BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DISCOGRAPHIES Classica1 Music - 1980 to 1985 Compiled by Michael H. Gray and Gerald D. Gibson Editorial Assistance: Gary-Gabriel Gisondi This 1980 to 1985 cumulation of the Bibliography of Discog­ raphies contains entries for classical discographies only. It supplements the listings in our Bibliografhy of Discogra­ phies: Volume 1, Classical Music, 1925-1975 New York & Lon­ don: Bowker, 1977), as updated in the ARSC Journal for 1976 in X:2-3 (1979): 128-62; for 1977 in XI:2-3 (1979): 152-90; and for 1978-1979 in XIII:2 (1981): 29-75. A number of entries for the years 1975 thru 1979 have also been included here, though no systematic effort has been made to achieve completeness for this material. Further cumulations for jazz and popular music will appear in future issues of the Journal. As in the previous Bibliographies, a single A-to-Z alpha­ bet contains the subjects used to organize the material. The form of personal names and subjects is based on that used by the Library of Congress; where apropriate, cross-references linking variant subjects or name forms have been made. A seven-element annotative code is employed to identify ele­ ments in the discography we believe to be important to users. These elements appear in double parentheses " ( ( ) ) " included in or following the citation. The symbol "((--))" indicates that no significant elements appeared in the discography. Entries that have been reported from secondary sources are enclosed in double brackets " [ [ ] ] " and are therefore not coded. The elements and their symbols are: 1 Noncommercial recordings 2 [Not used in this series] 3 Matrix numbers 4 Index[es] 5 Release dates 6 Take numbers 7 Place and/or date of recording Additional entries or corrections of existing ones should be sent to Michael H. Gray, 1019 Crestwood Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302. 53 A-1 ABBADO, CLAUDIO. SELVINI, Michele: Discografia in Musica, IV/18 (September 1980): 250-251 ((--)) ~ A-2 ---------------. [Discography] in Record Geijutsu, XXXII/6 (No. 393, June 1983): 200-207 ((5,7)) A-3 ACADEMY OF .ARCIEll1T HDSIC. Discographische Hinweise in fono forum (December 1985): 34 ((--)) A-4 ACADEMY OF ST. IWlTDl-DI-TBE-FIELDS. Discography in HARRIES, Meirion: The Academy of St. Martin in the-­ Fields. London: Joseph, 1981: 241-264 ((--)) A-5 ACCllT (label). [Accent label ••• discography] in Record Geijutsu, XXX/8 (No. 371, August 1981): 254 C1=-)) A-6 ADAH, DE LA BALLE. Discographie sommaire in MAILLARD, Jean: Adam de la Halle. Paris: H. Champio'ii; 1982: [213)- 214 ((5)) A-7 ADAH, THEO. Diskographie in his Seht, hier ist Tinte, Feder, Papier ••• Berlin: Henschelverlag, 1980: 221-222 ((-)) A-8 ALWYll, WILLIAM. [[POULTON, Alan: Discography in William Alwyn; a catalogue of his music. [Kidderminster: Bravura Publications, 1985)] A-9 AllADEUS STRDllG QUAll.TET. WALKER, Malcolm: Discography in SNOWMAN, Daniel: The Amadeus Quartet: the men and the~ music. London: Robson Books, 1981: 137-155 ((3,6,7)) A-10 AllELIRG, ELLY. Discography [on Philips label]. S.l.: [Philips, 198-?] 