Diversity Recognition of the discipline of conservation mycology Tom W. May ,1 ∗ Jerry A. Cooper,2 Anders Dahlberg,3 Giuliana Furci,4 DavidW.Minter,5 Gregory M. Mueller,6 Alison Pouliot,7 and Zhuliang Yang8 1Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia 2Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, 54 Gerald Street, Lincoln 7608, New Zealand 3Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7026, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden 4Fundacion´ Fungi, Paseo Bulnes 79 oficina 112A, Santiago, Chile 5CABI, Bakeham Lane, Egham, Surrey TW20 9TY, U.K. 6Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, IL 60022, U.S.A. 7Fenner School, Australian National University, Linnaeus Way, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia 8Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, China Fungi constitute one of the major lineages of life (organ- ing literature explicitly dealing with fungi conservation isms treated as fungi are also scattered in other lineages). (Moore et al. 2001; Heilmann-Clausen et al. 2014). Kingdom Fungi are quite separate to Animalia and Plan- Recent innovations and initiatives in the way fungi are tae, but fungi are intimately connected to other biota studied and regarded mean it is timely to recognize the through food webs and symbioses as decomposers, en- discipline of conservation mycology within conservation dophytes, pathogens, lichens, and mycorrhizas. During science. Advances include acceptance of fungi as a ma- much of the 20th century, fungi were either ignored jor unit of biota, alongside flora and fauna (Pouliot & or perceived as intractable in conventional conserva- May 2010; Minter 2011); recognition that most fungal tion initiatives. This oversight was especially due to the species formerly thought to occur across continents are paucity of information on demography and ecology, lack complexes of species, each with distinct distributions of awareness of the magnitude of fungal diversity, diffi- and habitat requirements; quantum step-change in dig- culty of sampling for fungi, and complexity of species itization rates of specimen and observation data in tan- delimitation and identification. Culturally and politically, dem with establishment of portals for data entry and conserving overlooked organisms often viewed as pests access; recognition of the vital role of fungi in ecosystem challenged paradigms devised for orchids and elephants. functioning as symbionts (e.g., mammalian and arthro- Consequently, fungi were rarely considered in articles pod mycophagists and ectomycorrhizal forest trees) and about conservation in journals such as Conservation Bi- as recyclers; combined sampling and identification of ology (Fazey et al. 2005). fungi enabled via metabarcoding; increased citizen sci- Hawksworth (1991) published an influential review ence engagement with fungi; and increased activity of highlighting the scale of fungal biodiversity (then esti- organizations focused on fungal conservation at interna- mated at 1.5 million species) and touched on the “scant tional to regional levels, which has led to increases in attention” paid to fungal conservation in most countries. formal conservation assessments of fungi across multiple Over the last several decades, conceptual and technolog- jurisdictions. ical advances have overcome some traditional barriers to Heilmann-Clausen et al. (2014) promoted the integra- consideration of fungal conservation, and there is a grow- tion of fungi into conservation science across 5 areas: ∗email [email protected] Article impact statement: Conservation mycology is a newly introduced discipline relevant to conservation biologists, mycologists, ecologists, and conservation policy. Paper submitted February 9, 2018; revised manuscript accepted September 21, 2018. 1 Conservation Biology,Volume0,No.0,1–4 C 2018 Society for Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13228 2 Conservation Mycology Table 1. Key characteristics of fungi that create issues for their conservation. Characteristic Issue Diversity likely about 3 million species globally, but 10% currently named Invisibility propagules (spores) and feeding bodies (mycelia) and many sporing bodies microscopic; visible sporing bodies often ephemeral Overlooked largely absent from policy and management documents and interpretation media for natural areas Reference collections incomplete sampling of diversity; lack of comprehensive barcode library for interpreting environmental DNA and comprehensive fungal tree of life for evolutionary context Scale individuals and communities occur at a diversity of scales from tiny (e.g., inside insect guts or leaves) to landscape (individuals among the largest organisms on the planet) Language separate kingdom of the natural