R" • 5F: H .: . 'Tttm F-'.E'lv CR.Glfo*40/Hj. 3 9 0 / I 5 V W 7 % . ;,Iy

R" • 5F: H .: . 'Tttm F-'.E'lv CR.Glfo*40/Hj. 3 9 0 / I 5 V W 7 % . ;,Iy

'tttM f-'.e'lV CR.Glfo*40/Hj. ■ 3 9 0 / I 5 V W 7 r" • 5f: h . : . ■ % ■ . ; , i y w / - M m m . [r, . f-;.j , i-ij: * / - ■ . ; • ’ • ■■■ * . ’; . ' •/, ■* , v:v ' It is with conaidoribla reluctance that I an yielding * to the lnnur.orablo requests cade of r_o# for a nunber of years ' I^y hesitation in the ratter is duo partly to tho fact that for mny years of cy life I was so interacted In fcnran nature end in finding out tho workings of the Kinds of thoso - - - •’ . ’ i . j - " v--£" £•* V* v. ' v .T -h -’ * persona of interact when I e» t In one country or another particularly during my long period In tho eervioo of tho Katlcu , >- . as a diplomatist, whilo nevor taking ryself seriously or as In any way an interesting person* Eo that I not only failed to keep a diary , but oven destroyed cany records In tho wuy of notes, letters of other memoranda which night now have been use­ ful for the purpose in question* It is also due to tho further fact that I do not consider myself gifted with euoh literary ability as is likoly to rake such personal memoirs interesting* I was born in tha City of Baltimore, on tho twenty- * t ninth day of Inarch, 1050, in an old colonial house on tho corner of Fayotto and Holliday Streets, which had belonged to Ey g re a t— ~ grandfather rhlte, end la which hi* son» Ecnrjr • By grundfa-ther • J . ‘ _ * - ; . - . ; - • .* ‘ *.«•:•% • '" “v• - - ’ '• • ^: •• ; ' • . - , and a baobolor brother of his, twelve year» oldor, ,Tohn Tihlte, ... *....... ■ • - . ' ; , ' :.o Y-y •- as wall a* try fathar fend Bother lived« The house, of which a , '•' -Y : - • * - • rf- . - • - . • , ......... ■ photograph fortunately ha» boon preserved, was sold and pulled .• ' - ■ ' ' ■ ' - •’ * \ ’ ' • down in 1659* to cakek*» wayMl« forfni f.Vi*ths presentnrfldrrtf CCity .lt-v KflllBall of Baltlcorat T . • • . *•- ^ ^y father was John Canpbe 11 Tihlte, eon of B@nrÿ and ' '• v :A-• -•' • v • r*ST..- ■ • f ¿ 5;.*- Mary LeBoy Phi to , and By Bother .«as Elisa Ridgely# the daughter ■ w" . • •- / > - . -VVx . % 1 of John Rid rely of Buapton, S tiy father** fhnlly was originally rrw j.i • * •;-* . % ■; V : g • % ■ : '• from Soot land, but resident, for several generations before ay . ' • • g •• V. V-• •' ■ . ■ ■ ‘ r ' • * : —- ./> .V. -• . Y■. • - ■ "- great-grandfather earae to this oountry In the lfest years of the 18th oontury, In tbs north of Ireland« I have always understood v '•j -- V that cy groat-grandfather *s forbe&rs for one, two or pertops three generations h’id boon Prcsbjteri&n olerQTcn« great­ grandfather T.hlte beefena involved In what Is generally known In hictory c.s tha Irieh Rebellion of 1V98* Be was lnprls4n®d fo r* a tine lh Dublin Caetle, trhoro the finally tr&ditlon Is that ‘ ; ! \ ■■ ' ‘ ... i • •••- -^r. Î -. -»• - be was very well treated, and shortly after his release - * * probably indeed as a result of his connection with the "Rebellion", • : - - • 'v- :■ „ v ■ ho emigrated - about the sans tJLra as his friend Alexander . : ' ' • - •. ■ Brovn of Ballynena, no&r Bolffest - to the United States and ; V having been blind for a nunber ©f ye^rs previously* Alexander .