2 leaves ((--)) A-11 .AllOYAL, PIEBRE. Discographie de Pierre Amoyal: enr~gis­ trements parus chez Erato in Harmonie-Hifi Conseil, No. 9 (May 1981): 28 ((--)) ~ A-12 ARDERSEII, llABALD. Harald Andersen in Wytykset in Chorus et psalmus. Helsinki: Sibelius-akatemia, 1979: 268-272 ((7)) A-13 ARDERSOR, MARI.AR. Discography in SIMS, Janet L.: Marian Anderson, an annotated bibliography and discography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981: 235-237 ((5)) A-14 Al!IGELES, VICTORIA DE LOS. Discography in ROBERTS, Peter: Victoria de los Angeles. London:"""Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1982: 169-177 ((5)) A-15 .ARSERHET, EllREST. Discographie Ernest Ansermet in fono forum (December 1980): 18-21 ((--)) ~ A-16 ----------------. Discographie compl~te in HUDRY, Fran- ~ ois: Ernest Ansermet, pionnier de la iilu'sique. Lausanne: Editions de l'Aire, 1983: 167-193 ((7)) 54 A-17 ----------------. HUDRY, Fran~ois: Enr6gistrements sur disques d'Ernest Ansermet in Ernest Ansermet: 1883-1969. Lausanne: BibliothAque cantonale et universitaire, Asso­ ciation Ernest Ansermet, 1983: 230-236 ((--)) A-18 ----------------. HUDRY, Fran~ois: Discographie in Ernest Ansermet: catalogue de l'oeuvre. Lausanne:­ BibliothAque cantonale et universitaire, 1983: 257-281 ((-)) A-19 AB711BIL, GEORGE. Discography in WHITESITT, Linda: The life and music of George Antheil, 1900-1959. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1983: [263)-270 ((1,7)) A-20 ARGBRICB, lfAll'!llA. [Discography] in Record Geijutsu, XXXII/11 (No. 398, November 1983):-222-225 ((5,7)) A-21 AIUIOLD, lfALCOLM. [[POULTON, Alan: Discography in Malcolm Arnold: a catalogue of his music. [n.p.:-Faber Music, 1985]] A-22 AIUlAU, CLAUDIO. Discography [on Philips label] S.l.: [Philips, 198-?] 3 leaves. ((-)) A-23 -------------. SCRAGG, T.W.: Discography in HOROWITZ, Joseph: Conversations with Arrau. New York:"""Knopf, 1982: 288-308 ((5)) A-24 --------------. [[[Discography] in HARDEN, Ingo: Claudio Arrau: ein Interpretenportrait. Frankfurt/M.: Ullstein, 1983: 122-136]] A-2S --------------. HARDEN, Ingo: Discographie Claudio Arrau in fono forum (February 1983): 28-29 ((5)) A-26 ABrIS'r DIRECT (label). CORLEONIS, Adrian: Liszt, Johan­ sen and the Romantic century [piano works of Liszt per­ formed by Gunnar Johansen] in Fanfare, VI/4 (March-April 1983) : 100-109 (( - )) - A-27 A1l'rS PLOUSSABTS (llaaical group). Discographie in WALTHER, Edith: T@te d'affiche: William Christie-Yn Harmonie-Panorama-Musique, XX/46, New Series (OctOber 1984): 15 ((--)) A-28 .ASllKEllAZY, VLADIMIR.. KEHOE, John: Discography in PARROTT, Jasper: Beyond frontiers. New York: Atheneum, 1985: 221-233 ((-)) B-1 B.B.C. S'!MPBOllY OB.CBBS'l'RA. The BBC Symphony Orchestra--a discography in KENYON, Nicholas: The BBC Symphony Or­ chestra: the-'f°irst fifty years, 1930-1980. London: BBC, 1981: [499)-508 ((1)) B-2 -------------------------. Sir Adrian Boult and the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra (1932-1946) in Vintage Light Music XXXV (Summer 1983): 6-8 ((3)) - 55 B-3 BACBWICZ 9 ~. Complete discography in ROSEN Judith: Grazyna Bacewicz, her life and works. LoS-Angeles: Friends of Polish Music, University of California School of Music, 1984: 57-62 ((--)) B-4 BACH, CAIL PHILIPP BHABOEL. Bach's boys: some illustri­ ous sons of an illustrious father in Tarakan Music Let­ ter, IV/3 (January-February 1983):°"1"3 ((--)) B-S BACH, JOllAll1B CIDlISTIAll. Bach's boys: some illustrious sons of an illustrious father in Tarakan Music Letter, IV/3 (January-February 1983): T3 ((--)) B-6 BACH. JOll.All1B CBRIS'l'OPB FRIEDRICH. Bach's boys: some il­ lustrious sons of an illustrious father in Tarakan Music Letter, IV/3 (January-February 1983): 13-C(--)) B-7 BACH, JOll.All1B SBBASTIAll. Discografia bachiana in RESCl­ GNO, Eduardo: Bach. Milano: Fabbri, 1980: 129-136 ((--)) B-8 ----------------------. Diskographie in HARNONCOURT, Nikolaus: Der musikalische Dialog: Geiiiinken zu Monte- verdi, Bach und Mozart. Salzburg: Residenz Verlag, 1984: 290-304 ((-)) B-9 ---------------------. AllT OF 'l'BB PUGOE. ELSTE, Martin: Bachs Kunst der Fuge auf Schallplatten. Frankfurt/M.: Buchhandler-Vereiningung, 1981. ((4,5,7)) B-10 --------------------. CABTA'lAS. Notice discographique in ZWANG, Philippe: Guide pratique des cantates de Bach. Paris: Laffont, 1982: 33-[37] ((--)) B-11 --------------------. CBOB.AL llDSIC. Recommended re­ cordings in DAW, Stephen: The music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1981: 178-219 ((--)) B-12 --------------------. CBRIS'lHAS ORAmllO. THOMAS, Louis: [[[Discographie comparAe--Bach: L'Oratorio de No@l _!!!.Harmonie, No. 153 (December 1979): 122-129)) B-13 --------------------. ------------------. Discogra- phische Hinweise: Johann Sebastian Bach: Weihnachts- oratorium (Gesamtaufnahmen) in fono forum (December 1985): 30 ((7)) - B-14 --------------------. GOLDBERG VARI.ArIORS. PIEL, Jean­ Marie: Les Variations Goldberg de Bach in Diapason, No. 271 (April 1982): 45-47 ((--)) - B-lS --------------------. -------------------. Discogra- phie: "Goldbergvariationen", BWV 988 in fono forum (August 1985): 26-27 ((5)) - B-16 --------------------. OBGA1ll llDSIC. CRAUZAT, Claude Noisette de: Jean Sebastien Bach: l'oeuvre pour orgue: 56 discographie compar~e in Harmonie-Hifi Conseil, XVI/5 (January 1981): 38-43 ((5)) B-17 --------------------. SOllAUS 0 VIOLDI & llABPSICBOKD. PIEL, Jean-Marie: Le point sur les six Sonates pour violon et clavecin de Bach in Diapason, No. 249 (April 1980): 38-39 ((5)) ~ B-18 BACll 0 VlLllELH FRIBDEHARB. Bach's boys: some illustrious sons of an illustrious father in Tarakan Music Letter, IV/3 (January-February 1983): T3 ((--)) B-19 B&CKBAUS 0 VILBELH. MASINI, Umberto: Discografia di Wil­ helm Backhaus in Musica (October 1984): 43-47 ((5,7)) B-20 B&ILLIE 0 ISOBEL. Discography of the commercial record­ ings of Isobel Baillie in her Never sing louder than lovely. London: Hutchinson, 1982: 161-197 ((3,6,7)) B-21 BAICER. 0 JARET. Discography [on Philips label] S.l.: [Philips, 198-?] 1 leaf. ((--)) B-22 BAKl'.ARK 0 BALIJJT. DiszkogrAfia in HOMOLYA, IstvAn: Bakfark. Budapest: Zenemd'kiad6,-r982: 222 ((--)) [tr. into English as Valentine Bakfark. Budapest: Corvina, 1984: 236-237) B-23 BALLETS. The dancer's floor: music for the ballet in Tarakan Music Letter, II/5 (May-June 1981): 1, 6 ((::::')) B-24 'BAllBERG S'lHPllOllY ORCHESTRA. Discographische Hinweise in fono forum (December 1985): 20 ((--)) ~ B-25 BABBBR. 0 SAlllJEL. [ [KOZINN, Alan: Samuel Barber: the le­ gacy in High Fidelity/Musical America, XXXI
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