Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Acacia amethyst quartz, 225 Arroyo Ixtahuantante, 99 farnesiana, 109 Amexquite Norte dome, 415 Arroyo La Colorado, 137 greggy, 109 Amexquite Norte well, 420, 422, 423 Arroyo La Danta, 327 acanthite, 325, 391, 392, 412 ammonia, 32 Arroyo La Herradura, 231 Acatán Formation, 145, 343, 344, 346 ammonites, 144, 229, 280, 283 Arroyo Las Pocitas, 189 Acatlán Schists, 144, 145 amphiboles, 65, 84 Arroyo Prieto dome, 419 Acatlán uplift, 142 amphibolite, 339, 341, 373 Arroyo Puerto Chino, 210 acid andesites, 15, 16, 20, 24, 62, 63, 73, Arroyo Real del Viejo, 151 carbonic, 320 80, 83, 84, 104, 170, 195, 197, Arroyo San Miguel, 187 phosphoric, 165 199, 210, 244, 267, 288, 324, Arroyo San Milano, 184, 187, 189 actinolite, 245, 254 328, 339, 353, 365, 373, 406 Arroyo Tizapa, 374 Acuña-Laredo subbasin, 128 dikes, 201, 296 arsenic, 376, 412 Adjunta Basin, 110, 114 flows, 83, 219, 272, 296 arsenopyrite, 214, 236, 245, 247, Adjunta subbasin, 136, 137 hypersthene, 407 263, 274, 294, 299, 302, 380, southeast, 137 microlitic, 63 390, 392, 400, 412 adularía, 225, 411, 412 phenocrysts, 272 asbestos, 240, 331, 343, 347 Agave lechuguilla, 109 porphyry, 254 ash, volcanic, 63, 189, 190 agglomerates, 94, 147, 195, 247, 296, sequence, 218 ashfall, 181, 184 298, 370, 385 series, 19 Atlantic rift, 319 aggregates, 137, 236 tuffs, 335, 407 augite, 301, 407 Agripo vein, 291 andradite, 245, 299 Aulacomyella, 318 Agua Caliente, 100, 101 anglesite, 257, 268, 400 Aurora Formation, 131, 137, 151, Agua Fría Camp, 71 anhydrite, 186, 263, 416, 421, 422 170, 241, 253,260, 269,272 Agua Fría fault, 64, 65, 67, 68 anomalies Austin Formation, 110, 132 Agua Fría rhyolite flows, 63 geophysical, 16 axinite, 390 Agua Nueva Formation, 80 Guadalupe Victoria, 16 Ayotusco Unite, 370 Agua Prieto township, 149 resistivity, 67 Azules Navacoyán manto, 263 Aguas del Fresnillo, 383 Riito, 16 azurite, 268, 328, 392 aguilarite, 284, 412 thermal, 16 Aguja Formation, 157 thermometry, 100 Bahía Magdalena block, 181 Ahualulco-Rio Salado-Ameca aquifer, antimony, 284, 285, 329, 376, 412 Bahía Vizcaíno block, 181 99 antimony oxide, 329 Baja California, 23 Ahuatlán deposit, 159 apatite, 315, 349, 352 geothermal province, 20 Ahuichila Formation, 269 aplite, 339 Baja California Norte, mines, 177 Alacrán chimney, 294 dikes, 218 Baja California Peninsula Alacrán orebody, 294 Aporo region, 59 Metallogenic Province, 177 alaskite, 261, 272 aquifers, 5, 30, 51, 61, 99, 115, 121, Baja California Sierras Province, 23 albite, 223, 225, 261 128, 167,170 Baja California Sur, 165,179,195 allanite, 349 high-temperature, 27 mines, 177 Allende sector, 142, 147 thermal, 17 Balsas basin, 3, 62 alluvial deposits, 20, 27, 136 aragonite, 346, 371 Balsas Group, 59 alluvium, 21, 63, 115, 136, 149, 151, Arana fault, 219, 223 Balsas-Mezcala basin, 380 152, 157, 164, 269, 339, 387, Arana vein, 225 Balsas River, 3 397 Arañas sector, 349 Baluarte anticline, 137 Almagres dome, 419 Araró area, 115 Baños Eréndira, 63 Almoloya de Las Granadas area, 377 Araró geothermal zone, 16 barite, 147, 218, 240, 333, 335, 336, Alpha aquifer, 30 Arbustus variant, 369 359 Alseseca Andesite, 80, 84 Archaeodictyomira sp., 385 