534 NATURE SEPTEMBER 25, 1937 efficiency or deficiency for each colour in terms of green anomalous seem to be more numerous than a per cent of the normal or average attainment". the red anomalous, the ratio being quoted as 5 to l. Troland states that the original restriction of These cases, it may be, form the connecting colour-blinds to prot.anopes, deuteranopes and link between normal colour vision on one hand tritanopes is no longer adequate, and allowances and colour defect on the other, and if a sufficient must now be made for more types of variation. number of cases could be tested ranging from Edridge-Green recognizes seven different types of normality to complete red-green deficiency, a con­ colour vision, and Schjelderup states that there tinuous series might be obtained. are at least eighteen significant species of colour­ It is a moot point as to whether these anomalous blindness. Collins reaches the conclusion that it trichromates form 'dangerous colour-blinds'. The is quite unprofitable to try to classify the colour general finding seems to be in favour of the systems of the colour-blind because there exist so affirmative. Some writers, for example, Troland, many individual variations. actually include them in classifications of types of One group in which the colour defect is not colour-blindness. Oblath points out that they can extreme has been definitely recognized. Seebeck, only recognize colours when they are saturated in 1837, found certain cases which he was reluctant and ofintense luminosity ; "It is evident that these to classify as colour-blinds, who yet showed signs peculiarities render these subjects less fitted for of colour abnormality. It was not until 1881, certain services". In a report on "Colour Vision however, that these cases were understood. In Requirements in the Royal .Navy" (Med. Res. that year, Rayleigh found that a number of Council Report, Spec. Series No. 185; 1933), it individuals with otherwise normal colour vision is stated that "the mildly anomalous trichromate were unequally sensitive to red and green. In can be considered a safe look-out. On the other equating red (lithium line 670·8 !L!L) and green hand, the unfit anomalous trichromate is, in many (thallium line 535 !lf!) to match tt yellow (sodium ways, a greater source of danger than the dichro­ line 589 !L!L), since known as the Rayleigh equation, mate". The incidence of this anomaly is estimated, some were found to require far more red than the in the same report, as 6 per cent, which is stated normal, others required an excess of green. Von to be a very conservative estimate. Both reports Kries, in describing an extensive series of experi­ emphasize very strongly the fact that. the anomalous ments, applied the name 'anomalous trichromates' trichromate behaves as if colour-blind when to these cases, and this designation has gained conditions are unfavourable, such as when mist, universal currency. Guttman advocated the terms fog or smoke are present, and this is all the more red-weak and green-weak, and distinguished seven disastrous because the individual is rarely aware characteristics which they manifest, the chief of that he suffers from any colour defect. The which are high thresholds, heightened colour con­ heightened contrast and the quick fatigue char­ trast and a quick fa.tigue to colour stimuli. acteristic of such anomaly may well make the It is customarv to divide these anomalous tri­ judgment of colour and the discrimination of chromates into two groups corresponding to the colour highly The testing and discover­ two groups of dichromates, deuteranomalous tri­ ing of these cases of anomalous trichromatic chromates or partial deuteranopes in which the vision is not easy, and necessitates very careful sensitivity to green is below normal, and prot­ procedure, and generally not the application of anomalous trichromates or partial protanopes in one teRt, but of a battery of tests. which the sensitivity to red is below normal. 'l'he (To be continued.) Obituary Notices Sir David Orme Masson, K.B.E., F.R.S. Joseph P1·iestley's biographer, John Towill Rutt; ROF. SIR DAVID ORME MASSON, who died at and it may be mentioned, as throwing some light on P Melbourne on August 10, was bom at Hamp­ the family, that the home of the Ormes, in Avenue stead, London, on January 13, 1858. H e wa.s of Road, Hampst<J ad, was a favourite rallying ground mixed English and Scots descent. His father, Prof. of the Pre-Raphaelites. In 1865 David Mll<lson David Masson, editor of Milton, Goldsmith and De migrated from the chair of English literature at Q.uincey, and Historiographer·Royal for Scotland, University College, London, to the Regius chair of came of ·Abe1·doenshire stock-there is a saying in English in the University of Edinburgh, and so it the Don valley that "Eassons, Massons an' Kessons came about that his son, David Orme Masson, was a' cam' frae His mother, Rosaline educated at Edinburgh Academy and afterwards Orme, had a forbear George Rutt, the father of graduated M.A. and B.Sc. at Edinburgh. © 1937 Nature