world, often lumped under plants or as microbes, which hides biological and functional uniqueness Attitudes often regarded as pests rather than integral components of ecosystems Interconnectedness most are symbionts; ecological studies often deal with fungi and their partners separately Paradigms single-species approach to conservation assessment (such as via red listing) beginning, but guild and whole-community approaches are also required Communication challenge of collating existing information about fungi conservation and transferring and translating this between researchers, land managers, and citizen scientists fungi as habitats and providers for other organisms, in- Demography and population dynamics are areas of dicators of ecosystem trends, indicators of habitats, links conservation mycology where research is keenly needed to human societies, and sources of novel tools and ap- because of the importance of understanding popula- proaches. They called for conservation scientists to “ap- tion trends when carrying out conservation threat as- preciate the crucial role of fungi in nature” and “engage sessments. Naturally, the most detailed understanding of mycologists in their work.” The next step is to bring fungal populations to date comes from fungi of practi- conservation mycology to the fore. Fungi have unique cal concern in medicine, agriculture, food production, phylogenetic, biological, and social characteristics and and forestry. A key challenge for conservation mycology associated issues (Table 1) that make conservation my- is to expand insights gained from model pathogens to cology a necessary and constructive conceptualization. fungi in natural ecosystems. There is little known about Initially, impetus for conserving fungi came from sci- life-history features in natural populations of fungi, es- entists whose focus was taxonomy but who were aware pecially effectiveness of spore dispersal, significance of of declines in and threats to fungi. Subsequently, efforts the spore bank, establishment of mycelia, and turnover to conserve fungi increasingly had an ecological focus. and longevity of individuals. In fact, the diffuse and po- Now, progress in fungal conservation requires a broad tentially fragmenting nature of the largely hidden feeding set of skills. We propose conservation mycology as a bodies of fungi challenges notions of individuals, as ap- research discipline and practice drawing on taxonomy, plied to macro-organisms, and requires appreciation of ecology, biogeography, demography, and population ge- clonality in the definition and recognition of individuals. netics. Conservation mycology, as with conservation sci- For macrofungi, there is now a pragmatic guide for es- ence in general, is multidisciplinary and encompasses timation of key measures in the IUCN threat assessment anthropology, sociology, and political science. process, such as the number of individuals, anchored in Developing a research agenda that contributes to ef- best available science (Dahlberg & Mueller 2011). Such fective fungal conservation is a primary reason for elabo- guidelines need to be extended, based on in-depth studies rating the new discipline of conservation mycology. Sug- of exemplar fungal species, across the diversity of trophic gested research questions (Table 2) are specific to fungi guilds, reproductive strategies, and lineages. and of wider theoretical and practical relevance. Molec- There is a strong connection between conservation ular techniques will assist greatly in tackling currently in- mycology and citizen science initiatives in mapping and tractable aspects. A genealogical concordance approach monitoring fungi (Irga et al. 2018). Much of the increas- to the rigorous recognition of phylogenetic species is ing knowledge of species distribution, host preference, increasingly applied to fungi, and barcoding is a practical and frequencies in different habitats comes from obser- tool for identification (Geml et al. 2014). Metabarcoding vations by amateurs, albeit focused on sporing bodies. provides unprecedented characterization of the fungal Engagement of nonspecialists is being facilitated by mass community in any substrate (e.g., soil, insect guts, plant data mobilization and visualization, particularly through roots or leaves). Nevertheless, for rare species, presence portals such as MyCoPortal (mycoportal.org) and Atlas of of sporing bodies (such as mushrooms) remains the most Living Australia (www.ala.org.au). An important role for practical tangible evidence that a species is established conservation mycology is supporting citizen scientists to at a site. collect data in a rigorous yet realistic manner. Already, Conservation Biology Volume 0, No. 0, 2018 May et
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