• ,., , . ~-~- · :~THE, EVENII\fG- • UBE JUST AND FEAR NOT.· ;( . t i - .. - '.1 :' ... VOL. II. BRWGEPORT, CONN.! TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, lS65. NO. 346 . '.~S.B~.!!."''''_!!''''''''=!!'''!!'''''''''!'!!~'!''!!''''!''''''==''''=~'''''''''~~=·.. '' .~!''''_~~~_'!!O=~~=~~o=="..~'==:::>"'·-· · .J= "'·· ~.:.'5~-=-= ·· ~ ·::::=z:t:!."':::: ~~c·=-,,~=",. "_o.".~_~u,!:,a",_,,. ""'!!!'~==,:=~~=-~=""._~:!!'~""~""''''''''''';:;''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~=~~'''''~~'''.'''~~~';.,",_~_=:=,"",,,,,,~=,=,===,,,,,,,,,,,,"""""",,,,,,=""':~!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D.&XLY. :P...E:M:o--V..&.L [1&~~ 7:BMI'LB'S LIQVID ],'OR CLEANING STEAM BOILERS. Tell it to All the People I ,,"EW YORK .... NEW H.A VEN R. R REPUBLICAN Fl\'R~mR, ANUFACTURERS AND OTHEns WHO USE 'l'Il!.L !'l' 7:0 lS65 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. M Steam Enginea are notlfied that the proprietors of IlE RldDeys t:.re two iu numbet, si ~r:ated at tho up· 1865 Temple's P.ton\ Solution, for removing the awol s.ud In· . per ps.tt o( tbc loin, surroculled by rct an~ c tJnsht· c m'!!:: ;~;(~IXG MAY 15th, HW:;. T ctUat.tion ftom the inside o( Stosm BoUen. are DOW In;;; of three p:.rtll , ~ i~ ; T bc Autcri;:)r, t!l. c Illtcrior, =d WOMAN, the }~xterlor T!:4Tf"~ rl<O.':!: :'!·LW HAV.l!f .on fU:W TOR~ r ~dy to supply an demands for the article, at Ihort no· Tho Anterior :r.."bsBrbs. I r..~rrl <l r eousistl ortl ~Qes or tI~o. It can be relied upon •• effectivo for this purpose. Ac tl c ~ pe c l~~l" to all tc-stdlng In tblll cit]" _~ ..... A(:CO)! . - ·.l\ 1 5; ; ;~ , !;::!Q :md 10:00 A. M., 5:00 P. M. aDd perfectly barmlcn in Its opcrA$ion upon the mot:ll Ycinl, which "crve ''is II. d,'posi: r;~ r t hol uriu(l and .coa · JJRIDGEPORT, COl\"N. K,;.t'''l::ii ~- .';' t ! ;:;~ A. !cL Itopp!.Dg uBrldi>epor~ Nor. of the boilon. nly it to tho f'xterlor. The C'.s h· r i ~ r Isa conductor al!!'O . .·.·tis.:I.:l1! St"!!lrn~,l. ~\t :::: 0;) P. !'IL. (hI conncction' with The (ol'owing are amoas tho tCI~lwolli!i.11 lbat h~ ... o terll'inating 10 a &iuglo tube an,1 f"!!.I lc;! tho Urdu. _. T.t:te Ez.pr~1 Tr .. i:: f.·utu Do ~ tOll, (V<L Sptingfield,) been given in favor of the article! uretora are conullcted with tt.1I bl~d\::-. stOPPUlC:t·t "P.nd G~pott , Norrr:o.lk and SUl1n(ord. At 8:00 'rbe biarider is composcd of V ~r l Q11N coveriDJ;s or ti ~· P.lL. Itopping:l.t B:"'idgeport, Norwalk and SlaI:lford. OFFICE OF THE P.AClnC IRON 'VOil.. ', j. slle3, divided into PoU't.!l, vi:! :-:he l.:ppcr, llio J. o ~" C t. At ·1;30 P . M. ie e~llnocti.ou wHb tho Sbore LiDe from Bridgeport, MI.Y 10th, 1564. tbeNervon., atld the Mncoaa. 