fireside Club. adoption of the ordinance. couple left Monday for San Diego, 1916. At Woman’s Club Meeting Tile Clinic will begin at 3 :30 p.m. with The plan and map were drawn by Adjustment plans are dependent upon a conference for ministers on the more ProduceAuctions Russell V. Black, zoning consultant, Calif., where Lt. Van Vleck will report The Highlstown Woman’s Club met for duty. the program of federal agencies and at effective use of music in the church who drafted the first ordinance and the January sessions of Fanners’ Week, on November 14 at the home of Mrs. service. This will be followed by a sup­ During 1945 plan in 1922. The Mayor, Councilmen potato growers liope to have definite Richard O. Ely. After a short business per meeting at 6:30 p.m. for Choir di and municipal officials held weekly Albert Disbrow, Home on word from Washington authorities on meeting Mrs. George A. Carver of the rectors, organists, and choir members. meetings during the past six weeks giv­ such subjects as acreage control, sub­ Literature and Drama Department in­ A large delegation from the local Choir, Farmers offering truck crops at the ing attention to the details of the zon­ Leave, Weds Trenton XUrl sidy payments, ceiling prices, and other troduced the speaker, Dean Frederic as well as out-of-town directors, is ex­ ten New Jersey fruit and vegetable co­ ing plan. regulations. M, Adams of the Trinity Cathedral, pected. The supper will be served by operative auction markets during the Walan Miss Julia Ann Wroblewski, daugh- Trenton. the Couplers’ and Fireside Clubs, with itr of Mrs. Josepliine Kubit of Tren­ Growers have requested that com­ 1945 season received 20.4 per cent more Ellis Cottrell and L G. Simonson, plete statistical information on New Dean Adams gave a book review on Mrs. Maurice Croshaw in charge of the per package than during last year, ac- ton, and Albert Disbrow, coxswain, son *‘The World of Flesh and Father Smith” Franklin street property owners, ap­ Jersey’s potato industry be made avail­ kitchen and the Fireside Club in charge cordin gto a statement issued by the peared before Council Tuesday night of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Disbrow of 221 by Bruce Marshall. He spoke of the of the dining room. Grant avenue, were married Saturday able for the Farmers’ week sessions, State Department of .ALgricuIture. for information regarding the 12-inch showing trends in both production and new type of literature which he feels At the evening meeting in the church In a summary of sales on the produce afternoon at two o'clock at the Presby­ is influenced greatly by newspaper re­ pipe which will be laid by an adjacent consumption, changes in the methods sanctuary Dr. Kelly will deal with auctions, W. W. Oley, chief of the Bu­ property owner to relieve the latter's terian manse. The Rev. David B. Wa- porting and also the similarity between hymns and church music, and give termulder officiated. The attendants and areas of distribution, and how these reau of Markets in the Stale Depart­ surface water problem. Mr. Simonson factors have been affected by govern­ the old and new writings. Dean Ad­ pointers on how to better understand, ment of Agriculture, pointed out that were Mrs. Lorraine Bronish and Rich ams gave an interesting sketch of was of the opinion that this pipe line ment regulations. appreciate, and participate in church the average price per, package by auc­ would increase the amount of water in ard Dawson. They arc spending their Bruce Marshall's life which gave the music. He will lead the group in some tion sale of all types of fruit and veg­ honeymoon in New York City and One of the most important topics the vicinity of his home. slated for discussion concerns legisla­ reader a better understanding of Mr. congregational singing also. The Church etables in 1945 was $2.05; in 1944, the lx>ng Island. Marshall’s book. cordially invites everyone interested to average package price was $1.70. Com­ Engineer Ely was instructed to in­ Coxswain Disbrow is home on a 30- tion recently introduced by U.S. Sen­ vestigate and report at the December ator Ralph Brewster of Maine, which The refreshment committee consisted attend this meeting. parisons were made on the entire yearis day leave after spending ten months on of Mrs. Karl O. Baird and Mrs. John 'meeting of Council. The Borough ofi- is proposed as a means of stabilizing sales last year with those through Oc­ cials were not familiar wnth the pro­ a sub-chaser in the Pacific.
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