Barranca Basin, 147 Alseseca Andesite volcanic unit, 80 Arenas fault, 84 coal deposits, 149 alteration, 72, 84, 90, 91, 180, 199, argentite, 214, 225, 284, 301, 325, stratigraphy, 147 201,375,409 328, 390, 412 Barranca Formation, 147, 148, 149, argillic, 409 argentite-acanthite, 412 210 hydro thermal, 223, 299, 390, 411 argillites, 27, 399 Barrancas Subprovince, 218 phyllic, 409 argillization, 299 Barril Viejo Formation, 131 potassic, 199, 201, 202, 411 Arnioceras, 315 Barrio Séptimo Gorge, 145, 147 propylitic, 411 Arroyo Canelo, 187 basalts, 20, 63, 73, 170, 374, 385, quartz-sericite, 366 Arroyo Chilitos, 385, 386 406 sericite, 202 Arroyo Colorado, 99 flows, 133, 195, 365, 373 supergene, 200, 202 Arroyo El Campamento, 184, 187 olivine, 83, 195 Alto Lerma basin, 66 Arroyo El Pino, 327 overflows, 148 Altotonga, 77 Arroyo El Sauz, 134 Basin and Range Province, 155, 241, aluminum, 127, 264 Arroyo Guadalupe, 187 259 Amarillas vein, 387 Arroyo Hondo, 98 batholiths, acid, 150 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3733983/9780813754703_backmatter.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 426 Index Baucarit Formation, 147, 148, 210 347, 371, 380, 385, 387, 390, Cerro El Chapulín dome, 98 bauxite deposits, 331 397, 400, 408, 411 Cerro El Culebreado area, 100 Beleña Shaft, 383 calcsilicates, 200 Cerro El Culebreado dome, 98 Benevides Formation, 261 Calderones dike, 407 Cerro El Gallo dome, 99 bentonite, 240 Calderones Formation, 407 Cetro El Gavilán, 187 betafite, 349 caliche, 115, 127, 136, 229, 384 Cerro El Pedernal flow, 99 bicarbonates, 32 California Batholith, 27 Cerro El Salto, 147 Bigford Formation, 141 Campeche Bay area, 416 Cerro El Tule dome, 98, 99 Bigford Pico Clay, 142 Campo Morado, Guerrero, 353, 377 Cerro Ixtahuantante dome, 98 bioclasts, 260 canal irrigation, 172 Cerro La Encantada, 23 biotite, 201, 231, 301, 315, 358, 386 Cananea, Sonora, 197, 199 Cerro La Guásima, 147 birnessite, 320 Cananea-Duluth chimney, 199 Cerro La Yerbabuena, 63 Bisbee Group, 150 Cantil de La Vuelta, 186 Cerro Las Planillas area, 98, 99 bismuth, 412 cantiles, 179 Cerro Palo Verde, 184,189 Blancuzco, 189 Canutillo mine, 201 Cerro Prieto, 15, 38, 39, 41, 48, 53 boiling, 36 Cañada Muñiz fault, 10 A/B contact, 45 Bolañitos-Melladito, 408 Cañón de Chipoco, 315 aquifer, 32 Bolañitos Mine, 413, 404 Cañón de Las Flores, 98 drilling, 42 Bolañitos orebody, 408 Cañón de Tezintla, 315, 318 fault, 36, 41 Bolañitos vein, 408 Cañón de Tlaltepingo, 315 geochemistry, 32 boleite, 196 Cañón del Novillo, 239 geothermal field, 23, 27, 44, 51 Boleo Formation, 195 Cañón Peregrina, 315 geothermal gases, 33 boisons, 151 cap rock, 420, 421,422 geothermal reservoir, 30 Bolsón de Mapimi, 159 Capote Basin, 200 reservoir water, 32 bone fragments, vertebrate, 186 Capsa-Regenerador deposit, 371 shale density, 45 bones, 135 Capsa-Regenerador Mine, 370 temperatures, 44 bornite, 196, 199, 236, 301, 328, 361 Caracol Formation, 229, 397 volcano, 23, 24 boron, 32, 87, 284 Carbon II Project, 129 Cerro Prieto-Michoacán fault, 36 borosilicates, 285 carbonates, 196, 241, 245, 335, 345, Cerro Proaño, 383, 384, 385, 386, boulangerite, 301 346 390 Bravo Basin, zones, 109 carbonatization, 371 Cerro San