'J'be npper expob. tbe ':his is to certify that .... e bave tricd tho IncrustaCOIl • To ths SCOle t; 0, 'i' WaH-S t. , Oi:..r Bunk Buildin l7 DOllton, s to ppiir.~ 1'1 : Eri<!!IOport. Norwalk and Bts.m.(ord. lowcr reta.in.. MaIllY b:r..\"c:l. de.iro to IIrill~to l'I'ithout Tl:c :):00 P. M. l 'r:t.in rccoive.!l pa:lscIl.iteu from th'l Lhlufdmade by Mr Temple of this place, and b:l'VefotlIl c1 THE 11 to perform. all that II claitned forlt by the patentee, IheabOlt.r, otbers urin:l te without 11:1'0 ablltty to retain. Ibr:ford.t.nd Now U'::" t'::l Railrolld r.t New Haven. Tbl ~ freq!len t : y occurs in t"hUuten. Our Boller bsd. ~Ic k scale Oll it "bicb bad aeeDmD. The .;;30 A. 1>1. Ultl 4;30 B. l".1. Tr:ilil6 r e.::.elve l':l.U :ln. To CDre tbeso l:a<! ~Uon. we must briDg into ae~ i oD t!:e .'lNlJ APOTHECARY STOllL. fern (roc tl:.e D&.nbn ry Ua.i.lrcad;,t NoI'w~k. b.ted In it (or 80veral yean and ...,hleb could not be sui O~GIN.A.L at to clean. Two appllc:ltiolll bave removed tbe. IIC.t.!1' musclcs, which aro en;,sged in tbcir varlcw (uactioD3. [S'l'I:lNl.I Ttl l'UlLNISfi ~y PATRO~~,AS f[t:!~ . Tl::.c 9:·t5 A. M. Ttam recelvel pa.aacDgO!"'B irot:l tho entirely a.nd (rom tbe partl 'bat wero the mOlt tblckly U they are nel:'l~cled, Gravel or Dto!'rry m:r..y en' uo. { .uf.,re, ","Itb the c.h,)IC11lJ1t kuu:'. 1)( Medicwu, U w,,' Jlc.rtford, SplingOci.l, C~:Ja l &l!ii New Londou RaUr.::mds 'l'he readcr mDlt also be aw:r..rc. tb~t h o:: ",o"er fligbt COllted it huloosened tbe scale .0 tbat It droppedo£r iJ1 a. oUt o~e r arUc1~ Gi~ly kopt 10" Drtlr aad ChQl:l: i.;. at New Havcn, and from tho Naugatuck. at Bridgeport• . dake1 aud circular, piceel u £rom the rivet b eAdi and m2y be tho at:ack. it i .. /luro 10 nffact his bollily bealth t.~ { lI.billlwlf:l1t . At 2:15 A. 1"!!.PA3£ongp.r M..I.n 'fr3in, Monday! Oltceptod. and mcnt:r..l pOVl'cn ; :t. 3 Oll r lieS!\. ~d blood :Ire lIIu pport· locket boUI iJ1 the FD.nt.:lC8 PSl't of tho Holler. ~terrlngto Ult~ a!J')l'e relDoval, I woald rospeattu1.ly I4.Sfoe:l;~:~~:k loave liorr.a!k at 6:00. A. M. a11d 3::15 P~ ed (rom tbes& sourcr.!. AYRB8, From our e1perienco with It, 1 do not h~ s ltate to t ~ M. ·,olicit .. coQ.tlDuaaeG of tb. Idud pa.tro~ hitherto tlO commend It tOADy one rClJulrinllt. aile. UberallyuteQ.ded to mo. aod It will be m1' eonaboat er· TRAINS LUl-E BRtDGEPORT FOR FEW YOftf'. WK. LOWE, Malter Merh.l.lIlc. OO{;T, OR RllEU:IlATISM. Ol'nCB V'1" S~AIR S, 4e... or to merit the eonCldanoo of m.sr CI1I.Stomera. The OrOllt A.D!or lclUl Shoe HanuI=!unr Ml4 DuIIIr 11M At S~50 , (Eltp )C:oe, 7:09, 1(1:22 (Eltp.),.10;40A. H .; at "Pllin ottuning In tbe loius b Indi("lltl"e of tim abovo the belt litock of FOREIGN AND DOllIESTIC DRUGS :40 {El:)'l.,> 5;05, ( Esp.) 5:40, and 8:35 P. M. (Exp.) HOOSATONlcRAILltOAn COMP.llfT RE!'Allt Sli diroue.. '!'hey oecllr III pcrao:i8 tli;;poscd to :r..chl li tC;.u:.