-J'- - T - 2 - Brcm founded the S^nk at Baltimore, under tha nnaa of Alcrsndor ... • ■ ' ' • - „ ", * ■ ' •* \ • ■ -A-. .. -1 ‘Jfetesji t* *• Ercjtm and Eon», which exists to thl» day, end three of hit #on»# JC. v * :» -• * , ' _• . «1 - c -v. “■ _ . » . ;• - -i — ■ * - /* V *- Ii< r- John, TTillitB end ¿acm* George, who wore contemporaries do re or^ • • . • •. • . ■. - . • ,, \ - ckr. - • . ■ V • ' ' ." ■ / ‘ *i • _• / V iase o f cry grandfather end unole Henry end John SThlto. subsequent- ‘ > .... ■, yV . .j r ■ y-A-..- - • . - ■ - • - • 1 - - ■ ■ -* • ~ i, "^T. / & • •v .•> i l y founded bank» at Philadelphia, Liverpool and Haw Yorfc# respectively* In connection with wy great-grandfather*» Incarceration ¿■r v1 nearly a hundred year« afterward» I wa» a ruaet — v— ^ ■ , ■ V ', . " . B • V • .. - • of Buooossivo lord» - Lieutenant Ireland (Lord» Cftdogan, Dudley* Aberdeen, Londonderry) being also tha official representative In r. -'--. ^ Great Britain of the United State», I endeavored to ascertain In .. ' ■ what part of the Castle the roon# »ere, In which the politloal prisoners of 179S hid been oonflnodj but they bad long sinoe die- appeared, and no one connected with the Povernnant of Ireland at that tiro seoned to know oven where they had beenj extenelve - alteration» having boon mode on several ooo&olon» , In the Castle* -:'Z' ‘ ' '-?■ ** • - V.-'-• ' • ‘ ' ■■ • -* •• ' ' • V <' V • : -, . “ ' - ;’ -■ ' - . - ' •*' *~ ' ' • ■ • • - :- ' VA *' * - .• , Bother1» fanily, the Kldgely» of Haapton, oane froa , England, eoc» of then at least from Lincolnshire, but of the . * - ' • - - . ’ "V. w-v - ‘ - v iN " •- -et plaoe In rhloh they lived in England no very accurate aocount . .j- . : ’ i* . .. - \ seen» to have been kept* ’ : t - ", ■ - ■> ^ (Eupplemnt i) ■ • l-# % W & ' ‘ ' M t v The flrot Rldgely who oane to this country landed at ‘ J • • ; 1 f . .... 5 '• . ‘ \ ' l x- 3 V *4f*í : Et» Inigo*» Creak in b cuthern Liryîand, and took up estates there, v:" V •: ? . ' *y-;i ■*-•- , ‘Vv • :V .*■ r YJ - rf-J-l • v - ..■ * V ' i i / / . r * • • V • • t ‘ . ¿%gf ' ' *- ship which s&de expeditions to distant land»* Hi* portrait hang» ¿ /-• big house, there «a* an older one in which the farJly : . ... -■ ~r- ■'? •*. -V.V'=^ :■ ‘ - v ■ * -■ , : • X. -- i • - which ie » till standing, - an interesting speolssn of eights ¿nth. Z:- -Yt.-Y ’ . ■ - •■ , •- • • • * • ' * • • < century construction*/. It ins been known throughout cy life a* the Lower Bouse , boing s till surrounded by the barns, stables, and the bouses, known In slavery days, as the "Fsgro Quarter"* ThU "lover house", and core particularly the barns, stables, i} Jjr4 - "■ -v'r ■ Y''Y . r " 1, ' z - Y ' wagon and carriage houses and sheds by which it is s till surrounded - was always an interesting objoct for expedition» • \ . ■ i ,.'c ' . • •' ■ •’ • ; . • »■(■ • ~ ‘ on the part of nyeelf, sy brother end cousin» during our youthful « >- ^>-. 4- . ¿ i f ■' - Y\-^-Y-.v’’ . year»* . - r ■ ■ / £ . - 4 ^/,: • ** . ' . i , ■ •: ? * & $ ' - . "-Y: * Y.: • (Supplaoont 2) *• /. lÿ grandrsothor, Klita Eidgoly, ‘of another branoh of that v ‘ : lO --- .*" l. - -,c* •.>.**' ■ . 4* *. _. «'» V-*. *» ->• ' r- «•* »* ^jw * re c o lle c tio n * Ebo * m very fond of ca, tad Z hive etnas ronllsod •j - y-;*'" t in t e ho end I h?*4 racy tastes in ooesdc • notably a fondness for -' our fallow oresiturci - otherwise "Society*» Op to the tL eo o f . - ; .. - «*•*— ■ i .- -- rr\ - * 2= •• -",v- s - >7 ^ • - tha Civil Tar (1001) ano used to drlro about In a carriage* drawn _ -■ -* p g * $*; bviu-.v.