Miguel, 99, 397 Brawley/Imperial fault, 28 Carbón I Project, 120,129 Cerrode del Caracol, 357 breccias, 80, 95, 98, 195, 199, 223, Carbón II Project, 119 Cerrode El Cantón, 356 297, 302, 339, 386 Carmen Member, 218 Cerros Santa Clara, 339 A/B, 368 Carmen-Pinguico, 408 cerussite, 255, 257, 268, 371, 400 flows, 195, 407 carnotite veins, 161 CFE. See Federal Commission of hydrothermal, 199 Carrizal, Hidalgo, 295, 296, 313 Electricity injection, 367 deposits, 305, 309 chalcedony, 196, 371, 386 quartz, 210, 214 Carrizo Formation, 140 Chalco, 159 tourmaline, 199 Casidulus sp., 114 chalcocite, 196, 200, 202, 328 volcanic, 385, 386 cassiterite, 245, 247 chalcopyrite, 196, 199, 200, 201, volcanoclastic, 358 Castaños subbasin, 131, 138 214, 218, 225, 231, 236, 245, Brisa Mar fan, 339 Cata Mine, 403 247 261, 263, 268, 274, 294, brucite, 346, 347 Carillas, 387 301, 302, 309, 310, 328, 335, Buda Formation, 254, 261 Cebada Mine, 405, 412, 413 358, 360, 361, 363, 375, 380, Buena Tierra Mine, 241, 244 Cebada orebody, 408 390, 391, 392, 412 Buenavista deposits, 161, 162, 164 Cedral vein, 225 Charcas anticline, 397 Bufa Formation, 406 Cedros dike, 407 Charcas mining district, 261, 279, Burgos Basin, 139, 162 Cedros Formation, 407 283, 285 Burro Range, 110 cement, 127 mine production, 285 bustamite, 225 cementation, 43 ore reserves, 285, 286 Bustillos fault, 244 calcareous, 136 chert, 229, 253, 254, 260, 269, 279, Cenozoic, 148,210,318 280, 283, 291, 296, 299, 336, C. Villa Pánuco, 159 Central block, 302 386 Caballeros Creek, 114 Central fault, 301 Chiapas, 9, 20, 167, 327, 331 Cabullona Basin, 149, 151 Central Mesa geothermal province, 20 Chiapas Grijalva, 10 coal deposits, 151 Central Mesa metallogenic province, Chiapas Sierra Madre, 10 physiography, 149 229, 381 Chichíndaro dike, 407 stratigraphy, 150 Central Mesa physiographic province, Chichíndaro Formation, 407 Cabullona Group, 150 279, 296 Chicoasén hydroelectric project, 10 Cacao dome, 419 cerargyrite, 257, 387 Chicoasén-Malpaso fault, 10 cadmium, 265, 373, 376 Cerritos Colorados graben, 104 Chicoasén reservoir, 9,10 Cahuasas Formation, 80, 315, 318 Cerritos Colorados-La Azufrera area, Chicontepec, 159 calcarenite, 260, 318, 320 16, 100 Chignautla, 79 calcilutite, 406 Cerro Alto dome, 98 Chihuahua, 134, 151,155, 159, 162, calcite, 65, 73, 84, 104, 196, 201, Cerro Blancuzco, 189 252, 259, 261, 267 218, 223, 225, 229, 236, 245, Cerro de La Gloria, 229, 231, 237 Chihuahua bolson, 170 247, 254, 261, 263, 272, 274, halo zones, 232 Chihuahua Range, 240 285, 299, 309, 320, 335, 341, Cerro de La Isleta, 146 Chilitos Formation, 385, 387, 391 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3733983/9780813754703_backmatter.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 Index 421 chimneys, 241, 245, 251,256, 262, vitrinitic, 152, 157 Cuatro Ciénagas, 136 263, 310, 366, 375, 387, 390 zone, 136 Cucapá Sierra, 24 brecciated, 367 Coalcomán, Michoacán, 333 Cuchillo Formation, 241, 248 deposits, 263 coalluvium, 343, 346 evaporite sequence, 260 massive sulfide, 263 cobalt, 196 Cuenca del Bravo, 109 sulfide-silicate, 263 Cofre de Perote, 77, 78, 80 Cuencamé, Durango, 269 Chinameca
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