· 1I01ll\'IUt OF WALL ..Ix n WATER STS., BRID8UORT, Conn., llay 28th, l~. aeh ud cb::L1ky co:;!.c~c t !o:::s. Medicines, Chemicals, R.:nu~uRa!lJoDA.:i. llit. A. TEXrLE-DEAlt. SIR :-Wo havo u!;cd the , , Pat e~t Ue(J:dD'(Ii, .lewe' &; Son. Pat e 1,"d, Liquid made by Mr. Temple, (or removLngthe Icale from BOOTS .,SOI:8 RRlD9£?O!r.'J'. "ONN. Gero.an ~ Pari. Periamery.Pnre Freueh Zino, PasRt'n&ot'S i') r Houaatoalo Raiirol!od ""ill tl\\e ttlO 9·45 TIlE GRAYEL. Fa.ncy Soap', Linse.d on, A. M.. end !i:00 P.lI. trunl to Brid.. epo!"'l . LoeomoUv. Boilcrs. In the Antelope, fUn b y \Vllltcr Tollet ArUcl0" SpirIts Turpen : i::18 , Stullnr. it loollened.th. leale ud 60Rued It 10 tblPtt it Tbe,;ravel CDSlle!l from nl'r,leet crimproper tril:l.tment N4U6Q.1.ud RcllTQ4;L W1.3 f1Wiily takonfrom Sho band hoi.o.. It tlid not call.!le HaIr Bru~boa , Deodorlled N:t.ptb ... of the kidDeYI. TbeJo or.tatu bl!i DS' weak, tbe wate( is thc Boller to foam until it h:t.t1.oftenod tho Itlllclli> thltl -. Tooth Erns!lct, Ooacb Vamhh, P~licntll':-" (.Ir ~:;,ub.!.tuck U&.ilro~ ~in tai<o tbo .lO:~ not expelled froul the bladder, but aUoweri to remllin; Pa[ul Bl'"UShes, Purolturo Varet'1:. A . lIr. ~nd !i:OO P. M. t:-al:1 to the Jnnction. the W5.terbilca:aetblct. i:1 fivo or It:.: days, and then W~ it becomes fe.vorijb :r..ud s'!dimput (orms. It b from :lli;l '. ' ..,",,:d.8 OF "."-PEH r fo~d :I:!.(l DeU"ore;S, uy Cantor, per 7eu•• ______ _._. __ •• __ •• S1 00 White.... "b i1!"'.ubtl ~ . Drylnir .lapan, the !eg3 very fuU-our ,,:iter ta v llry bed. It did d <'p Glll t lbat tho stone Is formCti r:t~.el e:lallts. S PCtn&'flS, Color,.rollndln 011. D4n~ and NDTrUllJt Rr.UroCld. not inJ~o the Boilcr tiul.t "0 could dillco.er_.... e have .' -- &ent Ia~ of Ten W lDor. to 011. aadreal ••. G 00 Corkll, Window Gbsrr. pc' it III (our tlmoa, ono sallolll!luh time, ADd tl llall CO.ll. Bytbe ........:. ••••••••.____ ••••• • __ ....... ____ ••••. 15 l'u il8::1~ersfGt' tho DanbOorYlUld Ncnu.lk Rr,Uroa.d l'I'il! tillue ,be use oi It. DROI'SY Bird Se~ , Patty, taka the c;ao, 10:00 A . .M., !;:OOP.laI. tum. to Nor .... a lk lIIE.&MKOTB SIDcIIt~-.- •• ---_._ .• _._____ •• ___ _ ...... ___ .••. 3 A. WrXSLOW, :raJA'i ter ·Mecbank. I~ a collecti,Ju or w.'I.tor in 30mc ? :l.rts or the bOtI .• , alltl CongteJIII Wator, RO lIn, WALTER STEllLING EuglDeer. ' Londel:!. Porter, OoldatldSilvei' Loaf, TRUZ'3 l'F.Oll :U:W J 01:I!: 'OR :U::W iU"f.l:!II bciU"'s difT"renl uamOlJ, aC"corc inj::' 10 tbo part. a1fO!Cteri . 8ubtertptloa.... "we ..~ III a4!UC4'.
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