Publishing Group SEPTEMBER 25, 1937 NATURE 535 In his younger days Masson was a strong walker by a series of researches on sulphine salts, carried out and swimmer, and he played golf, tennis and billiards. partly in collaboration with L. Dobbin'. The latter After a short period of research with Prof. Crum theme was afterwards extended at Melbourne with Brown, he left Edinburgh for Bristol in 1880, to J. B. Kirkland'. A paper on molecular volumes• was become Prof. W. Ramsay's first assistant (in later followed by another early research at Melbourne, in days, his son, Irvine Masson, was to become Sir which, with N. T. M. Wilsmore, Masson came near William Ramsay's last assistant, at University discovering the celebrated organic synthetical reagents 8 College, London). Before Masson returned to Crum later associated with the name of Grignard • Brown, he and Ramsay had laid the foundations of In 1891 Masson pointed out the analogies between a lifelong friendship. Meanwhile he had acquired solution and vaporization which are embodied in some further research experience at the Univer· his term 'critical solution temperature' ; at the same sity of Gottingen. During his second period time he brought to notice certain other principles at the University of Edinburgh, Masson, with regulating the miscibilities of liquids'. He was a R. Fitzroy Bell, founded the first Students' Repre­ keen exponent of the ionic theory in its early days, sentative Council in any university, of which Masson and between 1897 and 1899 he developed the direct became the first Senior President. The ensuing 'jelly-tube' method of measuring ionic velocities•. revolutionary improvement in the students' behaviour Later notable work emanating from the Melbourne at graduations, etc., led Principal Sir Alexander laboratories under his inspiration included various Grant to exclaim, at the end of the tercentenary observations on the decomposition persulphates celebrations : "Gentlemen, you have saved the and of sulphine hydroxides in aqueous solution Republic!" Masson was also a prime mover in the (Leila Green, Brenda Sutherland•), and studies on foundation of the Students' Union in the University the viscosity and conductivity of some aqueous of Edinburgh-age,in, the first in Great Britain. solutions (W. Heber Green10). Another interesting In 1886 Masson was elected to the chair of research (HI09), dealing with the mechanism of urea­ chemistry in the University of Melbourne, a key formation from cyanates, was carried out in col­ 11 appointment which he held with high distinction laboration with his son, Irvine Masson • During tmtil he retired in 1923, to become professor emeritus. this period also, B. D. Steele and Kerr Grant12 Orme Masson, and his contemporaries Baldwin developed their quartz micro-balance in Masson's Spencer and T. R. Lyle, must be numbered among department ; this was afterwards used by Ramsay the prime creators and moulders of Australian science ; and Whytlaw-Gray to measure the density of radium to them Australia in general and the University of emanation. Melbourne in particular owe a debt beyond compu­ It is not generally known that early in 1895 tation. A brilliant and inspiring teacher, Masson Masson evolved a modification of Mendeleeff's periodic built up Australia's most distinctive school of chem­ system, which, apart from the treatment of the rare­ ical research at Melbourne, and exerted a steady earth metals, is practically identical with the later influence upon the development of Australian classification of Bohr. Masson's arrangement was science through his pupils and research students ; printed immediately after Ramsay's discovery of but this was only one side of his work. His remark­ helium13, and it contained spaces which were later able clarity of vision, combined with his organizing filled by neon, krypton, xenon, and niton. "Helium and administrative ability, his interest in the wider and Argon," it is stated in an inset to the table", aspects of science, and his flair for public work, "are placed in the new Group VIII, characterized by naturally brought him out as a leader in the founda­ valence=O and atomicity=!." It was probably a tion of national scientific institutions in Australia. discussion between Masson and Ramsay in May, 1895, Among these were the Commonwealth Advisory during a visit of Masson to Great Britain, which first Council of Science and Industry, of which he was gave Ramsay real confidence in the idea of this deputy chairman from 1916 until 1920, an<;l which missing group of rare elements. Masson's arrange­ merged later into the Commonwealth Council for ment was adopted by Ramsay and incorporated Scientific and Industrial Research ; the Australian by him in a celebrated wall-diagram which he used National Research Council, of which he was president in his lectures at University College, London (part in 1922-26; and the Australian Chemical Institute, of this diagram was reproduced in the well-known of which he was the original president in 1924.
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