May 12, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1123 States to study at a language training program ton who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge lives safely. They are American heroes every must enroll in a program that is recognized as Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Kelsey bit as much as our wartime soldiers. In a accredited by the Secretary of Education. The Compton is a senior at Compass Montessori sense, they were wartime soldiers: Soldiers of Senate passed this legislation by unanimous High School and received this award because the nuclear cold war, and many gave their consent last Congress. her determination and hard work have allowed lives. Intensive English Programs (‘‘IEPs’’) serve her to overcome adversities. Several weeks ago, I along with my Colo- to teach English to foreign students. There are The dedication demonstrated by Kelsey rado colleagues, Representatives about 75,000 such students in the United Compton is exemplary of the type of achieve- PERLMUTTER, DEGETTE, SALAZAR, and States. The programs range in length from 2 ment that can be attained with hard work and COFFMAN, and Senators UDALL and BENNET, weeks to 1 year, but average 12 weeks. There perseverance. It is essential that students at introduced H.R. 1828, the Charlie Wolf Nu- are nearly 1,000 IEPs in the U.S., and stu- all levels strive to make the most of their edu- clear Workers Compensation Act. The act dents must study a minimum of 18 hours per cation and develop a work ethic that will guide would finally cut through the red tape that has week to meet their visa requirements. them for the rest of their lives. prevented America’s nuclear workers from Currently all IEPs must be officially recog- I extend my deepest congratulations once gaining the compensation they were promised nized, but that sometimes means there is just again to Kelsey Compton for winning the Ar- in exchange for their dangerous service. I urge a check to see that the building in which the vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for my colleagues to take a moment to remember IEP is supposedly located actually exists. The Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the risks and sacrifices made by heroic men result of such lax monitoring is fraud in the the same dedication she has shown in her and women in our nation’s nuclear production IEP community. academic career to her future accomplish- facilities, which were located in virtually every Illegitimate IEPs either do not teach English ments. State in the country, and to pass this historic well or serve as scams for individuals who f piece of legislation. want to come to the United States through f fraudulent means. In April 2008, the Los An- COMMEMORATING THE ROCKY geles Times reported, ‘‘The operator of two FLATS 1969 FIRE FRANK CASADOS English language schools was charged Wednesday with running a scheme that al- HON. JARED POLIS HON. ED PERLMUTTER lowed foreign nationals, including several Rus- OF COLORADO OF COLORADO sian prostitutes, to fraudulently obtain student IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES visas to enter and stay in the United States.’’ And just 2 weeks ago, two individuals who Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Tuesday, May 12, 2009 ran an English language school for immigrants Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise in Duluth, GA, were indicted for submitting commemorate one of the most fateful days in today to recognize and applaud Frank fraudulent documents to the Department of the history of the State of Colorado, the day Casados who has received the Arvada Wheat Homeland Security. They did so in order to the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant out- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. get student visas for ‘‘dozens, and perhaps side of Boulder nearly became America’s own Frank Casados is a senior at Arvada High hundreds, of ‘students.’ ’’ Chernobyl, some 30 years before that terrible School and received this award because his Such fraudulent programs, along with IEPs accident in the Ukraine. determination and hard work have allowed him that do not function well, tarnish the reputation On Mother’s Day of that year, a fire broke to overcome adversities. of the entire IEP industry. That’s why the out amid the glove boxes in Building 776, The dedication demonstrated by Frank American Association of Intensive English Pro- where plutonium spheres were being manu- Casados is exemplary of the type of achieve- grams supports this legislation. And legitimate factured for use as cores for some of the most ment that can be attained with hard work and IEPs are interested in ensuring the quality of powerful weapons in human history. The fire perseverance. It is essential that students at their programs. quickly spread throughout the facility, as many all levels strive to make the most of their edu- Under this bill, IEPs can meet the accredita- of the fire alarms had been removed to make cation and develop a work ethic that will guide tion requirement in one of two ways. First, room for more production. It is estimated that them for the rest of their lives. they can be under the governance of a univer- between 0.14 and 0.9 grams of plutonium 239 I extend my deepest congratulations once sity or college that has been accredited by a and 240 were released before a heroic band again to Frank Casados for winning the Ar- regional accrediting agency recognized by the of perhaps 40 firefighters were able to control vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for U.S. Department of Education. Or, second, and eventually douse the fire. Those fire- Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit they can be individually accredited by the Ac- fighters faced the immense decision of wheth- the same dedication he has shown in his aca- crediting Council for Continuing Education and er to battle the blaze with water, which could demic career to his future accomplishments. Training (ACCET) or the Commission on have set off a chain reaction with the resulting f English Language Program Accreditation explosion literally contaminating the entire (CEA). Denver metropolitan area. Luckily for us all, TRIBUTE TO MS. ROSA WALKER The three typical steps in the accreditation they chose correctly. process are (1) the completion of a written Still, plutonium was released into the envi- HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ self-study that documents how the program or ronment from that accident, through the air OF TEXAS institution meets the standards of the accredi- vents in the roof of the building and via fire- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tation agency; (2) a site visit by an agency fighters exiting it. Thousands of Coloradans team to verify that standards are being met; were exposed, although how many we’ll never Tuesday, May 12, 2009 and (3) follow-up measures on the part of the know. The firefighters, of course, were ex- Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to school to correct any deficiencies, subject to posed most severely, and everyone nearby recognize Ms. Rosa Walker, former Director of review and final approval by the accreditation faced greatly increased risks of serious dis- the Texas AFL–CIO, for her 38 years of vi- agency. ease. Indeed, many of those involved have sionary leadership. As a stalwart trailblazer in Currently, many legitimate IEPs are volun- since contracted and died from cancers and the Texas labor movement and Democratic tarily becoming accredited on their own. other conditions tied to radiation exposure. politics, Rosa’s accomplishments and admirers I support this legislation and encourage my I bring up the 1969 accident not only be- are many. Beyond her personal politics or colleagues to cosponsor the bill. cause today, May 11, is its 40th anniversary. civic niche, we can all celebrate her lifelong f I bring it up because the Americans who commitment to community involvement and KELSEY COMPTON worked at Rocky Flats and other nuclear facili- public service. ties around the Nation deserve our thanks, Born in the Piney Woods in Hemphill, HON. ED PERLMUTTER and our support, now that the nuclear arms Texas, Rosa earned her high school degree race is a matter for the history books. They from Pineland High School before she took up OF COLORADO faced enormous risks. They worked with mate- a career at Southwestern Bell. She subse- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rials that are among the most toxic known to quently joined the Communication Workers of Tuesday, May 12, 2009 mankind, with half-lives of hundreds of thou- America (CWA) where organizing piqued her Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise sands of years, all so that under the prevailing interest. With CWA she served as a commer- today to recognize and applaud Kelsey Comp- ideology of the time we were able to live our cial job steward, rose through the ranks, and VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:59 May 13, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12MY8.018 E12MYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 12, 2009 would ultimately become a member of the Slavco Madzarov was born in Maravci in the compares to learning about and recognizing CWA Executive Board. Later Rosa would join Republic of Macedonia on August 16, 1957. the efforts of individuals like Slavco Madzarov. the union movement in a full-time capacity as After earning an Associates Degree in Skopje Madam Speaker, I ask that you join our col- an organizer for the Industrial Union Depart- and completing his mandatory military service leagues, Slavco’s family and friends, all those ment of the AFL–CIO.
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