-v' % : • brother and couGins. end boing dreaeod up In rhlt© duoV cloth©** • . ■ 9 - ■ ■ ■ • •' ■ • ; ••' • ■ ■ In ordor to aooonpemy ry grandmother on her visits to neighbor*“: ; ’ V . -"V V &V* - odd that I should prefer accomanylhg her in vhi* way to indulging - v„ ' ■* ' ' • * ■ - ¡ana .. ■ - • 4 » . - . - ft* . f in the play of til eorts vtiich vac possible In a groat country r. 'is., . -A.V,"...... ; ■ r./, • - . ? , . 'V'* place such as Sanpton of which X was a lso very fond*But I have •_ t ___: - since roalitod that the roason was ay ^thon unknown) fondneBS fo r fcm n nature and for caking aoqucLfctances, end listening to the ■- • , _ - £ ■ ' talk of thoso older than qyoolf, ocpactally if they happened to be poople of the world« There 1a a beautiful pocrtro.it Sully of ry grendnother la the iiall^at Bar.pton, where It has hung. w throughout the wholo of jay Ilfs*' Ity father and s»thsr were :t-.' • iV. i5 ' • ; : . — - -V . .• ^ • 1 ... yi' ' - . iy ■» " • . 5 norriod lnraodittoly in front of it In the your 1849# and oy nother*» second enrriago vus porfonaod at the sane spot in the year 1065» I used to derive groat pleasure ob a obild end tes.ll toy froa V .* -C. eoolng then* I rensaber particularly vie its froa Lord Frederick Ctvcndieh, and the Honorable Evelyn Akhley, a "younger son", whoa ■v• -»'Vi-v~\. • Iti '♦*!<" •* V- I know »oil in after life as the great 'Lord Shaftesbury*. andVl-^W a -\ - % • ' . - . ■ • ; • - *.* .... ' i* *' ‘ • • • •. •’ ' , , V . 4.' \f\ •• •, o- -- " cone years later during the early years of the Civil Tiar, the ~ . • - . * . s .. sls ess e ll» ted, w ith U r* Burke, permnont under-seoret*ry for Xroland, no&r the Vice Regal Lodge at Dublin In 188lj but In after ■ ' A •• '■ ' / • ■ . • ' .V-, . •• 1 ‘ know both Lord Eartlngton, who beoaas leader of the Liberal Party r-: > £z±\. --- V ‘ - * (fo r a t i o o , before h is suooecsion to the Dukodoa) and a ls o Lord • (*-■ 1 • - ' - ^ Edward very wallj and frequently stayed at Cbatsvorth with cy fardly, Including the children*............... - \ _ ' - I ought perhaps not to forget to asmtlon the ftct, which 1b I bolieve unusual, of cy having seen jqy grandmother's grand­ mother, born In 1766, and who died In 185Sj I being In that year si» yoara old. Of courfco I did not realise until Bone years tfftor her death, bear wonderful it was to have lived with ono*e grand* ~ ' not her and her grandnothor at the sane tine* She wae quite a ■ . ■ v•• ¡8 . • ■ ■ . • Vigorous old lady, whoa I reraonbor as distinctly as i f X had seen f her a week ago, with several old mlden daughters who lived with • S • hsr» They a ll cans to Baepton together In *UR=arj the aunt*, . _ ‘ 1 m ~ a. bar daugbtors, caking thihgs lively and occasionally soaerbat - . • • • -• . jf7 'y **• *••'« ■ . ;*.•?»* rd. • trying to uy grandnother, by tholp "apguaent*"»: Of on« of; V ‘ - ' JT ' * • . th ca - Aunt Eg any (Henrietta) - I havo a really happy recollcot- '-r-.- ■ . ..... ................... ion» Eho was ©xtreraoly anuslng and u»*d to to ll tho children the only dietlnct recollection that I have of hi», la hi* tolling iso not to shake the table at the other end of which he was w rit- leg In tho niddle and large folding leaves, which were both in VT * '* i ' •*!>• i*r ^ .> v * «V-* t ; use at the tino.

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